MTL - The Male Lead’s Substitute Wife-Chapter 92

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Shen Xiuqi gave Xu Kai a phone call and called Song Ming and Jiang Chengguang. They also met in the old place. Three people are now afraid of him, no Dare to provoke him, all honestly promised to go.

Hanging up the phone, Shen Xiuqi took the phone and the car key and was ready to go out. When the door opened, he looked up and saw An Yu’s standing outside the door.

"Finishing Qi." Anyuan 彤 wanted to knock on the door, the door opened from the inside, and suddenly saw Shen Xiuqi, her face immediately showed a happy color, and cared: "I heard Chen Assistant said that you have been for several days. Didn't go to the company, what happened to you? Is it uncomfortable?"

"No." Shen Xiuqi said coldly: "How come you find it here?"

This villa, An Yu should not know, she can find it here, who told her?

An Yu彤 felt his coldness and licked his lips. "I was the assistant Chen I asked. He was bothered by me and had to tell me."

Shen Xiuqi "hmm", a flash of cold in his eyes, he must go back to Africa to go to Africa to mine, he will not come back later!

"I want to go out, what are you doing to me?" Shen Xiuqi was unceremonious.

An Yu stunned her brows. She didn't expect that she would be so disgusted by Shen Xiuqi, but she was unwilling, and hurriedly said: "I just worry about you, come see you."

"No, I am very good." Shen Xiuqi closed the door and walked outside the language.

"Repairing..." An Ying blinked at him as he walked away, eagerly stretching his clothes, just like many times, biting his lip, head down, a deputy commissioner, small channel "Are you, are you still blaming me for that?"

Shen Xiuqi gave her a cold look, just like watching any ordinary person is no different, faintly said: "I do not blame you."

An Yi’s heart was happy, and he knew that he could not bear her. He quickly looked up and knew that he had bumped into the cold eyes of Shen Xiuqi. He heard that he used a little temperature to say: “Because it is not necessary.”

Because it is not necessary, it does not blame her.

Because there are other people in his heart.

She has already heard Xu Kai say these two days. She wants to use Shen Kai’s name in the past two days to make up for it. It’s no longer enough. When she proposes to gather together, Xu Kai is shirking. If I find an excuse to say that I am busy, she should have guessed it.

"Finishing... Why?" An Yu is still a bit unacceptable. Doesn't he like it very much? Because I can't forget myself, I found a substitute for me. Since I can be so good for that substitute, how can I not re-read her?

Shen Xiuqi pulled back the clothes she was holding and looked at her with a blank expression: "Speaking, we have already passed, as you said, it is over."

"I... I was still young and ignorant..."

"Not every time I can use excuses to be ignorant!"

An Yu wants to say that she was just too self-willed. When she was still young and ignorant, she would make mistakes. I wanted him to give her another chance, but when she said it, she said half of it. She obviously lost her patience with Shen Xiuqi. The handsome face, she can't say it anymore, Shen Xiuqi is really too disappointed with her, can't go back.

"Don't come here again, Yaya will be unhappy." Shen Xiuqi did not pay any attention to An Yu, and went straight.

An Yu stood in the same place, watching tears and watching him get on the bus and drive away.

On the car, Shen Xiu looked at the front with no expression, but his eyes were sour. He just said to An Yu, let her not come here again, worried that Yaya would not be happy, but Yaya will not come back. He didn't know that it was he who lost his hand to Xin Fu.

The sight in front of me suddenly became a little confusing, and the car stopped and slammed, and something sparkling fell from his face.

That night, Shen Xiuqi was drunk in the old place. Finally, Xu Kai, Song Ming, and Jiang Chengguang took him back.


After Su Yaya returned to her hometown, Su Mama’s father was very happy. She gave Suya a good meal for a few days. As long as Suya likes it, they try to satisfy her. In an instant, Su Yaya is like returning to a child. Every day is very happy, and happiness is a bubble.

Su Mama Su’s father has not returned to the city since he moved to the country. Anyway, the water in the countryside is good, the food he eats is grown by himself, and the chickens and ducks he eats are also fed by themselves. No use of feed and medicine, safe and reliable.

In fact, the motherland of Su Mama’s father’s residence is not too remote, that is, the suburbs of the city. It takes only half an hour to get to the city by car. There are two lines of traffic in the city, and there are more than a dozen trips every day. Conveniently, the house where they lived was also the old house of their own family. When Su Da’s mother was married, Su’s grandfather gave it to them.

Going out the door, walking to the right side is less than 100 meters. There is a large reservoir called Dongfanghong. Every day, people can see fishing. In the past, they will walk less than two hundred meters. There is a hundred plantation garden and a hundred plantations. It covers a large area and occupies several hills of various sizes. It is planted with various kinds of plant trees, and there are people who open farmhouses. Whenever there is a holiday on holidays, many people come to leisure and play. The business of the farmhouse is quite hot.

On this day, Su Yaya went to the Baizhiyuan to play with the idea of ​​studying and studying.

It’s also a coincidence that she wandered around the plantation and strolled around. She actually saw a farmhouse listed for sale, and suddenly she went up to ask if the boss’s sale of the farmhouse was real, the price was much, the farmhouse The area is large and the facilities are not complete.

I didn't expect this to happen. The boss told her that he was a son who worked abroad for many years. He was married and had a son. The family had to go abroad with immigrants. They didn't stay at home, and they didn't come back later. The farmhouse will no longer be able to drive on, and will be ready to transfer. The facilities are complete, there are places to sing karaoke, place to play billiards, party banquet hall, chess room, three-story accommodation room, one-time opening The banquet can be opened to forty-eight tables. The hundreds of gardens on the outside of the hills can also be used for tourists. They also carry out outreach training projects, real-life jungle cs and so on.

Su Yaya listened, and her heart wowed, this is simply the farmhouse she dreamed of, even more perfect than she had imagined, and immediately it was very heart-warming.

She inquired with the boss, "How much do you want to sell this farmhouse?"

The boss gave her a figure, "12 million."

Su Yaya heard the price and gave a slight brow and smiled. "Boss, your price is a bit high!"

The boss immediately shook his head: "Not high or not, my facilities are very good, the decoration costs are all good materials, and the traffic here is very big, the farmhouse is open, the income per month is not low. You don't believe you can observe and observe, you know if I have lie."

So, Su Yaya really went to observe it carefully. The decoration of the farmhouse facilities is as good as the boss said. It is really good materials, and there is a lot of traffic here. Every day, many tables can be opened. At that time, there are more people to play, no customers, business is booming, Suya is very heart-warming.

But even then, the farmhouse doesn't want to sell it and sell it. After all, the price is so high, Suyaya goes to the boss and says, "Business is all about it. Boss, you have less price, I can give you cash. ""

The boss thought about it, and finally considered that she could give cash in one time, left grinding right, and promised to lose 2 million.

"Well, there are ten million integers, and the others will not say it." The boss was really no longer able to agree with Su Yaya.

"Complete." Finally, Su Yaya bought the entire farmhouse for 10 million.

Su Yaya bought the farmhouse named Qing Ya Yuan, and also took it with Su Daddy and Su Mama. The farmhouse has complete facilities and good decoration. The old staff are also there. Suya has learned After their information, they will stay and continue to work.

There is no need for rectification in the farmhouse. You only need to clean up the hygiene, you can reopen it. Su Mama’s father was also a staff member in the company. He has not managed any big projects, but he can still do a farmhouse. Suya Let them help her manage the farmhouse music, just as Su Daddy and Su mother retired at home, there was nothing to do. Every day, leisurely days, there is a lot of time, just to take care of the farmhouse.

After a few days of cleaning, the farmhouse was refreshed, and Su Da went to find someone, chose a day of good luck, and sent a message to relatives and friends, telling you that Suyaya had opened a farmhouse in Baizhiyuan. In the future, the farmhouse will officially open for business. Welcome everyone to play.

After Su Yaya returned to her hometown, in addition to Su Dad and Su mother, in order to avoid trouble, she did not tell other relatives in the family. Now that she has opened a farmhouse, Su Dad announced in the WeChat group at home.

Everyone suddenly heard that Su Yaya was back, and he started a farmhouse without a word, and it was still a big farmhouse. The relatives at home suddenly exploded.

"Why didn't you tell us in advance when Yaya went home? Didn't you say that if you come home, come to the Dabo's house?" Su Dabo, who has always been so arrogant, said first in the group.

"That is, Yaya was not the most favorite to eat the braised duck I did before? How come this time is not coming back to Xiaoxiao here to sit down? Little blame for you." After Su Dabo, Xiao Yan also followed. Made a message.

"Sister, you are coming back. I am going to find you to play in the next day. You are waiting for me at home." Su Xiaoyan said in the group, a hegemonic tone.

Afterwards, all relatives and friends have been bubbling in the family WeChat group. After a while, they said hundreds of articles, each of them is very passionate about Bajie Suya.

Su Yaya knows what they mean. When their family was in trouble, there was no one to help, but it was because she was now developed, and she was surrounded by flies that smelled meaty, and she was too lazy to care for them. Directly retired WeChat, turn off the phone to sleep.

The author has something to say: Shen always cried, 23333