MTL - The Man Standing on Top of the Food Chain-Chapter 56 Scuffle

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First, the endless darkness, and then the colorful light. ()

When exiting the portal, what appeared in front of the Li An plane was a vast expanse of plain. The entire plain is composed of some kind of spar structure. No, it should be said that the entire planet is a spar structure.

The temperature is around minus one, and there is no life and no organic matter.

At the same time that Li Anping's detection was completed, the huge palms that had been full of green hair had fallen from the sky and patted fiercely towards his body.

Looking from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, you can see that the entire crystal planet first began to sag, and then began to fragment. Various lava and rocks erupted from it, at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per second, like a cannonball. Shot into space.

Then the planet began to disintegrate, turning into countless large and small meteorites and shooting towards the surrounding space.

The next moment, the man in the cloak had also come here, and as a golden light flashed through, the frightful fist penetrated Li Anping's body directly, and then spread toward the endless void.

This horrible force caused numerous tears in space along the way. Because of the constant cross-space relationship, the violent punches shot directly at the stars of this galaxy, so the hydrogen and helium inside the star were rapidly consumed for millions of years. Life as if accelerated by time.

With the massive changes and extinction of the stars, the entire galaxy will be drawn into the gravitational tide and turned into piles of debris.

The cape man of the original figure has once again brought a golden light, chasing after Li Anping and the green monkey.

Then the previous blond man also came out of the portal. He put a finger on his eyebrow and immediately moved to the man in the cloak.

None of the four actually have the ability to jump the timeline at will, but they can use their powerful power to explode the space-time dimension and complete the similar time-space shuttle behavior, jumping from one timeline to another timeline .

This jumping behavior is uncontrollable. Incalculable, and even lost the possibility to return to the original timeline.

But at the end of the battle, the four of them have no interest in considering the possibility of such a thing, and do their best to kill their opponents. This is what they have to consider.

In fact, if it was n’t for a human planet they just arrived, they would n’t stop at all, they would continue to fight, even if they were constantly tearing time and space, fighting in the long river of time and space to the end.

Endless void. The green monkey's body grew larger with the fighting and anger, and in a blink of an eye it broke through more than thirty meters. He saw his hands folded like a treasure bottle, and the space around him seemed to be frozen in an instant.

With the action of the green monkey, bursts of Brahma and floral scent came from the unknown universe. In the monkey's eyes, the gamma rays skyrocketed and continued to stretch toward the surrounding starry sky, killing all passing creatures.

"Take me one way!"

Rulai's Palm Ninth Style-Dharma Boundless!

How could Li Anping go to the other side's big move and saw his body gradually turn out of light. It's going to flash like aside.

But the man on the side of the cape naturally couldn't watch him leave so easily.

I saw a flash of lightning in his hands, like a storm, shrouded in the power of the half-light.

Plasma Lightspeed Boxing!

The so-called light speed boxing cannot be seen or detected because it represents the fastest speed in the universe. No matter what detection method is used, it is detected by light and rays, but what waves fluctuate. What rays will be faster than light?

So neither Li Anping nor the cloak man could see the attack of the other side clearly. The fists between them are bombarding each other, there is no so-called dodging and resistance, the only thing that can be done is to resist. Because when you feel the attack of the other party. Lightspeed Fist has hit you.

Hundreds of millions of light nets composed entirely of light-speed fists enveloped Li Anping, and explosive energy directly blew him out of photochemicals.

But after the yellow sun. The cloak man of the eight-door armor increase, how can his plasma light speed boxing be so simple.

One hundred million punches are just the beginning. More light speed fists enveloped Li Anping as if a giant light cocoon trapped Li Anping. This kind of substantive effect cannot be achieved by Li Anping's Lightspeed Boxing, because his Lightspeed Boxing turns his fist into light, while the opponent's Lightspeed Boxing distort time and space by force.

Just when Li Anping was temporarily trapped by the plasma light speed fist, the green monkey's palm of advent has also arrived.

The power to dominate the world has fallen from the sky, turned into two huge palms, and slaps on the light cocoon where Li Anping is located from the left and right.

Huge power shrouded thousands of kilometers in a circle, and then it was like shooting a fly, taking all the material in the palms into a plane.

Yes, on the plane, when the palm force dissipates, including Li Anping, all the material is photographed into a two-dimensional state with one palm.

I saw that Li Anping had now transformed into countless two-dimensional existence, just like his heart, was divided into countless pieces, each of which was in a two-dimensional plane.

Each plane looks like a planed surface cut out with a knife from the front, but disappears completely when viewed from the side, because the two-dimensional has no thickness and disappears when viewed from the side.

It is like three-dimensional projection to two-dimensional. Any two-dimensional creature can only see a part of the three-dimensional creature. Now that Li Anping has become two-dimensional, the entire body has become countless two-dimensional projections.

This is the dimensionality reduction blow. Dharma is boundless, that is, it will make you two-dimensional.

Most creatures will collapse instantly due to the disassembly of the physical body during the dimension reduction process, but neither the green monkey nor the cape man knows that Li Anping will never die so easily.

So when the green monkey used the dharma to endlessly, his body quickly contracted, like a discouraged ball, retracted to a state of five meters, and the man in the cape had already shot.

Facing Li Anping, who was transformed into a two-dimensional creature, the mantle raised his fist again at the speed of light, but this time when the two fists advanced at the speed of light, they were blasted to the left and one to the right. Going up is like a human cross.

A fist running at the speed of light, each particle in the fist maintains the same direction and the same speed, except for the left and right speeds of light. No speed in any other direction.

When the two fists in this case pull his left and right bodies separately, the speed of light slowly spreads from the two fists towards the entire body. All particles in the left half of the body move toward the left at the speed of light, and all of the right half of the body. The particles move to the right at the speed of light.

When the left and right speeds of light are combined at the midline of the body, through clever transport methods and powerful energy, the mantle's body is not torn, but the vectors on the left and right sides are canceled, and the speed of all particles on the whole body instantly becomes At zero, all the particles stop moving, and the universe ends. The withered breath of all things emerged from the man's body.

Forgiveness of the Son of Dawn!

On the human-shaped cross, a piece of freezing air representing absolute zero spread rapidly!

Whether it is a molecule, an atom, an electron, a quark, or the ubiquitous dark matter, space, or time, everything disappears in this absolute zero. The photons were also frozen, making the surroundings pure darkness.

Seeing that the forgiveness of the Son of Dawn hit the two-dimensional Li Anping with no coincidence, the man in the cape quickly ended this state and retreated. The province itself is also affected by this absolute zero.

"Are you dead?"

The green monkey looked at the dark, absolutely zero field with a look of caution, even if he could not detect the situation, because any rays or waves had entered the field. Will become absolutely static, which is equivalent to disappearing.

It is also difficult for him to imagine whether the opponent was dead or alive after being hit by dimensionality reduction strikes and absolute zero hits.

The blonde man who hasn't shot after coming to this timeline just looks coldly. The excitement in his eyes grew stronger. It seemed that the stronger Li Anping was, the happier he was.

It was the first man in the cloak to respond and shouted, "Be careful, he is still alive!"

I saw in a void of cosmic vacuum, the circulatory system, the motion system, the digestive system, and the various systems of the human body suddenly appeared in front of them, just like a urchin painting on a canvas.

"He's rebuilding his body and stopping him!"

If man is a superposition of infinite possibilities, a probability wave, then Li Anping's existence itself also contains infinite possibilities.

Most of the particles in the human body are integrated into one body, but there are still many particles floating outside the body. According to quantum theory, such particles outside the body can be in the space of various possibilities.

Now Li Anping, his human body has been destroyed, but only the largest probability in the probability wave has been erased. In this case, the backup rebirth program of the consciousness algorithm is started, and he starts to have a low probability from the surrounding void. Rebirth in the middle will turn low probability into high probability.

The change in probability is like 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.5 = 1. Now 0.5 is erased, and the other two 0.25s begin to increase until they can form another one. Of course this is just a metaphor, the reality is more complicated.

Countless parts of the human body were born from the void, and the cloak man and the green monkey shot with all their strength and began to eliminate these low probability of rebirth.

This time the cloak man turned his fist into a hand knife and started shaking at the speed of light. In the face of this hand knife shaking at the speed of light, all Li Anping's reborn bodies should not be cut into pieces.

Capricorn Sword--

In front of this hand-shaking hand knife, nothing is inseparable. The man in the cloak's hands moves at high speed, quickly destroying the enemy in front of him at a speed of tens of thousands per second.

The green monkey on the other side did not keep his hand, and his hair was shaking quickly, and countless avatars fell from the sky. However, this avatar is different from the past. They are not like monkeys, but one green giant after another. These giants Step on the cloud and walk in the void, tearing all the Li Anping parts you saw into pieces.

At this time, the intensity of the attack is no longer important, they are using the fastest and most concise and effective means to eliminate Li Anping's lymph, blood vessels, bones and other parts that constantly appear in the void.

But it has no effect. With their killing, it only changes the distribution of the probability in the void ~ ~ As the more multi-born body tissues are destroyed, the other parts that are not destroyed are more likely to be reborn. The faster the speed.

When the man in cape and the green monkey destroyed their body to the last one, the probability of this body also became one hundred percent.

Li Anping, again.

The state of one hundred percent can only be maintained for an instant, and then the probability begins to re-arrange, and spreads around again.

Massive data flowed in Li Anping's eyes. He looked at the first one who rushed over and shook the knife at the speed of light—the man in the cloak who opened the road. He smiled mysteriously.

"It just made me think of a way to deal with you."

I saw that he also stretched out his hand knife. Naturally, it was not the speed of light that vibrated the hand knife. Li Anping couldn't move at the speed of light without changing the light.

This time, his right arm was completely two-dimensional, a state with a thickness of zero.

Pick me up-two-dimensional hand knife. (To be continued ...)