MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 402

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On the other hand, without the support of the Holy Grail, Attila could no longer maintain Cephalu's state. Gradually, Cephalu disappeared completely, and a small figure fell from the sky.

At this moment, Attila had only one thought left, "I,

,, have you lost again,,, it really is a group of interesting existences."

At this moment, Ling Ye took over Attila in front of him, looked at Attila who was waiting for death with his eyes closed, Ling Ye couldn't help but said, "Attila,,,"

"Please call me Attila,

,, The name Attila,,, is not cute at all."

Keke, okay.

Ling Ye forgot that this king actually has a girlish heart.

"Okay, Altila,,, would you like to sign a contract with me to be my Heroic Spirit?"

Ling Ye still asked this sentence, but after listening to Ling Ye's words, a gleam of light appeared in Attila's eyes.

"Is this,,,, an invitation?"


Seeing Ling Ye nodding, Altila also became excited. She had tried her best but failed, so now she can live for herself for a while.

"That...,,, I will only destroy,,, you,,, can you accept me?"

"Of course you can, and if you only want to destroy, you can also try to learn some other things, such as gourmet food, chasing fan flower viewing, these are all good choices."

"Are you,, really willing to accept me,,,, if so,,, I will always respond to your expectations, and,,, things other than destruction, I will try to do."

That would be great.

Ling Ye was holding the holy grail in his hand, at this moment, in Ling Ye's ear, the sound of the system also rang.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the master for successfully recovering the holy grail, which can improve two self-attributes, please choose the master."

Chapter 1167━━Here! It's Rome!

This! This is Rome! Ling Ye's strength has been improved by two more attributes, and now it has completely become Muscle Strength + Jiujie + Power Luck + Looking at Ling Ye's current attributes, Ling Ye couldn't help showing a smile, and the attributes have improved again Right now, there should be no heroic spirit in this world stronger than me.

"Okay, before Yuzao, Medusa and Dragon Lady, take all of your own home."

"Understood Ling Ye, we'll go back and wait for you."

Long Niang and the others returned to Lingye Bookstore with their friends, even Lu Bu went back together, and Oda Nobunaga also left with the weak king.

For a time, only Nero the hero, Nero the king, Ling Ye and Jing Ke remained.

"Well, Jing Ke, what are you doing here if you don't go back? There is no king to let you kill now."

Looking at Jing Ke in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help but speak.

And listening to Ling Ye's words, Jing Ke looked at Ling Ye in front of him with great interest, "That...,,, I'll watch the fun, can you please,,,,"

"Go six, go back for me!"

With a black thread on his face, Ling Ye directly opened the portal and threw Jing Ke in front of him into it. Then, Ling Ye set his sights on the two girls in front of him.

"Nero,,, we should go back."

Ling Ye knew that Nero was still reluctant to part with Rome, but she also knew that she still had her own mission.

"King Nero,,,, you,,,"

Heroic Nero wanted to express her thoughts, but in the end she still didn't say so. She knew that even if she told King Nero about the future now, when this singularity was repaired, King Nero would forget all about it.

"Forget it, take care of yourself, I'm leaving!"

King Nero shook his head helplessly, and then left here anyway. She understood that Nero who has not experienced everything is not Nero at all.

"That..., I,,,, have to leave too.."

Looking at Nero in front of him, Ling Ye said silently, Ling Ye has never felt this kind of parting before, the virtuous king does not count, he wants to take Nero away, but Arthur also knows that after everything , it is absolutely impossible for Nero to choose to leave, because, in Nero's heart, her country is still there:.

"Ling Ye, I won't say thank you. After all, you are my future, and our relationship is one. However, if I have a chance, I still want to see how wonderful that world is."

Ling Ye understands Nero's current state. She is the king, and she has her own responsibilities. Before Nero dies, it is impossible for her to join Ling Ye's camp. If he waits for Lu to join, it may take ten years.

"Leave you a present."

Ling Ye handed Nero a one-month phone. With this month phone, Nero can still contact Ling Ye in the future. It's just... It's more troublesome to travel, but it doesn't matter. Now that Ling Ye has such advanced technology, One video can do it all.

"That's good for this month's machine. One day when you are about to die, tell me, and I will secretly come to pick you up."

Nero......Although I know you are kind, but it sounds like I feel so uncomfortable.

"Goodbye, I have time for more videos."

"Well, I will."

Nero also nodded silently, Ling Ye looked at the figure in front of him and waved, then he also left here, and looking at Ling Ye's back, Nero looked at the moon machine in his hand.

"My ending,,, should be quite tragic."

Nero said to himself, she is not a fool, just think about this kind of thing and you can react.

Even if she didn't know it, the scene of Ling Ye and the heroic spirit Nero before they left made her understand her ending.

However,,, Nero showed a smile, "What a sad ending and what a sad ending? I am Nero, the tyrant of Rome, no matter what happens, it is my own choice. I am a tyrant! I am not afraid of anything!, "

But it doesn't matter, Nero turned his head and walked towards Rome, that... petite figure seemed to be able to support the entire Rome, "Build my magic sky, and show the supreme light here—"

That... theater is called .

An imaginary paradise made of red zenith and gold embellishments.

But there's more than just beauty here.

Luxurious every day, cruel betrayal, unfeeling incomprehension, unrealized blessings.

All of this is her ode to love and beauty.

The applause is not for the protagonists on the stage, but for the life of everyone who fits this place.

This! This is Rome!

Chapter 1168━━Back to the world of One Punch Man

Back to the world of One Punch Man. The world of One Punch Man.

Brush! When Ling Ye reappeared in the world of One Punch Man, the bookstore was no longer as empty as it used to be, and occasionally there were a few people buying moon machines.

Looking at the... figures in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

"Sure enough, this is a bit like opening the door for business."

As all kinds of weirdos were killed or expelled, this no-man's land gradually regained its popularity.

"It looks good, by the way, Saitama! Genos! Fubuki!"

Ling Ye looked at the figures in the bookstore, but the three people he called were not there, which made Ling Ye very curious.

"These three people, where did they go in the bookstore?"

Ling Ye thought about it, and guessed that the three of them should have gone to kill the monster, forget it, anyway... Now that I am back, I can just watch the store at home.

Just as Ling Ye thought of this, at the door of his bookstore, a figure in ninja costume appeared in front of him.

After the figure confirmed that this was Ling Ye Bookstore, an innocent and pure smile appeared on his face.

"This is Lingye Bookstore, tell me where Qiyu is now"

Where did Qi Yu hear this question? Ling Ye couldn't help being taken aback.

"Where did Saitama go, I also want to know!"

Ling Ye looked at the figure in front of him, of course he knew this figure.

Sonic's Sonic, also known as the Lonely Ninja.

Obviously, the other party appeared here for Qi Yu, but,,, if you want to find Qi Yu, you can find Qi Yu, what is it called at our door.

"Qiyu is not here, you can go wherever you want to play, I don't welcome you here."

Ling Ye waved his hand and wanted to drive Sonic away, but in front of Ling Ye, Sonic was not ready to leave at all.

He just sat where he was, obviously he wouldn't leave until Saitama didn't come out.

"Are you going to sit here and wait for Qi "That's right! Wait!"

"Can you really sit still?"


Sonic still persisted.

"Then, what if I let the dog bite you?"

"Tch, I'm a ninja, is there anyone in this world who can endure more than me!"

Sonic is just... an appearance that is not afraid of anything. Looking at Sonic like this, Ling Ye couldn't help but directly took out a big screen, and then,,, directly played One Punch Man! And it played nothing else, It's... the picture of Sonic being smashed by Mr. Saitama.

And Timo is playing it in a loop! Looking at such a picture, Sonic really can't help it, let alone, whoever records your dark history and then plays it in a loop, you can't stand it! "Ling Ye ! You!! This is courting death!"

Sonic's face turned ferocious, and his body revealed a strong murderous look, and seeing Sonic like this, Ling Ye laughed.

"I'm looking for death, okay, then I'll tell you which of the two of us is looking for death."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, a sword appeared in his hand, and at the same time, Sonic in front of him turned into an afterimage! Sonic at the speed of sound! The speed of hundreds of meters per second! It's hard to see his movements.

Unfortunately, what he met was Ling Ye at the speed of light! The sword in Sonic's hand was only 0.

0 cm, it only takes one second to pass the sword through Ling Ye's head.

The fact is indeed true, Sonic's knife really went through Ling Ye's head, but before Sonic was happy, he discovered that the place where the knife passed through Ling Ye didn't feel real at all! Moreover, there wasn't a single drop of blood Fall! Here's what happened "It seems that your tachi is useless."

At this moment, Ling Ye opened his mouth to speak with a knife in his head, it looks quite scary.

"You bastard,,, are you a ghost?"

Sonic couldn't help asking, the appearance of Ling Ye in front of him is indeed a bit unhuman.

"Ghost, I'm not... that kind of existence.

But if your strength is not enough, I might turn you into a ghost!"

The moment Ling Ye's voice fell, Ling Ye's figure completely turned into a thunderbolt! This thunderbolt rushed towards Sonic in front of him! And this thunderbolt was wrapped with a holy sword! So fast! Sonic only had With such a thought, his body moved quickly, but in the next second, Sonic found that his speed was no match for the Thunder in front of him! More than that! Sonic felt that the Thunder in front of him a cat doing a mouse, It is not trying to kill itself, but playing with itself! No matter how I hide, the tip of the holy sword is always at my throat! This Ling Ye! The speed is even faster than myself! Nonsense, the speed of light and the speed of sound In comparison, of course, light is faster.

Finally, Sonic couldn't take it anymore.

"Ling Ye! Kill if you want! Don't humiliate me like this!!!"

Chapter 1169━━Turn Sonic into a Figure

Turn Sonic into a figure "Killing you."

Ling Ye's voice resounded from inside Thunderbolt, and then a ray of light flashed! "It's really killing!"

Sonic quickly raised his sword to resist, however, how could an ordinary blade fight against a holy sword? In an instant, Sonic's sword was directly cut into two halves.

"Not good! Run!"

Sonic also did not expect that there is such a terrifying guy in this world besides... that... Saitama, and the most annoying thing is that this guy is not like Saitama... defeated by absolute strength He! Instead, he was very good at his speed! "Run! You must run!"

Sonic still wanted to run away, but unfortunately, her speed couldn't run faster than Ling Ye. Sonic also understood this. The moment he chose to run away, he threw two small **** to the ground.

Boom! In an instant, the smoke filled the air! Sonic 1 also chose to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but unfortunately, even if Sonic used all his strength, he would never be able to escape, because Ling Ye obviously did not intend to let Sonic leave.

Crackling! A flash of lightning directly caught up with Sonic in front of him, and then, a figure re-condensed from the lightning.

A big kick kicked Sonic directly in the face! Boom! With one kick, Sonic was successfully kicked into the ground.

And this is not over yet, with a wave of Ling Ye's hand, the powerful magic power directly imprisoned Sonic's body, and then,,,, Medusa rank card, dream summoning, petrified magic eye! Swipe! Ling Ye's eyes Look, Sonic in front of him has directly turned into a stone statue.

Ling Ye withdrew Sonic in front of him from the ground, "It's a pity how to deal with this thing. It's a pity to kill it. Forget it, let's use the waste."

Ling Ye glanced at Sonic again, and Sonic recovered from the petrified state.