MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 425

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Wuhe Kotori feels that her plan can be said to be seamless.

However, listening to Wuhe Qinli's words, he shook his head.

"Engraving the seal doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as I defeat the elves and make them lose their fighting ability, it's very easy."


Wuhe Qinli looked at Ling Ye who was interviewing, she widened her eyes angrily, and the dumb hair on the top of her head was moving to show the anger of her master.

"Why are you so ignorant of pity and sympathy? The elves are all girls, and they are all very cute girls. You can do it!"

Hearing Wuhe Qinli's angry words, Ling Ye also felt a headache. Yes, the elves are all cute girls, but some girls are not easy to deal with. For example, Tokisaki Kurumi, the strategy She is very difficult and troublesome.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the time comes, it's always okay to adapt to the situation."

Ling Ye shook his head helplessly, and then said to Wuhe Qinli, "At that time, after I seal the elves, I will take them out of this world, and you will be responsible for collecting information for me. When I find them, tell them I can do it in one go."

"Wait...! You said you left this world with these......... Elves, what do you mean you are not from this world?"

Wuhe Qinli suddenly reacted at this moment, and messages appeared in her mind instantly.

Why can't she get all the information about Ling Ye.

Why does Ling Ye have such a powerful ability to travel through time and space to seal elves?

Ling Ye's... performances are really as if he doesn't exist in this world at all! At this moment, Wuhe Qinli can't believe it even in the commander mode, No way, no one will believe such a fantasy thing if it is told.

"That's right, I actually came here from another world, please help me pay attention to these people, Tobiichi Origami, Honjo Nia, Tokisaki Kurumi, Sishino,,, um, no need for this, Wuheqin Well, this is no longer necessary, Xinggong Liukui, Seven Sins, Yamai Yaguya, Yamai Yuzuru, Yusao Miku, Yatogami Toka and Takamiya Mio, there are twelve in total As long as the elves appear, you can tell me in time, don’t worry, I will take them away from this world forever, and in the future, the conflict between elves and humans in this world will never appear again.”

Ling Ye's idea is... so simple, since people in your world hate it.

Elf, you think the elves like you so much, there are no grandpas here, there are grandpas here, no grandpas are self-employed everywhere, the heavens and worlds are so big, I like these... There is plenty in the world of elves! And listening to Ling Ye's words, Wuhe Qinli also looked at Ling Ye in front of him suspiciously.

This man wants to take all the elves out of this world, yes, this is indeed a very good way, but,,, this man, is he really reliable? Also, those names he just mentioned are really elves

Chapter 1250━━Two ponytails are equal to reins?

Twin ponytails are equal to reins Wuhe Qinli doesn't know anything else, but there is a name that she knows.

Tobiichi Origami, she is my sister's classmate, and she is also a member of , she is obviously the one who hates elves the most, but you told me that she is an elf and you want to bring those...... It’s fine for the elves to leave, but how do I know if you are a good person, among other things, each of these... elves have powerful power, if they fall into the hands of weird people, Even... conquering the world may not be impossible.

At this moment, Wuhe Qinli also began to look at Ling Ye in front of him. Although the other party saved him, didn't he himself say that it was a long time later?

That being the case, who can say clearly what this person looks like now, "Ling Ye! I've decided! From today onwards, you will move into my house! I will observe you 24 hours a day!"

Qinli finally made this decision. If other men heard that they wanted to live with Qinli, they might immediately agree. However, how could Ling Ye be tempted by such a small profit? If you live in the past, it doesn't mean that you have agreed to be supervised by them. How is it possible! It is absolutely impossible to supervise yourself.

Even if it is a beauty trick, it is absolutely impossible! "Impossible! I have my own storefront, so I won't live in your house."

"If you really don't go, my sister is a beautiful woman."

Wuhe Kotori really used this beauty trick, Wuhe Shiori is so beautiful just think about the pictures in the anime, she is definitely a top-notch beautiful girl, and the real Wuhe Shiori is naturally She is an absolute beauty, however,,, Ling Ye is afraid that she will think of Wuhe Shidao when she sees Wuhe Shizhi, so forget it, let's not go.

"Don't go, you can't be promiscuous if you are rich, you can't move when you are poor, you can't be subdued if you are mighty, if you want to use beauty tricks to seduce me, I have seen more beauties than you have ever seen girls!"

What Ling Ye said is true. To be honest, there are very few girls in the anime world who are... dinosaur-level girls. Even if most of the girls are not charming and charming, they are definitely above-average. Good looks, and Ling Ye has been to so many worlds, it is not an exaggeration to say this.


Wuhe Qinli still wanted to speak, but at this moment, a rush of sirens sounded outside! "Alarm, siren! There is an emergency in the urban area. People nearby please rush to the shelter as quickly as possible."

"Alert alert! There is a space quake in the urban area, people nearby please..."

As the siren sounded, Ling Heqinli looked at each other at this moment, and the two decided that their matter could be dealt with later, but right now, the elves that have appeared are the key.

"Ling Ye, can you use that... sealing technique now?"


Ling Ye nodded.

"That's good. Now we, Ratatosk, will all mobilize to assist you. Your task is... use your sealing technique to succeed and seal the elves, do you hear me?"


Ling Ye was taken aback for a moment, Qin Li was unexpectedly capable in entering the combat state so quickly.

"Huh what.

I was asking if you heard me!"

Qinli said quite seriously, however,,, brush! Brush! Ling Ye directly grabbed Qin Li's two pink ponytails one by one. met for the first time.

"Ling Ye!!! Stop messing around! Let me down my hair!"

Qin Li immediately.

Struggling desperately, girls with double ponytails pay special attention to their own double ponytails, and similarly, boys also attach great importance to their pair of ponytails.

Girls' double ponytails always have a unique charm When a man is behind him, it is like riding a horse and driving a motorcycle. Handing over is like handing over the steering wheel of a car! "Ling Ye! You!"

Scratch! Qinli subconsciously raised her foot and stepped on Ling Ye's foot, but Ling Ye just avoided it and let Qinli's little foot step on the ground.

"Ling Ye! You!!!"

Now Kotori really can't wait to lift the Yin seal... then transform into a Balrog and burn Ling Ye in front of her with flames.

"Okay, Kotori, don't be so angry. If you ask me for help, you have to beg for help, right? I'm not an employee of your Ratatosk, so why do you order me?"


Looking at Ling Ye's face, Qin Li gritted her teeth angrily, "You despicable guy, tell me! What do you want!"

Qin Li didn't expect Ling Ye to be such a person, he really misunderstood the person, all these years he thought that big brother was some kind of hero, but in the end,,,, hey,,,.

I can only blame myself for being unkind.

"I just want you,,,,"

Chapter 1251 ━━ Yatogami Toka, Arrival

Yatogami Tohka, descended "Ah this,,.

No no no,,.

This is absolutely not possible."

Kotori shook her head desperately, she sent herself out just to save the elves, how could she make such a deal.

"Listen to me."

Ling Ye gave her a blank look, and then Ling Ye continued, "I just want the ownership of your two ponytails."


Kotori was stunned, what kind of request is this? Ownership of double ponytails? Do men like double ponytails so much? "Are you asking me to cut my hair?"

"Of course not, I mean, if I successfully seal this elf, I can play with your twin tails, how about it?"

"This,,, what a perverted request."

Qinli looked at Ling Ye in front of her, various images had already appeared in her mind, she subconsciously felt that something was wrong and wanted to refuse, but unfortunately, Ling Ye's next sentence made her completely give up the idea.

"Hey, I thought the Commander of Ratatosk is so powerful, but she is really a little girl, she is not willing to pay such a price, what kind of elves are you saving?"

"Ling Ye! You think I'll be fooled by your inferior aggressive method!"

"So do you agree"

"I!!! I agree! However, you must guarantee that the elves are successfully sealed before sunset, otherwise, I will not agree to this condition."

Qinli played a trick, she added a time limit, so that the difficulty of Ling Ye's sealing of the elves directly increased by a level.

Seeing Qin Li's little move, Ling Ye laughed.

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."

After the two finished talking, Ling Ye laughed.

, I carry a strategy with me, fight with me to see how you win this time.

"Let's go Ling Ye, I'll use Lark's teleportation device to send you there."

Qin Li directly pulled Ling Ye to leave, but Ling Ye just shook his head.

"No need to bother."

Then, he took out any random door directly from his bosom, once the random door was opened and closed, Ling Ye and the others came directly to the first scene where the space quake occurred.

"Ling Ye, what kind of magic was that door just now?"

Qin Li was shocked by Ling Ye's method, a seemingly ordinary door can go through so far, which is much better than his own Ratatosk.

"High technology from a different world, well, forget about that for now."

Ling Ye protected Meiqin behind her, because in front of them, a space shock was spreading rapidly, and when a street was about to be turned into ruins, at this moment, Ling Ye directly stretched out her hand.

Another roar of the Dragon King, when this ray of light passed through the space shock, the space shock turned into bubbles and disappeared into the sky like a bubble pricked by a needle.


How can it be"

Qinli looked blankly at the scene in front of her, and she could do it by shattering the space shock, but only in the state of an elf, and Ling Ye, well, Qinli can confirm that this Ling Ye is definitely a human being! But why can he do it? At the same time as this kind of thing that only elves can do, in the 'Fraxinus', every member of the staff looked at Ling Ye's actions on the screen and opened their mouths. Is this Ling Ye so powerful? And everyone They didn't even notice that, on the one hand, Murasame Lingyin's expression after seeing Ling Ye's appearance was incomparably wonderful. Of course, this expression quickly disappeared, and her expression continued to change back to the original state of Gujing Wubo, as if everything Nothing ever happened.

But at this moment, Ling Ye didn't care about these little things, because now, all his eyes have been attracted by the figure in the center of the space earthquake, and that figure is the elf who came this time! Yatogami Tohka! He has knee-length black hair and crystal-like eyes of incredible color.

Outside the purple princess dress is a set of extremely strong knight armor.

This attire makes the girl in front of her have both the elegance of a princess and the majesty of a knight.

Princess, this is her identification name. As for Yasao God Tohka, it is naturally taken by Wuhe Shidao in the original work. Ling Ye is not going to let Tohka change her name. Although he can do it, it is clear that Tohka represents The meaning makes Ling Ye not ready to change.

However, just as Ling Ye was thinking wildly here, Shixiang clearly noticed Ling Ye's appearance in front of her, and the moment she saw Ling Ye's appearance, her eyes became: extremely cold! And the next In seconds, her body rushed towards Ling Ye, and in her hand! A big sword glowing with purple light also appeared out of thin air! It seems obvious that Shixiang is treating Ling Ye as an enemy! .

Chapter 1252━━Ling Ye's coquettish operation

Ling Ye's coquettish operation looked at Shixiang rushing towards him, and Ling Ye reacted in an instant.

In Ling Ye's hands for a moment, the Sword of Vowed Victory appeared out of thin air! Dang! The sound of two weapons colliding in the air resounded, and immediately after, sparks visible to the naked eye appeared in the middle of the two.

"Qinli, hide a little first."

Ling Ye said to Kotori beside him, and Kotori nodded, and then directly transferred back to Ratatosk's war room in one space.

"Commander, you are back."

On the one hand, Kannazuki Kyohei said respectfully, "Do we need to send someone to help Ling Ye now, he is facing the elves alone now!"

Kannazuki Kyohei's thoughts are very simple, how can human beings beat the elves, even those magicians with powerful equipment can't be the opponents of the elves, if they continue to fight , I'm afraid Ling Ye will be in danger.

Hearing Kannazuki Kyohei's words, Kotori shook his head slightly, "No, don't worry, he is definitely stronger than you imagined."

Sure enough, as Qin Li's voice fell, Ling Ye and the princess fought again on the screen. At this moment, Ling Ye himself has no hostility towards the princess, so naturally he won't make a big move as soon as he comes up. However, what should be done is to made.

Ling Ye knew that Shixiang had misunderstood. In fact, this kind and innocent girl didn't have much hostility towards human beings, but now he wanted to let Shixiang know that the two of them were not enemies.

However, watching Ling Ye conjure a sword out of thin air just now, and then fight back and forth with himself, at this moment, Shixiang couldn't help looking at Ling Ye in front of him with resentful eyes, "Unexpectedly, not only humans, but even elves now Are you ready to kill me too?"

Listening to Shixiang's words full of loneliness and despair, at this moment, Ling Ye couldn't help but feel helpless and sad. He has put all his heart on Shixiang now, and he understands why Shixiang regards him as an elf.

After all, only elves in this world can exert such terrifying power with bare hands, and the rest, even those magicians, cannot be skilled.

Listening to Shixiang's words, Ling Ye suddenly made a move. At this moment, he suddenly put down the sword of vowed victory in his hand, and stretched out his arms and posed the word "Tai".

"You,,, what are you doing?"

The princess is at a loss, this person, did he give up resistance or is he going to use some big trick? At this moment, the princess doesn't understand what happened.

It doesn't matter what happened, Ling Ye is just now... I give up resistance, and you can kill or cut me casually.


Swipe! The big sword glowing with purple light in the princess's hand directly stabbed at Ling Ye in front of him, but seeing the princess' actions, Ling Ye let the... big sword reach his throat without flinching.

However, the princess's sword never fell.