MTL - The Married Wife is a Boss: Lord Mo is Super Fond of Him!-Chapter 243 Why do you have to move your hands and feet?

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   Chapter 243 Why bother?


   Mo Yuchen, who was originally about five or sixty centimeters away from her, suddenly approached her, put her hands behind her Shen Xingluo, and enclosed her in a narrow space.

   "Dang, of course it's true."

   Shen Xingluo hurriedly lowered his head, he was so close to her that she could even see the plush on his face clearly.

   Heart began to beat uncontrollably again, like ants on a hot pan.

   Covering her heart with her hands, she gasped for breath, was it her illusion?

  Why does she feel that the air seems to be extra thin?

   "Shen Xingluo, do you know the consequences of lying to me?"

   Seeing Shen Xingluo's ears that were as red as cherries and delicious and delicious, Mo Yuchen's dark eyes flashed a dim light, and in this instant, his mouth was dry and his Adam's apple rolled unknowingly.

  Shen Xingluo was stunned for a moment, before she had time to think, she raised her head and immediately defended herself, "I didn't lie to you, I'm sincere, I sent four..."

   As she said that, she raised her hand.

   And Mo Yuchen grabbed her wrist faster than her hand, and put it on top of her head, clinging to the body.

   "Mo Yuchen, what are you doing?"

  Shen Xingluo moved, but Mo Yuchen's hand was like the most reliable handcuffs, she couldn't struggle at all.

   With a light snort, Mo Yuchen leaned down close to her ear and blew into her ear playfully.

Apparently feeling her body trembling slightly, he curled his lips with satisfaction, and said calmly, "If the oath can be believed, how many people will be hit by cars when they go out, and be struck by lightning? hack?"

  Shen Xingluo: "..."

   The reason is not rough, so she can't refute it.

   However, this is not the reason why he treated her like this!

   She hated this gesture, as if she had become his caged bird, unable to fly with wings, and he was still slaughtering her.

   "We have something to say, why bother."

  Shen Xingluo raised his head and looked at the hand that was on top of his head. This posture was really weird.

   Mo Yuchen turned out to be her five fingers interlocked.

   "Hands, feet?"

Mo Yuchen's eyes darkened, and then he pinched her chin, and smiled evilly, "Holding your hand is called moving hands and feet? Shen Xingluo, do you want me to personally show you what it means to be hands-on? foot?"

   "No, no need. I'm just joking with you."

  Shen Xingluo shook his head violently, his entire upper body was already leaning back as Mo Yuchen approached, sticking to the car, and there was no way to go back.

   Mo Yuchen's words just now were obviously serious, how could she dare to continue with him?

   Of course he said what he said.

   "Just kidding? I don't like joking, I like being serious."

   raised his brows and stared at Shen Xingluo who was trembling in every pore with a half-smile.

  Shen Xingluo: "..."

  Why didn't she know that he liked being serious?


  Why has she already apologized, but things still turned out to be completely different from what she imagined?

   Logically speaking, she apologized, he accepted it, wouldn't it be over?

How did    become what it is now?

   smashed her mouth, she moved her hands, but there was still no way to escape Mo Yuchen's shackles.

   So, she could only lower her posture, "Can you let me go first? I'm so tired."

   "Then change to a less tiring position."

   With a sinister smile, Mo Yuchen took her hand down and hugged her whole body in his arms.

  Shen Xingluo: "...?"

   Sitting on Mo Yuchen's lap, she couldn't understand why she wanted Mo Yuchen to let go of her, but somehow, she was sitting on Mo Yuchen's lap now.

  Although it’s not that I haven’t sat before, the feeling and atmosphere at this moment are completely different from before.

   gave her an indescribable awkwardness!

   "Don't move, if you move again, I really can't help bullying you."

   Seeing that Shen Xingluo was about to get up, Mo Yuchen immediately held her shoulders.


   This is a blatant threat!

   Shen Xingluo stared at him with puffed cheeks.

   "We're all like this, you still won't let go of my hand?"

   "Not loose."

   Mo Yuchen's tone was firm.

   I will never let go of her hand in this life and let others take advantage of it.

   "You let go, I'm not feeling well."

  Shen Xing moved his body.

   Mo Yuchen hugged her again, and then intertwined with her five fingers. She was all over her body and felt uncomfortable.

   "Mo Yuchen, if you don't let go, I will be rude to you."

   No matter how hard she struggled and resisted, there was no way to return to freedom.

   "You're welcome? I'd like to see, why are you being rude to me."

  Mo Yuchen raised his and Shen Xingluo's interlocking hands, and let her look at her with such a swagger, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape his palm!

   "You, you, don't force me."

   Looking at Mo Yuchen's proud face in front of him, Shen Xingluo's competitive spirit was aroused.

   If she is serious, she will be afraid of herself!

  Mo Yuchen raised his eyebrows with a slight smile, "Oh? Is that so? The hand is here, you can pull it back with your ability."

  Shen Xingluo: "..."

   is that he will not let go.

   She persuaded her with kind words, but he just refused to let go.

  Since that's the case, don't blame her for being ruthless.

   He said it himself, she relies on her ability!

   Under the gaze of Mo Yuchen's deep black eyes, Shen Xingluo grabbed her hand, "If you don't let go, I will bite."

   This was her last warning to him.

   As a fool, biting is not illegal, it is reasonable!

   Hearing her words, Mo Yuchen's eyelids drooped down, which could hide his deep eyes.


  For fear that Shen Xingluo was just frightening him, he hurriedly put his hand to Shen Xingluo's mouth.

   Wish she left an indelible mark on the back of his hand.

   "I, I'm not joking with you. As long as you let go now, I will definitely not bite you."

   Eyes down, Shen Xingluo stared at the white hand beside his mouth and swallowed, does Mo Yuchen really think that she doesn't dare?

  Mo Yuchen raised his eyebrows, elegant and gentle with a compelling aura, and then hooked his lips, "It's impossible to let go!"

it is good!

   This is what he asked for!

   Then don't blame her for being merciless!

  Heart fluttered, Shen Xingluo took a bite directly at the back of his hand.

  The round black eyeball unconsciously glanced towards Mo Yuchen.

   She thought that his face would change a little bit because of the pain, but he was the same, as if it was nothing to him, but it was just a tickling.

   Could it be that she bit too lightly?

   She winked, he let go, she let go.

   However, Mo Yuchen shook his head calmly and refused.

it is good!

  Since Mo Yuchen doesn't cry without seeing the coffin, don't blame her for being rude!

   on the mouth, a force.

   Suddenly, she tasted a fishy sweetness.

   (end of this chapter)