MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5450 : 定心丸

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood

"What do you say? The disciples of the five major forces have stopped practicing? Why? What happened in the end?"

When Ye Mo learned about this, he couldn't help but ask Bai Long.

At present, Bai Long is the training officer of the Anti-Tianmeng Alliance. He is responsible for training the disciples of the five major forces and allowing them to display five large arrays.

Originally, the training progressed very smoothly. As a result, as soon as the guilt was born, everyone stopped practicing.

"This thing, I don't know who it came from, saying that we can't beat Heaven at all, and you can't be an opponent of Heaven. Our training is just dying."

Bai Long said.

"I am afraid that someone will do something from it."

Ye Mo frowned and said: "You quickly summon all the disciples of the five major forces. It seems that it is necessary for them to see and see, the real power of this seat."

After all, it is still a question of strength. Ye Mo did not show the strength to convince them.

As the lord of the anti-day alliance, the army commander, if there is no strength, the military mind is naturally unstable.

"Oh? Are you really starting to show your strength?"

Bai Long is also looking forward to it.

"if not?"

Ye Mo said faintly: "Strength is a reassurance. Since they think that this seat can't compete with Heaven, this seat will let them see what is called real strength. You can quickly call the disciples to come."


Bai Long directly retired and began to summon all the disciples and gathered in the square.

Originally, they didn't want to come, but they were very curious to hear the main strength of the alliance.

Half a day passed, the Eternal Gate, the Heavenly Gods, the evil palace, the ancient heavens and the people, the ancient wilderness, all gathered in the square.

Ye Mo stood on the platform and shouted: "Recently, I heard some bad voice in this seat, and let you all lay down the cultivation."

"The lord, we can't beat the heavens at all. It doesn't matter how to practice it. It's better to enjoy the last time."

"Yes, even if we make more efforts, we can't change the solution. We can't beat the heavens."


Many disciples have said.

"You don't even have confidence in yourself, how can you beat Tiandao? You don't want to see the strength of this seat, but this seat has not been shown, there is a reason."

Ye Mo said loudly.

Didn't show it, is there a reason?

Many disciples are all a glimpse, obviously there is no strength, and actually said that they did not show up.

"This seat does have the strength to counter the heavens. Even if you let this seat display, you can't see how strong the strength of this seat is. This seat can give you a chance. When you can achieve the practice of the battle, this seat can Give you a chance to play against you."

Ye Mo continued: "And, this seat can tell you that even if you practice the Fa to the peak, you are still vulnerable in front of this seat."

"Do you think that using this trick to us will enable us to cultivate?"

One of the disciples could not help but say.

"Are you old-fashioned?"

Ye Mo recognized each other at a glance, coldly said: "You can leave the Tiantian League directly."

"What are you talking about? I am targeting me?"

The disciple was furious.

"This seat is not for you, because you are present in the eyes of the audience, it is rubbish!"

Ye Mo’s statement is completely irritating to all the masters. Although their strength is far less than Ye Mo, they all have their own pride.

Now, how can you endure being humiliated by Ye Mo?

"You don't need anger, because anger is not useful. This seat is really going to be shot for you. When you breathe, you all have to die."

Ye Mo said, seeing that the disciples were completely angry, he could not help but say: "Give you a chance to challenge this seat."

Between the words, Ye Mo’s body slammed, the powerful pressure, and the suppression, tens of thousands of disciples, in this pressure, directly on the ground, simply could not move.

Many disciples can be said to really feel the power of Ye Mo.

It’s not that Ye Mo doesn’t want to show, but they are too weak.

"We have to work hard and then defeat Ye Mo."

"He is too arrogant, actually said that we are rubbish."

"Now, we are in front of him, it is indeed garbage!"


Many league disciples have secretly vowed to exercise and use Ye, to defeat Ye Mo.

"This Ye Mo, it is really unusual. Just relying on the pressure that has just been released, it has already surpassed the peak of the gods."

The inexhaustible emperor on the side is also secretly surprised. I am afraid, now let him shoot Ye Mo, and he does not have much confidence to defeat Ye Mo.

"Wait a minute, wait until the completion of the big battles of the five forces, you can truly see the strength of Ye Mo."

Xiaoqing’s voice suddenly passed.

"That Ye Mo really has that strength? Their practice, the Emperor has seen it, although it has not really formed, but the power is absolutely terrifying, let alone five big arrays."

The immortal spirit feels incredible.

"Perhaps, he reached a realm in the legend."

Xiaoqing guessed that if it really reached that level, it would really be possible to win the battle against Tianmeng and Heaven.

Ye Mo used the radical method to successfully anger the temper of the anti-Tianjing disciples.

They started to practice again, and they practiced very seriously. The progress of cultivation is also many times faster than before.


Ye Mo lay on the top of Ling Tian Temple, his hands in his mind, looking at the stars, but also some ecstasy.

call out!

A white light swept through slowly landed in front of Ye Mo, quiet.


Ye Mo stood up and held him in his arms, and the couple began to enjoy a moment of peace.

"Madam, do you remember that I made you the patriarch of this gods? I said this was the last time, but I didn't think that this last time, I actually came to the present step."

Ye Mo bitterly said: "Our strength against Tian Tianmeng is strong, but it is still fierce and arrogant, and even there may be many masters."

"Even, it is me!"

He has a strong hunch that he will die in this war.

"French, since you give them confidence, why not give yourself some confidence? Although many things are already doomed, but there are also variables."

Xiao Yue only held Ye Mo’s hand and said: “This level, I will spend it with you, it is life and death, I will go with you.”