MTL - The Martial Emperor with Dragon Blood-v8 Chapter 5457 : Eye of Heaven

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The latest chapter of Emperor Dragon Blood


However, in the face of this fierce blow of Heaven, the three great devils did not dodge, and made a trace of roar.

At the same time, their three devils, while stimulating the resonance of the heavens and the earth, actually resonated together, forming a joint resonance, turning into a huge shield.

The attack of the heavens, the bombardment under the shield, did not produce any effect at all. Instead, it was also ejected by the shock and slammed into the heavens.

The occurrence of this scene is also the result of the sound of the entire Tiangong.

What is this means? Can actually block such a terrible attack.

The strength of the three great devils is really terrible.

Originally, they did not have much confidence in countering the heavens. Now they have seen the power of the three great devils. They are already full of confidence in this battle.

Among them, there are still many strong people who have not done it.

"Do you resonate with the heavens and the earth? This emperor is the darling of heaven and earth. Do you resonate one more for the Emperor?"

Tiandao set foot on the void, and once again bombarded it, bursting out with a horrible fist, rushing out, dividing the world, and blasting to the three magical devils.

The three great devils, once again resonating with the heavens and the earth, were directly smashed.

However, the three great devils will not show weakness at all, and they will sacrifice their weapons and rush to heaven.

In the end, the three great devils will be a fierce battle with the heavens.

These three great devils, each of which is enough to count the most advanced in the ages, one stroke and one style, are enough to break the heavens and create another space.

Their three great devils will join forces, directly to suppress the heavens, but they will almost burst out and have no room to fight back.

Many masters have seen this scene and are relieved. It seems that this battle is not as difficult as imagined.

However, Ye Mo saw this scene, but he could not help but frown. Although Tiandao has been defending, there is no crisis. Even the attack of the three demons will have no effect at all.

"The three great devils of Taikoo, really worthy of the name, the Emperor wants to really defeat you, I am afraid it will take some time, but the Emperor does not have much time, and you waste time."

Heaven said faintly.

At such a speed, even if it is played for a few days and nights, it is impossible to win the game.

He said that today we have to re-enact the rules of the whole world, so we will not drag it to tomorrow.

After that, he had a big hand, and in the palm of his hand, there was an eye, and the eyeball in the eye kept turning.

Ye Mo saw that scene, his face changed greatly, just want to talk, it is already late.

Among the eyes, the black light of the lacquer is directly shot, and the three great devils will be shrouded. In the blink of an eye, the three demons will disappear, and they are completely sealed into the arm space.

"That is the eye of heaven, and any existence that is illuminated by the eye of the day will be sealed."

The Emperor Wuji is also shouting loudly.

At that time, he was sealed by this trick, and at that time, it was just an arm. Nowadays, Tiandao really exerts the power of the eye of heaven and seals all the three demons.

"You don't want to do it for the time being. You can't resist the eye of heaven. Let this seat personally shoot and fight with him."

Ye Mo stretched out his arm and grabbed the rifle in his hand, directly through the hole.


A sharp attack, tearing the entire sky, with a full seal of breath, blasted to heaven.

On that day, the road spread again, the light of the eye of Tiandao shines away, and I want to seal Ye Mo, but unfortunately there is no use at all.

At this time, the reel of the roulette has been condensed out and constantly rotated, and the light can not lock Ye Mo.

It’s useless to see God’s own tricks, holding a long knife in his hand, flashing a huge incomparable light, and slamming away.


The dragon's **** sniper and the blade of the heavenly squad violently collided.

The huge sound, it seems that even the sky and the earth, all overturned, all the gods, even if they are suspended in the air, feel the foot is unstable, the strong god, can still stabilize the body, repair the weak, even if suspended The void, the volatility of the void, has fallen.


Then, the two masters fought again fiercely.

The heavenly blade of heaven is created by the power of heaven, and it absorbs the power of thousands of souls. It is definitely a terrible murderer.

If Ye Mo has built the dragon blood scorpion gun into a wild artifact, it is impossible to compete with the heavens.

At this moment, the fierce offensives of the two masters, the large hollows of the surrounding area collapsed.

The whole world is in a collapse of inch.

Especially the top ten Taikoo Tianyu, because the two masters of the fight, are constantly broken, all the gods, are feeling, seems to have produced the end of the world.

As if the next moment, the world is coming to an end.

But Heaven does not care at all. He is the darling of heaven and earth. The absolute controller of the heavens and the earth, even if he ruined most of the world, with his means, he can easily restore this world to normal.

This place is his home, the place where he was born, and he is very familiar with him.

However, Ye Mo is trying to circumvent the heavens, to the depths of the void, and to fight back.


It was another fierce collision, huge fluctuations, and the sky was shattered, and the severe storm was again revealed.

Many masters have seen this scene, and the eyes are full of shock.

This is the true strength of Ye Mo.

It is said that the hands do not show real strength, but it is terrible to be able to play like this with Tiandao.

"Professing the world!"

Ye Mo suddenly pulled up his body, and all the way to the sky, a group of black gas, a group of blood and a group of white, emerged behind him ~ ~ keep spinning.

Suddenly, Ye Mo’s momentum has undergone earth-shaking changes, truly giving him the feeling of heaven and earth.

"That is the power of rebellion and the power of the ancestors. He actually controls both of these forces, and the perfect coexistence in the body."

When I saw this scene, the first thing that shocked me was the Emperor Wuji. He could be said to be the only one who had dealt with the Dragon Blood Emperor and knew the power of the Dragon Blood Emperor.

Nowadays, what is the power of the Dragon Blood Emperor's ancestral power and the power of rebellion?

"How is this possible? Can these two forces really coexist in the body?"

"He really did make Zulong."

"This is the real power of Ye Mo."


Many strong people, their eyes are shining, and then, I am afraid it is the moment of real war.