MTL - The Mightiest Leveling System-Chapter 5641

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The sound of the system surprised Long Fei.

What an amazing plan. It's not that he has never created a system, but the systems he created before were basically fusions, and the attributes of the systems were all random. They were all new systems that were fused based on the power of the original system, and simply created a system.

It's still the first time.

For Long Fei, this is also a challenge.

"Yes, create a system, the strongest destruction system."

The system starts to get excited.

After five years of silence, the system itself was about to collapse. Because of the punishment for the system triggering the task, even he has to fall into it.

If he can't complete the task by then, he will die himself.

This is the first time that the world has opened up, so the system has changed its normal state and is extremely active. When it was done with the previous task of Long Fei, it was completely in two states, and never fished.

"System, you are afraid of collapse!" Long Fei asked with a smile.

I think when I faced the system, the system was out of the sky, and it disappeared when it didn't agree. But now, I basically have a long talk with myself, and I revolve around the apocalypse every day.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" the system asked back.

"Player, this is our big deal. To be honest, your previous mission, no matter how difficult it is, has a chance of life in it. But this time is different, didn't you find it?" the system asked.

"What's the difference?" Long Fei asked.

"The current Apocalypse is the same as when you were in Tianwu Continent. If you give you a hundred years, can you destroy the entire universe?"

"Isn't the mission target the Apocalypse Continent?" "Is there a difference? It's a big cake anyway. It's impossible to accomplish. It's like in your previous life, it made you from an ordinary graduate to become the richest man in the country and the richest man in the province. Is there a difference? No, you can't do it anyway."

I don't believe Long Fei can do it at all.

Long Fei's teeth were itching with hatred, but after careful consideration, it was indeed the case.

Whichever it is, it makes no difference.

"So, you still waste five years. Do you think a hundred years is too long, and you want to compete for the day?" The system continued to mock, this is basically normal.

Especially recently, the system is chattering more and more. As if he was in a state of rage, he started talking about the apocalypse every day.

However, Long Fei ignored it. Only today, when the system asked to create a system, Long Fei became interested.

"Then how should the forging system come about?" Long Fei asked.

What is the system, in Long Fei's knowledge, it is a group of codes. But now, who will?

"Of course it's generating code!" The system responded with a determined look.

"I won't!" Long Fei said.

"I know." The system responded.

"That doesn't mean I didn't say it, just play a fart." Long Fei was helpless.

"I will!"

Long Fei: ...

The system has become refined, and even things like typing codes can be done by themselves.

This is basically impossible in Long Fei's cognition, and he has never heard that the system has this function.

"Yes, that's it. Conventional power is too slow. He must have the system in his body to make him stronger." The system said firmly.

Long Fei didn't refute it, but what he said was quite right.

If there was no system at the beginning, even if he did not encounter a crisis, his step-by-step cultivation would never have reached this level.

It is because of the existence of the system that it has its own existence. This is an undeniable thing. So now when the system says to create a system for Apocalypse, Long Fei also thinks it is feasible.

"However, I will write the code, and some things need to be done by you." The system voice suddenly appeared.

"What's the matter?" Long Fei asked.

"Rewards, all rewards need to be provided by you. Including the power of destruction, it also needs you to create."

The system suddenly said.

Long Fei was silent.

"You stay awake, I don't have the ability." Long Fei said.

"I know. So I decided to use your energy points to create the power of destruction." The system responded.

"System, are you sure you're not joking?"

"Player, please face up to the current situation. If Apocalypse can't complete the task, neither you nor I want to live."

"You can use my energy points if you want, but give me a chance to draw a lottery, and I want to go straight to one level." Long Fei began to bargain...

In the end, Long Fei and the system reached a consensus.

Long Fei contributed all the energy points that he had previously completed the World Mission of the Promise Temple, 10 billion energy points. At the same time, Long Fei needs to enter the void, continue to search for the power of destruction, and provide the upgrade source for Tianqi's system.

At the same time, some miscellaneous things in the space of Longfei's system were also smelted into destruction points, which were integrated into the created system by the system.

And the system rewards the system with a direct level-up Pill.

In this way, Long Fei colluded with the system. There is no way, in order not to crash, the system is also dying, and it is stuck with its own bugs.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed.

The creation of the system is also finally coming to an end.

"Long Fei, the system has basically been created. We should leave." The system said.

"Okay!" Long Fei also knew that it was useless to stay here. Although the apocalypse has changed a lot in recent years, it is still too weak. According to the known level, it is at most innate. Five years from scratch, cultivation to innate

The environment is already considered to be extremely talented. But this kind of entry was simply not enough for Long Fei.

You must know that this is a person who wants to destroy the catastrophe of the universe within a hundred years. How can this cultivation level be enough.

Growth has always been a matter of one person. If you follow the trend, you will only be reduced to waste.

Therefore, now that Long Fei said he was going to leave, Long Fei naturally agreed.

That's how he came here, and all the way he went crazy and killed himself.

Long Fei didn't plan to see Apocalypse either, it was useless, leaving without saying goodbye was the best choice, just find an opportunity to quietly wake him up to the system.

After a while, Long Fei's figure disappeared, quietly, without disturbing anyone, not even Tian Qi and Tian Xin had any perception. When they returned, Long Fei was nowhere to be seen.

At first they didn't take it seriously and didn't take it to heart. After all, Long Fei was extremely powerful, and they didn't believe that something would happen to Long Fei.

But over time, they also gradually realized that something was wrong.

Three months later, Tian Qi no longer practiced the exercises every day, and the whole person fell into confusion, looking at the sky every day in a daze.

Half a year later, the two brothers and sisters got together on the top of the mountain.

"He's gone." Tian Xin said.

Apocalypse nodded.

It's just that Tian Qi's face was a little disappointed. From beginning to end, he never learned anything from Long Fei. Although he was called a master, so far, Long Fei has never taught him anything.

Even with his current cultivation, it was only by virtue of his own tempering day and night that he activated the terrifying aura in the spear, which allowed him to break through.

It can be said that it has nothing to do with Long Fei.

"He's a liar, brother, I think we shouldn't lie. After a few years in this barren mountain, he left without saying a word." Tian Xin said.

"He's not a liar, he gave me a new life and taught me the strongest magic." Tian Qi said lightly.

Even though Long Fei didn't teach anything, that sentence once **** everything. God...will die too!