MTL - The Mighty Female Immortal-Chapter 3285 Enter the Stars

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Thank you very much Jie Jie (588), ☆ speechless? Classmates (100), Rangers GB classmates, Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate's reward!


Xu Ziyan has been walking in the direction of the southern continent. While walking, he hunted the Chaos Beast and the extraterrestrial demon. When he hunted enough chaotic beasts and extraterrestrial demon, he practiced it. Now she has cultivated three acupoints. The six small universes were restored to the peak of the Tianxian period, and further restored to the realm of Luo Tianshang.

It took another 30 years to walk in this way. At this time, she has already seen the mountain gate of the Star Field.

Xu Ziyan came to the mountain gate of the Xingyu Zong, and was stopped by a monk in the early days. The original monk pointed to a stone monument next to him, a look that he was unwilling to take care of.

Xu Ziyan looked at the stone tablet and understood why there was a monk who was honored here. It turns out that the monks who have been repaired above the human honour do not need any fees to enter the celestial sect, but the monks below the privilege of the person who want to enter the sect of the sacred field need to pay. It’s no wonder that the monk’s monk does not take care of Xu Ziyan. Now the monk that Xu Ziyan can show is only the peak of Tianxian. This kind of cultivation is an ant in the Shangyuan continent. The monk even thinks that this woman can live in front of her. Until now?

Moreover, the 100,000 yuan of Xianjing is not a permanent residence right. It is only the time of one day of residence. It is the time for some monks who are low and very poor to enter the Star Wars, and then they have to leave. If you want to live in the Stars, you must rent a house or a house in the Stars. That price is naturally higher.

Xu Ziyan did not think that there was anything wrong with the Stars. The monks who are now living in the Upper Yuan are too many. If the monks enter the Stars, the Stars will not be able to fit. In the future, too much is true. This is no strange. As for the monk monk who can enter for free, it is because of cultivation, this is a world respected by strength.

Xu Ziyan paid 100,000 yuan, and Xianjing got a jade card and entered the Star Field. The man who watched the monk looked at Xu Ziyan with a strange look. Didn't think of a small Tianxian monk still able to come up with 100,000 downsells?

After Xu Ziyan entered the Star Field, he first inquired about where the open-air market was, and then went straight to the open-air market. The purpose of her trip to the open-air market is to acquire the body of the Chaos Beast and the fineness of the Tianmo. Those monks who got the body of the Chaos Beast and the genius of the extraterrestrial demon in addition to the sacred mission hall in exchange for cultivation resources, can only be sold in the open-air market, they can not directly refine.

Xu Ziyan is very clear that a monk who does not combine eleven kinds of attributes can't directly absorb the chaos of chaos and the exquisiteness of the extraterrestrial demon. They can only take the essence of the chaotic beast and the extraterrestrial demon into an elixir.

Don't think about it. The cost of the Xingshuo refining system must be very high, so there must be a large number of monks who will sell the Chaos beast and the extraterrestrial demon in the open-air market. After all, in addition to the Xingyu Zong can refine the elixir, there is now Other sects who enter the sect of the sect, or the alchemists in the family or in the meditation, will charge a lower fee than the sect of the sect. Of course, the quality of their refining may not be high. A good alchemy teacher may have been recruited by the Stars.

Xu Ziyan soon came to the open market. She is not lacking in immortality, she is missing, and into the time matrix of the body space, she will refine it in a while. So when she saw the large number of chaotic beasts in the open-air market and the fineness of the extraterrestrial demon, the eyes were shining.

She has been hunting for 30 years. If she can acquire a large number of Chaos beasts and the essence of the demon outside the world, her current cultivation will definitely not be the peak of the Tianxian period. Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately began to sweep the goods, sweeping from the beginning to the end.

Xu Ziyan’s move immediately caused a sensation in the city, and the sensation spread at the speed of the Stars. Xu Ziyan is very clear about this result. But she doesn't care. Also don't care. So when she swept the goods, she went straight to the mission hall. Before he reached the mission hall, he was stopped by a monk who was honored by the land.

"This Taoist friend is under the elders of the celestial field."

"Ling Bo!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Is the Taoist friend a fairy teacher?"


Cheng Kui’s eyes are bright: “What kind of realm is the Taoist teacher?”

Xu Ziyan glanced at him faintly: "I know what you mean. But I didn't mean to join the Stars, and I am going to retreat. I will leave."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan staggered a step and crossed Cheng Kui toward the main hall of the mission. Cheng Kui looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, his eyes were slightly stunned. For any one of the sects, the alchemy teacher was crucial. Therefore, the Xingyu Zongzhao took advantage of the opportunity of a large number of monks to go to the Star Fields to recruit alchemists. However, he still has some doubts about Xu Ziyan. After all, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation is only the peak of the Tianxian period. What kind of high-grade alchemy teacher will this repair be? I just heard the feat of Xu Ziyan sweeping the goods in the square market. Come and ask, once Xu Ziyan is an alchemy wizard?

So he came, but did not think that a small monk's attitude to his attitude is not polite.

How could this be?

Even if you are a high-grade alchemy teacher, you are also a small fairy monk. In this doomsday world, is this going to die?

Is there any respect for the high-ranking monks?


Cheng Kui snorted and extended a big hand and grabbed it toward Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan turned and punched into Cheng Kui, and Cheng Kui’s body flew out. This is still Xu Zi’s mercy, but also because Cheng Kui did not want to hurt her, but just wanted to seize her.

Cheng Kui’s figure rolled in the air, and when he stopped, he only felt a burst of chest, and his eyes were shocked. At this time, he definitely no longer believes that Xu Ziyan is a fairy monk.

Silently watching Xu Ziyan's body shape disappeared into the door of the mission hall, Cheng Kui flew toward the outer door of the old temple.

Xu Ziyan entered the task hall and looked at the logo and went to the counter of the rented Dongfu. A monk saw Xu Ziyan coming over and hurriedly stood up. He was able to rent Dongfu, who was a rich monk. It is the most common Dongfu is not cheap, renting out a Dongfu, but he has a lot of money. Although Xu Ziyan is only a fairy, he still maintains great enthusiasm.

"This Taoist friend, but want to rent a cave house?"

"Well, I want to rent an ordinary Dongfu."

Xu Ziyan only wants to rent a very ordinary Dongfu. She has the body of a chaotic beast and the essence of the demon outside the field. Naturally, there is no need for a cultivation environment, but a safe cultivation environment is needed.

"Please wait!"

The monk immediately took out a picture and unfolded it in front of Xu Ziyan, then pointed to a part of the picture:

“These caves that mark the green dot are the most common.”

Xu Ziyan stretched out his fingers and pulled the scrolls. One by one, the temple was enlarged in front of her. I randomly selected an ordinary Dongfu, paid a ten-year rental fee, and then said to the monk:

"Daoyou, I rent this Dongfu is to want to retreat. Maybe the time for retreat will be longer. If it is more than ten years, don't touch my Dongfu. After I close the retreat, I will come to make up the fairy crystal. ""

The monk nodded and said: "This has happened, but the replacement of Xianjing needs to double."

Xu Ziyan pondered: "If I have to pay more Xianjing, but I left the Stars in advance, can I return to Xianjing?"

"No!" The monk kept a smile.

"That's it. If I come out later and make up, maybe I will come out to renew the rent."

Xu Ziyan quickly completed the formalities and took over a jade card: "Daoyou, can you get the news of the recent events in the fairy world?"

"Please go to the C-counter."

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan put away the jade card and came to the counter of the C word: "Daoyou, I want to know what happened recently."

“How many years have you been?” the monk asked.

"Thirty years!"

"Okay, wait a moment!"

After a while, the monk handed Xu Ziyan a jade and said: "One hundred pieces of the best fairy crystal."

Xu Ziyan nodded, took out a hundred pieces of the best fairy crystals on the counter, and then put away the jade slip away.

At this time, in the elders of the outer gates of the Xingyu, Cheng Kui is telling the elders of the outer gate what happened just now. The elders meditated:

"Send someone to stare at her, but don't alarm her. Everything waits until she understands her details."

Within the cave house.

Xu Ziyan first re-arranged a fairy tales. With this fairy tales, no one of the entire celestial monks can break in.

Xu Ziyan sat down, first took out the jade slip, the gods passed in, and his face changed. The biggest thing that happened in the last three decades is that Dan Zong was destroyed...

Xu Ziyan took out the jade briefing and found that there was no news of too imaginary. This was because the destruction of Danzong was expected, and the other was because the monk of Taixu must think that Xu Ziyan was retreating at Ziyan Peak. Did not bother her. After thinking about it, she did not communicate with Taixu, and she summoned the jade and the jade.

It is conceivable that today's Danzong must have some monks entering the Taixu sect through the transmission array, and some monks should enter the secrets of Danzong, and the remaining monks will ask for more blessings.

Moreover, there is also a news in the Jade Simplified. According to the Immortal Alliance, the number of monks in the Upper Yuan Dynasty is probably less than 40 billion.

This is the number of monks in the Upper Yuan Continent, the Starlight Continent, the Tiantian Continent and the four continents lost.

Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh, even if the catastrophe ended in the future, the four continents were also badly hurt. What's more, this catastrophe still doesn't know when it will end.


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*(To be continued~^~)