MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1434 Downhill

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The red baby drove up the light, rose instantly, and disappeared between heaven and earth in a blink of an eye.

"Master, you said that you dreamed? Is there a beauty in the dream?" On the way, Fang Zheng was bored and told the situation in the dream to the red child.

The red baby stared at Fang Zheng with a blank expression.

Founder spread his hand and said, "That's true."

The red baby clicked and said, "Do you see what the beauty looks like?"

Founder thought for a while and shook his head: "No ... it was very vague. It seemed to be clear at the time, but I forgot it afterwards."

The red baby touched his chin and said, "Well?"

Founder Road: "It looks like red clothes, but specifically, I don't remember."

The red baby nodded, and finally the meaningful counterpart was right: "Master ... I know what's going on!"

Founder asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

The red child said with a straight face: "You are thinking spring!"


When Fang Zheng raised his hand, he slaps and yells, "I miss your sister!"

The red baby laughed and laughed, "My sister is ugly, with horns. If the master catches her eye, can I recommend it for you?"

Founder is slap again ...

The red baby didn't know whether it was intentional or what, anyway, the slap fell, and the two crookedly fell from the air.

Founder didn't have a fixed place to go. Since it has fallen, he pointed directly at the edge of the city below: "Forget it, the next down, so go on!"

The red baby naturally didn't matter. Nodded his head and dropped the cloud head. The two people felt a little strange. Why is the village downcast so deadly?

"Master, the village below is next to the city. It stands to reason that there should be anger. Why is it so lifeless? It's like ... just like a ghost village?" Said Red Baby curiously.

Founder looked at it, and found it strange that the village was in a good location, and there was a big city on the side. It stands to reason that, relying on big cities, it can't be any worse ...

Moreover, Founder saw that there was also a large farmer's wholesale market next to the village. The market was very popular, and many people were busy back and forth ... The village relied on this large market, not to mention anything else, not to work alone It would be so cold.

The more he looked, the more Fang Zheng felt that there was something wrong with the village.

After the cloud head fell, the two masters and apprentices each changed their appearance, or the monk carried a little monk, but his appearance was completely different from the past. Founder originally looked at the future and spent several years of his life. Now simply, it has become a wrinkled old monk directly!

If someone in the village of Fingers is here, they will exclaim, "Isn't this a finger Master?"

The old monk kept a goatee, his face was gentle and kind, and a shabby monk's clothes set the old monk's extraordinarily plain.

The little monk on the side, also wearing a tattered monk's clothes, walked in a regular manner, just a pair of big eyes, a thief, looking around, full of curiosity.

Two monks, one old, one young, walked into the village and really caught the attention of many people. However, the people in the village only occasionally raised their heads and glanced at the Founder with the kind of muddy, dull and desperate eyes After the red baby, she lowered her head and continued to be silent.

This is almost the case for the entire village, for all people.

In the village, there are almost no young people, only the elderly, and a group of dull middle-aged people ...

What founder couldn't imagine was that there were several lunatics in the village, three mad women, two mad men, women running around, shouting, and men standing at the door drooling ...

The whole village is filled with a weird silence ...

"This ..." Hong Baer was aggressive, looking up at Fang Zheng.

Founder shook his head, saying that he did not understand what was going on in the village.

At this moment, the red baby pulled the Founder and motioned for the Founder to look over there. The Founder heard what he had seen, and saw a 14-year-old girl sitting at the door. The girl was wearing a simple ponytail, she was dressed plainly, her skin was dark, and her appearance was not very clear, but one thing was very attractive to the founder, that is, she was crying! The point is that although she was crying, she was not crazy, and the spirit of the whole person was normal.

This is also the only person who found a normal response when Founder entered the village.

Fang Zheng took the red baby to the past and folded his hands together, "Amitabha, the donor, do you need help?"

The girl suddenly heard the voice of a kind old man, startled, suddenly looked up, panicked in her eyes, and found that she was a kind-faced and kind old monk, and she did n’t seem to be a native of the village. "No, thank you ..."

The girl's voice was low, but a little husky.

Founder also saw the girl's look clearly. The girl's eyes were not large, her nose was high, and her skin was dark with an unhealthy yellow color. Generally speaking, this was not a pretty girl, but it was not ugly. On the contrary, the sadness in the eyes makes people feel sympathy naturally.

Fang Zheng sat next to the girl with a cheeky face, and said, "The donor, can the poor monk ask why you are crying?"

The girl heard the words, and was silent ... lowered her head and kept silent, but there were more tears.

Fang Zheng looked at the red child, and the red child immediately went up and said, "Sister, don't cry, what can you do to tell us, we will help you. My master is terrific ... I can be terrific too. "

The girl listened to the red baby's innocent voice and what she said, plus the lovely appearance of the pink carved jade. She was immediately amused, shook her head, and rubbed the red baby's small head and said, "Sister thing You can't help. In fact, no one can help us ... "

The red baby was stunned, and Founder kicked him secretly and let him work harder.

The red baby asked, "Why? Sister, tell me, I promise not to tell anyone."

The girl looked at the Founder, and then looked at the red baby. It didn't look like a bad person. The red baby is very affectionate, and the old monk's kind-hearted smile makes it very pragmatic ...

Maybe it's been too long since I talked to someone, or she didn't talk to anyone at all. Now suddenly there is a talk partner, and the girl also has the desire to talk ...

After thinking about it for a while, the girl sighed and said, "Wait a minute, I'll get you a bowl of water to drink. It's a long story to talk about ... but this nightmare is too long ..."

Speaking of which, the girl's tears fell down again, but she was still strong and entered the yard, and after a while she hit two bowls of water.

Founder took over the red baby and thanked him with folded hands.

PS: The design of the new story is relatively slow, and the update will be delayed, but there will be updates every day, no less.