MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1493 Flicker, scaring a dragon

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When I saw a broken car, I was scared for a while ... My heart said: I thought I was amazing enough. These guys are more abnormal than others!

Salted fish said: "If my brother starts the fire, he will eat you little by little, one screw at a time! No paint at all!"

"I was wrong ..." The broken car had already seen the reality clearly at this moment. Before he could not run on the road without having enough food, he had better advise.

But he also has a small abacus. As long as he is fed, he must run!

Far from these perverts!

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Just then, a Buddhist horn sounded.

Founder smiled and walked over and said, "Clean, don't you be so fierce."

The salted fish squeaked and said, "Master, I'm gentle enough. It depends on my temper. He is now a pile of scrap iron."

The broken car was so scared that he hurried to the side. He felt that among the three things, this bald guy was the most kind and best deceived. He went to his refuge first, ate and drank, and ran immediately.

So the broken car leaned on the side of Fang Zheng and said, "That ... you disciple, it's scary."

Founder: "Do not be afraid of the donor, just watch the video and relax."

"Watch the video?" Broken car said excitedly: "Can you watch a movie?"

Founder Road: "Of course, you see ..."

After speaking, Founder took out his mobile phone and clicked on the play. The black background and white characters appeared-the process of disposing of the abandoned car ...

I did n’t want to see the broken car at first, but when I saw one by one, all kinds of parts were dismantled violently, and then stuffed into a large pit. A large machine pressed down and the small block came out. His alarm sounded throughout the car.

"You ... what do you show me?" I tell you, I'm not scrapping the car! "Shattered the car.

Founder Road: "You better turn off the alarm. This is an abandoned car treatment plant. If you draw people in, you will be at your own risk."

The broken car immediately turned off the alarm, and the smoke was reduced a lot ...

Founder: "Come, watch the second video."

Glancing at the broken car, I saw that it read-Unknown creatures, aliens unraveled.

Fang Zheng sat on the side and said, "Human beings are now the masters of the world, but they still don't understand many things. What can I do if they don't understand? Research ... How do you study?"

The salted fish immediately said: "Sliced ​​cricket."

The lone wolf followed, "Is there no one to resist?"

Salty fish laughed: "The rebels are all extinct ... but a car has wisdom, should it meet the unknown creature?"

When I heard about the broken car, the alarm almost sounded again, and I was angry: "You don't know any creatures! A fish can talk, it's so strong, and it's not good!"

The salted fish laughed and laughed: "I am an unknown creature, but I am a monk at Yizhi Temple, and I still have some privileges in this world. No one dares to mess with me! You are different, you are just a broken car, catch it Break it down into parts and study slowly, what can you do? Just you, a broken iron shell, still want to resist? "

Upon hearing the broken car, the lights suddenly turned on, and asked, "When the monks at Yizhi Temple are not afraid of being deplaned?"

The lone wolf said: "Who dares? The monks of Yizhi Temple, do it!"

"Really? Then I'll join Yizhi Temple, okay? Where can I go? Do I need to do an annual inspection?" Asked the broken car excitedly.

The lone wolf and the salted fish looked at Fangzheng at the same time, breaking the car, looking at the bald monk in front of them, exclaiming: "Isn't it looking for you?"

"Amitabha, abbot monk refers to the temple abbot, Founder!" Founder Tao.

Broken car laughed and said: "How do I think you are lying to me? Do you really think I am so deceived? Although I was only smart, my former owner was a news fan, holding me every day to listen to the radio, I know a lot! I'm smart! "

Founder: "Then you should have heard of the Internet?"

Broken lane: "Have you heard that?"

Founder took the phone and searched for Founder ... Yizhi Temple ...

Results full screen news ...

Someone even made a special MV for Founder and Yizhi Temple ...

After watching the broken car, he asked, "Why do they do MV to sacrifice you? Did you die? Did I also die? We are all dead? You still fling me when I die?"

When Fang Zheng raised his hand, he slapped the front of the car, the car's buttocks were tilted, and he almost overturned.

Only then did I know that the monk was very violent! Thief fierce!

Broken car is silent ...

Founder Road: "Nonsense, the poor monk is still alive, and you are alive. As for why someone thinks I am dead, that needs to be said from the beginning, it is a long story. Donor, although you are a poor monk who opened the magic charm Smart, but now you are also a car with a complete soul and self. The poor monk does not force you, whether you want to follow the poor monk, everything is with you. If you want, follow the poor monk, if not, the poor monk also Just leave. "

"Farewell? You don't force me to follow you?" Broke asked in surprise.

Founder laughed: "Everyone has their own choices. Why should poor monks force you? Donors are just fine."

"Ah ... roar! Then bye bye!" The broken car turned and banged ...


The broken car went out ...

"Aren't you going away?" Salted Fish asked with a smile.

"It's out of oil ... there was some oil left in the pipeline before, but it's all gone now. I can't run anymore ..." The car broke out bitterly.

Founder: "The donor, the poor monk without oil can do nothing. But the poor monk can help you call someone, maybe they will help you."

"Thank you ..." Broken Lane.

"Broken car, they may help you, or they may take you to slice." The salted fish grinned.

The heart of the broken car suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley ... think of the two videos I just watched, watching a few people who left the Founder, apprentices, and yelled: "Wait!"

The Founder turned back and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Broken lane: "Well ... can I join Yizhi Temple? What do I need to join Yizhi Temple? I may not pass the annual inspection now."

Fang Zheng waited for someone to hear it, and immediately he was happy.

Founder Road: "Yizhi Temple does not require annual inspection. You now join Yizhi Temple and can only be used as a mount. As for officially joining Yizhi Temple, it depends on your future performance. How about it? Want to join?"

Broken car smiled bitterly: "Do I have any other choice now? I didn't want to drive before I was smart, so I was pulled to slice. But I have a request!"

"What requirements?" Fang Zheng asked curiously.

Broken lane: "I want to go to my original owner, rest assured, I just went to see him, nothing else."

Founder nodded and said, "Yes, do you know where he is?"

Broken lane: "It's a bit of an impression. If I take the road and get to a familiar section, I will definitely remember it and find him."