MTL - The Moon In My Arms-Chapter 214 single forever

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   Chapter 214 Single for a lifetime

   Even Qi Yue, the party who was planning to hurry up, felt that the progress was a little too fast...

   What made her even more puzzling was that her confession, pursuit, and communication process was a little too smooth?

   She wondered if Gu Huai was blinded by lard...

   Recalling that when she confessed to Chu Mufan, she spent several nights writing drafts, revising and revising, and scrapping so many versions. The energy was no less than writing an essay for the college entrance examination.

   But when she got to Gu Huai's place, her only one-time confession experience was completely useless. She never guessed Gu Huai's reaction once...

   Worse yet, at this moment, her self-control was like ice cream in the sun, quickly disintegrating, and being hooked by the indulgent tenderness and indulgence in Gu Huai's eyes, she sank a little...

   Just when Qi Yue almost couldn't help "speeding", there was a loud noise behind the door of the rooftop, followed by four people rolling out from behind the door like a snowball...

   Qiyue: "…"

  Gu Huai: "…"

   Qi Yue was startled, and after seeing who was rolling in, she was surprised and speechless, ""

Jiang Lang was the first to pat his **** and stood up, pretending that nothing happened, "Oh, what a coincidence! Why are you two on the rooftop! You...don't get me wrong! We're not following you...we It's here to honor the bet!"

   Song Qiuqiu twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly for Jiang Lang's behavior of not having three hundred taels of silver here, and could only say in agreement, "Yes, that's what he says! We are here to honor the bet..."

  Ling Feng looked at Gu Huai, clutching his chest, screaming and howling: "The cold leaves are scattered all over my face, my son's rebellion broke my heart..."

   Afterwards, the four of them rushed to the railing of the rooftop together in a very tacit understanding.

  Jiang Lang: "I—is—stupid—fuck—"

  Ling Feng: "I—is—stupid—fuck—"

  Song Qiuqiu: "I—is—stupid—stupid—"

  Su Xiaotang: "I—is—stupid—fuck—"


   Qi Yue looked at the four people shouting on the railing, her face was speechless.

  So...why do you have to bet like this...

   Now the group is gone...

After the Single Dog Alliance was destroyed, Jiang Lang looked at Song Qiuqiu with a heartbroken expression: "Song Wuhuan! How did you become the captain of the melon-eating squad? You can let such a big melon happen right under your nose, but you have nothing. know!"

Song Qiuqiu didn't want to be outdone: "Then what about you, how can you be better! Didn't you say that we Yuebao's gimmicks can catch up with the high-IQ Gu Huai, then you will be single for the rest of your life? Go single! You single dog!"

  Su Xiaotang sympathetically looked at Ling Feng who was on the side after hearing the words: "Yes, Ling Feng also made a bet with Jiang Lang at that time..."

Ling Feng looked at Gu Huai, then at Jiang Lang, with tears streaming down his face: "I'm provoking whoever, and I'm going to be united by the two of you... I'm really lucky to meet you two for three lifetimes! If I'm really single For the rest of your life, it will be the pot of both of you!"

  Jiang Lang recalled what he had said with his own words, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "Song Wuhuan! What good will it be for you if I stay single all my life?"

   At this time, Jiang Lang inexplicably remembered Gu Huai's reaction when he said this...

   Gu Huai's original words were "Then I'm afraid you will be single for the rest of your life"...

   At that time, he thought that Gu Huai was just joking on purpose, but now that he thinks about it... why does he think something is wrong? ? ?

   Sorry, the babies have been waiting for a long time, the moon is in the final stage, the excessive plot is a bit stuck~

   If it goes well, these two months will be over~ Thank you for your patience!



   (end of this chapter)