MTL - The Moon In My Arms-Chapter 246 you are too good

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  Chapter 246 You are too bad

  After arriving at the senior hall, the staff arranged for Qi Yue to be a training partner.

  Because many people who come here feel good about themselves, but their actual level is half-baked. Out of a rigorous attitude, the coach first explained the rules and precautions to Qi Yue.

  Qi Yue listened patiently, and then went to change into fencing clothes.



   Soon, many people surrounded Qi Yue and the coach where they were exchanging kendo.

One of the girls wearing a Chanel dress said, "It's amazing! I didn't know you had such a good coach before, and even defeated Coach Chen. Is this your new coach? Can I let him Be my coach!"

  The man in overalls next to him smiled and said, "Miss Xue, stop joking, your boyfriend is so good, you still need a coach to teach him!"

   Probably because he was a little upset when his girlfriend praised other men, the girl's boyfriend raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is it so powerful?"

   After speaking, he walked towards Qi Yue, raised his voice and said, "Brother, come for a game?"

   At this moment, the round was over, Qi Yue took off her hood, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice.

  The next second, Qi Yue's eyes froze for a moment, and then his face was a little speechless.

  Chu Mufan...?

  Why is it him again...

  The moment Qi Yue took off the hood, Chu Mufan's pupils constricted obviously for a moment.

  Golden sunlight fell on the girl from the retro European-style window lattice behind the girl, jumping on the tip of the girl's hair, the girl took off the black hood, revealing her cheeks slightly stained with sweat, her jet-black ponytail swaying...

  In an instant, Chu Mufan thought he was back in the school fencing gym when he was eighteen...

   "Qi Yue..."

  Because Qi Yue was wearing a hood just now, and her attack was extremely fierce. That strong style didn't look like a girl at all, so they didn't expect that the person under the helmet would be a woman...

   Coincidentally, this person is still Qi Yue...

"Miss Qi!" Xue Mengqian was also full of surprise, and after seeing Chu Mufan's dazed expression from the corner of the eye, her face was a little ugly, she shook Chu Mufan's arm and said, "Mu Fan, I met Miss Qi unexpectedly!" ,coincidence!"

  Chu Mufan finally came back to his senses, and murmured, "Qi Yue...such a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you"

   Before he finished speaking, Chu Mufan saw Gu Huai walking over with mineral water.

  Chu Mufan frowned slightly when he saw Gu Huai, "Mr. Gu, you are also... It's a pleasure to meet you again."

  Gu Huai slightly nodded, and handed the water in his hand to Qi Yue, with no expression on his face.

  In contrast, Qi Yue's upset expression about being interrupted on a date is somewhat obvious.

   It’s okay to meet them when you come here for the first time, but why did you meet them again this time when you came here for the second time?

Chu Mufan didn't care about Qi Yue's displeasure at all, and walked over to say hello, "Qi Yue, it's a pity that I couldn't compete with you last time. Today is such a coincidence, why don't we play a few rounds? With the coaches here Level, you will definitely not have fun!"

  Qi Yue took off the metal armor on her body and said, "No."

  Qi Yue secretly slandered in her heart while talking, do you think you can have fun with you?

  Chu Mufan was rejected again, with a helpless expression: "Qi Yue, after all, we are old classmates. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Why don't you give me some face? It's too heartless!"

  Qi Yue raised her eyes and glanced at him, and said concisely: "You are too good."

  Chu Mufan: "..."

  (end of this chapter)