MTL - The More They Object, the More It Means I Did the Right Thing-Chapter 35 Patsy Priest: These three are all heavyweights!

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Chapter 35 Patsy Priest: These three are all heavyweights!

As a priest of the Curia of Order, Parsi has been the examiner for several years.

 This is his pride.

 The Priests of Order have a unique characteristic. Their Scales of Order can judge human behavior.

 Determine whether it disturbs order and damages fairness.

 Can detect whether candidates are cheating.

 So it is very suitable to be an examiner.

His eyes are as sharp as a hawk, and any student who tries to disrupt the order of the examination room will not be able to escape; so half an hour into the examination, the order of the examination room is clear, and there is only the sound of writing and writing.

 Second, it did not affect the order of the examination room—he said it softly after leaving the examination room.

 Damn it, this guy is from the border city too!

 ‘Is it all the original title? Why haven't I encountered any of them? ’

Patsy turned around and looked,

“Are you sure you want to hand it in? I’ll take it away.”

 Arthur Sonny is also from the border city.

 No more fun to play.

 The exam has only started for half an hour, do you have to hand in the paper so soon?

 They suddenly felt like they were sweating profusely.

  Could it be that this question is actually very simple, but I am the only one who has such a headache when doing it?

“Your Majesty Patsy, I would like to submit my application.”

Aren't you afraid that you will take away his empty paper?

Who would have thought that when he picked up the test paper and looked at it, he found that the boxes on it were filled with answers, and they were all correct.

 Born from these three borders!

Liszt was more confident and handed in the paper confidently and elegantly.

This time Ansu really finished it.

—Is this guy the Chosen God of Chaos?

 Liszt. Mu En.

 Because the balance of order determines that his behavior is legal and compliant, everything is subject to the balance of order.

  “.I really took it away?”

The key is that Liszt looks really elegant, quite confident, very convincing and contagious.

Paxi squinted his eyes and looked at the candidate. This guy seemed to be from the border city.

 Memory is the most crucial talent for liberal arts subjects.

 Ansu Morningstad, his name is written on the examination paper.

 Chaos began to spread further, and many candidates began to doubt their lives.

 The third person handed in his paper in advance!

 The candidates in the entire examination room were completely in a state of shock.

 Even if it is written randomly, it will still be correct.

Arthur showed a confident smile like sunshine, and he smiled and said, "I have completed the path I should take. I have no regrets in this life."

How is it possible that there is an original title?


 All candidates are paying full attention.

 “Hand in the paper.”

Patsy was really angry now, and he walked off the stage angrily.

Even the last question about the Druid sect has been re-adapted. There is no original question on the market, let alone the exact same one!

This guy-

He couldn't do the questions at all, he just wrote them all in random order.

 But he is very confident because he believes that the goddess will take care of him.

 I have completed the path I should take—he has filled in all the multiple-choice questions.

"The paper cannot be submitted until one hour after the exam starts." Priest Patsy explained patiently, "After you finish, check it carefully."

 The hanging heart finally died.

 Three people in a row submitted their papers in advance, and the mentality of all the candidates was completely shattered.

That was a very elegant and handsome man, full of the feeling of a top student. He gently pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses with his left hand and slowly raised his right hand.

 No one among the candidates around him would doubt him.

To Patsy's surprise, Arthur nodded confidently, "Yes, you can take it."

"Ahem." Patsy coughed and decided to say something to maintain order. "Continue with the exam. This classmate, you haven't even finished yet."

 The title is full and there is no room for revision.

As soon as these words were spoken, the pen tips of the candidates in the surrounding circle suddenly trembled.

 Because Ansu handed in the paper.

 The purpose is to put pressure on other candidates!

Moreover, his actions were all legal. He neither cheated nor violated the rules. This behavior can be judged through the Eye of Order.

Priest Parsi looked back and saw that his title was "Glorious Young Lion"

 But this time, Patsy will not spoil him.

Percy looked at Arthur with an expression that looked at a monster. What a vicious scheming this is, what kind of evil chaotic thoughts it is, and what kind of consciousness it is!

 The key is that he looks really confident and quite confident.

 Now that Ansu had handed in the paper, it was even more impossible to wait, so he followed suit.

 First, the answer is not conveyed. There is no answer information in this sentence.

—So Arthur knew with certainty that he was doomed.

“Mr. Passi, can I hand in the paper?” Ansu asked.

 There is no need to stay in the examination room.

 Since the beginning of the exam, he has been waiting for Ansu to send him the answers!

 As a result, I waited and waited, but still couldn't wait - it seems that the money given yesterday was not enough.

Noted this scene, especially the expression on Priest Patsy's face, and the heartbeats of the candidates around him suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

 In fact, Ansu was very sorry. He had been observing for a long time: no one in the entire examination room cheated.

 Someone has handed in another paper!

Priest Pasi asked tentatively. After being an examiner for so many years, he had never seen such numbers before, "Did I really take it?"

 Presumably this student will not dare to be arrogant anymore.

 These hateful chaotic elements.

The clock ticked by, and when the clock struck the hour, another half hour passed. Just as the time was up, not more than a minute and not less than a second, the boy Ansu raised his hand again.

You perfectly avoided the correct answer. Priest Patsy looked at the paper with a dead look on his face.

Paxi’s words acted as a tranquilizer, and the candidates in the third examination room gradually calmed down.

 He clearly hasn't finished it yet.

You can even hear the faint voice of him talking to himself. The voice is deliberately lowered, but not too low, just enough to be heard if you listen carefully.

It is not illegal to answer questions backwards, and it is not illegal to ask if you can hand in the paper.

Paxi looked around and found that several candidates had restless expressions, and even glanced at Ansu from time to time.

 The examination room suddenly fell silent.

Thanks to the baptism of the Mother Goddess of Life, his memory is surprisingly good. After more than a month of cramming and crazy learning, he has mastered the knowledge to a minimum.

         #ranked second, [Goddess’s Moonlight]—

 “You go,” Patsy said silently.

Priest Percy could only admit that he was unlucky. He picked up Arthur's paper, only to find that there was a patch of white on it.

Furthermore, he only caused a small amount of commotion. Most candidates would not believe that the original questions of the Holy See test would be leaked. But before he could let go of his suspense, someone else raised their hand.

The corners of Pastor Patsy’s mouth twitched fiercely. All the questions on this test paper were originally written.

Patsy was threatening. The implication was very simple. Stop playing your tricks and do the questions with peace of mind.

 Are all the border cities academic masters?

Then why did he ask if he could hand in the paper?

 “I won’t regret it, just hand it in.”

Patsy observed the expressions of the candidates around him and felt that his head was getting bigger.

 Obviously, many candidates heard Ansu’s words, and they were thinking at this moment,

 ‘Damn it, what a big loss! ’

Does this glorious young lion also want to be like the one who was born, deliberately pretending to be finished and handing in the paper, and then causing panic among other candidates?

 Where did the livestock come from?

The corner of Percy's mouth twitched. He didn't believe that Arthur didn't know anything and was a quasi-saint. How could there be such a stupid guy.

 What kind of number is this?

 I haven’t done many questions yet!

Even my thinking is a little unclear.

 This is playing with fire and burning yourself!

However, he couldn't disqualify Ansu just because of what he said to himself.

 He doesn't need to be wary of this guy anymore.

 Asking whether the paper can be submitted is a normal right of candidates.

 When the clock clicked to the hour, someone raised their hand.

In full view of everyone, Ansu handed in the paper neatly, got down from his seat neatly, was the first to walk out of the examination room, and walked away.

Priest Pasi breathed out slowly. Fortunately, this guy was gone.

 “From now on, the crown of justice is reserved for me.”

 Because it was really time to collect the papers. One hour had already come and he could collect the blank test paper directly.

 Sweating profusely.

 Is it true that the original questions of this exam were leaked?

 Ansu did this on purpose!

 Deliberately acting like you have finished something.

 ‘Isn’t it true that everyone has done it except me? '

As a priest of order, Patsy can feel the commotion spreading in the hearts of the candidates.

 The crown of justice has been reserved for me—after the exam, I will ask the profiteer Ansu to refund the money!

I can only say that it is not without reason that this guy was ranked first in the # Saints Most Wanted to Date Ranking list. His smile is really very sunny, confident and holy, and quite deceptive.

 There are many students who don’t know the exam rules. They encounter them every year. This is normal.

I have no regrets in this life - I will probably be beaten to death by my father when I get home.

 His, the original question was indeed leaked, and I was the only one who failed to review it. Otherwise, how could three people submit the paper in advance at the same time? How could there be so many geniuses!

 —They all came up with this idea invariably.

This guy would rather deliberately hand in a blank paper in advance to mess up the mentality of other candidates!

 Are these evil and chaotic monsters coming out of border cities?

 Looks very classy.

 It is done deliberately backwards, from the back to the front.

The only thing he was curious about was why this young man from a border city could solve the questions so fast. The previous number one scholar, Saint Luojia, was not so exaggerated.

 Even finished the last question.

 Wait a minute, this guy seems to have only done the last one!

Patsy's eyes instantly became awe-inspiring, and he hadn't even started doing what he was doing in front of him!

 It’s all about order, but it brings chaos.

When Priest Patsy looked at the candidates’ information on his paper, he felt like he was going to have a cerebral hemorrhage.

So free and easy, so arrogant, so uninhibited and arrogant,

 After seeing Arthur’s confident smile, how could the candidates around him believe that he didn’t write anything?

It must be that the Parsi priest was afraid that they would be under great pressure, so he deliberately said these words to comfort himself.

  Is the title "Newborn"?

Patsy walked up to the guy and leaned down.

 This passed the judgment of the balance of order.

“Classmate, you haven’t finished writing yet.” Patsy decided to say something to calm the students around him, “Don’t regret it.”

Since you want to disrupt order, I will collect your blank paper.

 A very outrageous conjecture appeared in Patsy's mind. Could it be that this kid knew the exam rules and knew that it would take an hour to hand in the paper. Because the time was not up, he was sure that he could not take away his paper.

 They also discovered that Ansu had finished all the last questions, and the last big question was even fully written.

The reason why Arthur submitted the paper is actually very simple.

However, there is still a grudge in their hearts, and a faint uneasiness is always buried in their hearts.

 Second place, the paper will be handed in within an hour.

 “They are all the same original questions that have been done before. They are exactly the same. They are too simple.”

A very sunny and handsome man, with long golden hair, dressed like a noble man, and his confident smile is like the warm sunshine of early spring.

 At this time, someone raised their hand again.

  ‘No wonder it was done so quickly. Did you all read the original question? ’

It must be intentional.

 At this moment, Priest Pasi has only one thought in his mind:

 The poor mountains and harsh waters bring out unruly people!

This one is still three thousand words long.

Please give me a monthly pass.



 (End of this chapter)