MTL - The More They Object, the More It Means I Did the Right Thing-Chapter 36 Arthur: That's for sure

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Chapter 36 Arthur: It’s safe

 Ansu was the first to leave the examination room.

It was still early morning outside, and the warm winter sun shone on the dome of the Church of Order. The leaves outside the court cast a shallow green shadow.

 There was no one in the cloister.

 It seems that I am the first candidate to come out.

But Ansu walked out of the corridor, went down to the third floor, and passed the cordon. He was surrounded by people with long guns and short cannons, and there were people from three floors inside and three floors outside.

Most of them hold notepads, pencils in their ears, white hats, and briefcases hanging on their shoulders;

All kinds of colorful clothes were printed with various words "newspaper office". When the first candidate came out, they all showed expressions like sharks seeing blood.

 Sex change!

What kind of monster is this bunch of things put together!

Is the exam scope of the Glorious Holy See so weird now?

Then there is only one choice,

 He is very witty, and his brain is thinking quickly.

His smart brain has already found the answer!


 After all, there is an exam tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Ansu thought for a while and added, "Because the question is too simple, I can't remember it clearly - the only person who can't do it is a fool."

Ansu left the name of the fellow villager and pushed away the crowd and walked out.

“It’s convenient. Is it convenient to leave a name?” the Morning News reporter became more and more excited. He knew that he was getting big news. “We can register on the headlines.”

“I have forgotten the details of the specific topic.” Ansu scratched his head in distress, “Maybe it wasn’t very clear.”

Visibly to the naked eye, the education experts took a breath of cold air.

 Hand in the paper one hour in advance?

 Mother and son, non-human, hybrid!

 Body transformation!


 Ansu was the first candidate to come out, so of course they were very excited.

The Capital Morning News reporter also had cold sweat on his forehead. He coughed and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Ansu looked at the questioner, who had the words "Capital Morning News" printed on his shirt.

 The reporter wiped the sweat from his forehead, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He already had a hunch that big news was in front of him.

 What should we do if their prediction fails?

 It doesn’t matter, I’ve already swindled those fools’ money anyway.

Ansu still has the title "Newborn" on his head, but it doesn't matter. He first arrived in the imperial capital. Who knew that the person who was born was Ansu Morningstar?

 The imperial capital is so big and there are so many candidates.

 You can stay, but it’s not necessary.

 After all, these are the only two candidates Arthur knows.

Ansu observed the expressions of these news students and found them quite interesting.

“It is the [non-human] type of examination.”

 “Excuse me, what is the last question?”

 Bishop, my dear old bishop, what topic did you give this year?

 Analyze and reason calmly and carefully.

 “Can you reveal anything more?” the Morning News reporter asked again.

 Until this moment, they still don’t give up.

 This is an issue that journalists are most concerned about.

 For the residents of Falore, the annual Saint Examination is a matter of great concern.

Until this moment, Ansu is still putting pressure on the candidates.

Arthur instantly sensed the danger. He was not a fool. If the newspaper published his name on the front page and his father far away on the border saw it, the results would come out a few days later.

 —If you fail the exam, do you still dare to hand in your paper early and leave the exam room for the second time?

“Well, the last question is related to [mother and child].” He replied.

The last question of the Glorious Holy See, because of its famous abstractness and randomness, has always been the hottest topic of concern to people across the country. Many casinos are betting on the last question.

 The reporters saw the second candidate walking out of the examination room.

 It feels quite interesting.

Arthur left the last words confidently, then pushed away the crowd and walked out gracefully.

No matter what they thought, it was this group of education experts and journalism students who made a fool of themselves in the end.

Ansu went out before him. This guy must have been interviewed long ago and left Ansu’s name. So he couldn’t leave Ansu’s name.

 It is indeed a question asked by the bishop, and the content is so profound and profound.

 Education experts were sweating on their foreheads, and their throats were swallowing saliva unconsciously.

 Each year, education experts across the country are concerned about the scope of the final question.

Arthur looked at the reporters interviewing him, a little confused.

 I knew that the content of the Vatican's topic was profound, but I didn't expect it to be so broad and profound!

Education experts are sweating — this is completely beyond their knowledge.

“What is the last question?” The education experts hurriedly approached and asked with eager eyes, “Is it really related to [mother and child], [hybridization] and the like?”

 “Please give me a rough idea of ​​the content.”

 By analyzing the test area of ​​the last question, we can guess the direction, intention, and question setting angle of the next Holy See examination.

 Education experts make money by writing these things.

“It’s sexual transformation and body modification, um, and reproduction.” Ansu answered confidently.

How to predict next year’s exam questions?

“Can you be more specific?” The reporter carefully wrote it down in pencil in his notebook.

  After all, Ansu didn't tell a single lie. The problem was caused by their dirty thinking.

Facing this problem, Ansu thought for a while and remembered what Miss Enya said before.

“Just call me Arthur Sonny, Sonny of the Border Sun Family.”

According to the exam schedule, after finishing the exam in the Order Parish, you still have to report to the Alchemy Parish—tomorrow’s examiner will read out the exam rules.

If you are so arrogant, you will be beaten to death by your father!

 You cannot leave your real name.

Is the Holy See of Glory going to enter the realm of **** love?

So what should you recommend as teaching aids for next year, 18-ban fanfics from small bookstores? Should the course supplementary materials be changed to "Three Years to Five Years of Hybridization"?

 “My name is Liszt Munn. Munn from the Moon Family on the border.”

 Ansu had just left not long ago.

 “It has something to do with [hybridization].” Ansu answered honestly.

 Most of them are journalists, and some are education experts.

Brother Liszt, let me be beaten to death instead of you. After all, we are all good brothers from the same place - Arthur knows this, and Liszt probably sent it in this exam.

"You are the first candidate to leave the examination room. Please stay." The reporter stuttered. "Is it convenient to leave a name?"

 Content related to mother and child—!

The Capital Morning News reporter's eyes lit up and he thought brightly. Has the scope of the Holy See's investigation reached the realm of family affection?

 Strong humanistic care.

 He Arthur Sonny only did multiple choice questions!

But at this moment being held on fire for an interview, Arthur had no choice but to get over it, then smiled and nodded confidently.

Of course he knew that the secret would eventually be revealed—after all, the real questions would eventually come out, but it didn’t matter. He could just play for a while.

 “Can you give me some more tips?”

 Is it true that this year’s questions are very simple, as the Sunny candidate said just now? —Education experts secretly thought.

 The education experts present were a little confused. How could it be a "mother and child" and a "hybrid"? Is the question asked by the bishop so wild?

Many education experts and tabloid reporters already had preliminary ideas in mind, and they immediately wrote them down. After all, whoever gets the first-hand information faster will make money.

You must know that this is a question personally asked by the bishop of the Holy See.

 How could someone as smart as me exist in the world?

These demonic words were spat out from the mouth of this sunny boy, and the deep filth hidden in each word seemed to be thick and solid, wrapped in unspeakable terrifying knowledge.

 Leave your name. Ansu actually doesn’t like to leave his name.

 Otherwise it will be seen through.

With long golden hair, majestic brown eyes like a lion, and an aura as powerful and exuberant as the sun, he always exudes an uninhibited and free temperament.

Moreover, he didn’t lie in the first place, so no one can blame him.

 The last question.

 What is the last question about?

As for the title of [Glorious Lion Cub] above his head, it doesn’t matter, since he didn’t leave a name anyway. When he first arrived in the imperial capital, who knew that the young lion was him, Arthur Sonny?

 The imperial capital is so big and there are so many candidates.

  Updated on time! Please give me recommendations and monthly votes.

A good friend’s book, if you like the beast-control style, you can enjoy it



 (End of this chapter)