MTL - The Nine Godheads-Chapter 15 One of the six orthodox worlds, Lei Yine!

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Lei Yine, one of the six orthodox priests in the world, is the leader of countless martial arts in the world, with strong strength and Megatron!

The location of Leiyin Pavilion is located in the fairy mountain of the Eight Thousand Miles south of Akagi City. This is an extremely wide mountain range, with endless streams and peaks!

There are towering giant peaks everywhere, some are full of woods, and they look far away, like a deep green sword! Some are the mountains and the swallows, flowers and plants.

But the most conspicuous is that the mountain peaks in the middle of the mountains are all towering into the clouds. It is like a chicken, and the surrounding clouds are haunting the mountains. It is like a Penglai fairyland. Countless waterfalls, like the Milky Way, pour down and are magnificent. Together, they form a river that feeds hundreds of millions of people!

There are legends that Leiyin Pavilion was built in ancient times. It used to have a night, thunder and light, and lightning into a river. It splits a vast mountain into a present, and the ancestors got the secret from the thunder, cultivated, and stood by the fate. Lei Yinge, facing the world, has become one of the six orthodox of the world since countless years, and it is impossible to control Wanzong!

"It’s so spectacular."

Above the Great Eagle, Hong Xiaobao sighed that this was the third day of his departure. He finally came to the place where Lei Yine was located. The scene in front of him made him secretly scared.

On the side of Yun Shengxuan smiled slightly, Ye Jinning was very proud and proud, watching Hong Xiaobao feel more like a country, how about the emperor? My Leiyin Pavilion is one of the six orthodox, commanding the world, the secular emperor is not a small role, let alone a prince?

I don't know when, the white-haired old man also appeared behind Hong Xiaobao, sitting on the big eagle and smirking: "What is this? You haven't seen the real spectacular yet."

Hong Xiaobao rolled his eyes. He has been very familiar with the old man for a few days. This formerly a big devil, known as the Nether Monarch! The real name is Yin Jiuyou!

In any case, it must be your own cognition of the ten streets, and there is absolutely no comparison between the two. Hong Xiaobao does not say anything with his mouth closed.

Aside, Yun Shengxuan suddenly looked at him and rushed to several people: "Attention, Leiyin Pavilion is coming!"

I saw the big eagle obeying the command of Yun Shengxuan, and Qi Qi sent to a direction. On the giant mountain, like a fairyland, the clouds are haunting, and across a long distance, Hong Xiaobao felt a strong aura, and at the same time, he was shocked. The discovery, there are one or two heavenly thunders on the mountain from time to time.

"Oh my God!"

Hong Xiaobao was shocked. This is one of the branches of Leiyin Pavilion. The big eagle passed over. Hong Xiaobao sat on the eagle and saw the giant mountain. On a huge square, countless people practiced moves on it. Neat and tidy, sound and sound!

Visually, Hong Xiaobao feels that there are at least tens of thousands of people, and they can't see the end!

According to the information he has, this kind of person is just the bottom disciple of Leiyinge!

Here is just the Leiyinge Blue Moon Mountain Division, one of the six orthodox strengths of the world, can be seen!

Seemingly seeing the shock in Hong Xiaobao's eyes, Yun Shengxuan smiled slightly: "These are all outside disciples who spontaneously come here to practice. In fact, the Lei Yine disciples under the triplet can only be regarded as outside disciples, and they do not need to be pulled to practice. After all, Lei Yinge’s 100,000 foreign disciples have to manage it. The outer door has a city built on the mountain for its residence. And exercises, etc."

Hong Xiaobao nodded, and it was difficult to conceal his heart. The disciples of the outside world were 100,000? Less than three can only be regarded as a foreign disciple?

Oh, yes, Hong Xiaobao’s mind suddenly moved and asked: “Ling Jing?”

“Well.” Yun Shengxuan smiled. “This is the currency of circulation among my masters. It is much higher than the value of the gold coin in the world. Generally, the disciples take the task and get the reward of Lingjing after they finish. There is no intercommunication in the Zongmen or redemption of some treasures from the Zongmen."

Said, under the command of Yunshengxuan, the Great Eagle flew over the mountains and finally landed on a mountain with a city. It was very big. Although Hong Xiaobao could not compare with the Akagi City, which can accommodate more than one million people, However, there are some weathers. There are no particularly high-rise buildings, but there are also many houses, which are arranged in rows and rows. There are still tens of thousands of visual inspections. After all, they can not see the end.

I want to come to the disciples to live in. There are Lei Yine disciples walking in the streets and alleys. When I see Yunshengxuan, I am surprised. I am busy with the ceremony: "Cloud Protection Law!"

Yun Shengxuan nodded, did not pay too much attention, let Hong Xiaobao and the clouds squat down, smiled and said: "Xiaobao, all the disciples who come to my Leiyin Pavilion must register here, your strength is clear, Just go to the name of the place to register and test it, I will not accompany you, let the color pot with you."

Said, and said: "As for the two big eagle will fly back to Akagi City by the way, you can rest assured."

After all, the wandering beast is also very precious. It is not a small thing for Hong Wenqing. This is why his son goes to Leiyin Pavilion not far away. Otherwise, he will not be dispatched so much. He must not stay in Leiyin Pavilion.

Finally, Yun Shengxuan took out a bag from the waist and handed it to Hong Xiaobao: "This is a thousand Lingjing. Gold coins are of little use in the Zongmen. It is still more useful. You hold it. ”

Aside, Ye Jinning is slightly embarrassed, a thousand Lingjing even if he can not get so much at a time, Yun Shengxuan shot so generous, apparently Hong Xiaobao as his own.

Hong Xiaobao took over Lingjing and handed it to him: "Thank you for Yun Bobo."

A cloud of clouds also walked down and nodded at the father. Yunsheng Xuan sighed and went away.

Ye Jinning's face is not very good-looking. Is it necessary for a soil bun to register at the registration office? However, he also knew that he could not stop it. He had to squint at Hong Xiaobao and snorted. He went straight to the sky and went back to life.

"That Jin Jinning is afraid that it will not easily let Xiaobao brother." Seeing Ye Jinning leave, the cloud is slightly worried in the heart, although Xiaobao is now a heavy strength, but it is still much worse than Ye Jinning, plus Xiao Baoge is unfamiliar with his life. That is why Ye Jinning is a lot of acquaintances. If you are right, you can know who will suffer at a glance.

It seems that I saw the worry of the cloud. Hong Xiaobao smiled lightly. Looking back at Ye Jinning, he snorted. Some people didn’t provoke themselves the best. If they provoked the Lord, the Lord would let you both hands again. Plus nine toes can make you feel awkward!