MTL - The Nine Godheads-Chapter 14 Departure, Leiyin Court!

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Thinking about it, I also looked at Joe's slender, softly said: "Slim fiber, you shouldn't be anxious first. When a child grows up, he always has to fly and fly. He can't always leave him alone. It used to be Xiaobao. Practice, now he can, he should let him go out and see the world, otherwise, let him stay in the deep palace, we can still shelter him, will not have us in the future?"

Joe slenderly heard the words, his eyes changed for a long time, sighed and blinked. Hong Wen Qing said: "Well, what you said, if we are bullied outside, Xiaobao is so good!"

"This... haha!" Hong Wenqing laughed and glanced at Hong Xiaobao. "The stinky boy heard no, and gave him a good care outside. If there are any three long and two short, see how I can clean you up!"

"You dare to clean up our little treasure!" Joe snarled.

Hong Wenqing quickly called Rao. At this moment, Hong Xiaobao felt that they did not seem to be the emperor's family in the deep palace. Instead, they were like ordinary people's family, a family of three, and a good family.

For a long time, Hong Wenqing asked Hong Xiaobao: "Xiao Bao, since you are going to the Zongmen, it must be going to the six orthodox. I must have chosen in your heart."

Hong Xiaobao smiled and nodded: "Yes, the child has a choice in his heart. When it comes to today, when it comes to the Zongmen, headed by the six orthodox, the child thinks that the most suitable thing is Leiyin."

“Oh?” Hong Wenqing was surprised. “Why?”

Hong Xiaobao immediately said: "The strength of Leiyin Pavilion is also good in the six orthodox, and Yun Bobo and Cai Lan are also among the Leiyin Pavilion. After going here, there is also a kind of care."


Hong Wenqing nodded. In the Leiyin Pavilion, there was a national teacher taking care of Xiaobao. It was indeed quite good. There was no opinion on Joe’s slender words on the side. It’s just that the expression on the face is very disappointing. Hong Xiaobao’s heart is also slightly I can't bear it, who is arrogant, and reported to Sanchunhui.

In the future, we must be better for the father and mother.

After saying this, Hong Xiaobao retire, and has already settled with Hong Wenqing and Qiaoxian. At noon tomorrow, he will depart and go to Leiyin Pavilion. When he will be escorted by Yun Shengxuan himself, he will go with Yunjing Jinning. Originally, Hong Xiaobao felt that Ye Jinning went awkward together and wanted to go by himself. However, after the mother, Joe’s slender attitude is very determined. If Hong Xiaobao does not agree with Yunshengxuan, she will not let Hong Xiaobao leave!

Hong Xiaobao had to promise, after all, it was the mother's love of the child, and there was no harm. If there was something on the road that he couldn't solve, there would be a big man standing up and sloppy.

On the next day, on the wall of the palace, Hong Wenqing and Joe's fibre robes and phoenix crowns were standing by each other. The **** palace ladies behind them followed suit with a respectful attitude.

Hong Xiaobao stood in front of his parents and smiled and said: "After the father and mother, the baby is going to learn the skill this time, and it is not going to the mountains of the sea. You don't want this look."

In fact, Hong Wenqing is nothing. After all, it is a king of a country, and it is certain that his son will not make any mistakes with Yunshengxuan, so he is not worried, but Joe can’t control his emotions. They are all red, Hong Wenqing heard the words at the moment and suddenly took a look at Hong Xiaobao, but he took a bag from his waist and handed it to Hong Xiaobao: "Hold!"

"Ah?" Hong Xiaobao was surprised. After taking a look, it was actually a thousand gold coins. One thousand gold coins said that it was real. It was not a small number, but it was the same for the royal family. However, Hong Wenqing felt that Hong Xiaobao went to the Zong. The door may not be used with gold coins, so it didn't take much.

Hong Xiaobao smiled and sighed and walked to the side of Qiao Fibre. Wen said: "After the mother, the baby will not go for a long time. When the child is smashed into a martial art, he can come back to accompany the mother and the emperor."

In the distance, Ye Jinning smiled coldly. His father’s strength was the elder of the six orthodox Leiyinge. He did not dare to say that he was dominating the world. If Hong Xiaobao had not cultivated yet, he dared to say that he wanted to dominate the world...

It’s just conceited, I don’t know how high!

Of course, for a mother, I always think that my son will be an extraordinary person. Even if Hong Xiaobao could not cultivate in the past few years, Qiao Fibre never gave up Hong Xiaobao. At this moment, he nodded immediately: "Well, mother, etc. The day when I dominate the world!"

Ye Jinning: "..."

For a long time, Qiao Fibre finally let go of Hong Xiaobao’s hand. Hong Xiaobao went to Hong Wenqing’s ready-to-go eagle. The eagle was more than two meters long and more than one meter wide. It was a monster, and The strength is a heavy one, and it is not too low compared to Hong Xiaobao. Most people are not qualified to ride.

When Hong Xiaobao walked through the clouds, the clouds turned beautiful and looked at Hong Xiaobao: "Small treasure brother, really want to go to Leiyin Pavilion to practice? Maybe, there will be very hard work."

Behind the clouds, Yun Shengxuan also looked at Hong Xiaobao. It seems that I want to see if Hong Xiaobao is a momentary intention or really determined!

Hong Xiaobao’s serious thoughts for a long time, seriously watching the clouds shouted: "Sister of color, for you, I am not afraid of hard work!"

After that, just jump straight and sit on the big eagle!

The clouds are pretty red, and my mind keeps echoing what Hong Xiaobao just said, for me...for me...

It turned out that Xiaobao’s brother did not resign and resolutely gave up the beautiful life in the palace. He was willing to be a disciple of Leiyinge to practice, all for himself? !

For a moment, the heart of the cloud slammed and thumped, and when it was shy, there was a hint of sweetness...

Behind him, Yun Shengxuan’s mouth twitched slightly, and he was full of black lines, staring at the Hong Xiaobao. If Hong Wenqing was not in front of him, he would like to have a meal!

Actually dare to play my own daughter in front of my face? !

Oh, this is the case!

As for Ye Jinning, it is even more irritating to vomit blood. How long has he been able to win the clouds and laugh at each other, every time he is cold-blooded, but now he has such an attitude towards Hong Xiaobao?

Jealousy and anger are filled with his heart!

"Good! Hong Xiaobao! You are waiting for me. Now there is the old thing of Yunshengxuan. I can't take you how to wait for Leiyinge, huh, huh." Ye Jinning looked at Hong Xiaobao with a gloomy look.

What Yun Xuanxuan and Ye Jinning think, Hong Xiaobao certainly does not care, he is now looking forward to the life of the Leimen Pavilion.

His slogan is: "Pills! Peony! Then take medicine!"

Life is more than just a cure! Only the peony can make him embark on the peak!

The three men turned over the eagle, all of them were shot with an eagle's back. The big eagle suddenly flew up with wings and wings. For a moment, the four were already in the sky.

On the Imperial City, Joe looked at the sky for a long time, and seemed to be looking for the shadow of Hong Xiaobao. Hong Wenqing gently soothed and began to return to the palace for a long time.

On the back of the big eagle, Hong Xiaobao stared at the direction of the Imperial City. After a long time, he finally recovered his gaze.

In the final analysis, the world who cares about itself to this extent is only his father and mother.

However, Hong Xiaobao was born with optimism, and he did not sink for too long. He soon became active. He was thinking about digging up the Yaoshan of Leiyin Pavilion, or first looking for a few small medicine fields to try water...

At this moment, the three people of Yunshengxuan still don’t know what impact Hongyubao will bring to Leiyinge...