MTL - The Ninja War is Too Dangerous, Run Away and Become a Pirate-Chapter 609 Rescue

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Mr. Mu smiled bitterly. He can't do anything now. He has come here. If it has nothing to do with these bronzes, Yang Tai doesn't believe it. Anyway, he estimates that his attention has almost been exposed, so he doesn't need to hide himself. He took a few steps forward, shielding Ikki, who had been blocking the front, behind him.

The silver Saint Seiya of the Lizard Seat was the first to stand up, "Mr. Mu, what are you doing here if you don't want to be your Saint Cloth tinkerer? Do you also want to disobey the order of the Sanctuary and protect these sinners? ?"

While talking, the guy stretched out his hand and made a big hole in front of Mr. Mu's feet. A domineering look, trying to deter Mr. Mu from retreating.

Um! Kind of! I don't know what this guy would think if he knew that Mr. Mu was actually a golden saint.

Eighty percent won't be afraid, right? The world of Saint Seiya is so divided that many silver Saint Seiyas don't even know what the seventh sense is. They even thought that the difference between themselves and the golden saints was a holy garment, so there were no golden saints wearing golden holy garments. For these silver saints, there is really no fear at all.

Mr. Mu raised his eyebrows slightly. Fortunately, this guy is actually the most refined and gentle character among all the golden saints. Otherwise, he would be replaced by Shura of Capricornus and Aiolia of Leo with such a violent temper. One punch knocked the Lizard constellation into pieces.

Now, thinking that the five small strong will have to go through the test in the future, therefore, Mr. Mu didn't do anything to their experience spree, but he also didn't want to talk to this Lizard, there is no way, it's a loss! So I just threw an illusion in the past.

Among these silver saints, although there is a Saint Seiya of the Spiritual Power system known for his mind-reading ability, how could he compare to the Saint Seiya of Aries, whose spiritual strength is one of the best among the golden saints?

The eyes of this group of people were confused for a moment. In the illusion, they saw that Mr. Mu killed the bronze five Xiaoqiang casually, and gave them an explanation, so the group of people left with satisfaction.

The only one who was beaten by Mr. Mu and did not have any illusions was the magic bell from the constellation Aquila, but she was originally Xingshi's master, so she naturally had no objection to Mr. Mu's approach, and left without saying a word. .

Yang Tai twitched the corners of his mouth, and didn't make any comments on Mr. Mu's handling. He just stretched out his hand and started to heal these guys directly.

Instead of using Tuntun Fruit, he directly displayed Yang Dun Chakra. The current Yang Tai Chakra is so strong, both in quality and quantity, that it can be said to be shocking, even if the Naruto World has been all over the world from ancient times to the present. The chakra strength of his body is probably not comparable to the chakra strength of him.

In this case, there is no need to use any medical ninjutsu. As long as Yang Dun chakra turns around on this group of people, their injuries have already healed. Even in the previous battles and training, many years The accumulated dark wounds have been fully recovered.

Ikki looked at his frozen arms and the big hole in his chest in surprise, and he recovered completely in an instant. Generally speaking, even if the Saint Seiya's vitality is strong, this kind of injury will not recover within half a month.

Even Zilong, who was lying on the ground, completely made up for his missing blood, and the skin on his face showed a rosy luster.

Looking back, Mr. Mu looked at the scene in front of him and pressed his forehead: "You...have the ability to heal?"

"It's a small matter." Yang Tai clapped his hands and looked at the sober Bronze Saints, "Basically, if it's just physical injury, as long as it's not brain dead, I can save people back."

Mr. Mu was completely speechless. He felt that he had done a stupid thing. He knew that he would just let Yang Tai revive the Bronze Five Xiaoqiang with blood, and then let them fight the Silver Saint Seiya! What the **** are you doing here?

"Uh..., Mr. Mu, and Yang Tai?" No one else knew Yang Tai and Mu. Only Zilong, who had repaired the holy clothes, knew them both. This guy may have just woken up. The brain has not returned to normal, the first sentence is: "My holy clothes have been repaired?"

"What are you thinking, young man, you haven't bleed yet? To repair a hairy holy garment, do you expect this guy Mu to bleed your blood to repair your holy garment?" Yang Tai patted Zilong on the shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Zilong was completely awake. He glanced around and found that he had recovered completely like himself, but his face was a little confused.

Especially seeing that Ikki's body and holy clothes have completely recovered, except for Hoshiki who knew that Ikki had repented. A look of alertness appeared on the faces of the other group.

Ikki didn't speak, but turned around and and said to Yangtai at the same time: "I wrote down the favor that helped me heal, and I will return it to you later."

Yang Tai pouted slightly, this guy is still arrogant! Probably just cleaned up, for a while I felt that there was no way to face these brothers of my own.

"It turned out to be Mr. Yangtai, did you cure us? I'm so grateful." Zilong respectfully said to Yangtai, Yangtai waved his hand, "Your troubles are endless, because your battles are exposed. In view of the existence of the Saint Seiya, the Pope has already sent out the Silver Saint Seiya to hunt you down."

"Although the group of people was sent away by Mr. Mu just now, I don't think they will give up so easily. You should be careful yourself."

"What? Why is the Sanctuary chasing us?"

"Because we exposed the identity of Saint Seiya? Sanctuary still has such regulations?"

A group of people showed their ignorant faces. Not to mention the stupid star lost. Even Ah Shun and Zilong, who seemed to be very careful, obviously didn't know about this situation.

Only Binghe knew about this - nonsense, this guy came to the Galaxy arena because of the Pope's order, but in the latter stage of the arena, he felt that Xingqi and others were not bad people, so he defected. That's it.

"Theoretically, Saint Seiya cannot reveal his identity to the outside world, but in fact, many regulations of the Sanctuary are very flexible."

"In fact, you can understand anything like this. The key is to see what the Pope thinks. But the silver saints are sent directly to kill us..."

Binghe obviously had some doubts about this decision, but he didn't feel any fear: "Hmph, I want to see the strength of those Saint Seiyas in the Sanctuary!"