MTL - The Ninth Sister is a Prodigious Beast Master-Chapter 1689 Proposal

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  Chapter 1689 Proposal

  Zhongzhou City has been expanded and has become a powerful domain that is qualified to be compared with established forces such as the Misty Land, and Beitinghuang is a well-deserved emperor.

  Zhongzhou City prepared a lively and grand enthronement ceremony, preparing Beitinghuang to choose an auspicious day to become their veritable emperor, but the marriage proposal of the Yanmotian clan broke all plans.

"I didn't want to be in such a hurry. After all, Huang'er is still young. It's just that the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Mandala Land and the Central Continent have been divided into three parts. Many of our relatives are still in the Central Continent. One, we can meet our loved ones sooner." Yan Ye tried to persuade the people of Zhongzhou City who did not agree with their marriage.

   "What does this have to do with your marriage?" Yue Mengying asked puzzled.

  My younger sister is back, she has her husband and children by her side, and she absolutely doesn't want Bei Tinghuang to marry so early. Although she was already in contact with Empress Su Mo, she wanted to ask to marry Xu Xiaomo, the princess of Moyu in Kyushu.

"I met Xu Muyu, he is the son of the plane, he told me that as long as Xiaojiu and I have conceived a son, he can be the son of the plane, and he can make the three domains merge into one with a single thought. "Yan Ye said.

  Hearing this, sure enough, everyone in the main hall of Zhongzhou City had a ray of hope on their faces. The people here are all from the Central Continent, and for many years in the Thirty-Three Days, there is no one who does not miss their relatives who are far away in the Central Continent.

"I want to realize everyone's wishes as soon as possible. After all, the time of thirty-three days is faster than that of the Central Continent. I am worried that when the time comes, they..." Yan Ye didn't say it, but what he said didn't express it. understood.

   It’s okay if it’s a **** rank, but if it’s not a **** rank, I’m afraid I won’t have a chance to see it.

  Many people looked at Yue Mengying and Bei Tinglang and his wife with beseeching eyes, and some even begged Bei Tingqing silently with their eyes to stand up and say something.

   Especially people like Dongfang Ao and Ximen Song, you know, their lovers are all in Central Continent! Don't go back when the time comes, the beauty has already turned into bones.

Bei Tingqing didn't need anyone to ask for it. He was thinking about Central Continent all day long. He didn't know what happened to Huangcheng over there. He slapped the table and said, "That's it, Xiao Jiu will get married. After passing this village, There is no such store!"


  Bei Tinghuang felt a toothache, did anyone speak like that? As if she couldn't get married.

   "Let's do it like this!" Bei Tinglang couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but he hasn't returned to Central Continent for so many years, and he misses his younger brother and younger sister all the time.

   Perhaps at this time, no one thought how long it would take for Beitinghuang and Yanye to have a child, and how long it would take for this child to have the strength to use his own mind to control the merger of the mainland.

  Xu Muyu's original words at that time were, "When he understands the laws of the universe, as long as he has a single thought, the three continents can be merged into one."

  Rather than counting on the child who doesn't know where he is, it's better to count on Bei Tinghuang to be able to retreat and refine Shouguang well, maybe the hope is bigger.

   It's just that at this time, no one thought of this at all, and no one even doubted the words of His Majesty the Devil Emperor. It seemed that a person like him would never lie.

  The marriage was settled like this, which was beyond Bei Tinghuang's expectation.

   Is this a marriage proposal? Treat her like a Chinese cabbage, after some bargaining, it's settled like this?

  (end of this chapter)