MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 10. Raise for a few months

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In rural areas, it is often not easy to live alone and live alone. It is easy to be bullied.

Because of this, a woman or a pair of children looking for a husband's family, they love to find those brothers... Jiang boss is not married, if a person is separated, working from the ground, I am afraid that I can't eat even hot meals, I really need someone. Help a little.

And if he is assigned to the Zhao family's broken house, can he stay away from the Zhao family?

Zhao Jinge accepted the reason of Jiang Zhen. When he was eating porridge, he was very relieved. However, Jiang Zhen had been staring at him. He slowed down and urged him to go out more. This made him somewhat uncomfortable.

"If I have any troubles in the future, I will come to you." Jiang Zhen added a chicken leg to Zhao Jinge: "Come, take it."

"You don't need to give me a chicken leg." Zhao Jinge quickly refused. It is good to have some delicious porridge. He thought he was going to work hungry.

"I have been licking most of this chicken. What do you think of a chicken leg? And I don’t have one? Eat it quickly." Jiang Zhen forced the chicken legs to Zhao Jinge’s mouth, and then saw Zhao Jinge’s whole person again. Stiffened.

Zhao Jinge still ate the chicken legs, and then Jiang Zhen gave him a chicken wing, saying that the chicken wings have no meat and they don’t love it.

Zhao Jinge couldn't quit Jiang Zhen, who directly put the meat on his mouth. He could only eat the chicken wings again.

Jiang Zhen looked at the sweetness that Zhao Jinge had eaten. He even chewed the small bones in the chicken wings and ate his stomach. He was very good at eating another chicken leg.

The two men ate a pot of chicken porridge, although Zhao Jinge had tried hard not to eat the chicken shreds in the porridge when he was drinking porridge, but he ate a chicken leg with a winged chicken wings, but also had a belly. Oil and water.

Jiang Zhen was very satisfied that he could feed Zhao Jinge with so many things. He washed the crock and asked, "What else do you want to do?"

"I want to chop firewood." Zhao Jin said.

"I am with you." Jiang Zhendao.

"No need..." Zhao Jinge subconsciously refused, but what did Jiang Zhen want to do, and where did he refuse?

Using the knife that cuts the bones quickly to cut the wood, Jiang Zhen is reluctant, but he did not move the knife, but climbed to a camphor tree three or two times, then grabbed a branch and stepped hard with his foot... ...

Half of the trees here are camphor trees. The branches of this tree have always been very brittle. Jiang Zhen can easily break the branches, but it is not long before they get a lot of branches.

Zhao Jinge lowered his head and cut down the branches of Jiang Zhen while cutting the trees. The dead leaves of the trees on the tree were replaced by new leaves, and many fell on him.

Jiang Zhen looked at him with a high look. He saw the body line that was exposed because his clothes were tight after he bent down. Suddenly he was a bit dry and his movements stopped.

Zhao Jinge couldn't hear the movement. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Zhenzhen staring at himself. Inexplicably, he felt a fever on his face and was a little annoyed. How did he just eat the same porridge with Jiang Laos and let Jiang Laodao feed his chicken liver?

Zhao Jinge had already made himself a man. He usually did not eat a plate with other long-term workers. However, it seems that he is not the same as Jiang’s boss.

The two did not speak, and the atmosphere between the two sides was somewhat subtle.

When Zhao Jinge cut enough firewood to go, Jiang Zhen stopped him: "Golden brother."

Zhao Jinge looked at the past inexplicably. Jiang Zhen said again: "I don't like the name of Jiang Zhen evil. I will call Jiang Zhen later... You should not call me Jiang Laoda in the future, just call me Jiang Zhen."

Zhao Jinge nodded: "Jiang Zhen."

Jiang Zhen showed him a smile.

Zhao Jinge looked at the smile, and the heartbeat didn't know why it was a little faster. He bowed his head and quickly left.

Watching Zhao Jinge leave with a large bundle of firewood, Jiang Zhen raised his eyebrows and whistled.

According to the situation he observed today, Zhao Jinge is 100% like a man. Now he should have been a little bit interested in him... Also, a person is a pair of children who feel that they will marry a man when they are young. Like women.

This Zhao Jinge, he is really a natural pair with him, maybe he will be able to marry a wife for a long time! No, it should be said that it will take a long time for him to marry himself.

Jiang Zhen didn't mind going to Zhao's home.

There are always some people who think that entering the country is a shameful thing, but in his opinion, the man who thinks so is not able to do it himself. If a man has the ability, his child does not follow his surname, others will only think that he hurts the wife, who will look down on him? That is, those men who have no ability to do things will worry about this worrying day, and look at the face more than the sky, they can not earn their face outside, but also blame the family.

Of course, he seems to have nothing to do now...

Touching his nose, Jiang Zhen went home with a jar of swaying.

The people in the village are very busy. Jiang Zhen has encountered many men and women working in the field, and some children are mowing or...

Jiang Zhen eyebrows picked and looked at a group of children gathered in a ditch not far away.

Hexi Village is planting rice here. Every household has dug ditches that divert water. These ditches have water all year round, and naturally there are small fish and small shrimps that will live in them.

When Jiang Zhen turned over his memory, he found that the children here liked to catch fish in the ditch. When they got home, they let the mother steam on the steamer to eat.

The vast majority of people in Hexi Village are rare to eat back meat, it is Zhao Dahu's family. It is not bad to eat three or four times a month, but the small fish and shrimp are not very lacking, but because of the big guys They are very busy, and this can't be done every day. It takes a few days to get through, and basically they all enter the child's mouth.

I want to make up my body, but I can use these things in the future...

When Jiang Zhen came home this time, the house was quiet.

Obviously, after he had made trouble, these people in the family have become safe for the time being.

Jiang Zhen didn’t go back to the room to sleep. Instead, he moved a bamboo chair and waited for dinner in the hall. He and Jiang Chengcai, who were waiting for dinner at home, did not dare to stay in the hall, but smashed their Baby son is hiding in the house.

Jiang Xiaomei was assigned by Jiang Laotai to cook and feed the pigs. She dared not hide in the house and could only live in the kitchen.

Although Jiang Xiaomei is the best person of Jiang’s family to Jiang, she is not too good for Jiang’s boss. She often pushes her work to Jiang’s boss. Because of this, she is also very afraid of Jiang’s boss. .

When Jiang Xiaomei cooked a pot of porridge, the sky was dark, and Jiang Laotou and Jiang Laotai both came back with their hoes.

They saw Jiang Zhen, his face was not very good-looking. Jiang Laotai was even more eager to eat Jiang Zhen’s appearance. He only saw Jiang Zhen’s hand with a knife. She still did not dare to conflict with Jiang Zhen, but she reprimanded. After hearing the news of their return, Jiang’s second family came out from the house: “You really have the skills! Watching us do the hard work of the mother, I’m just lazy at home, I’m really jealous, actually Hard to raise a group of debt collection!"

Jiang Laotai refers to the mulberry, Jiang Chengcai family has not been working very much, she has never been jealous of them before, today, this is also to give Jiang Zhen listen.

Jiang Zhen knew this well, but agreed to nod to Jiang Laotai: "Mother, you said it is good, this guy is a debt collector, and the four bodies are not divided, if I was born like this. The idiot thing, surely a stick kills him."

Mrs. Jiang’s face looks wonderful.

"Mother, you used to say that you can't eat without working? The second brother still doesn't eat this meal." Jiang Zhendao said, while taking a big bowl, grab the first porridge from the pot.

Jiang's porridge is very thin, and all of them are porridge soup. When he uses the wooden long handle spoon to porridge, he specializes in the bottom. After picking up a spoonful of porridge, he also dumps the porridge soup inside.

Jiang Zhen gave himself a bowl full of porridge without porridge, and sat down at the table.

On the table, there is a bowl of salted lettuce, a bowl of pickles, and a bowl of boiled cauliflower.

Jiang Jiaping's dishes are basically like this. Of course, like Jiang Yuanwen, you can eat another egg.

Jiang Zhen did not pick it up. He ate and snorted with a bowl of porridge, and kept eating lettuce and cauliflower with chopsticks.

He ate fast, and Jiang Laotai saw that he was eating there, but he felt very uncomfortable.

This guy is born to be gram, not only does not work, but also eat at home.

Jiang Laotai kept cursing Jiang Zhen in his heart. Jiang Chengcai did not dare to go to the table to eat. He and his wife sneaked into the kitchen with their son. The last person poured a bowl of gruel, even if they had eaten it. I sneaked back to the room.

When Jiang’s family had a happy event, Huang Min took some vegetables in their house. Although the porridge was not hungry, it was almost the same.

Jiang Buthu looked at the second son's behavior. At the moment, he was a little iron-clad, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Zhen: "Boss, are you having enough trouble? Don't make trouble tomorrow, go down with me!"

In order to do the wedding of Jiang Laosan, they have not landed for five or six days, and they have lost a lot of work.

Those acres of mulberry land should be turned over and fertilized all over again, and those vegetable fields should be turned over again... The weather is getting warmer, and all the vegetables are flowering. In addition to keeping the seeds, other old vegetables should be pulled up. In, then wait for the other species, in addition, the canal will pass through, rice can also start breeding...

In the past, there was Jiang Laoda. These workers, like the butchers, don’t have to worry about it. Basically, they are willing to do more. They don’t want to do less, but now, Jiang Zhen, he is not going to work!

The farmer’s life can’t be pushed back. The two people, Jiang Buthu and Jiang Laotai, can only go to the ground today. After doing a day, the Jiang butcher only felt that his waist was broken.

"Don't go." Jiang Zhentou did not raise: "I am in poor health now, and I have to say that I have to raise a few months."