MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 102. Jiang Zhen developed

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Is the river a little small?

Zhao Liu looked at the river in front of him inexplicably. This river is small, and it is no problem to shake three ships!

Zhao Liu is wondering, the people of He Xicun Jiang Zhen’s men have come over, and even his men in Qiaotou Village have come.

After dozens of people went out with Jiang Zhen, the temperament has changed. Because they have been eating well, they have all become very strong. When they stand together, they put a lot of pressure, let alone After they saw Jiang Zhen, they still had a mouth and shouted in unison: "Boss is good!"

"Yeah." Jiang Zhen nodded at them and pointed to the river: "You go first."

"Yes, Boss!" All the people answered with a sigh, and then, He Chunsheng said again: "Running - go!"

After He Chunsheng finished, these people ran to the distance in a uniform manner.

Zhao Liu was a little bit stunned, but soon she was even more proud - these are all Jiang Zhen's men!

But...what are they going to the river?

"Mother, do you want to go there with me?" asked Jiang Zhen.

"I am in Taomi..." Zhao Liu said.

"This big aunt, can you help my mother put the rice back?" Jiang Zhen took the bamboo sieve made from the bamboo of Zhao Liu's body and gave it to a middle-aged woman who was also in Taomi.

This year, after everyone shelled the rice, there are often many shells falling in the rice, so be sure to wash it, soak the rice in the water and let the rice

"Oh..." The woman responded and took the bamboo screen from Jiang Zhen’s hand.

"Thank you." Jiang Zhendao.

In this rural area, few people will solemnly give thanks, especially Jiang Zhen is now famous... This woman holds a bamboo sieve and squats for a while, seeing Jiang Zhen take Zhao Liu’s away, only to the side Humanity: "Have you heard it? Jiang Zhen, he thanked me!"

"I heard it." The humanity around her, Jiang Zhen is like that, not at all fierce, but it makes people feel trustworthy.

Originally they listened to Zhao Liu’s speech. Sometimes she thought that she was mostly blowing, but watching Jiang Zhen’s bite, she was still smiling... Maybe Zhao Liu did not tell lies.

"They all went to the river. You said that there are flaws there?"

"Let's go see it too."

"Well, everyone goes to see."


The big guys discussed it and made a decision, but they all had something to go home, especially the woman who took Zhao Liu’s bamboo screen, but also to run two things: "You guys, etc. me!"

"So a little way, there are hobbies waiting!" Someone said, then went home.

The winter is short, although the sky is still bright, but the people in Hexi Village have basically woken up. When they see their mother rushing back from the outside, they must ask: "Are you running so fast?"

"I am going to see the fun."

"What is the fun?"

"Jiang Zhen brought a large group of people to the Zhao Dahu family!"

Did Jiang Zhen take people to Zhao Dahu’s house? what happened?

There are too few interesting things in this country, so that no matter who is going to do something, everyone has to watch the fun. Now I heard that Jiang Zhen brought a group of people to Zhao Dahu’s house, and many people went there.

The village chief Jiang Ping also rushed to rush.

His son ran to Zhao's home early in the morning, and now I heard that he followed a group of people to Zhao Dahu's home. I don't know what to do. He has to look at it.

Zhao Dahu’s family has already woken up at this time.

They lived a little far from the people in the village. When they saw a group of people running in the distance, they were all scared. I was afraid that someone would come to grab their own home and find that the group was after Jiang Zhen’s men. I am even more afraid.

They used to be not good for Zhao Jinge. This Jiang Zhen, wouldn’t it be to ask them for trouble?

They were worried, and they saw the group ran neatly from the road next to his house and ran towards the canal.

Zhao Dahu breathed a sigh of relief and was curious - what did these people go to the canal to do? He... also go and see?

Zhao Dahu’s family cleaned up and went out to watch the fun.

At this time, next to the canal, a large ship found a place to stop, and some people ran to the shore, and then tied the big ship with some trees on the shore with a rope.

The load capacity of the ship is really much better than that of the carriage. After all, it is to look at buoyancy. As long as the ship is bigger, it can carry a lot of things, and such a big ship can hold more things, those people. In order to fix it, you have to take out some ropes to tie them together with the trees on the shore.

When the bundle is over, they have found some planks and laid them between the boat and the river bank.

After doing all this, those busy people look at Wang Haisheng: "Wang Ge, is it here? When will the boss come over?"

"Come on." Wang Haisheng said. I was very excited when I watched the people on the boat respecting myself and calling myself a brother.

He used to be a fisherman. He didn’t expect to have such a day...

Wang Haisheng’s voice just fell, He Chunsheng came with someone, and after a while, Jiang Zhen also came.

After Jiang Zhen called Zhao Liu, he went to the canal side, and on the way, they met Zhao Jinge and Zhao Fugui.

Zhao Jinge strode forward, and Zhao Fugui, who has always been silent, looked at him dissatisfiedly: "Golden brother, you pay attention to..." How can I still take such a big step with my child? Moreover, his son did not look like a pair of children. He was not afraid that Jiang Zhen would abandon him?

"Hey, what are you paying attention to?"

"What else can you pay attention to? Of course, let you go slowly!" Zhao Liu immediately said, Jiang Zhen smiled and looked at the past.

Zhao Jinge immediately slowed down.

Their family did not go so fast that even after a while, the villagers rushed up, and at this time, they had already walked to the canal.

At the beginning of the day, Jiang Zhen didn’t have a date with Zhao Jinge on the canal. Looking at this side, his eyes were filled with nostalgia. He only felt that everything here was very kind, especially the large cluster of bamboo that was so yellow and yellow. It is even more lovely.

In the past, he was here to pull Zhao Jinge's hand, and he also kissed Zhao Jinge.

Jiang Zhen was thinking about the previous things. The eyes of Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui were all attracted by the big boats by the river.

On the canal side, such ships will come and go from time to time. Whether it is Zhao Liu or Zhao Fugui, they have all seen big ships. Zhao Fugui used to help people work on the docks and even went on. Such a big ship, but this ship...

He Chunsheng, those people have gone to the boat, this ship, this ship...

"How come there is a big ship here?"

"The people under Jiang Zhen’s hands went on board."

"Did you see Jiang Ming? He moved things down from the boat!"


The people in Hexi Village did not dare to approach, and they stopped at the slopes of the rivers far above the river. There was a lot of discussion. After a while, everyone looked at the village chief Jiang Ping.

The village chief knew that there was a lot of things going on. Jiang Ming also ran to the boat. At this time, there was doubts and no questions about Jiang Ping. Is it necessary to ask the vicious God Jiang Zhen? !

Jiang Ping: "..." He really didn't know where the ship came from!

His stinky boy said that he had something on the boat that he didn't bring back... Wouldn't it be this ship? This boat is Zheng's?

Jiang Ping thought about it and thought it should be such a thing. He said: "Is Jiang Zhen not doing things for Zheng Jia? This boat should be Zheng's."

When his voice just fell, he saw Jiang Zhen walked over. The people on the boat also nodded to Jiang Zhen: "Boss!"

This ship... Isn't this Jiang Zhen?

"This ship... Isn't it Jiang Zhen?" Jiang Ping, who was far away, was so skeptical that Zhao Liu could not help but doubt.

Before, Jiang Zhen said that his ship had arrived.

"What nonsense, how much money does a big ship like!" Zhao Fugui glanced at his own mother-in-law, and many wealthy people in this county town did not have such a big ship!

"Also..." Zhao Liu also felt that the ship should not be Jiang Zhen.

"Hey, mother, this is Jiang Zhen's." Zhao Jinge said, I remembered that I forgot to tell this story to my mother.

Zhao Liu’s shaking, a little unstable, Zhao Fugui’s expression also froze: “Golden brother, what do you say?”

"The ship is Jiang Zhen." Zhao Jindao said.

Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu’s stayed for a while before they looked at Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Fugui: "Where is it?"

Zhao Liu: "How can Jiang Zhen even buy such a big ship? Jin Geer, you have to look at it, don't let him be hooked away by those little goblins!"

"Mother, Jiang Zhen will not." Zhao Jinge answered Zhao Liu's words, but did not know how to answer Zhao Fugui... Can't you say that this ship was grabbed by Jiang Zhen?

Fortunately, Zhao Fugui was stunned and did not continue to ask.

Jiang Zhen had already boarded the ship. He commanded people and began to move things down from the boat.

The first thing that moved down was that the big guy bought something to be brought home in Beijing. Jiang Zhen also allowed his own hands to move things home first—anyway, there were a lot of sailors on the ship. He didn’t lack people to move things.

Jiang Zhen’s men cheered and picked up their own things.

He Chunsheng bought some brightly colored fabrics and found his younger brother He Qiusheng: "Autumn, these are for you, you are holding clothes."

"Brother!" He Qiusheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Hey, I bought you a chamber pot! You didn't say that your night pot was broken, you would accidentally scratch it... Hey!" Jiang Ming's voice did not fall, he was slapped by his father.

This stinky boy really dared to go out and say anything!

Jiang Ping looked at the people around him, and he saw that the people in the village looked at himself with astonishment, and his eyes fell on some part of himself.

Jiang Ping: "..." He gave birth to a debt collection!

"Cough," Jiang Ping coughed twice, pointing to Jiang Ming's big bag of things: "These are all you bought?"

"Yeah." Jiang Ming said: "I bought everything for everyone in the family."

"That boat..." Jiang Ping asked again.

"That boat, that is the boss's boat." Jiang Mingdao.

"Jiang Zhen's ship? Where did Jiang Zhen get such a big ship?" Jiang Ping was shocked, and people around Xiyi Village were shocked.

Where is Jiang Zhen from such a big ship! Didn't he make money?

"Isn't it a ship? You are so surprised to do what?" Jiang Mingdao, this boat has nothing to look like.

"Is this an ordinary boat!" Jiang Ping was angry.

"This is a very ordinary ship. There are five big players in the boss, and a few are slightly smaller." Jiang Mingdao.

Jiang Ping: "..."

Hexi Village: "..."

How did Jiang Zhen get so many boats? Did he go to robbery? !

Zhao Dahu’s family is in the crowd. Naturally, Jiang Ping’s father and son’s dialogue is heard in the ears, and then...

They were the richest in the village before, but I am afraid it will not be in the future.

There is also the title of "Zhao Dahu"... After that, everyone will call Zhao Fugui so?

Suddenly a little depressed!

The people in Hexi Village, except for the Jiang buthu family, basically went to the river.

As for why the Chiang butcher family did not go... They are still too late to hide from Jiang Zhen, how can they get together?

The entire Hexi Village ran away because of people, and it seemed empty. At this time, Zhu Shufen came back with her parents and relatives.

She didn't say hello to people last night. When she packed up something, she went back to her family. She wanted to find her family and forced the Jiang family to separate. Today, they came over early in the morning.

Because of the fear of people in Hexi Village, Zhu’s family called many people, and Zhu Shufen’s father, Zhu Xiucai, also came in person.

They rushed to Hexi Village, and suddenly found out... How is this Hexi Village quiet and quiet, even no one?

"What about the people in this village?" Zhu Xiucai looked left and right, and his face was puzzled.

"I don't know." Zhu Shufen was also full of doubts. At this time, the village should not be soaked. Are everyone doing breakfast? Why didn’t you have a single person at this time?

"Isn't it going to run? Uncle, let's go to the Jiang family to see!" Someone said.

The group quickly ran to the Jiang family and then blocked all the Jiang family members in the house.

Yesterday, a family of Jiang was blocked by Jiang Zhen. Today, he was blocked by the Zhu family. The chair that Jiang Zhen had sat yesterday was also moved to his old man by Jiang Chengxiang.

The things of the Jiang family, the people of Hexi Village know nothing about it.

They are still in shock.

However, they can talk for a while...

"This Jiang Zhen is really capable!"

"Yeah, it’s only a few months before I went out, I just got back such a big ship, and there is more than one."

"He is definitely a blessing."

"Jiang Laotai is also true, and she has always been ill-treated to him. If the Jiang family is better for him, it has already developed."


Jiang Jia Er Shugong also came. Hearing these words, he couldn’t do it. He’s blowing his beard and blinking, and he felt that Jiang Zhen didn’t live up to expectations.

You said that you are all so capable, why do you have to go to someone else's home? Isn't it a good self-supporting portal?

You can also marry a wife and a wife, and open the branches for the Jiang family...

Jiang’s second uncle thought so, and he wanted to go to Jiang Zhen and said, but his son’s eyes quickly caught him.

Jiang Zhen is so powerful now, and then offend him, it is too stupid!

Zhao Fugui has already boarded the ship to help Jiang Zhen move things.

Jiang Zhen did not lack the things to move, but he was happy and insisted on moving. Jiang Zhen went by him. He also asked him to move the things he brought back to him and Zhao Liu, and let him not move a lot.

Then Zhao Fugui only moved a little bit each time and moved back and forth.

"Mother, let's come back." Zhao Jinge saw his own squatting back and forth, some distressed, so something, let the sailors on the boat help, and they moved.

"You are showing off, don't worry about him." Zhao Liu told his son, in fact, she also wanted to move things! But the board was too narrow, she didn't dare to go.

Zhao Liu’s eyes turned and looked at the people in the village not far away.

A few people often talked to Zhao Liu, and those who have a good relationship with her immediately came over. When they came over, they boasted: "I said that Jin Geer was blessed from a young age!"

"Zhao Liu, you are waiting for a good day!"

"We have the best in this village."


Zhao Liu’s not to show off, he was boasted, and he was very happy.

At this time, these people inquired: "Is this Jiang Zhenhao suddenly have such a ship?"

Zhao Liu was asked to froze, she didn't know! Zhao Liu immediately looked at Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge coughed twice: "Jiang Zhen... He is very powerful... um..."

He wanted to show off like his mother. I didn't know what to say. Hey, if he said Jiang Zhen too well, would anyone come to grab it?

"This child is a mouthful!" Zhao Liu said, she did not know where Jiang Zhen’s ship came, but it did not affect her boasting: "Jiang Zhen has always been a skillful person. What are the few ships? ?"

"The lord of Zheng family can appreciate him!"

"But he is not good at everything. It is not too sticky. If you go out to do business, you must bring Jin Geer to let Jin Geer have a child and run outside."

"Of course, he has such a big ship and he can't get tired of Kim."

"It’s this little couple, so sticky... Hey, it’s not a golden brother to hold two for three years, I don’t know if I can bring it with me...”

Zhao Jinge suddenly admire his mother, and his mother said that people know that Jiang Zhen likes him very much, and others will definitely not want to come and grab Jiang Zhen with him!

that's nice!

"Mrs., old lady." At this time, the cook, Li, came with her, and their accent was a little different from that of He Xicun, but because of Zhao Jinge’s learning all the way, this title is not too bad. Let Zhao Liushi understand.

"This is..." Zhao Liu did not know the two men, and... For the first time, someone called her old lady...

"Jiang Zhen asked them to take care of me." Zhao Jin said.

"Hey, look, this Jiang Zhen is too expensive. My family is so strong, how do you need someone to take care of it?" Zhao Liu immediately said: "I don't have to worry about how to bring the child, someone helps. !"

He Xicun, who couldn’t plug in the words: "..." Suddenly I want to play Zhao Liu...

Zhao Jinge smiled slyly, and he suddenly realized that his mother liked to blow people like this...

Zhao Fugui ran back and forth for more than a dozen times before he moved the things. Then Jiang Zhen found a person and asked him to help send things to Zhao.

The man took a pair of burdens and took all the things Zhao Fugui had moved for so long, leaving only a few small bags for Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui.

In fact, this baggage, originally was to go back, but Zhao Liushi wants to take it.

"This kind of good material, even used to do the wrapper." Zhao Liu touched the baggage in his hand, his expression was a bit tangled.

At this time, Jiang Zhen came over, and the people around him dispersed. Zhao Liu’s appearance and Zhao Jinge quietly said: “You don’t listen to what I said.”

"What?" Zhao Jinge did not understand.

"That is to say, you are too sticky to follow.... I thought about it, you will follow it better, so that Jiang Zhen will be taken away!" When Zhao was not degraded, even Zhao Fugui, who had been honestly I was stared by a widow and wanted to get money from Zhao Fugui to help Zhao Fugui to work. Now Jiang Zhen is so rich...

She feels that her son has always followed Jiang Zhen better, so even if there is a little goblin to stick to it, his son can also beat people away!

Zhao Jinge solemnly nodded. He also felt that if he could follow, he must follow.

When Jiang Zhen walked in the front, when the people in Hexi Village returned to the village together, everyone was still dizzy, so that no one noticed the movement of the Jiang family.

In particular, after Jiang Zhen put down his things, he went to the river again.

Before Jiang Zhen had calculated it for himself, he calculated that he had more than 200,000 of his own net worth, and this is that all the real estate such as his ship is counted.

I really want to say cash. After he bought a lot of goods in Beijing, there are only two thousand two in silver.

The twenty-two thousand cash is the way he intends to hide at home and leave for himself.

Twenty thousand two silver is two kilograms. When it is put into modern times, it is one ton. When using two calculations, it looks quite a lot, but it is not much to put together... One cubic metre of water has one ton. He used to buy from Wang Haisheng. The ship that came back, because of the space on the ship, can hold a few tons of goods.

The 10,000 silver pieces were put into the box, and they were loaded with four boxes. This is because the shape of the silver is not regular.

These boxes were previously locked by Jiang Zhen on the ship, and then Jiang Zhen personally brought them back to the Zhao family. After doing all this, he arranged some of his own men to serve as a nursing home.

At the same time, there is one thing that is imminent.

That is to build a house.

Before Jiang Zhen, he was not in a hurry to build a house. He still had no money on his hands, but now he has money. If so, he must build a house.

Even he didn't want to build a house.

Jiang Zhen’s Li Mingzhe, who was in the silk business of Lijiacun, not only covered the house by the river, but also got a small dock, which made it easy for people from Shili and Baxiang to shake the boat to sell the silkworm cocoon to him.

Should he also go to the block, then build a dock and build a house?

Speaking of this, although there are various defects in ancient times, there are some places that Jiang Zhen likes very much. For example, if you buy a piece of land this year, you can just toss it on it, unlike modern ones. Planning to come.

Private wanting to build a dock is even more troublesome and may not be approved at all.

If he can build a big pier in Hexi Village, and then build a house next to it... Jiang Zhen took out a piece of paper and painted the terrain of Hexi Village, and then began to pick the place.

At this time, Zhao Fugui and his wife opened the boxes that Jiang Zhen specifically got back.

Just opened the box, they were shocked, there are so many silver in this box!

Zhao Liu’s chest groaned, and he felt that he could breathe.

"Children and his mother, you can't talk outside this thing." Zhao Fugui swallowed a sip of water and said: "I am going to kill a chicken."

"Don't kill the chicken, the duck also kills one... Jiang Zhen likes to eat braised duck." Zhao Liu said.

So much money...the chickens and ducks they raise can indeed be eaten by themselves...

Zhao Liu and Zhao Fugui went to cook, Zhao Jinge saw it, but he came to Jiang Zhen.

He has already seen it a bit now. When he saw the painting of Jiang Zhen's painting, he saw it at a glance: "What painting is Hexi Village?"

"Yeah." Jiang Zhen was facing Zhao Jin's road, then pointed to the drawings and showed Zhao Jinge: "You said, how about building a house here?"

"Okay!" Zhao Jinge immediately said, he is worrying that the place at home is too small to live without it!

After all... he might hold two in three years, right? Maybe after five years, there are three children!

Jiang Zhen didn’t know Zhao Jinge’s thoughts. He was wondering how the house should be covered: “Although the house on the mud wall is trouble-free, there are still many defects in it. It’s still wet. I have to change the brick house, and The layout of the house can't be like this now. Every house should be well planned. I will design a house to come out... It is best to build a building..."

"Building the building?" Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen in surprise.

"Yes, the building, even if you can use bricks and paving, the bottom layer is too humid, it is best to build a building," Jiang Zhendao, "You said, do I have to get a brick kiln to burn bricks?"

Jiang Zhen didn't know how to burn the glass, but he generally knows how the bricks are burned. After all, burning bricks is too simple... Isn't it just using mud to make some molds to burn?

Moreover, this ancient brick kiln, he went to dig a few brick-burning masters back, this is nothing to solve?

Jiang Zhen quickly made a decision, and for his decision, Zhao Jinge certainly did not want to, and immediately agreed.

However, now they are in a hurry, they still have to buy land to build a house.

When Jiang Zhen planned to go to buy the land, the Jiang family was taken by the Zhu family, went to the county to sell the land, and then went to change the debt, and by the way separated.

The Jiang family's paddy field has 11 acres of land, plus 10 acres of mulberry land and 10 acres of dry land. This time, in order to pay off debts, they sold three acres of paddy fields, plus two acres of dry land two acres of mulberry land.

Zhu Xiucai came forward. This time, the debts were all owed by Jiang Chengcai. When he was separated, Jiang Chengxiang naturally assigned more things. He got five acres of paddy fields and five acres of mulberry land plus five acres of dry land.

However, even so, Jiang Chengxiang has already scored a lot less than he had expected.

Now, just a little bit, living in the field for a year, it is estimated that only a mixture of food and clothing, it is difficult to have surplus.

Jiang Chengcai is even worse. He has only divided three acres of mulberry land in three acres of dry land in three acres of paddy fields. Even if each piece of land is well served, he can only mix and eat. After all, he has to add more, and He and Jiang Chengxiang said that Jiang Laotai followed him. Jiang Buthu followed Jiang Chengxiang. That is to say, his family had three adults... Fortunately, Jiang Laotai can raise silkworms to subsidize households.

In fact, I really want to say that their land is not too small. The poorer people in Hexi Village are everywhere, but they are not allowed to accept it.

And... the land that is divided is to be planted and harvested!

The Jiang family did not look pleasing to each other and went back to Hexi Village with a dejected look. Then they discovered that... This Jiang Zhen was actually making a lot of money back? !