MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 147. Huge changes

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Liao's ancestral home was originally very beautiful, but now it is showing its defeat.

The Liao family has been trying to maintain the decent appearance of the Liao family, and is unwilling to dismiss the next person, but because of the treatment of the next person, it is inevitably worse.

The monthly case has not been issued. After the summer, some new clothes will not be sent in the past, and there is a normal eating...

When I heard that Ying Niang was there, people also had a leek every day, but now... not necessarily enough to eat!

I don’t have enough to eat, who is happy to work diligently? As a result, the flowers and trees in the garden grew wildly, the leaves in the yard were uncleaned, and the spider webs were formed under the gallery... A good house looked like no one lived.

When Liao’s father came back from the outside and saw all of this, he felt that his chest was stuffy and he could not breathe.

Those people are really odious, and they don’t even put these masters in their eyes!

But at this moment, he is more angry, but another thing, that is, Wen Ying Niang is pregnant.

Liao's father is not willing to believe that his son has problems, but the more he thinks, the more he feels that his son is a problem.

In the first one or two years, Wen Yingniang could not see Liao Qing and other women, every time she had to make a big fuss, but then she saw more, it was not as tight as I saw at first, but I was not allowed to make trouble. Come to her.

The two of them had no children, and Liao’s father, Liao’s mother, was in a hurry. Naturally, he arranged for Liao Qinghe.

When Liao Qinghe was in the government, he did not dare to have anything with us, but outside the house, he raised a few years ago.

But the man has never been pregnant with children.

Before, Liao Fu always thought that it was Liao Qing and was told that Yan Yingniang was too strict and had no time to go there, but now think about it...

Liao's father returned to the room with a sullen face, and then he saw that Lu Hao was flattering Liao.

When Lu Haogang arrived at Liao's home, Liao's father Liao mother was too good for her, but now...

My son is going to marry the Miss Zhang of the Zhang family. Liao's father Liao mother naturally does not see the bad birth.

Yes, this Lu Hao was born badly. It was just a Qing dynasty in the brothel. It was just that she was lucky. The first time she met Liao Qinghe, Liao Qinghe liked her and raised her.

"Auntie, this is the chicken soup that I personally stewed." Lu Yan stood up for five or six months, and looked at Liao.

She has already regretted it.

Before being raised by Liao Qinghe, her days have been more comfortable, and the cost of eating and wearing is also very good. Can she come to Liao? Even if I want to eat only a chicken, I have to agree with Liao.

That's it, Liao mother also told her about the East.

Knowing this early, she still has to give Liao Qing and the outside room!

"Let's put it." Liao mother said faintly, and looked at Lu Hao: "You know your identity is good. After a few days, Zhang will pass the door, and I have to wait for her."

"Yes." Lu Hao responded with a bow, hiding his ugly expression.

At this moment, Lu Hao suddenly heard the voice of Liao's father: "Lu Yan!"

"Master?" Lu Hao looked up at Liao Fu, and then was shocked by Liao's ugly face - what happened?

Liao's father did not speak. He asked people to call Liao Qinghe and let people go out and close the door.

Until all this was done, Liao’s father looked at Lu Hao coldly: “Lu Yan, who is the child in your stomach?”

The strange attitude of Liao's father had already scared Lu Hao. Now, when she saw Liao's practice, her face flashed a guilty conscience, and then she said: "Of course it is a public."

Lu Hao quickly reacted, but in the end, I saw a little Ni Rui: "Hey! You better tell me the truth, or else I will check it out clearly, and I will definitely sink you!" ”

Lu Yan’s face changed greatly, and Liao’s father suddenly asked such a question. She only had to be exposed.

Who is the child in her stomach? In fact, she is not clear... Before she followed Liao Qinghe, she had had a guest, and when she was with Liao Qinghe... I dipped the cotton with squid blood. Put it into the body for the first time, they do it often.

"Hey, what are you talking about? The children in your stomach are of course mys." Liao Qinghe came in from the outside and just heard his father's words and quickly defended Lu.

Liao's father picked up the teacup, but he turned to Lu Yan: "You so many women, how do you have a child with this? You don't think about it?"

Lu Hao let it go, the teacup was smashed on the ground and fell into pieces. Liao Qinghe was puzzled. He heard his father say: "When I am pregnant, she is pregnant!"

Liao Qing and she froze.

Liao mother trembled.

Wen Ying Niang is pregnant? !

Liao Qinghe had always thought that Wen Ying Niang could not be born, but if Wen Ying Niang could be born... He suddenly thought that for so many years, except for Lu Hao, no one else was pregnant with his children.

The room was silent, and everyone’s face became more and more ugly.

Lu Hao is now even more regretful!

It turns out... This Liao Qing and he can't live? ! Now that this matter has been disclosed, what can she do in the future?

"You better not want to hurt me, or else the entire Hexing government, you must know that Liao Qinghe is actually an eunuch, can not be born!" Lu Hao suddenly shouted.

She suddenly thought that if Liao’s family would drive her out, this is not a matter of sitting. Liao Qingyun has a problem? This Liao family can not only drive away her, but also clearly for her to be right!

The face of Liao’s family suddenly became dark. At this moment, someone suddenly reported outside and said that Zhang’s family had come.

That family is to delay the marriage.

Mrs. Zhang is not a good person, but she is absolutely true to her daughter. She didn’t want to marry her daughter to Liao’s family. Now she is even more reluctant, so when she goes home, she will make trouble and even use it. Threat.

Zhang Juren thinks that even if Liao Qing and his real body have problems, they can’t go out of their way. It’s really bad, but Mrs. Zhang is so troubled, he still compromises part of it – he is not willing to go back to his family, but excuses his daughter’s illness. To delay the marriage.

Liao's father was already mad, and got such a message, almost vomiting blood.

And Liao Qingyun, he is not at this moment.

Liao’s business, Wen Ying Niang did not care when she learned that she had a child.

However, she did not care, but there were always people who came to her to please her through the Liao family.

"Smell Mrs., the days of the Liao family have not been very good."

"After that day, Mrs. Zhang went home, and then she got into trouble, forcing Zhang Juren to postpone the marriage. Liao's family was also hard-pressed and directly retired from the marriage, but...who would dare to marry Liao Qinghe?"

"Speaking, the Liao family did not drive Lu Hao away, shouldn't he recognize the child?"

"The Liao family can really lose face this time."


These people want to please Wen Ying Niang, in front of Wen Ying Niang, it is possible to depreciate the Liao family.

Wen Ying Niang listened to this, I thought I would be very quick, but soon, I found that things were not the same as she thought.

After she heard this, she didn’t feel much better, but she felt a little annoyed.

It’s only three months since I left Liao’s house. Everything about Liao’s family has been far away from her.

Wen Ying Niang turned to talk to others about something else.

Those people who saw Wen Ying Niang chatted about other things, they also transferred the topic, followed by the news of Ying Ying Niang to talk about other things, such as ... before the smell of Ying Ying Niang always to regulate the body of the drug shop, now particularly hot.

It is said that Wen Ying Niang is because she went there to find a doctor to adjust her body, so that she can be so happy. It is said that Zhao Jinge of the Jin Zhen Dart Bureau also went there to regulate the body, in order to hold two in three years.

At this moment, many women who did not have a living in Fucheng, they all ran to the pharmacy, let people take medicine to them!

Wen Ying Niang now, can be said to be Wen Ming as a baby to protect it, Zhao Jinge is different.

After confirming that Zhao Jinge’s body was no problem, Jiang Zhen did not prohibit him from going out, nor did he not let him do things, so Zhao Jin’s life was not much different from before. Of course, it’s still a little different, at least he The people who follow are getting more.

Zhao Jinge still manages the brick kiln. It is the Jin Zhen dart board. Some things have to be taken by him. As for Jiang Zhen, his attention is basically on the beach, and he wants to organize a fleet that can go out to sea.

With Wenming's participation, he has relaxed a lot, but he has become more and more aware that it is not a simple matter to go to sea to do business.

He used to think too simple.

Crew sailor route... If there is no one who has been out of the sea, he wants to bring the team to the sea, which is so easy?

Of course, Jiang Zhen was not unprepared. What he had thought before was to dig a few sailors from others. Just... just dig a few people and want to take the fleet to the sea, fearing that it will take a few years.

Now that there is Wen Ming, the situation is different. Wen Ming often goes out to sea and knows a lot of people. He is not going to dig the corners of the house. He can find many people who can use Jiang Zhen!

In this way, they will be able to go out to sea soon.

Jiang Zhen began to prepare for various goods, and after a few months of busy work, he made his first voyage.

The sea merchants may not need to go out to the sea personally, but like Jiang Zhen, the sea merchants who have just started, it is impossible not to follow the fleet to the sea.

Otherwise... who knows their ship, will it never return?

Say goodbye to pregnant Zhao Jinge, Jiang Zhen went to the big ship and left Hexing.

The land was getting smaller and smaller in his eyes, and finally he saw what he saw, only the blue sea.

Looking at the innocent ocean and taking a deep breath of water, Jiang Zhen knew that he had taken the first step.

Three years later.

Hexi Village used to be a small small village, but nowadays, it has already changed greatly. Every household has lived in a brick house.

The Zhaojia Wharf, which used to be a bustling place in Chengxian County, has long been more lively than the dock in Hecheng County.

Here is the headquarters of the Jin Zhen Dart Bureau. Many people come to the Jin Zhen Dart Bureau to do business, they will come here, let alone...

Here, you can always buy a variety of novel overseas things.

Almost every day, there will be many Hexing Houses, and even more distant ships coming to Hexi Village. Some of them have a little rest, some are looking for a Jin Zhen dart board to talk about business, and some people come here to buy goods.

On this day, a large ship that was expensive at first sight, slowly approached Hexi Village, and finally stopped at the dock of Hexi Village.

On the boat, a fat man was curiously looking into the direction of Hexi Village. While looking at it, he was amazed: "I heard that this is just a small village... This is a village. We are all over the road, even if it is a county town, it is not like this. Prosperous?"

"It's really not like a village here." A tall, middle-aged man standing beside this fat man, his eyes full of surprises: "That Jiang Zhen is a bit of a skill."

"That is, the first time I saw him, I felt that he was not simple... but he could be so powerful, but I didn't think of it at all." The fat man said again, a feeling of sorrow.

Gao Zhongzhong looked at the fat man and looked at the direction of Hexi Village. At this moment, the big ship finally stopped.

"Yes, where are you from? Where is it in Hexi Village?" A fifteen-year-old boy holding a piece of paper with a piece of paper and holding a pen in his hand came to the boat and asked.

"This little brother, we came from the capital, come to the south to do business." The fat man smiled, his eyes fell on the pen held by the boy, he asked: "Little brother, this is the pen you are holding. How is it strange?"

"This is a pencil, which is the result of our total darts. It is convenient for the bookkeeping." The boy showed the fat man the rough, two wooden pieces tied with a refill pen: "If the guests are interested, You can go to the grocery store on our dock to buy some."

"I am really interested. I have to buy a few." The fat man said, this looks very ugly, but the victory is convenient, and it doesn't need to be used with ink. It is really convenient to keep accounts. .

The boy was very happy that his pen was recognized. Now he smiled and asked, "What is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Luo Tianci." The fat man smiled and said: "Speak up, I am still familiar with your general goal, he had personally escorted me!"

This fat man was one of the people who Jiang Zhen had rescued from the otter on the way to Zhengyi on the way to Jingcheng. The Luo fat man who had also wrapped Liu Wei and Zhao Lingxi for a while.

This Luo Tianci is a person from Beijing. This time he came to Jiangnan to do business.

When I came to Jiangnan to do business, he was actually not the first time, that is, he was robbed by the bandits before, so he stopped for a few years.

As a result, he stopped for a few years. He came to Jiangnan again and suddenly found that Jiangnan was not quite the same as his memory.

And... As soon as he arrived in Jiangnan, he heard a lot of things related to the Jin Zhen Escort.

This Jin Zhen dart board, isn't that the Jiang Zhen who saved him? I haven't seen it for a few years. At that time, the Jin Zhen Escort, which had a total of dozens of people, was so powerful.

Luo Tianci was amazed. He had to go to Hexing House. He finally thought about it, but he stopped at Hexi Village first.

"Do you know us all the heads?" The boy looked at Luo Tianci in amazement and suddenly asked: "Have you spoken to him?"

"Tell it!" Luo Tianci laughed.

"You are so happy!" The boy looked at Luo Tianci with a smile. He used to live in the Hongjiang Salt Field. He was rescued by Jiang Zhen. Although he had seen Jiang Zhen, he had not spoken to Jiang Zhen!

Luo Tianci: "Hey..."

Luo Tianci simply registered, and he wandered around the pier with his middle-aged high school.

There are a lot of houses near the pier. Although they look ordinary, they are very regular, and they are all brick houses.

Luo Tianci looked around in surprise and didn't want to end up. He actually saw an acquaintance.

"Liu Yan?!" Luo Tianci looked at the woman in a robe wearing a man's usual robe.

This Liu Yan had collected his money and "cares" him for a long time. He will never admit his mistake. It’s just... I used to think about Liu Yan, who was thinking about hooking people all day. How do you look like you have changed personally? Can't it be serious?

Liu Yan did not recognize Luo Tianci for the first time. After all, Luo Tianci was hungry and thin, and the appearance was not the same as the present.

However, she soon recognized it: "Luo fat?"

Luo Tianci was a little helpless. The middle-aged man around him laughed.

Luo Tianci also knows that he is very fat, but he is not angry. He just looks at Liu Wei: "You are working on the dock now?" At the beginning, Jiang Zhen could let his wife go out to go to the dart. Now it is estimated that Can let a woman help him to work, this willows wearing men's clothing, powder is not applied, it will not work on the dock?

"No, I am now a female gentleman in the school." Liu Yan said: "It is time to go to class, lost!"

Of course, Liu Yan is not just a female gentleman in the school. She is still working in the Qingfeng Building.

However, compared to the work of the Qingfeng Building, she still prefers to be a gentleman, teaching the women in the school.

The school in Hexi Village has been open for more than three years. Many students have gone out of the school and started to help Jiang Zhen to work. This is the female student she taught, and many of them have already graduated.

Women can't work on the dock, they can't go with the boat, but they can go to other places to do things, such as bookkeeping, such as carrying a group of women to work, or even follow Zhao Jinge, called Zhao Jinge's helper... ...

After seeing that the first batch of female students all had a good way out, there are more and more female students in the school today.

Liu Yan left, Luo Tianci is still stupid in place.

This Liu Yan, can you be a gentleman? !

Hexi Village has changed a lot now, but Jiang Zhen does not live here, and will come back when the New Year.

The Zhao family now lives in Fucheng most of the time.

Luo Tianci lived in Hexi Village for a day and set off for Fucheng.

But at this moment, Jiang Zhen was not actually in Fucheng. He had a trip to the sea, and he was still at sea. However, far away, he could already see the land.

Three years later, Jiang Zhen was a little darker and stronger.

In the wind and the sun on the sea, he does not stay in the cabin like Wen Ming, and it is difficult to think of it.

"At the end of the family." Jiang Zhen looked at the pier at the cliffside village in the distance, his face full of emotion.

This embarrassment, they went a little far, went to the West and did not say, but also met the blond Europa people there.

Along the way, they encountered a lot of danger, even lost two boats, one of them encountered a typhoon, and Jiang Zhen was even blown from the boat.

Fortunately, he did some measures and tied a rope on his own foot... This rope saved Jiang Zhen’s life, but he also injured his foot. It’s been more than ten days, Jiang Zhen There is still a limping walk.

But even then, as long as you think about the things in the boat, Jiang Zhen has to admit that this embarrassment is still very valuable.

Even if he lost two ships and took the goods on board, he could still make a lot of money, many and many.

That is... in the end, a lot of people were lost.

"Yeah, I finally got home." Wen Ming also said, licking his knees, the sea is very wet, and he has some old problems on his body. Fortunately, he can rest afterwards.

He and Jiang Zhen worked together for three years, bringing out a lot of people, and later, they can no longer follow the sea.

Thinking of this, Wen Ming looked at the land in the distance, and his eyes became extremely hot.

Jiang Zhen’s mood is the same as that of Wen Ming.

He can finally take a break, and finally can accompany Zhao Jinge Zhao Mingzhu, and his own younger son.

More than two years ago, Zhao Jinge gave birth to their second child, a son.

Jiang Zhen didn't bring Zhao Mingzhu at first, but because he often went out to sea, he didn't bring this child very much. Now think of it, he is also a bit embarrassed to him.

Fortunately, he will be able to stay safe for a few years, accompany them, and teach his son and daughter.

The fleet slowly approached the pier at Yabian Village.

This pier was not only used by Jiang Zhen. At this time, there were a lot of boats parked there. When I saw Jiang Zhen’s fleet, the people on the dock suddenly boiled.

The people who come out to sea are back!

People rushed to tell each other, and the first one told me that it was naturally Zhao Jinge.