MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 98. I finally got home.

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Jiang Zhen’s hand was on Zhao Jin’s stomach and the whole person froze.

Although he knew that Zhao Jinge was pregnant, he was also very worried about it, but he was worried about Zhao Jinge.

The daughters who are unwilling to conceive are more likely to eat more, so as to supplement the children in their stomachs, but he is not willing to let Zhao Jinge eat more, and he is afraid that the children will not be born.

He can be a child, he is also happy, but more is still shocked, for the child who is still only a fertilized egg, in fact, there is not much feeling.

For example... If there is a little accident that needs to kill the child, he will not feel bad, even if he is distressed, it is also a distressed body of Zhao Jinge.

After all, he did not really feel the existence of the child.

But now, under his hand, there is a small life moving.

The movement was very weak, and Jiang Zhen was even worried. He worried that he would be hurt if he tried hard.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen inexplicably. He didn't know why Jiang Zhen suddenly stopped moving.

"He moved." Jiang Zhen pointed to Zhao Jinge's stomach.

"My stomach seems to be moving..." Zhao Jinge tried to think back, but still did not understand what happened to Jiang Zhen.

"It is the child moving." Jiang Zhendao.

Zhao Jinge is also awkward.

Although she always thought about getting children, Zhao Jinge was not prepared enough to know more about pregnancy and childbirth.

At least, he did not know that the child would still move in the stomach.

"The stomach still can't see it. How did he move?" Zhao Jinge couldn't help it.

"I don't know." Jiang Zhendao, he heard that there will be fetal movements, but Zhao Jinge's stomach has not been soft because of these days, but it has not become bigger, how can it move?

The two of them have big eyes and small eyes. The original intimacy, it is no longer going to go on.

Early the next morning, Jiang Zhen took Zhao Jinge and was planning to go to Hu Dafu in a carriage.

At the hospital, there was a study on suturing wounds. Hu Dafu couldn’t get it, but Zheng also told several generals about it. So he studied with several military doctors, and the medics also Lived in his house.

“In the past, we used bandages, which were expensive. This used needlework and saved a lot of money.”

"The original wound can't go into the dirty stuff. No wonder the bandage is used repeatedly. It will have a fever."

"I will remember that in the future, where our military doctors are staying, we must have a few people to wash the bandages and cook the bandages."


At this time, people started early, and when Jiang Zhen arrived, he had already discussed it.

When Jiang Zhen heard this, he discovered that the medical technology at this time seemed to be far worse than he thought.

Those who have been injured and injured on the battlefield are absolutely fate!

However, people at this time have not used antibiotics, and their ability to resist bacterial infections is much larger than that of modern times.

"Jiang Zhen, you are here! Is there anything else to tell us?" Hu Dafu saw Jiang Zhen and immediately said.

The other military doctors also looked at Jiang Zhen without looking at them.

"I can say everything I can say." Jiang Zhendao: "This time, I want you to help Jin Geer look... his stomach is moving."

Hu Dafu: "..." Which stomach does not move when pregnant?

When Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge left Hu Dafu, Zhao Jinge got another evaluation of “sports as a cow”.

However, even so, suddenly realized that Zhao Jinge's belly is really more than a person's Jiang Zhen, but inevitably cautiously, all kinds of preparations have become more and more.

Because of this, they started three days later than originally planned.

During this time, Jiang Zhen felt the existence of the child several times in a row. Although the movement was very weak, he did feel it.

He has children, just in the belly of Zhao Jinge.

Jiang Zhen felt that all this was amazing. He finally had a feeling of being a father. He felt embarrassed to disturb the children in his stomach...

When Jiang Zhen thought about this, Zhao Jinge was somewhat entangled.

Before Jiang Zhen, he always touched him on his body. Now he has the hand, but it is fixed on his stomach. He is not intimate with him...

If Jiang Zhen was with him all day, he couldn’t care about him. He had to wonder if Jiang Zhen didn’t like him.

The night before the departure, Zhao Jinge took a heart and took the key part of Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen suddenly forgot to disturb the child in his stomach, but his movements were more careful than before.

Although Zheng Yi did not go back, the Zheng family’s fleet was going back.

Originally, the fleet had to go back a few more days, but Jiang Zhen was leaving, Zheng Yi was accelerating, and finally the fleet could go with Jiang Zhen’s fleet.

He felt that with Jiang Zhen going back, his fleet should be much safer.

When Jiang Zhen left the capital, Zheng Yi made a special trip to bid farewell. In addition to Zheng Yi, Shen Anxin also came.

This time in Beijing, Jiang Zhen stayed at home all day, and there were not many people who knew him. Shen Anxin was the most familiar person, but seeing Shen Anxin who had never seen him for a long time, Jiang Zhen was somewhat surprised.

"Shen Shaoye?" Jiang Zhen looked at Shen Anxin with surprise.

"I heard that Jiang is going to leave Beijing, and I made a special trip to see the old man." Shen Anxin smiled and looked at Jiang Zhen, and greeted the next person to pick some specialties from the capital.

This time, Shen Anxin returned to the time when Jiang Zhen first saw him. Jiang Zhen looked at him and thanked him. Even Zhao Jinge, he was relieved to see him.

A few people said for a while, it was time to sail, Jiang Zhen and Zheng Yi Shen An new goodbye, greeted, and immediately there was a widened wooden board between the big ship and the river bank.

Shen Anxin saw that Zhao Jinge was left behind by Jiang Zhen. He took a long breath and immediately looked at Zheng Yi. He said hello: "Zheng Shao." Since he promised his father to carry forward the Zheng family, he could not be like before. So afraid of this, I should seize the opportunity of everything...

Shen Anxin and Zheng Yi chatted.

On the other side, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge were sitting on the boat and slowly left the capital.

"Jiang Zhen, will you come to Beijing in the future?" Zhao Jinge asked.

"There will be no more coming in the past few years." Jiang Zhen said with certainty that Zhao Jinge is going to be born. After that, the child is still young and certainly can't go far. In the past few years, he did not intend to go far.

He still opened his own darts first, and it is better to train more people.

When Zhao Jinge heard Jiang Zhen’s words, he let go of his heart, and then he heard Jiang Zhen’s remark: “Golden brother, we are going back this time, and it’s also a good time to return home. When you are, you must be very happy.”

In addition to literacy, Zhao Jinge will read some free books to him in these days. He knows what Yijin is returning to his hometown. He immediately nodded.

He and Jiang Zhen have been away from home for four months. He is a little homesick. Hey, I don’t know how...

Hexi Village.

Zhao Fugui walked from the east of the village to the west of the village, then opened his own door and went inside.

"Old man, what are you going to do?" Zhao Liu asked, while asking, counting the eggs and eggs on hand.

"There is nothing, just go out and wander around." Zhao Fugui said.

Zhao Liu looked at his own man: "I still haven't seen Jiang Zhen and Jin Geer come back?" Although Zhao Fugui did not say it, she knew that Zhao Fugui was going out. She definitely wanted to see if Zhao Jinge and Jiang Zhen were back.

"No." Zhao Fugui sat down, some unhappy.

"We sold a duck again, why haven't they come back yet?" Zhao Liu sighed: "How far is this capital?"

"I don't know." Zhao Fugui said.

"I don't know if they are in danger on this road, are they suffering?"

"Definitely not." Zhao Fugui is very sure.

"I still want to find a doctor to raise the body to Jin Geer. As a result, they just ran out when they were married. If this is going on, when can we have a grandson?" Zhao Liu said again.

"hold on."

"You can't say a few more words?" Zhao Liu looked at his man dissatisfied.

"Don't you all say it?" Zhao Fugui said, he wants to say, Zhao Liu has all said nothing, she even said more than once.

"You still abandon me more words!" Zhao Liu stunned Zhao Fugui.

"No." Zhao Fugui said.

"Well, pack up and eat, I will cook you the most favorite egg... You are too picky, boiled eggs are not very delicious, you have to eat fried." Zhao Liu.

Zhao Fugui does not speak, just eat.

When I didn't eat before, boiled eggs were really delicious, but Jiang Zhen let them eat eggs every day, eat and eat, this boiled eggs, don't you get tired?

Now Zhao has raised a lot of chickens and ducks, but whether it is Zhao Liu or Zhao Fugui, they are reluctant to kill chickens and ducks to eat. They eat some eggs every day. At the same time, according to Jiang Zhen, they will still eat fish. There is a chance to buy some meat.

I don't know if it is good. After four months, Zhao Fugui is looking more and more young. Before, it was full of wrinkled face. Because of the meat, wrinkles could not be seen.

After taking a bite of scrambled eggs and taking a sip of white rice, Zhao Fugui couldn’t help but say: "I didn't expect that I was old, and there was such a good life."

Eat eggs every day, have money in hand, there are so many chickens and ducks on the mountain... This is what Zhao Fugui did not dare to think before.

"Yeah..." Zhao Liu nodded. "It is Jiang Zhen and Jin Geer who are not coming back. I am not practical in my heart."

After eating, Zhao Fugui and Zhao Liu went to turn over the basking rice that had been collected this year, and then Zhao Fugui went out again.

With the chicken manure and duck manure at home, there is no shortage of fertilizer. This year he plans to plant wheat in the paddy field where the water is drained.

The yield of winter wheat is not high, but it is very good. After the next year, there will be flour at home.

Zhao Fugui went to the ground and carefully waited for his own land to slowly turn over the ground.

The land that Zhao Jia bought was from the Jiang family, not far away, and the land of the Jiang family.

In the Jiang family's land, the Jiang butcher is also turning over the ground.

The Jiang family's rice harvest this year is not very good. The Chiang butcher has got the seeds and wants to grow winter wheat.

The two of them worked in the field, and after doing almost one hour, they sat down together to rest on the field.

Wang Haisheng’s youngest son, Wang Daniu, ran from a distance at this time and gave Zhao Fugui a basket: “Zhao Grandpa, Grandma Zhao asked me to send you tea.”

"The big cow is really awkward." Zhao Fugui, who is a child of this age, likes children. When he sees Wang Da Niu, he can't help but smile.

When he looked at the things in the basket, he was happy.

There is a large tea pot in the basket, which is filled with dark black tea. In addition, there is a palm-sized hair cake.

The hair cake made by people in Hexi Village is quite simple. It is also sweet and salty. The sweet hair cake is filled with brown sugar. The salty hair cake puts salt, and most people put salt.

The price of brown sugar is not cheaper than salt. It is sweet to put a lot of brown sugar. Just put a little bit of salt, but the cake of Zhao is to put salt and green onion. It tastes like a green onion.

It is estimated that when the water is boiling, the cake is still hot, and Zhao Fugui has a mouthful of tea and eats it.

Next, Jiang Buthu took a sip of the water that he had brought, which had already become cold, and his heart was sour.

I used to drink tea and have something to eat. I have always been myself. Now, his days are even worse than Zhao Fugui!

Zhao Fugui looked at the Jiang butcher, and his mood was quite complicated. The former Jiang butcher looked very good. Now he is going to see him. It is actually a lot of years old...

However, they are not good at both of them today.

The two rested for a while and went back to work silently.

There are not many places in the Zhao family. Zhao Fugui is still used to living. He is not worried about not doing it. When he looks at the time, he will pack up and go home.

His mother-in-law had a good meal. He didn’t go back and didn’t eat it. He had to go back soon.

Zhao Fugui left early, but the Chiang butcher was still in the ground.

In this respect, the work in the field is not complete. On the other hand, it is a mess in the family today, which makes him not want to go back.

Now, his two daughter-in-law are all a big belly, they are all not working, and the two sons are not counting on them. Finally, all the work is actually falling on their two old ones, and he is not married. Little daughter on the head.

Thinking of the two sons, Jiang Butcher could not help but sigh.

His younger son found a job in the county, but it is said that all kinds of expenses are very large, saying that he is going to take money at home, but he has been unable to get it, and his second son...

At the beginning, he entered the kelp salted fish of twenty-two silver. Although he sold some in the village, he sold some of it in the streets and lanes, but he has not sold the money until now. After a summer, some of them are salty. The fish is still broken!

In order not to waste, their family recently ate the broken kelp salted fish, making him smell the smell and want to vomit.

But there is no way, so many things in the house can not be wasted, and then you don’t want to eat, you still have to eat.

Thinking of the things piled up at home, and thinking about his second son, Jiang Butcher was bored.

In fact, if you just can't change the money, Jiang Butou is distressed by the money, but he feels that it is still a good thing. At least for the forty-two silvers that Jiang Chengcai sold after the land was sold, Jiang Chengcai only ruined the twelve.

However, Jiang Chengcai did not make a business this time. He was not willing to do it. He wanted to do it for the second time. These days, he has been running all the time and he is not at home.

Jiang Tuhu returned home with a very bad mood, and when he returned, he saw the villager in the village came out from home.

After entering the door, Jiang Butcher frowned. "How come He Jingpo?"

"It is to tell the younger sister." Jiang Laotai said.

When Chiang’s butcher smashed, he remembered that his little daughter had arrived at the time to say goodbye.

In the past, their family was very supportive of Jiang Xiaomei. Although she also worked for her, she only did some relaxing work, but now...

However, for more than half a year, Jiang Xiaomei’s face has been much thicker.

I am now telling Jiang Xiaomei about people, and I don’t know if I can say good people.

Jiang Butcher was worried, and he saw his second son, Jiang Chengcai, coming in from the outside with a smile.

When Jiang Buthu saw his face smile, he did not fight. Jiang Laotai was on the contrary. He saw that his most beloved second son came back. Jiang Laotai was happy: "Chengcai, you can count came back!"

"Hey, mother!" Jiang Chengcai screamed, and then could not wait to say: "My mother, I found a good business outside this time, definitely make a lot of money!"

Jiang Butou has little trust in this son, and immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Laotai believes in his son: "Really?"

"Hey, you don't have anything to be fake!" Jiang Chengcai said: "They are really doing business, and the business can really make money. If I don't have a good relationship with them, they will lack the money. I will not let me at all." Put it in!"

Jiang Chengcai said a pass, and finally said: "Yes, the money in my hand is not enough, mother, you can give me some more!"

"Is there not thirty-two silver in your hand? How is it not enough?" asked Jiang Laotai.

"Bad boy, don't mess around, it's all about cheating!"

"Hey, they are all rich people. Is it possible to swindle money?" Jiang Chengcai was thinking about it, and he was sure that it was a good business that could make big money.

The family suddenly became troubled again, and the Jiang butcher was mad at him. In the end, he could only bite it and insisted on not giving money.

After saying this, he immediately went back to the house and didn't want to see Jiang Chengxiang again.

Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge knew nothing about the various things in Hexi Village.

However, since they left the capital, they have become more and more worried about their hometowns.

However... the speed of the fleet at this time...

Jiang Zhen is so anxious, he can only slowly go back.

However, fortunately, they have not encountered any trouble on this road. The only thing that is more tangled is that... Zhao Jinge’s belly is getting bigger and bigger.

In the first four months, Zhao Jinge’s stomach could not see anything, but after four months, it slowly bulged and the fetal movement became more and more obvious.

Jiang Zhen is also more and more aware that he really wants to be a father.

When I started from the capital, I thought that I might not have been able to eat vegetables all the time. Jiang Zhen found people to find mud and wooden boxes, and dug some green cabbages.

These two dishes are very good to serve, they are planted on the ship, and they grow very well, and this is only Zhao Jinge can eat.

Liu Wei and Zhao Lingxi stood on the bow of a ship and looked at the boat next to the boat to grow lush vegetables. Then look at the pickles in their bowls, which was extremely depressed.

"That Zhao Jin brother's life is so good." Liu Yan could not help but said.

"Yeah, how is his life so good..." Zhao Lingxi couldn't help but sigh. He and Liu Wei had a bad relationship and they competed with each other. But since they were saved by Jiang Zhen, they were rejected together. The relationship is Getting closer and closer.

"I don't know what Jiang Zhen will let us do in the future." Liu Yan said again.

"It’s not for us to sell the hue." Zhao Lingxi said, Jiang Zhen’s men, in fact, some of them are interesting to them, but Jiang Zhen ordered, and those people did not dare to do anything to them.

The two were talking like this, and they saw another ship, Zhao Jinge came out to grow vegetables.

Now that the weather is getting colder and colder, Zhao Jinge put on thick clothes, and his stomach can't be seen...

I looked at the vegetables grown at the bow and pulled some green vegetables from it. Zhao Jinge gave it to the cook Li, letting her cook.

"How did the lady pick up so many dishes today?" Li asked as he looked at the dishes in front of him.

"It’s almost going to be home, it’s okay to eat it all." Zhao Jinge stood up and smiled.

In order to hurry, there are not many times to stop the ship, but every time they stop the boat, Jiang Zhen will buy some vegetables to plant. However, he planted it, but he did not eat it, but let him eat more.

There is also fresh chicken or something, and Jiang Zhen does not eat it. He keeps it for him.

Now, in two days, I will be home. He can always let Jiang Zhen eat with himself.

The dinner was very rich this evening. Jiang Zhen looked at Zhao Jinge and smiled and ate.

After dinner, and Zhao Jinge lying side by side on the bed, Jiang Zhen began to read to Zhao Jinge.

What he read to Zhao Jinge is "Jonglin Young Learning", a set of enlightenment books read by people of this age.

What is more embarrassing is that he can read it out, but some of them can't explain it. Fortunately, Zhao Jinge doesn't understand much. If there is any problem, he can barely fool the past.

As for the fact that it can’t be fooled...

He said that reading a hundred times and seeing himself, and then reading it again...

This is really a bit reasonable. Jiang Zhen read more and really read out some interest. Of course, this is also because of the fact that this ship can do other things besides reading.

After reading the book for a while, Jiang Zhen put the book down and began to touch Zhao Jinge’s stomach and touched it.

In fact, just reading him, in addition to reading to Zhao Jinge, he still read the child in Zhao Jinge’s stomach. Although he did not understand the pregnancy, he also heard that pregnant women should have prenatal education.

At this moment, he couldn't find music to listen to the children in Zhao Jin's stomach. He could only read his own books. His voice should not be difficult to listen to.

Maybe... I can still remember the voice of Zhao Jinge’s child before he was born.

Thinking about it, Jiang Zhen touched the stomach of Zhao Jinge: "Son, I am you, wait for you to come out, I will take you on horseback!" In the capital, Zheng Jia sent a carriage and a horse, Jiang The earthquake was to put them on the ship and bring them back to Jiangnan.

Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen like this, could not help but smile.

Jiang Zhen told him that the child in his stomach was listening to the sound outside. He thought so. Now, when Jiang Zhen cares about the child, he is naturally happy.

Two days later, the fleet arrived at Hecheng County and stopped at the private dock of Zhengjia.

There are a lot of goods on board. In fact, it is better to go to Fucheng to sell the goods first, but whether it is Jiang Zhen or Zhao Jinge, I want to go home...

The boat was parked on the dock of Zhengjia. Jiang Zhen Zhao Jinge and Jiang Zhen took the men to the capital. They all came down from the boat. Jiang Zhen’s carriage was also taken from the boat.

"This time, we can go to the carriage, and the villagers must be envious." Jiang Zhen looked at the carriage and looked back at Zhao Jinge.

There is a carriage in this year, but it is quite rare to have a BMW when it is modern!

Jiang Zhen is not a person who loves to show off, but Zhao Liu is absolutely fond of showing off. They will return to the carriage and they will be able to give Zhao Liu a long face. It will surely let Zhao Liu show off in front of the villagers.

"The carriage can't go to our village." Zhao Jin said.

"What?" Jiang Zhen was puzzled.

"There is a bridge on the way to our village, and the bridge can't pass."

When I heard Zhao Jinge’s words, Jiang Zhencai remembered that there was such a thing.

From Hecheng County to Hexi Village, it is necessary to cross the river. There is a bridge on the river, but it is a kind of stone arch bridge with steps, and such a bridge, the carriage is too late...

It’s not good to drive a carriage and return home. They still have to take a boat...

Jiang Zhen and his men sat on the boat, and the group went slowly to Hexi Village.