MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 13 Bajie has to get down too

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   Haicheng No. 3 Middle School.

   Several students were wearing school uniforms crookedly, smoking cigarettes in hidden corners, and they looked like bad boys.

   Just as Gu Feng walked into the school gate, one of them's eyes lit up.

   "Brother Monkey, look! We cleaned up that kid two days ago!"

   "Huh?" A sturdy-looking student turned his head, "Really. Hehe! You dare to come! Come on, let's go and see!"

  Others naturally know what this "see" means, and of course it is not as simple as just seeing. One by one stood up excitedly and snuffed out the cigarette butts.

   One person was hesitant and reminded:

   "Brother Monkey, didn't Feng Shao say that yesterday, let's give Xue Xiaoniu a face, and let this boy go for a while."

"Humph! Do you think that's what Feng Shao said? Didn't you see that Xue Xiaoniu was beside him at the time? Feng Shao was forced to be anxious, so he didn't say anything sincere." Brother Monkey snorted coldly, "Besides, let's all talk about it. Let’s go out and say that as long as this kid dares to come, we will continue to clean him up. If we let him roam around the school well, how will our brothers get along in the future? Shao Feng’s face is not worth it?”

   "That's right! You can't lose Feng Shao's face! If you're afraid of Xue Xiaoniu, just stay by yourself."


   Several other people also had expressions of contempt.

   "Who's afraid of her! I'm not thinking about Feng Shao! Go! Whoever doesn't go is the grandson!"

   Several people walked towards the ancient style.


  The campus of Haicheng No. 3 Middle School gives Gufeng a familiar and unfamiliar feeling. There are many familiar pictures in the memory of the predecessor, but when you actually see it with your own eyes, it is still very visually impactful.

   A face of youth, a breath of vitality.

   Gu Feng suddenly found that he seemed to like this feeling a little bit. Otherwise, come to school to play every day in the future?

  However, the few flies that appeared next quickly destroyed Gu Feng's good mood.

   "Boy, are you hurt?"

   As soon as he put down the car, a few guys in school uniforms blocked the door of the carport, looking at Gu Feng with a smirk.

   Now is the peak time for school, and things here quickly attract many students.

   "Isn't this the monkeys? They are bullying people again!"

   "Who is that tall and thin guy? How did you provoke them? It's really pitiful. I'm afraid it will be dealt with badly this time!"

   "You don't even know him? Big and small are the celebrities of our No. 3 middle school, the antiquity of Class 30!"

   "Celebrity? I think it's an embarrassing person? Isn't that the one who annoyed Feng Shao a few days ago and was blocked in the classroom and stunned with a punch?"

   "It turned out to be him!"

   "My family's conditions are poor, my academic performance is poor, and I dare to grab a girlfriend from Feng Shao, I deserve to be beaten!"

   "No! It is said that after the fight, I was so frightened that I didn't dare to come to school for several days. I just came here today and was blocked again."

   "Monkeys are going too far? People have been hiding for so many days, and they still refuse to let go. Isn't this trying to force people to death?"

   "Hey, poor child, it's about to be cleaned up again."


  The surrounding voices are full of discussions, some are ironic, and some are not used to the practices of monkeys and others. Of course, the latter type of people also dare not speak out, but discuss in a low voice from a distance.

   However, no one is optimistic about the ancient style, and they all think that he will be cleaned up badly today.

   Gu Feng's eyes were cold. Monkey, formerly known as Hou Haidong, was a famous gangster when he was in junior high school. He entered Haicheng No. 3 Middle School through Feng Kai's relationship. Therefore, he took refuge with Feng Kai as a sidekick, and became Feng Kai's number one thug. He usually bullied his classmates and other bad things. The last time Gu Feng was knocked out, it was the monkey who moved his hand.

  Speaking of which, Gufeng can pass through, thanks to this monkey. Of course, the ancient way of thanking people is quite special, that is - direct action! ….


Gu Feng didn't even bother to say a word. He kicked out with a huge force. The monkey's feet instantly flew off the ground, and his body flew out two or three meters. Whispered in a low voice, obviously extremely painful.

   This happened suddenly, and everyone around was stunned. Some people even rubbed their eyes as if they couldn't believe it.

"How is this going?"

   "The thin and weak ancient style actually knocked down the monkey?"

   "Did the sun come out from the east today?"

Although the    ancient style is also nearly 1.8 meters tall, it is obviously not enough compared with the strong monkey. What's more, the former is usually weak and weak, while the latter is a sturdy one. How can things be like this?

   "Monkey Brother!"

  The people behind the monkey quickly went to help the monkey.

   "You are all **** dead! Why don't you hurry up and beat this grandson hard for me!" The monkey covered his chest and pointed at Gu Feng with a grin.

"beat him!"

   "Avenge Brother Monkey!"

   Although the scene just now was a bit unbelievable, those little scumbags didn’t think the ancient style was so powerful. After all, they were beaten all over by them just a few days ago! They thought it was Brother Monkey's carelessness.

   Four or five people rushed towards Gu Feng with open teeth and claws.

   "Huh! Brother Monkey? Bajie has to lie down for me too!"

   Gu Feng snorted coldly and shot like the wind.

   "Crack! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

   Every sound was followed by a scream, and a figure flew out.

  The ancient style has twice the strength of his peers, he is ruthless, and the combination of speed and strength, how can these few people who only know how to bully their classmates on campus can stop them?

  Three or two times, several people have all fallen down. The ancient style has a light-hearted look, and it looks quite unrestrained.


   "Too handsome!" This is a girl with hairy eyes and stars, and she is starting to become nympho.

   " this an ancient style?"

   "It turns out that Gufeng is a master of hiding!"

   "Too **** handsome! Idol!" This is a boy with a look of admiration.

   If everyone still suspected that Gu Feng was a sneak attack when he beat the monkey just now, by coincidence, then no one doubts anything anymore.

   Four or five people beat them down between raising their hands. Can this be explained by coincidence?

   As for the monkeys and others who were beaten to the ground, everyone is used to being bullied by them. When they saw this, they only felt happy, and they deserved sympathy.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

  Gu Feng turned a blind eye to the reactions of the people around him, and walked towards the monkey.

   "You... what do you want?" However, the corners of his eyes were filled with viciousness and hatred.

   Seeing this look, Gu Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent. However, thinking of the order of this society, the murderous intention quickly subsided.

  Gu Feng has no doubts at all. Don't say that he killed these people. Even if he is disabled, Feng Kai will seize the opportunity and use his relationship to put himself in a situation where it is difficult to turn around.

   For the unrelated ancient style, the state machine is an irresistible behemoth, a sharp blade hanging above its head.

   The sense of restraint at this moment made Gu Feng make up his mind that he must establish a network of his own as soon as possible and find a strong backer.

  Before you are strong enough, it is impossible to fight alone.

   Of course, the fact that you can’t do it clearly doesn’t mean Gufeng intends to let the monkey go. The experience of the senior magician in the previous life, even with the weak magic power of the apprentice magician, he has many ways to kill the monkey.


  Gu Feng kicked the monkey's chest again and knocked it to the ground. Then, he stretched out his foot and stepped on the latter's face, with a cold tone: ....

   "Don't provoke me again, otherwise, you will die ugly!"

   As he spoke, Gu Feng rubbed the soles of his feet and spun the monkey's face.

  Monkey only felt as if a burst of cold air invaded, and his heart froze. Subconsciously, "woo woo" agreed.

  Others can't see that between Gu Feng's foot, the surrounding magic elements fluctuated, and a black magic has been imprinted into the monkey's body. This is an extremely vicious black magic that can cut off the vitality of people.

   This seems very cruel, but Gu Feng has no mercy at all.

   In the magical continent, if you don’t have the character to kill decisively, let alone become a strong person, even survival will be a problem.

  The truth of cutting weeds and removing the roots, the ancient style naturally understands. The viciousness and hatred revealed in the corner of the monkey's eyes made Gu Feng understand that once he was given a chance, he would definitely bite him back.

   Antiquity is not afraid of this little bastard. However, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves? This hidden danger is better to be removed.

   The moment the monkey's eyes showed hatred, his fate was doomed.

   At the moment when the black magic was completed, Gu Feng only felt a burst of emptiness in his body, the magic power was exhausted, and the body was exhausted.

   sighed in his heart, it seems that the weak magic power of a trainee magician is really not suitable for actual combat!

   In the process of casting just now, the reason why Gu Feng subdued the monkey first was because if the monkey struggled hard, the casting of the spell would be interrupted, and Gu Feng would be attacked immediately, and he would even be injured.

   With the experience of the ancient style, you can only use black magic to deal with people who have no resistance. In the battle, it has no practical use at all.
