MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 560 Obsidian

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   In this environment, if you want to ambush the ancient style, it is simply courting death.

  Release the guards at will. Turning a corner in front, immediately, a metal gate appeared in front of him. The door is painted red, and the whole body is metal.

   Conventional means, it takes a lot of time to break through this gate.

  The ancient style directly waved the magic wand and chanted the spell. An earth magic was cast.


The ground next to    suddenly collapsed, the wall collapsed with a hole, and the dust evaporated.

  The ancient style flashed, and it has entered the reserve through the crack.

  The huge reserve, on the front wall, rows of weapons are hung on the wall, and they are all well maintained. There are all kinds of world-famous guns, as well as bazookas, grenades, etc.

  Gu Feng's interest was not in these guns, he didn't even look at them, he walked towards a side room next to them.

   also used violent means to break open the small door, and immediately, a strong medicinal aura rushed towards his face.

   This is a medicinal material storage room, where all kinds of precious wild medicinal materials are available.

  An ancient look fell straight on a bale of hay in the corner, with regret in surprise.

   "Yaofengcao! It's really Yaofengcao!"

   "I didn't expect that Yaofengcao could be found on Earth! Fortunately, I was highly vigilant all the way here, and my mental power has been kept out, otherwise, I would have passed this treasure."

   "It's just a pity, it's all dried up! The magic power in it has been lost. Good things are wasted like this!"

  Gu Feng looked at this bundle of Yaofeng grass and felt so distressed.

   "Ospermia is a swarm plant. I don't know where the maple leaves got this bundle. If nothing else, there should be there. Find it! Be sure to find it!"

   Antiquity's eyes shine.

   Yaofeng grass! For wind magicians, this is definitely a very precious treasure. The potions refined with the sorghum grass can help the ancient style to break through the realm.

  I thought that I wanted to break through to become a great magician on the earth. I don't know what year and month I have to wait. This time I met Yaofengcao, which gave Gufeng hope.

   There is nothing to hesitate, and with a thought, I put this bundle of Yaofeng grass into the space pendant. Of course, the other medicinal materials in the medicinal material storage room should not be wasted, and they are all collected.

   Then, come out again. Look at those guns and ammo. Also put away... The two space pendants, each with a space of ten cubic meters, can hold quite a lot of things.

The contents of the    storage room were quickly swept away. There is also a secret room next to it, which is about a ton of gold. Look at the significance of this small island as a settlement of maple leaves. A ton of gold is stored here. Not really much.

   Antiquity was also taken away unceremoniously.

  Gold, guns, medicinal herbs... The income from this trip is quite considerable.

  Anti-style moves very quickly. A total of two or three minutes before and after. When they came out, no one was chasing after them outside. Sister Shao Shiyin and Xiaoxin were hiding behind the wall. He held a gun in his hand, and there were several guns in front of him, loaded and ready to fire at any time.

   Looking at Xiaoxin, although his eyes were frightened, there was a little more clarity. In the end, he was trained as a killer since childhood, and his ability to accept **** scenes is completely unmatched by his peers.

However, Gu Feng also knows that Xiaoxin seems to have calmed down. In fact, the **** storm that he had just rolled up has left a shadow in his heart. If he is not treated properly, it will affect his life in the future and make him psychologically. Loneliness and darkness are possible.

   I can't care about it now, I can use magic to make Xiaoxin forget this scene later. In this way, it is more beneficial to his growth.

   Gu Feng thought about it in his heart.

   "Do you recognize this thing? Do you know where it was collected from?" Gu Feng took out a piece of Yaofeng grass and asked.

   "I don't know." Sister Shao Shiyin shook their heads in a daze.

  The ancient wind stopped here at risk, is it because of this seemingly inconspicuous herb?

  Gu Feng didn't have time to be disappointed when he heard Shao Meiyin say:

"The medicinal materials in the reserve are all managed by the old Zhang Clan. The Zhang Clan is always a master of refining medicines and poisons. The pills used by our Maple Leaf members to commit suicide are all developed by him. I believe that the old Zhang Clan must know the origin of this medicinal material. ."

   "Oh? Where does the elder Zhang live? We just attacked and bombed the small building where the village chief and the elders gathered. Wouldn't we kill him?"

   Just now Gu Feng was worried about not killing enough clan elders, but now he is a little worried that this clan elder will be killed.

   "Don't worry. Elder Zhang is also very withdrawn because he studies all kinds of poisons all day long. He doesn't get along with everyone, so he doesn't live in the town at all. Usually he lives alone in a hut outside by himself." Shao Meiyin said.

   "Come up quickly. You show the direction, let's go to Zhang Clan Elder." Gu Feng said. Without any hesitation.

   "Okay!" Shao Meiyin agreed, also neatly.

  The broom continued to take off and flew close to the ground, while the ancient style continued to kill all the way. Wherever he passed, as long as he saw people, he killed them at will and showed no mercy.

   out of the town, still towards the south of the island. Soon, at the foot of the rolling hills, a small villa appeared in the field of vision. Leeward to the sun, the location is quite good.

   There are no guards at the door, Gu Feng rode his broom to enter directly.

   Mental force exploration, the whole villa seems to be three-dimensionally dissected, clearly presented in Gu Feng's mind.

   There is only one person here, with unkempt white hair, who is fiddling with something in a large room, with bottles and jars on the table, in a mess.

   The unkempt white-haired old man looked very focused. The sound of explosions, gunfire, and clamor on the island just now seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Elder Zhang does not need soldiers to guard here, but he is good at using poison. There are organs everywhere in the house and outside, and he may be poisoned if he is not careful. Therefore, no one wants to come here unless he has to. You go in and ask for Be careful." Shao Meiyin reminded Gu Feng when she saw Gu Feng walking inside alone.

"rest assured!"

  Gu Feng knows that time is running out. Now the whole island is boiling, almost everyone on the island is searching for themselves, and I am afraid they will find it soon.

   Therefore, Gufeng must get the information he wants as soon as possible, and then leave as soon as possible.

  The defenses of this small settlement island are too strong, and the ancient style has been here for a long time, and I feel uneasy.

  Gu Feng's mental power is released, and he clearly controls everything around him. He knows that there is indeed poison everywhere. If ordinary people come in rashly, they are afraid that they will be poisoned to death within a few steps.

   However, these are of course useless to the ancient style.

   went straight to the room where the old man was.

   "Huh? How did you get in?" It wasn't until Gu Feng stood at the door that Elder Zhang suddenly raised his head with a surprised expression on his face.

   He knew how powerful the poison array he had set up was. Someone can come here without a sound, and the strength of the other party should not be underestimated. However, he was still such a young guy.

   "Are you an ancient warrior?"

   Gu Feng was also taken aback when he saw the elder Zhang. Make an air of alertness.

   This old guy turned out to be an ancient warrior, and his internal strength was very strong, and he turned out to be a top-notch ancient warrior.

   "The little guy has some knowledge! You are not from the island! The explosion just now, should it have something to do with you?" Zhang Clan stared at Gu Feng and said.

   "Shameless old man!"

   Gu Feng suddenly let out a low drink, and anger flashed in his eyes.

  It turned out that while the old man was talking, he released a toxin that was colorless and odorless. Under the pressure of internal force, it drifted towards the ancient wind.

  The ancient style's mental power controlled the audience, and this little action naturally couldn't hide it from him.

  Gu Feng is confident that with his own magic power, he is not afraid of poisoning at all, but of course he is not interested in testing poison by himself.

   waved the magic wand in his hand.


   Several wind blades attacked the old man of the Zhang clan.

   Zhang Clan's old reaction was also very fast. When he saw the movement of the ancient style magic wand, he had a premonition that it was not good.


Before the    person arrived, there was a flash of blue light, but a few poisonous needles were thrown out, and in a flash, he was in front of Gu Feng.

   A few poisonous needles, divided into upper, middle and lower routes, are inevitable.

   At the same time, the old man of the Zhang clan was also approaching, with his hands in the shape of claws, grabbing towards Gu Feng.

   The strength of a first-class top ancient warrior is really hard to deal with! (To be continued..)