MTL - The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl-Chapter 22 : Dreaming

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After crossing the world, Blue Zicheng found that Zicheng is a magical talent. Although there are only five levels of talent, then Lan Zicheng used his golden finger to constantly transform the body of Zicheng, so that Zicheng has twelve. Level of magical talent.

The entrance examination of the Starlight Ancestral Hall is also the current Zicheng sneak out of the test. She knows that no one would think of her at that home.

From now on, she will become stronger and stronger, and then revenge for the original, which is also the price she has to regenerate her.

In the place not far from Zicheng, a blue-haired girl silently watched the crowd surrounded by the people, and continued to be a wishful purple.

She is the goddess of the world, Zi Cheng, and she is as beautiful as the one written in the novel, but she is not bad.

Irene is also a passer, but she is not the same as Zicheng. In the world of Irene, the world where Zicheng is located is just a novel.

Irene, a past life student, was a junior. The favorite thing to watch was through the rebirth. After a car accident, Irene was surprised to find that she actually wore it, and wore it as the head of the female lord Zicheng.

In the original text, Irene is a big lady who doesn't know the height of the sky. Irene, who was originally a talented tenth grade, was optimistic about the entrance examination of the Starlight Temple. I didn't expect to kill a purple scent in the middle because it was purple. Cheng grabbed the limelight, and since then Irene and Zicheng have become the opposite.

Irene’s various scams against Zicheng, all kinds of humiliation, were solved by the male mate who loved the female lord. In the end, Irene, who was angry and angry, was killed by the female lord Zicheng in a college tour mission. The Lord certainly did not die, but was saved by the man who had just arrived.

Irene’s involvement in the classmates was known to the rest of the group, and was finally reported to the college. The head of the school personally issued a document to expel Irene from the Starlight Ancestral Hall.

Since then, Irene has been rejected by the family, and has been abused by the males who loved Zicheng. After being cleaned up by the males, they were killed.

When Irene first arrived in the world and knew that her rebirth was such a tragic figure, she began to think of ways to change her destiny. She knew that the woman had a strong gold finger, but her golden finger was not small, as long as She is careful not to cross the woman with the woman too early, and she should be able to escape the fate of the cannon.

Although it is not the time to have an intersection with the female lord, she is still very interested in the opportunity that the female lord got in the next assessment.

Waiting until the next round of assessment, she must follow the female lord, and then find the opportunity of the female lord before the female lord, she does not believe, she has seen so many cannons against the text, she will play but the female lord.

The Ministry of Magic gathered two phoenix dancers across the country. Of course, I don’t know. Even if she knew that she couldn’t understand what was crossing, our phoenix dancers are now teasing their own little buns at Tianyue’s home. In order to celebrate her barbecue meal through the first round of assessment.

"Feng dance, there are two rounds of assessment, you must refuel!" Tianzhu sat next to the phoenix dance, excitedly dancing and secretly, and secretly decided that he would also test the Starlight Ancestral Hall in the future, he will also become the Starlight Ancestral Hall. student.

"Yes, phoenix dance eat more, there is still an assessment tomorrow, we must refuel." Tianyue and Lanwei family of three have expressed their support for the phoenix dance.

The Feng Dance Team really pointed a small head and said that he would take a good test.

In the evening, Feng Dance was rushed into the room by the blue family. They refused to let the phoenix girl play too late because of the second day of assessment.

In order to let the phoenix dance a good night's sleep, even the little buns were taken to Ajer's room. Originally, I wanted to hug my room. Ajar said that tomorrow's husband and wife would have to get up early. I got the power to let the little buns stay in my room.

In order to let the phoenix dance have a good mental outlook to participate in the assessment tomorrow, everyone is trying to reduce the burden for the phoenix dance, Feng Dance feels very warm and comfortable.

In the evening, Feng Dance went to bed early.

In my sleep, Fengwu saw a silvery path. On the other side of the path, there seemed to be something calling her, Fengfeng wrinkled her brow, or according to the guidance of her heart, so she did not know the way. What place is the path.

After I left, I didn’t know how long, Feng Dance saw a sinister door appearing at the end of the path. Feng Dance felt that the voice calling for her was from inside the door.

Feng Dance did not hesitate. She slowly pushed open the heavy door. The door suddenly shot a strong white light. Feng dance realized that her body was falling down quickly and could hear other people’s screams. .

The body reaction of Feng Dance has always been faster than the brain. When it fell, it has already carried out a light work and maintained the balance of the body.

Under the phoenix dance is a large piece of ocean, beach, and woods. The place where the phoenix dance falls is on the edge of the beach. Next to the phoenix dance, many people also fall from the sky. From time to time on the ground. There was a collision of heavy objects landing.

At the moment of landing, the phoenix dance has turned back in the sky, keeping the center of gravity and then safely.

Others are not so lucky. Some people have their heads on the ground, and the whole head is buried in the sand. The people next to them have come forward to help pull out the people.

Some of them fell into the sea, but they didn't fall, they could swim well, and they could swim to the shore themselves. They couldn't swim and screamed in the water and shouted for help.

Fortunately, the people nearby are fairly friendly, but there are quite a few people who will swim in the water to save people.

Until half an hour later, those who fell into the water were rescued, and the phoenix dance did not go down to save people. She stood alone and looked at the nearby environment.

This is a strange place, the people around it seem to be the youngest of the ten-year-old and the phoenix dance is almost the same age, which makes the phoenix dance think of the daytime assessment.

"What the **** is going on here, I remember I was sleeping at the hotel?" Someone couldn't help but question.

"Me too, this time I came to participate in the assessment of the Starlight Ancestral Hall. I lived in my uncle's house. I slept very early at night. I don't know why I found myself falling when I woke up. I was scared to death." "Someone patted her chest and looked scared."

"What the **** is going on? Does anyone know?" Some girls whispered.

"Isn't this part of the assessment?" Someone whispered his guess.

Zi Cheng helped a girl sit aside. When she fell into the water, there was a girl next to her who couldn't water. She saved the person and immediately looked at the surrounding environment.

Irene is sitting in the distance of Zicheng, sitting next to a few soaked girls, because most of the people are falling into the sea, only a small part is on the beach, so in addition to better luck The clothes on most people are wet except for the guy who has not fallen into the water.
