MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v5 Chapter 83

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third chapter

Zhou Xialei inserted the straw into the milk carton, put on a mask, and took out her diary, planning to record one entry per day.

Suddenly, the roommate lying on the bed, crossing her legs, and concentrating on swiping her mobile phone jumped up from the bed. She held up her mobile phone and exclaimed, "Damn, look at the class group! I heard that Liang Yutian is in the library He committed suicide by jumping off the building!"

"What? You mean Bai Fumei from our department?"

"My god, is it true or not? Is it dead? When did it happen?"

"No way, rumors, why did she commit suicide? She is good-looking, her family is rich, and she wears famous brand names every day. There are many girls who envy her. Why is she full? Suicide."

Zhou Xialei has always been quiet, her voice is soft and soft, and her voice is very gentle. When she heard the heated discussions among her roommates, she was shocked at first, but she didn't think too much about it, and she didn't join in, because she was not a person. Girls who love to gossip.

Suddenly, her mobile phone on the table vibrated and made a muffled "buzzing".

Zhou Xialei was taken aback, and her heartbeat also missed half a beat. She was always gentle and rarely showed a look of disgust when the phone made a muffled beep, as if she knew who was calling her early in the morning.

When she picked up the phone and saw the non-local unknown number displayed on it, she hesitated for a while, but then hung up without hesitation.

It's no wonder that her actions were so heartless, but because she was harassed and bombarded by her ex-boyfriend crazily during this period, and she didn't know how many unknown calls were blocked because of this.

In addition, her mobile phone card is a campus card, so she can't give it up at all. Even if she has been harassed all the time, she never thought about changing the mobile phone card.

Her ex-boyfriend is a domineering madman, and she is not allowed to get along with any opposite sex. Even if she is a classmate, the opposite **** who has never said a word is forced to delete all contact information. Her life is monitored 24 hours a day. Everything down to what she ate every day and what class she took, she had to report to him.

This kind of love mode is like being put on a layer of shackles, which restricts her hands and feet and freedom.

Just when Zhou Xialei felt a little slanderous, even aggrieved, she suddenly received a new text message on her mobile phone.

She clicked on the content of the message in a strange way, and just as she saw the content clearly, she was so scared that the phone dropped to the ground and made a loud "pop".

The people in the dormitory were already having a heated discussion, but this burst of noise startled all of them, and they all looked towards Zhou Xialei's position.

The girl closest to Zhou Xialei saw Zhou Xialei's irritated face, bent down, and was about to help Zhou Xialei pick up the phone, but the latter yelled, "Don't move, I will do it myself!"

Then, as if it was her baby that fell on the ground, she clenched the phone in her hand with a twisted expression on her face.

The girl who was scolded had obviously never seen Zhou Xialei with such a strong emotion, she was shocked, she stood in place, and said awkwardly, "Okay, okay."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that Zhou Xialei was not in a good mood, so they threw themselves into the heated discussion just now.

Zhou Xialei's body was trembling uncontrollably, she even felt her bones were getting cold, as if she was wrapped in a thick layer of ice, she trembled even more.

Immediately afterwards, two more text messages were sent, but this time, Zhou Xialei's fingers were trembling when she clicked on the message.

The latest newsletter is concise and to the point: "If you don't want your negative news to be exposed by me in school, just scan this QR code, download this software, and let's chat slowly."

"Well, I'm here." Su Jingyan lowered his head, there was still a faint blush on his cheeks, his two hands were tightly holding the thick stack of books, and because of nervousness, his fingers were digging at the corners of the books .

Su Jingyan rented a house near the school, one bedroom and one living room, not much space, but for a college student, it is definitely very good.

And after walking out from the main gate of the school, you don't need to walk for a long time, and you can arrive quickly.

Lu Yichen's eyes were silently staring at Su Jingyan from the beginning to the end, without lifting his eyelids, or even blinking once, as if his eyes were glued to Su Jingyan's body.

His demeanor was very cold, his face was paralyzed, and after hearing Su Jingyan's words, the boy gave a soft "hmm" without any fluctuation in his voice.

Su Jingyan's Adam's apple moved, and he covered the book on top of his head. He was about to rush out of the umbrella that protected him in the rain. wrist above the head.

Lu Yichen's hands were extremely cold, Su Jingyan felt the cold touch, his eyes trembled in small arcs, and he turned his head to see the expression of the man behind him.

The man's eyes were already dull and out of focus, looking a little cloudy.

Su Jingyan was let down by Lu Yichen following the man's movements.

Without saying a word, Lu Yichen stuffed the handle of the umbrella into Su Jingyan's palm. Before Su Jingyan could refuse in surprise, Lu Yichen walked out of the umbrella, leaving Su Jingyan standing alone in a daze. in the rain.

It wasn't until Su Jingyan stared at the man's back for a long time that he realized what had just happened. He was startled, and rushed towards the direction Lu Yichen was walking with his umbrella in hand.

But the moment Su Jingyan took a step, the man just walked to the corner of the corner and disappeared from Su Jingyan's sight.

Su Jingyan rushed to the corner, looked around, and found that the man just now had completely disappeared on this road, without even a shadow, as if he had disappeared out of thin air, like a dream.

He raised his head to look at the umbrella he was holding in his hand.

Su Jingyan felt annoyed and regretted again.

He found that he knew nothing about his major and class other than the man's name, and he even forgot to ask for his contact information!

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan wished to turn back time and wake up the foolish self at that time.

And he slowly leaned on his chest with the hand holding the umbrella handle, feeling the beating frequency of this thumping heart.

Still fast, even faster.

Su Jingyan's brain felt an indescribable numbness, which made him look very excited.

Su Jingyan pursed her lips, feeling a bit indescribable in her heart, and began to walk in the direction of renting a house again.

Su Jingyan comforted himself while walking.

It doesn't matter, they are all in the same school anyway, there must be a chance to meet again!

At this moment, only if he thinks this way, can Su Jingyan's sense of loss feel better.

Su Jingyan walked towards the location of the rental building, sighed, a little depressed.

After a long time, a black figure stood at the corner again, appearing quietly.

The rain pattered on the ground, hitting the man's face, clothes, and his broken hair, drenching his whole body.

Lu Yichen's eyes closely followed Su Jingyan's every move, like an emotionless robot.

And his face was too pale. After being drenched by the rain, he looked like a ghost crawling out of **** to take his life. He didn't even blink his eyes, as if he had lost his vital signs.

I don't know how long the man has stood in this position.

Finally, just as he appeared out of thin air at the beginning, after a while, he disappeared quietly in the same place...

Su Jingyan lightly placed the heavy book on the coffee table, still holding the umbrella handle with his right hand.

He slowly sat on the sofa, picked up the tissue box on it, pulled out the paper, and wiped the water stains on the umbrella.

Su Jingyan's movements were very meticulous, especially the gap between the umbrella ribs. He wiped it back and forth several times, just like someone touching some precious treasure in the world, gently and seriously.

In the process of wiping, the smile on the corner of Su Jingyan's mouth has not restrained from the beginning to the end, and he doesn't know what is thinking in his mind, the smile is very sweet.

Under the halo-colored light in the room, Su Jingyan's whole person looked very gentle like someone covered in a layer of gold.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, and Su Jingyan was also taken aback by the sound. After reacting, he slowly put the umbrella on the table carefully, and then took out the mobile phone from his pocket.

Su Jingyan clicked on the phone screen, saw clearly the caller, frowned, a little confused.

Because the one who called him was his professional teacher, a young professor in his early thirties.

Su Jingyan hesitated for a moment before confirming the answer, then put the phone behind his ear, and said "Hello" softly.

The man on the other end of the phone chuckled when he heard Su Jingyan's voice, and then said, "Jingyan, are you free tomorrow?"

Su Jingyan had an indescribable feeling in his heart, especially when he heard the other party call him that, his brows were almost wrinkled into a river shape. This is an expression he only shows when he is very disgusted.

It's not that Su Jingyan has any opinion on this teacher, it's his own reasons, it may be related to his experience from childhood to adulthood, he always has a little bit of affection for those around him who want to get closer to him Speak out feelings of resistance and alienation.

"Uh, I will see the specific arrangement tomorrow." Su Jingyan replied vaguely.

The person on the other end of the phone obviously laughed again. After hearing this laughter, Su Jingyan inexplicably got goosebumps and felt uncomfortable all over.

"Then, can we have lunch together at noon tomorrow? I have something to tell you." The man's voice was uniquely magnetic at his age. Smiling, it doesn't sound uncomfortable, but it will make ordinary people feel like a spring breeze.

But Su Jingyan is not an ordinary person, he only feels aversion to cold.

What's even more strange is that the air in the room seemed to freeze the moment the voice on the other end of the phone fell, and the temperature inexplicably became very low, as if the air conditioner was suddenly turned on, and it was gloomy.

Su Jingyan touched the arm of his right hand with his left hand, feeling a little cold uncontrollably.


I don't know if it was Su Jingyan's illusion, he had a vague feeling that someone sneered beside him just now.

Although Su Jingyan didn't want to use such dirty thoughts to speculate on a male professor who, at least so far, has behaved very well and hasn't done anything over the top.

But he has always been sensitive, and he can easily fail to catch the likes and dislikes of the people around him. He has indeed seen too many seemingly sanctimonious jackals and beasts showing their sharp fangs in front of him. If it weren't for these experiences, he wouldn't have become so sensitive.

Therefore, Su Jingyan promptly interrupted what the other end of the phone wanted to say, and said indifferently, "If you have anything to do with me, you can tell me on the phone now. If you want to give me something or a task, the day after tomorrow I'll meet you in your office during class."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to want to continue to persuade him to say something, but inexplicably, the signal on the phone seemed to be cut off abruptly, leaving only the sound of electric current, which came intermittently.

Suddenly, there was another "snap", and the call was suddenly cut off.

Su Jingyan frowned, thinking that what he said made the person on the other end hang up the phone angrily, and didn't take it to heart, and continued to wipe the umbrella next to him.


I don't know who sneered.