MTL - The Path Toward Heaven-v8 Chapter 43 Picturesque inside and outside the world

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The young monk just looked like a teenager, and has actually lived for many years.

Of course he is still a teenager, otherwise he will not venture into the sea of ​​dark objects.

I believe he has a way to take away the innumerable monsters on the bottom of the sea, and may encounter some mother nests or even another dark object. Next, the number of monsters coming here through the space crack will become much less, and the pressure on the fleet on the side of the Dreamfire Industrial Base is also very small.

The battleship Lieyang started again, heading towards the burning planet. With the help of researchers at the 857 base, Zeng Ju began to finalize the plan. More than a dozen ultra-micronized nuclear power furnaces and the newly developed ablation equipment have arrived and are ready for use at any time.

As mentioned before, neither the local powerhouse of the Galaxy Alliance nor the large-scale remotely controlled equipment can withstand the high temperature of the erosion equipment at close range, and the accuracy is too far, or it can only be delivered. Do it for ascendants.

I don't know if Zengju remembered the proud, arrogant personality of Shen family son at this time.

The middle-aged researcher, wearing a gray plaid shirt, came under the battleship with a tea cup. The bracelet leaned lightly, making a beep, the heavy alloy door slowly opened, and a strategic warehouse with a very large space appeared in front of him.

Regarding the use of the ablation equipment, he has fully mastered it at the 857 base, and his algorithm is different from Zeng Ju, so he does not need to watch and learn with his own eyes. If Zeng Ju ca n’t bear it, he will show his identity. Take over.

The warship's warehouse was filled with a variety of equipment and an unusual number of nuclear bombs on both sides, and it was still so empty.

He walked to the middle of the storeroom, felt the remaining breath in the air, and took a cup of tea and took a sip.

Jasmine tea is already cool, not so refreshing, but his demands for life are always low.

Suddenly he felt something, and extended his right index finger and middle finger, pointing to the bullet rack over the alloy wall.

With a soft bang, a black **** that had been left in the corner for a long time arrived and broke into his finger accurately.

Looking at the black chess between his fingers, his blackish face showed a missed smile, and the silver bracelet on his wrist seemed to become even brighter.



The morning light passed through the glass on the window and landed on the chessboard, shining like the black **** in the middle, like Jing Jiu's eyes.

Xueji leaned on the corner of the sofa and looked blankly at a place on the wall without knowing what she was thinking. Of course, she had no expression at all, except for occasionally squinting her eyes.

On the TV light curtain, the meeting in the city hall was broadcast live. After a night of quarrel, neither the mayor nor the senior officials and the councillors could hold it back. As for those officials who have specific work arrangements, they have already been Leave and go to the neighborhoods and institutions responsible for them.

After Eve's figure disappeared from the TV light curtain, Huaxi lost interest in those uninteresting quarrels. She just looked at the warning captions and process arrangements that were enlarged from time to time in the light curtain. She felt that she should memorize it carefully, but the more The back is more confused.

With a snapping sound, Jing Jiu dropped a white piece on the chessboard. Huaxi was awakened by a clear voice. She rubbed her eyes and walked to the window and said to him: "Brother, I can't bear the evacuation regulations, but I remembered the list of things to carry, or should I go get it first?"

In fact, Jing Jiu didn't quite understand what was arguing on TV, what did it mean to evacuate, and followed her words, and then continued to play, and it didn't take long for the chess pieces to fill the board-if the game can be passed back Towards the mainland, Queniang will probably faint happily again.

"Who would stack the clothes? Would you like to bring that red cloth? What is the emergency multifunction device? Why didn't I find it?"

Huaxi has never packed luggage, whether it is at the home of the Star Gate base, at the Priest Academy, or this home. In fact, she was more often a piece of luggage, brought by Jing Jiu from the star gate to the main star, and from the foggy galaxy to a sewer on this planet.

She was more upset and timid, she ran back to the living room with a pile of clothes and shouted loudly.

I don't know for some days why the girl's temper is getting bigger and bigger.

Cicada looked back at her gratefully on the windowsill.

The little girl seems to be waking up, which is indeed a bit dangerous, but it feels good to have someone in the family to help with household chores and responsibilities.

Jing Jiu and Xue Ji will not care about these things, nor care about her shouting. Anyway, there are no neighbors in 720. Under the premise of ensuring safety, they can have no reaction to any changes in this world, more than the highest monk. To be high.

At this time, the 720 unit bell suddenly rang. The inter-view interactive system has long been broken, and Huaxi angrily threw the things in his arms onto Xueji, opened the door, and opened the iron door of the unit, and found a basket on the steps, but did not see the visitor. But there is a line of footprints in the thin snow on the ground, and a line of cat's paw prints on the flowerbed in the distance.

She brought the basket back home and said, "I don't know who it is."

Xueji squeezed her head out of the pile of clothes, and pulled a sock hanging on her face aside with a small round hand, and gave her a cold look.

"It seems ... in front of the building." Jing Jiu retracted his gaze looking out the window and added with a slow voice: "It's basketball, kid."

Huaxi pulled out an old tobacco box from the basket. Someone wrote a message on the carton. It probably means: I am a neighbor in the 714th floor. Now I am going to prepare for evacuation. Although it may not really be evacuated, my family The organic products need to be destroyed by myself. I like to eat frozen pears. My mother took advantage of the snow this year and the temperature is very low. I have done a lot for me. .

I do n’t know who the basketball boy is, or whether he means giving gifts or the whole family. In short, the message is full of clumsy and cautious kindness.

Xue Ji didn't respond. Jing Jiu said thank you. The problem was that people had already left at this time. I didn't know who this thank you was for.

Huaxi took a frozen pear from the basket, looked at it curiously, and said, "It's so ugly, I don't know if it's delicious."

The color of the frozen pear is black, just like the bruises on the human body.

Jing Jiu thought for a while and said, "You have to eat."

The meaning of this sentence is that the ugly is not necessarily unpalatable, and the real taste must be known in the mouth. It ’s like the pastry that Teacher Eve brought to them is very good, but it tastes really unpleasant-he did n’t know why it happened because the pastry should be eaten directly, and it does n’t need to be like Huaxi, Use a steamer to steam it through every time.

Huaxi thought what his brother said was very reasonable. He picked up the frozen pear and sent it to his mouth, biting it hard.

Then, there was an accidental cry and two lines of tears that suddenly flowed out of my eyes.

Jing Jiu a little awkwardly comforted twice, and suggested: "Since it is so hard, let it be soft before eating."

How can I soften a frozen pear? Of course, the most intuitive idea is heating. Fortunately, because of bad mood, Huaxi is too lazy to boil water and use a steamer. He directly puts the frozen pears on the window sill and waits for the sun to melt.

There is a thin layer of snow on the surface of the frozen pear. It looks like frosting. When it is illuminated by the sunlight, it finally shows some good looks and becomes more attractive.

After a longer period of time, the snow and frost on the sunny side gradually turned into drops of water, crystal clear, like pearls.

Snow fell suddenly outside the window. The sunlight penetrated the snowflakes, penetrated the glass, and shone on the glass beads on the surface of the frozen pear, refracting the light.

Looking at the scene, Jing Jiu took the pen and paper from the piano and started sketching, but he was a little dissatisfied with the painting. He remembered again a man named He Zhan.



Rejoice that the monk has been here.

In the sea of ​​dark things, everything is dark, without any light, really like the deepest and deepest seabed. Yes, he also went to the deepest part of the sea, staying in the abyss of death without light for a long time, and the water there was as cold as the space around him at this time.

When entering the sea of ​​dark objects several times in the past, they all entered from the edge, and they did not go far, and there were stars behind them, as if the lights of their hometown were generally based, they could find directions at any time, and then returned.

At this time, he had penetrated into the sea of ​​dark things for tens of thousands of kilometers. The crack in the space of the Tianhuo Industrial Base had changed from the first golden pupil to a small spot of light.

There is no visible light here, and the other rays are extremely sparse, like a candlelight that may go out at any time in his eyes.

Fortunately, the monsters that he led from the space crack have a clear sense of existence, which can help him determine his existence.

There are a lot of those monsters, but they can only float in space. Like a kite, the speed is so slow that it does not pose any threat to him. The threat comes from the sea of ​​dark objects.

He can't perceive the dark energy scattered in the space, but it is obvious that the dark energy is constantly immersing in his golden body, and the Zen heart has moved.

A flash of light suddenly appeared in front of me, like watching a Mars burst out of the extinguished paper money, and then lit the paper in the pot.

It was a star in the process of being extinguished. I wonder if the internal light, heat and high pressure environment had changed, and it had a dazzling light.

Similar pictures will often appear in the sea of ​​dark objects. It may take many, many years before those lights are truly condensed.

With the light shining from the star in the distance, the joyful monk saw the target he was looking for with his eyes, and the monk sleeve flicked and stepped on the big nirvana to speed up and fly past.

Dozens of mother nests were quietly suspended in the dark universe, as if they were to be integrated into the universe itself, and were illuminated by the stellar light before they emerged from the universe, exposing the black and dense surface. , Looking disgusting.

Sensing the arrival of life, the black mother nests were awakened immediately, and countless tentacles were born from the pits on the surface, just like the closed pores suddenly produced sweat hair, and it was like the maggots were drilling out of the surface of rotten food Even more disgusting.

The light illuminates all this, and comes into the eyes of the happy monk. He exclaims with joy: "It's beautiful."

There is no medium and no listeners in the universe. He is not a person like Shen Yunbu. At this time, he naturally does not use the method of vibrating space to spread the sound, so he silently admired, but his expression was not fake, and he came from the heart.

The concept of beauty and ugliness is a full manifestation of utilitarianism in human beings.

As one of the greatest and most powerful beings in human history, the Joyous Monk has already surpassed many boundaries of human beings, and naturally looks at things more detached-his aesthetic is still human, but more extreme.

Except for the **** in ancient times, no one should have seen such pictures in UU reading At least he had not seen them in any materials. He felt that he should leave these pictures and materials, even if he failed When Xueji was found, he could not leave the sea. Later generations could at least know more.

He let the big nirvana stand still, and he took out the pen and paper from somewhere, and painted the endless darkness in front of him, the dying fire of the distant stars, and the mother nests like frozen pears in the vicinity.

That pen was the pen he used when he was in Maozhai, and the paper was made of peach bark in front of Shuiyuean. With such a pen, the words and paintings written on such paper can be kept for a long time even in a bad environment.

The tip of the pen kept painting on the paper. He kept all the foreground objects in the painting, and then attached various detailed data obtained by sight and mental calculation.

Finally, he put this piece of paper into the big nirvana, and then flew to the mother nests, stretched his finger to tick, and said, "Come on."

After saying this, he turned around and left without hesitation.

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