MTL - The Path Toward Heaven-v8 Chapter 44 is it you? His Majesty

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The stars drifted away, there was no more light, there was darkness all around, and there was no sound. Those ordinary monsters such as the prologue and the half-tail haven't known where they have been. They want to come far enough from the space cracks in the Tianhuo Industrial Base that they will not be able to pass in a short time to cause trouble for the fleet.

The problem now is that the dozen mother nests seem to have the ability to penetrate the space for a short time in the sea of ​​dark objects, and the speed is obviously very slow, but it is difficult for him to get rid of, or that the mother nest will chase after a long time. Come up, like this time.

The dark energy in the sea of ​​dark objects is smaller than blood thumb and spores, and exists like neutrinos. Logically speaking, neither the ascending person nor the monitoring equipment can perceive it, but the cold and silent are full of destruction. The breath of desire gave it a sense of presence, and was driven by the tentacles of those mother nests, as if it had turned into a black wind, gently brushing his monk's clothes.

The coat is light and gradually broken, like flowers in the withering process.

The joyful monk quietly looked at the dark world that could not be seen, raised his right hand and slowly moved the rosary.

This action seemed ordinary, but it was like pulling a lighter, and there seemed to be a crackling sound in the empty and silent universe.

More than three hundred golden flames erupted from his body, passed through the ragged monk's clothing, and instantly rolled into a golden fireball in the gravityless universe, wrapped him up, blocked those dark breezes, and burned at the same time He died of blood thumb and spores hidden in the gap between the monks' clothes.

The burned blood thumb and spores fell like dust, fell on the big nirvana, and then sucked in by the surface of the slow-flowing metal plate, entered the side grid in the middle, and deepened the black gold color inside.

"It's already far away, think of a way to come back." The voice of Zeng Ju sounded in the mind of the happy monk. I don't know how the seven-generation saint of Yimaozhai did it. He could actually send the information to such a far place , And a completely different world.

The joyful monk ’s eyes passed through the burning golden fireballs and landed on the mother nests that were approaching again, responding: "These mother nests have a more obvious self-awareness than we have seen before, indicating that they may have commanders."

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, he still believes that Xue Ji is here.

Yes, he left the battleship Lieyang and passed through the fissures of space under the sight of millions of sights, and came to this dangerous dark world. In addition to taking away the troublesome beast tide, the real purpose is still in the dark Xueji was found in the sea of ​​things.

He wants to find her, help her, and then submit to her.

There is no space sign in this dark world, and it is impossible to know his position. Naturally, he cannot talk about any direction, but he has never shifted.

The problem is that it has been a while since he came to the sea of ​​dark objects. He has not found any traces left by Xue Ji. Should he kill one of these mother nests in front of him and try to attract her attention? The joyous monk quickly rejected his idea. A mother nest of this level is no different from the ants for your majesty. There is no point in killing them. If you can kill another one here The author may be useful.

With this thought, he continued to march deep into the sea of ​​dark objects, and those mother nests naturally followed. So floating in the sea of ​​dark things, I do not know how to float for a few days. Zeng Ju's voice never sounded again, indicating that he really left the human world, and I don't know if there is a chance to go back.

This ordinary level of mother nest cannot threaten the joyous monk, the real trouble is still the sea of ​​dark objects. The dark energy's infiltration of the golden body and the attack on the Zen heart have been there all the time. Even if he is the ancestor of Zen, his heart is like a stone, and he has a body of Buddha and fire, he has seen many illusions.

Chaotian Continent's practice of self-description or speculation on extraterrestrial demons makes sense.

The joyful monk found himself on Moqiu ’s official road. The patients who did not seek medical treatment on both sides of the official road were hungry and lying in the barren fields, because at that time there was no Guocheng Temple, he had not studied medicine, and naturally there was no medical monk.

At the next moment, he found himself on the battlefield in the northwest. The army of the court was fighting against the anti-thief near Lengshan. There were some evil repairs and high-ranking sectarians fighting in the high mountains in the distance. I can only look at it from a distance, and dare not take a step there.

Then he became a swordsman. The general who enlightened the Tao on the battlefield was incognito, wanted to go to Qingshan to steal the sword, but was exposed by the fairy master of Nansong Pavilion. Fortunately, the swordsman of Qingshan pityed him for his difficulty. Jian Jing.

Later, he went to the Thousands of Miles Corridor, under the wind like a knife, holding the willow tree for a long time before walking to the few thatched cottages. Until many years later, he could not understand that the wind there was so strong, why did the lotus on the lake press his skirt so tightly?

The teacher soared, he left Yimaozhai to go to many places, and finally returned to Moqiu to build a temple.

The starved and impoverished people on both sides of Moqiu official road were replaced by helpers from various states and counties, and the official road was filled with carriages.

There were more and more medical monks in Guocheng Temple. He could finally take a break and went to Baicheng to resist the beast tide of the snow country. He lived for hundreds of years.

After a long period of two thousand years, he returned to Guocheng Temple, sat on the spot, turned into a Buddha, and came here.

According to what was written in that book, Guocheng Temple is still that Guocheng Temple, Yimaozhai is still that one Maozhai, and the small temple in Baicheng also has descendants. There is one of his towers in the Tallinn of Guocheng Temple, although there is no ashes in it, of course, it is placed at the front and in the best position.

All this made him very happy.

Of course he knew all this was an illusion.

It's just that there is no audience and no readers in the sea of ​​dark objects. He doesn't need to say this sentence.

He always felt that he was a farmer, but he had better luck, and he met many nobles who were willing to help himself before he came to this day. There is too little description of this in the illusion, and it is not clear. This shows that he came up with it himself, not an objective fact.

He opened his eyes and woke up, and the golden flames spewed out again, pushing the mother's nest farther.

Buddha also has fire. With these fires, he can float in the sea of ​​dark objects for a long time, because the big nirvana under his feet lasts for hundreds of years. The problem is that the universe is vast and the sea is boundless. Did you find Xue Ji?

Now he is far away from that crack in space, and I do n’t know which way to go back. If Xueji ca n’t be found, he can only float here, just like swimming in the sea under the thick ice, only extremely Fortunately, you can find the exit to surface, otherwise you will suffocate one day.

This situation reminded him that many and many years ago, when the number of medical monks in Guocheng Temple exceeded 200, plus he had no rest for 70 or more consecutive days, he finally cured the seriously ill patients on both sides of Moqiu official road. Or sent away, suddenly found that the court and Zhongzhou sent more injuries.

Those injuries are like tide water, and once again filled the fields outside the Guocheng Temple, he was a little puzzled when he was tired. After asking a few times, he realized that there was a beast tide over the snowfield. He thought that this was not the way. , The beast tide should be resolved first, so he went to Baicheng.

In Baicheng, he killed a lot of snow country monsters, including those strong humanoid guards, but found that these monsters were born between ice and snow, almost endless, even if they stay here forever, it is impossible to kill clean, I think this is not the way, should Solve Xue Ji first, then went to that ice peak.

Unsurprisingly, he was defeated by Xueji ’s Madoka, and even the other party ’s face was broken without seeing his gold body. The Zen heart will be broken, and he was beaten from that ice peak, and I do n’t know how much it flew in the sky. Here, it fell on the extremely north snowy sea, penetrated the thick ice, and sank to the bottom of the sea.

When he woke up in the sea, he had sunk to the deepest sea floor-the golden body had great benefits and naturally had some inconveniences.

You can reach the sand with your hand, but the rough feeling is not very clear, because here is too deep, the sea is too cold.

His injuries were too heavy to use the Tianyantong, and all he saw was darkness.

After resting on the seabed for a few days, he slightly relieved his spirits and tried to float upwards. It took a long time to reach the sea, but he found that there were endless side covers above it, and now he could not break it.

After trying a few times, he reasonably chose to give up, just floating under the ice, letting the sea walk with him.

He didn't need to breathe, so he floated under the ice for many days. His face became paler and paler, and his skin became more and more wrinkled. He even had a face like Shen Yunbu's face that Tong Yan broke through the black battleship. Of course, he at that time and he at this time did not know that picture.

At that time, he was thinking about only one word.

So strong.

Xue Ji is so strong.

Since then he rarely used Xue Ji to call that person, preferring to call her Queen.

Or Your Majesty.

Or Her Majesty.

Gone with the air, with his pride and self-confidence ... just gone.

He was pushed by the current like a floating corpse, rubbing against the ice, and deeper and deeper towards the north of the snowy sea.

The ice is getting thicker and thicker, even tens of feet thick, and his pale and deformed face can no longer be seen from above. He could no longer see the light on the ice, and the world [] became dark again, as if he had returned to the bottom of the sea.

His injury has not deteriorated, nor has he improved, and he is simply unable to break through the ice. If he continues to float like this, he will one day die.

Just like him floating in the sea of ​​dark objects at this time.

One day he suddenly saw a light in front of the dark world.

The desire to survive and a breath of traction led him to regenerate his spirit and tried to swim over there.

That light is really the sky.

A crack that appeared to be naturally formed in the tens of feet of ice, but everyone knows that this cannot be naturally formed.

The joyful monk floated to the lower edge of the crack, reached out to grab the ice, summoned the big nirvana with his final spirit, and then went up on his stomach.

Big Nirvana carried him to the ice and wobbled like an old skinny horse.

With a snapping sound, the big nirvana fell on the ice and smashed some ice chips. It took him a long time to relax, turned to look at the sky, his face just smiled for the rest of his life, and he was instantly replaced by extremely complex emotions.

There is a snowy mountain in the sky, either the lonely ice peak deep in the snowfield, or a very ordinary, not so high snowy mountain with a cliff on the side of the mountain.

Xueji stood on the edge of the cliff, condescending, and looked at him quietly.

He had never seen Xue Ji himself, but knew she was.

Xueji's dark eyes have no sarcasm or contempt, only curiosity and fun.

Huanxi Monk has not communicated with her, but firmly believes that she cannot be a violent, bloodthirsty demon who wants to destroy everything. Otherwise, how could she let the ice sea separate, let the sky come, call herself to come, and let herself live?

Regardless of his injury and exhaustion, he just looked up at her with his head raised in this way.

She looked down at her like this.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe only a few days, maybe a few years.


Xue Ji suddenly made a sound.

Rejoice monk understand what she said-if you do not wake up, you will die.

What does it mean?

Are those things that have never happened, just his imagination?

Huanxi Monk suddenly felt sad, and then really opened his eyes and woke up.

It was still dark in front of me, not the bottom of the extreme north snow sea, but the bottom of the sea of ​​dark things.

The dozen mother nests were not far from him, slowly dancing their tentacles.

Somewhere further away there is an extremely powerful and evil will that traverses tens of thousands of kilometers of the universe and envelopes his body.

The joyous monk realized that he woke up from the previous illusion and entered another illusion.

The dark energy is only part of the reason. The fundamental reason for UU reading is that powerful and evil will.

That will come from the highest-ranking mother's nest, the Darker.

The opponent almost dragged him into the abyss of consciousness. If he didn't wake up, he would sink deeper and deeper in that illusion, and stare at the delicate figure between the ice and snow cliffs for a longer time, even until permanently, then he would naturally die.

After the happy monk wants to understand this, the first reaction is not vigilance and fear, but comfort.

-It turns out that your majesty is reminding herself.

What happened that year did happen, and it was not my imagination.

The question is who awakened himself from the illusion?

Is it your majesty?

Or your majesty?

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