MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 1144 Extra 12: Smart and Stupid

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 Chapter 1144 Extra 12 Cleverness and Stupidity

After that night of heart-to-heart talk, the relationship between Mo Yan and Xiao Ruiyuan returned to its former harmony. The only drawback is that Mo Yan's mood is still unstable, especially when the joy becomes more and more serious and she almost vomits everything she eats. , the mood will become particularly bad.

Fortunately, there is a space. When Mo Yan can't help but want to lose his temper, he will kick out all the maids serving in the room, and then go to the space to do what he likes to distract his attention. When he feels better, he will come out again, which is fine. He did not transfer his bad mood to others.

She thought this was a good idea, but not being able to eat made her feel bad.

It's not that Mo Yan hasn't thought of ways to relieve morning sickness, but she has a special constitution and is immune to many drugs. She doesn't dare to use them casually if they don't work to stop vomiting; those delicious candied sour plums she pickled herself won't do anything to her either. After a little effect, I can barely drink honey water throughout the day. As long as I don't drink too much at one time, I won't spit it out.

No matter how delicious the honey water was, it still couldn't fill her stomach. After drinking it for a few days, Mo Yan got tired of it and missed all kinds of delicious snacks even more. But the stinky tofu was brought out and she would vomit when she smelled it. No one dared to drink it anymore. Put stinky tofu in front of her.

Every time he saw Mo Yan unable to eat anything, and would even vomit when she smelled the aroma of the food, Xiao Ruiyuan felt very distressed, his good appetite was gone, and he wished he could bear the pain on her behalf.

Unfortunately, he was a man and couldn't help Mo Yan get pregnant, so he had to send his men out and ask them to find a way to stop morning sickness while searching for fresh food, hoping to find something that matched Mo Yan's appetite and let her eat it. .

In the second month of pregnancy, Mo Yan suffered from morning sickness and lost a lot of weight. Xiao Ruiyuan felt sorry for her and she couldn't eat well. It was even harder to fall asleep listening to the sound of Mo Yan vomiting at night. She lost weight in more than a month. Even more powerful than Mo Yan.

Mo Yan was worried about his health and asked to sleep in a separate room midway. Xiao Ruiyuan agreed. However, Mo Yan woke up in the middle of the night and found that she had rolled into the man's arms again. After many times, Mo Yan no longer mentioned sleeping in separate rooms. Xiao Ruiyuan hugged each other every day and could only sleep peacefully by smelling each other's familiar scent.

This period of darkness for the couple did not last long. After three months, Mo Yan's pregnancy became stable, the symptoms of morning sickness gradually disappeared, and her appetite became better and better day by day. Three meals a day turned into four, five, six meals... Even in the middle of the night, he would wake up hungry and pull Xiao Ruiyuan's arm to ask for food.

Xiao Ruiyuan has no regrets about this. As long as he pulls the rope in the room, the sound of a bell will be heard, and various soups skimmed with oil will soon be served in the kitchen. However, he is a little worried that eating like this will be harmful to his wife's health. good.

It is strange to say that the average pregnant woman can become fat in less than a month if she eats like this, but her belly is not much bigger. But when it comes to Mo Yan, it is completely the opposite: her waist has almost no change. Not to mention that there is no extra flesh on the face, the skin is as good as water, as if it can break open with a light touch.

 Her body has not gained weight, but her slightly protruding belly is particularly prominent, telling others that she is going to be a mother. In short, the whole person is as if she is not pregnant, and her already good complexion is much better than before pregnancy.

On this day, Xiao Ruiyuan took a rest. After breakfast, he personally helped Mo Yan walk in the yard to eat as usual.

September is now here. At this time, there is neither the heat of summer nor the severe cold of late autumn. The sun without burning sensation shines warmly on the body. Wearing a thin jacket is just right, very suitable for walking outside.

"Husband, I want to stay in Zhuangzi for a few days." While sitting in the pavilion to rest, Mo Yan took Xiao Ruiyuan's hand and expressed the idea that had been brewing for a long time.

  General Mansion is not big, but the scenery is very beautiful. You can enjoy different scenery throughout the year. But no matter how exquisite it was, it was boring to walk around there for more than half a year. Mo Yan couldn't hold it in these days and always wanted to go out for a walk. Now that the fetus is stable, this idea has become stronger.

Xiao Ruiyuan subconsciously wanted to say "no", but when he saw his wife's pitiful eyes, he couldn't say these two words, so he had to say: "You are worried about being a husband alone. I will ask the Holy Father for a holiday tomorrow to accompany you." Let’s go live together in Zhuangzi for a while.”

Hearing this, Mo Yan asked uncertainly: "You are so busy every day, will the Holy One approve the leave?"

"Don't worry, I may not have much vacation, but I will spend a few days with you." There have been a lot of official duties these days, and I am not sure whether Emperor Hui'an will approve Xiao Ruiyuan's forgery. However, people below the official duties can handle it, but the matters of spending time with my wife cannot be left to others.

Mo Yan naturally wanted her husband to accompany her, but she didn't want to delay her husband's business, so she said, "Don't worry about me, I will go with my mother and sister. Sister Lan also said a few days ago that she wanted to take the twins out. If you want to go around, invite her to come with you when the time comes, so I won’t be bored, and there will be a maid to take care of you, so you don’t have to worry.”

Xiao Ruiyuan touched his wife's head and said with a smile: "For official matters, the people below can also do it. If you can't do it, I can handle it in the village. You don't need to think too much."

Mo Yan knew that it would be bad if he tried to persuade her again, so he nodded in agreement and then said, "Please let the six beasts come back. I haven't seen them for a long time."

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head and laughed: "Didn't they come back three days ago? If my wife wants to see them every day, my husband will let them come back and never go to the military camp again."

Upon hearing this, Mo Yan quickly shook her head: "It's better not to do it. Since they are very happy in the military camp, let them continue to be there. It is not good for them to always be by my side."

 After experiencing the initial discomfort, the Six Beasts completely fell in love with the life in the military camp. On weekdays, they not only fight with the soldiers to exercise their physical fitness, reaction speed, etc., but also engage in simulated battles with them.

In the first simulated battle, the soldiers underestimated the enemy and simply regarded the six beasts as somewhat intelligent beasts and did not think they understood the strategy. However, reality slapped them hard in the face. At night, their squad of hundreds of people He was surrounded and "annihilated" by six beasts in one fell swoop, leaving no room for resistance.

At that time, no one in the military camp dared to underestimate the intelligence of the six beasts, and they devoted 200% of their energy to every simulated battle. Simulated battles have been carried out several times, and the soldiers have won very few times. This is because the Six Beasts did not want to dampen their enthusiasm and deliberately let go.

Those soldiers were not fools. After carefully considering the disparity in strength between the two sides, they realized that they had been underestimated by the six beasts. This actually inspired their fighting spirit. Later, the simulated combat became more and more exciting and intense, which greatly improved the combat capability of the entire military camp.

In this regard, the six beasts were very satisfied and found new fun; the soldiers were also very satisfied. The stronger the strength, the greater the chance of survival in the real battlefield in the future; Emperor Hui'an was also very satisfied, the stronger his soldiers were, The more stable his empire becomes.

Xiao Ruiyuan is also very satisfied. Without the interruption of the six beasts, he can live a happy world with his wife. The only dissatisfaction is that Mo Yan can't see the six beasts often.

Later, I learned that the Six Beasts were living happily in the military camp, and Mo Yan's dissatisfaction gradually disappeared.

The couple discussed some details and decided on a date to go to Zhuangzi. Mo Yan immediately sent two maids to the Mo family and the Shen family, while Xiao Ruiyuan went to the study to write a request for leave and submit it to the court tomorrow.

The maids who went to deliver letters to Mo's and Shen's houses came back soon. Cui Qingrou and Liu Tinglan had no problem. They agreed to meet at the General's Mansion the day after tomorrow, and then go to Zhuangzi in the south of the city together.

Mo Yan was very happy and spent the entire afternoon preparing for the trip to Zhuangzi. All aspects of food, clothing, accommodation and transportation were taken into account. If Xiao Ruiyuan hadn't stopped her and put her to bed for a nap, she might have been busy until dark and even forgot to take a nap.

 The next day, Xiao Ruiyuan presented the request for leave to the court. Not long after the end of the dynasty, he was announced to the imperial study by the **** beside Emperor Hui'an.

Emperor Hui'an was reviewing the memorial. When he saw Xiao Ruiyuan walking in, he excused himself from greeting him. He immediately took out the memorial that asked for leave and said with a straight face: "As a general, Aiqing has inherited the legacy of the fourth generation Weiyuan Hou, how can you Did you miss the important affairs of the government because of your children's personal relationship? Take this piece of information back and I will pretend that I have never seen it."

With that said, Emperor Hui'an placed the memorial on the corner of the imperial case. Upon seeing this, the young **** standing there quickly picked up the memorial and bowed before presenting it to Xiao Ruiyuan.

Xiao Ruiyuan did not answer, he pushed the young **** away and knelt on the ground: "The Holy Lord loves you so much, I am so grateful, but I have lost my father's favor since I was a child, and now I have an heir at the age of twenty-five, and I feel happy. I am so overwhelmed that I only wish I could be by my side and grow up safely to make up for the regret I had when I was a child. I was selfish and betrayed the great love of the Holy One, and I hope that the Holy One will atone for my sins."

 After saying that, Xiao Ruiyuan knelt down deeply and did not raise his head for a long time.

Looking at Xiao Ruiyuan who was respectful in front of the palace, the anger on Emperor Hui'an's face seemed to have softened a little, and his eyes were clear and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, Emperor Hui'an's face showed the smile that an elder would have when seeing an obedient and sensible junior, and he said in a rather friendly manner: "You don't have children until you are this age. It's understandable that you value him. It's just this." The reason is not enough for me to allow you to take half a year's leave, and letting other ministers know about it may lead to criticism."

Xiao Ruiyuan's eyebrows moved slightly, and he lowered his body a little: "The Holy One is the king of a country, and vacations are also requested by me. It is very benevolent for the Holy One to sympathize with me and make up for my regrets when I was young. If anyone is arrogant, he will criticize me." , is disrespectful to the Holy One, and the Holy One will not deal with such disrespectful people excessively."

 “You—hahahaha, you can talk.”

Emperor Hui'an was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. Apparently he had not expected that Xiao Ruiyuan, who had always been upright and taciturn, would say these words. Although it was a bit flattering, it made people feel comfortable.

After laughing for a while, Emperor Hui'an listened. He pointed at Xiao Ruiyuan who seemed a little embarrassed and said with a smile: "The prince said that after you married your wife, your whole person became more alive. I didn't believe it at first. Only today did I know what the prince said. It’s true, you boy has indeed gained some popularity, it seems that you and that girl Hejia are a match made in heaven.”

Xiao Ruiyuan's expression softened, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Thanks to the Holy Spirit, Chrysostom, I and my wife will surely grow old together."

"You, you... it seems that you have really changed..." Emperor Hui'an shook his head repeatedly, and the smile on his face became much more real: "I am very happy that you husband and wife have a deep love. Since you want to accompany your wife and children well, I will spend this half-year holiday with you." I’ll make the decision, but if there is an emergency military matter, you must be on call at any time without making any mistakes.”

Hearing this, Xiao Ruiyuan couldn't restrain the smile in his eyes, and bowed deeply to Emperor Hui'an: "I thank you, Lord, for your kindness."

The smile on Emperor Hui'an's face deepened a little deeper, and he waved his hand impatiently: "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, lest I regret it and take back my life."

"Yes, I will resign!" Xiao Ruiyuan seemed to be really worried that Emperor Hui'an would renege on his promise. After thanking him, he immediately stood up and strode away from the palace.

 “Hahahaha!” Emperor Hui’an laughed again and gradually stopped until Xiao Ruiyuan’s back was invisible. After a long time, he turned around and asked the **** in charge beside him: "Xiao Anzi, what do you think of this kid?"

The **** in charge, known as Xiao Anzi, held a whisk in his hand, half-bent and said respectfully: "General Xiao has a reserved temper. I have never seen him show off his appearance, but now I have seen him."

"You are a **** slave who can talk. Is that what I'm asking?" Emperor Hui'an cursed with a smile, lowered his voice, and said to himself: "He is a smart man, stupid people will not live long..."

The head **** felt a chill in his heart, and a layer of cold sweat suddenly broke out in his vest. He was secretly glad that he didn't say anything he shouldn't have said.

 (End of this chapter)