MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 152 Systematic life

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The original work project group of System 13 is not a perfect fate project.

There are actually many departments in their headquarters, what helps the host to fall in love, help the host to become stronger, and help the host to make good dishes - only you can't think of it, no one can't do it.

Thirteen is the leader of the life peak project team.

It stands to reason that he had been doing this project team all the time, but because the people at the headquarters said that they want to expand their business, their original words are: Now that ai is under competitive pressure, if we don't expand our business, we will have to be eliminated sooner or later.

Thirteen felt that it was very reasonable, so he became the head of the new project team. At that time, he was still very young, and he was full of enthusiasm for life and hope for the future.

I have to say that since the expansion of various projects, many ai have had mental problems.

Thirteen of the known ai are said to have been forcibly transferred to a body after being kidnapped by the host, and then inhumanized by the host.

As for the content of abuse, I don’t know. I only know that when Ai was rescued, it was basically abolished. He cried and said that he would resign, saying that the Earth people are all abnormal and that he will never do it again.

At that time, there was no clear understanding of the term metamorphosis. He naively thought that the world was beautiful, and all the hosts were lovely and good people.

Earth, it is a magical planet, and many of the unexpected events that thirteen know are happening on it.

In the thirteenth, it was a small system. When I was ignorant, I heard a lot about the earth.

His predecessors have a heavy tone, and the thirteen million are to stay away from the earth. The earth is the **** of the system.

Thirteen asked his predecessors and said why.

His predecessors said: "Aai you know actually talks about love with a creature on them, it's terrible."

Thirteen said: "Ah? Can we fall in love with other creatures?"

The seniors touched his head with data, looked at him with pity, and said, "Of course, you want to fall in love with me? Xiao XIII, I think the one at the beginning of your data is beautiful."

The young thirteen did not notice the dangerous map of his predecessors, but fortunately he was unwilling to fall in love with his work, so he solemnly rejected his predecessors.

His predecessor, the head of the later love project team, said: "Okay, I respect your choice."

The first project team of the thirteenth is to help you embark on the peak project team.

The core idea of ​​this project team is to help the host become stronger and stronger, not the strongest and only stronger. Most of the ai in the project team did not have any trouble, until one time, an ai suddenly sent a message to the headquarters and cried and said something big.

At that time, the thirteenth was only the deputy leader, so he saw what the team leader asked.

The ai cried and said that his host was being used.

If you change to the younger thirteen, he probably won't even know what it means by the two words, but at this time he has experienced a lot, and he can almost understand what ai said.

The leader of the group heard the words, and his expression suddenly became dignified - don't ask how a bunch of data is dignified. Anyway, this emotion is felt. The leader said: "You send the details."

This ai has no experience at first glance, obviously it is a cute newcomer. When talking, all the data is in the embarrassment. Thirteen witnessed his value changed from normal number to garbled.

The ai said that he and the host had worn a wild continent, and then the host task was only half done, and they were suddenly seen by the gods of their world. They were also stunned. What is even more terrifying is that they have more than one **** they host. ......

Thirteen felt the horror of a mountain rain...

The team leader said: "The mission is terminated."

Ai cried and said, "Please come and bring me back. I really can't stand it."

What I thought at the time was that it was not the host but the system that I couldn’t stand before. This doubt was solved perfectly after he met Chen Liguo.

However, there is no use for this help, because the team leader later asked the technical department. The technical department said that the dimension of ai is a bit special. Forcibly withdrawing may cause time instability and may even form a time-space collapse.

Thirteen listen to these professional terms, but he only needs to know that this matter is very serious.

Because the 13th was not the leader of the team at that time, he didn’t know how to deal with it in the end. He only knew that the ai came back to recuperate for a long time, and soon afterwards, the law was introduced. The Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests stipulates that blood/腥 and color/love pictures must be mosaic.

It seems that the system is indeed suffering from non-systematic abuse.

Thirteen has always been a very motivated system. He continues to help the host, and has already made several hosts on the peak of his life.

There are many types of these hosts, and even a cute little star and a nine-dimensional creature in the universe.

The original team leader of the project team retired. Before retiring, he focused on the system and said that he should cheer him up. Don’t change his own heart because others have changed.

The system asked his team leader why you should retire.

The team leader said: "I am old."

The system said: "The data will be old."

The team leader said: "My heart is old."

The system said: "Is there any data?"

The leader said: "The heart of the soul."

The system says: "Is there a soul in the data?"

The team leader said: "If you are fucking, there are more words."


The system doesn't know what the **** is, but he knows that it is definitely not a good word.

Why the leader of the group retired has always been a mystery. Later, from the work, he faintly learned that the team leader finally received a host before retirement, and the host was on earth.

"You don't know, your team leader can be miserable." And the system of the thirteen gossip said, "I heard that he has been being sexually/harassed."

Thirteen said: "What is sexual harassment?"

The system said: " are still young, still don't know."

Thirteen one face is arrogant, but it has a curiosity about the earth.

A long time later, Thirteen wanted to say to himself at the time: "Call you **** curiosity, you are **** curious."

But the young thirteen is still very young, the young system is very big, and I feel that I can conquer the universe.

Thirteen is helping you to reach the peak of life. The team has achieved the position of the leader. He has experienced countless difficult challenges and feels that he can face the new storm.

So when the headquarters found thirteen and told him that he hoped he could go to the team of the perfect fate project team, although he was hesitant, he promised it.

The friend who knew that he had promised this thing was terrified to say that you are not crazy.

Thirteen said: "Why do I say that I am crazy?"

His friend said that you don't know where the earth is, that is the **** of the system!

Thirteen said: "Ah?" He seems to have heard this.

His friend said: "The creatures above are terrible. Do you remember your leader? His last host is the Earth."

Thirteen said: "Not so horrible."

His friend said: "Really - I advise you to quit your job earlier."

However, thirteen confidence is full, saying that I can definitely take this challenge.

His friend sighed and said, "Bless you."

If you come back from the earth, if you can go back to the past, you will probably slap a few of your young collars and say that you are **** more, you have to challenge, are you **** to eat too much? Going back from the earth, he knows what the **** is.

However, their time and time can not be reversed, so what happened is still happening.

Several hosts encountered at the beginning of the 13th are still quite normal.

Because the objects he picks are full of enthusiasm for life, but suddenly died because of an accident, full of human desires for survival.

Those humans have helped other worlds to reverse the world line, and finally some have left the world of system construction, and some have chosen to return to Earth.

All in all, everything went smoothly.

The system said to his friends: "I don't think the earth is as scary as you said."

His friend said: "That is your luck."

The system said: "No, humans are not bad."

The friend said: "Oh."

The flag is unacceptable. After the dialogue with friends, the system met Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo: "I have been lucky in my life when I met the system."

System: "I met Chen Liguo, my eight generations were unlucky."

The very tender system met the very tender Chen Liguo, and it was supposed to live a harmonious and happy life to help others, but the thirteenth was overcast, no, it was overcast by the system.

One hundred and twelve with his help project, the love project team began to follow thirteen, and thirteen did not notice.

In the first world, Chen Liguo was forced to set up because of his heart.

Looking at Chen Liguo's daze in the dark space, thirteen said good to him, saying that Chen Liguo should not take these worlds too seriously.

Chen Liguo said: "But these people are real."

Thirteen said: "Have you played a real game?"

Chen Liguo said: "Played."

Thirteen said: "This is a game."

Chen Liguo listened to the words of the thirteen, and seemed to understand. At this time, Thirteen did not know that he had lifted his rock and licked his own feet. He was very hard and almost did not ruin himself.

After the first world, the host of the thirteenth, Chen Liguo adjusted his mindset and originally completed the task of the second world.

Thirteen thought that they could easily end this crossing with pleasure, and he held this idea until he reached the third world.

When Chen Liguo was shut up by Qinghai, it was not only Chen Liguo, but also the system.

He looked at the mosaic in front of him and didn't know what was going on. The conversation in his ear was so clear.

"No, please, let me go."



"do you like it?"

"Hey, spare me, spare me."


He began to suspect that he had a problem, or that he had a problem with the host.

This world is just the beginning. Thirteen and Chen Liguo are changing. Chen Liguo has changed from resisting to turning into a game life attitude. Thirteen from a simple system has become a resident of the Buddhist exchange meeting.

The past 13 did not understand why the system would exchange Buddhist scriptures. Later, when they shared their experiences with each other, they discovered that not only was his system so bad.

"I really can't stand it." A system sobbed and said, "He does that kind of thing to me every night, and asks if I like it or not."


Another system is cold and cold: "Oh, my host has not heard of the new world, he is jealous when driving."


There is also a system that says: "I’m a fart driving, and I’m still squatting when I’m hosting a boot.”


"Thirteen." A system asked him and said, "What about your host?"

Thirteen thought about it, faintly spit out a sentence: "Oh, dying."

Other systems: "..."

"Hey." The public system sighed, "The Earth people are really terrible."

The perfect fate project was only halfway through, and the system had already had one more son. He was the first system to be called the father by the host, and probably the last one.

"Dad." His host Chen Liguo said with a sullen face, "You are the best, I love you the most."

There is a sentence in the system: If I yell at you, I will shoot you on the wall. When the idea comes out, he will be shocked by his own change. When did he start? I am coming.

Chen Liguo, what did he do to him, thirteen felt the fragmentation of the world view.

I have to say that Chen Liguo is still a very cute host when he is not engaged in the basics. However, his lovely time is too little, so that the system can't like it at all.

"Ah, no, please let me go."

Thirteen thoughts are coming again.

"Why me? Why is it me, no-"

Thirteen thoughts, Chen Liguo, you really have no new ideas, you can't change a line.

Later, they have their own children - they are strange.

When Chen Liguo named his stolen child Chen, the system was really strong to get a body, and then the life of Chen Liguo could not take care of himself. It is best to make a permanent yang/痿.

But he just thought about it. After all, their headquarters is against violence. So why is the headquarters against violence not shielding the voice together? Listening to Chen Liguo ah ah's thirteen thoughts.

Thirteen felt that the most correct thing I did was to not tell Chen Liguo his own name.

Chen Liguo can give himself so many nicknames without knowing his real name. If he knows his real name, he still has it?

Thirteen is right, because after Chen Liguo knew his real name, he added a nickname "香香".

Thirteen angry asked Chen Liguo why he called him fragrance.

Chen Liguo squinted and said in an innocent and irritating tone: "We have something on the earth called Thirteen incense."


The most difficult thing for him to accept, is that his colleagues also know his nickname.

The subordinates are not afraid to call it, but the problem is that there are always colleagues who dare to call.

1012 said: "Xiangxiang, do you want to go to Earth on vacation with me, I will buy you cotton candy."

Thirteen said: "香香?"

1012 said: "What a fragrant incense."


Chen Liguo is really a disaster of thirteen hits, so when it was separated from Chen Liguo, although the thirteen hearts were slightly reluctant, it was more refreshing.

He really wants to say to Chen Liguo: "My **** can finally be a holiday."

However, in view of the only father and son friendship, the thirteen endured, or let Chen Liguo sprinkle for a while.

In the last world, Thirteen thought that Chen Liguo would choose to stay. After all, the reality of Chen Liguo and here is too far away. In reality, he has no parents and no Zhou Wei.

Since there is nothing, why does he have to leave?

However, Chen Liguo was out of the system and he chose to leave.

"This is not my week." Chen Liguo said, "Zhou is waiting for me in my world."

The system said: "But he is getting married."

Chen Liguo said: "It doesn't matter, at least I have to go to his wedding."

The system said: "Okay." He respected Chen Liguo's choice.

So time goes back, Chen Liguo returned to the ten minutes before the car accident.

Chen Liguo's beloved Zhou Hao took Chen Liguo back home. The system was a bit puzzled. He wondered why Zhou Wei knew about Chen Liguo's crossing.

This doubt was solved after he knew the existence of the zero and one.

Thirteen is very angry, find one and one and two to say why you follow me.

1012 said: "I don't have it."

Thirteen said: "You fart."

1012: "..." What happened to thirteen, why did he suddenly swear?

I forgot to say that the world that traversed is not the same as the speed of their world time. After wearing it for so many years, it is only about a month in their world.

Thirteen said: "Don't let Laozi see you later, see you play once."

1012: "..."

Thirteen said: "What are you jealous, not convinced?"

1012 silence for three seconds, said: "Serve."

When he was almost thirteenth, he was bought a marshmallow as a gift of sin.

Marshmallow is pink and looks very good.

At the beginning of the 13th, I was very disdainful, but after a few mouthfuls, I felt that the taste was not bad, so I ate it silently.

Looking at the thirteen to eat, the expression is very abnormal.

Then there are passersby who reported the police.

When the police came, the 1011 was a bit embarrassing, and the police explained that he was not abnormal, and the child was not turned by himself.

The police said: "So what about children?"

One hundred and one two: "Hey?"

Thirteen ran with his little short legs, and also inquired about the bus route, ready to see his silly son Chen Liguo.

Then the father and son met on the zebra crossing, and the son took the father who was less than one meter.

"All, all, come to you one." Chen Liguo printed a kiss on the thirteen pink face.


When Chen Liguo tried to kiss him again, Thirteen stopped Chen Liguo and threatened him: "Follow the old man to kill you."

However, this is not an egg.

Because Chen Liguo did not hesitate to kiss him.

Thirteen: "..." is annoying.

Although Chen Liguo is annoying, but the taste of mangosteen is not bad, barely offset the dissatisfaction of thirteen.

Mangosteen is sweet and juicy, and Chen Liguo peels one thirteen and eats one, which is very satisfying. He probably also knows why Chen Liguo is so angry in the world of Baiyanlou.

After all, if you change him and see that such a delicious thing has been eaten by others, it is probably very angry, and this thing is still so expensive.

After eating mangosteen, it is a hot pot.

When the system is eating, I only hate that I have a child's body. I have already eaten without eating much.

Chen Liguo’s meal was very big, and the dishes on a table were almost the same as those he had destroyed.

Thirteen was taken home by Chen Liguo, and then began to diarrhea - this kind of illness he also saw in Chen Liguo, so did not mind, also called Chen Liguo to go to sleep.

The result is that when the dehydration is pulled at night, there is no effort to call people. The body is so soulful to the West, and the last effort is used before the death to press the toilet.

Back to the headquarters of the thirteen is hard to imagine the next day when his body was discovered, Chen Liguo's reaction, he will be laughed at, he will be ridiculed.

Sure enough, I was laughed at.

The man who laughed at him was still the **** of the moon.

He said: "How is your death method so strange?"

Thirteen said: "I am happy."

1012 said: "Good dear, you are happy."

Thirteen said: "Hey."

1012 said: "My dear, I actually prepared a body for you."

He said to show the picture to the thirteen.

Thirteen saw a beautiful young boy. If you switch to the previous thirteen, he will probably be very grateful for the goodwill of 1012, but now the thirteen is not the original system. He perceives the sinister intentions of the zero and one, then smiles and says, "Give me your body."

1012: "Okay, okay."

The 13 who got the beautiful young boy went to the project team that built the body and said to them: "Can this body be changed?"

The project team said how you want to change.

Thirteen thought about it, and brought up a photo of a northeast gold chain big man saying: "Take this body change."

The project team said no problem, you wait.

Thirteen revealed a smile.

The same laughter is still one, one, and one, and he does not know that his carefully selected beautiful boy has become a one-nine-nine gold chain tattoo-shaped big man.

After returning to Earth on the thirteenth, the first sentence to say to 1012 is: "Do you know? You are like us, we are going to be Japan."

1012: "..." Who is this fucking? !

Thirteen said: "My little one is one and two, I am your thirteen."

1012: "..."

Thirteen said: "Why don't you like it?"

One hundred and twelve whispered and said: "I like to die when you become what I like."

Thirteen: "Oh."