MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 18 Handsome broken leg small military division (five)

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Chen Liguo was lying on the bed, watching Yan Jingyi's face gradually lean toward him.

"The three halls are self-respecting." His pale face floated with a blush, and it was not a shame or an anger. "This kind of joke is really not funny."

"If I said, I am not kidding." It seems that it is extraordinarily interesting to tease the people in front of me. Yan Jingyi actually sat directly next to Chen Liguo and reached out and held Chen Liguo's shoulder directly.

Chen Liguo had inconvenience to his legs. He was so pressed by Yan Jingyi. He couldn’t move. He bit his teeth: "If your Highness is like this again... I called!"

Yan Jingyi said: "When you want to call, it is natural to call, but if your servant guardian comes in and sees such a scene - I don't know how the adults should be accounted for under the Second Highness?"

Chen Liguo was very shocked. He took a deep breath and seemed to be calming his feelings. Then he said indifferently: "What do you want under the Royal Highness?"

Yan Jingyi said: "Hey adults know that I have always been a talented person."

Chen Liguo sneered: "Is it true that the three halls are like this?"

Yan Jingyi’s gaze is as normal as it is. From the neck of Chen Liguo, she slipped into the chest of Chen Liguo. He said: “The talents of other people’s families are different from each other... I’m an adult, you see.”

Chen Liguo stared at the handsome face of His Royal Highness. There was no trace of temperature in his smile. He said: "The three Highnesses really thought that this method would be used, and I would leave the Second Highness and go to you?"

Yan Jingyi’s nephew also wants to smile, he said: “No.”

Chen Liguo said: "You are dreaming."

Yan Jingyi heard Chen Liguo’s rejection of such decisiveness. The hand that had been pressed on the shoulder of Chen Liguo suddenly caught Chen’s neck.

Chen Liguo was breathless by Yan Jingyi and could not help but struggle.

Yan Jingyi is not soft at all, he teased Chen Liguo's appearance, like teasing a funny little animal.

Chen Liguo turned black in front of him, but felt that Yan Jingyi's hand unleashed the button on his chest. The hand that Yan Jingyi stuck his neck was like half of the iron cast, which made him unable to shake.

Yan Jingyi easily faded Chen Liguo's clothes. He looked at Chen Liguo's thin chest and screamed softly: "Hey adults."

Chen Liguo's eyes overflowed with physiological tears, and his hands caught the hands of Yan Jingyi, but his strength in Yan Jingyi was tantamount to a big tree.

Yan Jingyi looked at Chen Liguo at the height of his face. There was no pity in his eyes. More kind of malicious interest, he called lowly, yelling at adults, and then whispered to ask Chen Liguo if he would consider it again.

Chen Liguo has a hint of ambition, although he thinks, but he knows that he can never easily follow the example - when the character he plays changes the fate of the character with subjective will at the wrong time, then he will be Withdraw from the world. This is Chen Liguo's conclusion in the first few worlds, which is very unpleasant conclusion.

As for the subjective will and the degree of passiveness, almost all are systematic judgments.

Therefore, Chen Liguo was like a chicken in Yanjingyi, and he had to discuss it with the system.

Chen Liguo: "I am going to die, I am going to die - system!"

The system is not cold and not light.

Chen Liguo has tears in his eyes: "I really want to be killed."

System: "He won't kill you."

Chen Liguo has struggled, he said: "In case he lost his hand?!"

System Road: "I am responsible."

Chen Liguo: "..."

The system is generally full of reliable, the one that is not reliable is always Chen Liguo, he said that Chen Liguo will not be killed by Yan Jingyi, Chen Liguo will not be killed by Yan Jingyi.

Yan Jingyi really took over. He looked at Chen Liguo's white neck and showed a clear scar on his neck. Not only did he not feel it, but he laughed. He called out: "Hey adults."

This screaming adult called the lingering shackles, let Chen Liguo get a goose bump, he with tears, I really want to say to Yan Jingyi: Big Brother, you have to go up, make these tricks to add money.

"How come you cried." Yan Jingyi's fingers stroked Chen Liguo's eyes and smiled: "It's so cute."

Chen Liguo: "..." Even if you praise me so much, I will not be happy.

Yan Jingyi Road: "Hey adults, you have to think about it again. This time I loosened my hand, the next time...may not be."

Chen Liguo sneered, his voice sounded extremely hoarse because of the scorpion, he said: "Lao Sanlou is bothered."

Yan Jingyi frowned, it seems a bit distressed. He said: "Hey, how are you always embarrassing me?"

This looks like the person who was greatly wronged is really like him. Chen Liguo bit his teeth: "You dream."

Yan Jingyi’s smile faded. He looked down at Chen Liguo’s white chest. When Chen Liguo had not reacted, he lowered his head directly—a bite on Chen Liguo’s throat.

This bite is not merciless, Chen Li’s painful trembling, the neck is forced to rise, like a swan that is dying.

Fortunately, Yan Jingyi did not mean to kill Chen Liguo directly. After he broke his skin, he closed his mouth and stared at the tooth print for a while, then turned over and went out of bed.

Chen Liguo: "..." Big Brother, you are also jealous, biting and biting, meat play? Don't tell me, that's it! ! !

Yan Jingyi said: "Today, let me go first."

Chen Liguo: "!!!!" is miserable!

Yan Jingyi said: "I will give the adults a few days to think about it."

Chen Liguo has no face to be loved.

Yan Jingyi said: "If the adult still wants to understand - I will come and give pointers."

Chen Liguo heard that there was some whimper.

Yan Jingyi said: "Then I will leave."

Chen Liguo heard the sound of opening and closing the door. There was only one sad thought left in his heart: my pants were off, would you show me this? !

When Chen Liguo was silent in the sadness of being unable to extricate himself, his close-fitting little sister did not know when he quietly got into the house.

Le Chess saw Chen Liguo's tooth prints and the clothes scattered on the bed. He took a cold breath for the first time. He shouted and shouted: "Adult."

Chen Liguo was awakened from grief. He said: "Is he gone?"

Leqi nodded slightly, he said: "Adult... Need me to call you a doctor?"

Chen Liguo shook his head heavily. He said, "Prepare some hot water for me. I want to bathe."

Le Ches did not dare to ask, turned and went out.

After a while, he prepared hot water and sent Chen Liguo into the bath, and consciously retired.

Chen Liguo sat in the bath, surrounded by smog, his legs were weak, his neck was scarred and bite, and he was still full of sadness...

Chen Liguo washed her body with water and said to herself: "I am so dirty, what should I do? I feel that I am so dirty..."

He watched the water flow across his shoulders and whimpered: "I am so broken..."


Chen Liguo: "The system why don't you talk."

System: "Because I can't swear."

Chen Liguo immediately changed his expression and looked sad: "You, even you have to dislike me? I, I might as well die!"

System: "Hurry up."

Chen Liguo: "I will not let you die if you lie to you."


Chen Liguo: "Oh, he is so strong, the teeth on my neck are also very neat, hey, look at the two powerful front teeth!"


Chen Liguo: "It must be very cool when kissing."

System: "..." He is really annoying.

Chen Liguo likes to play the system when he is idle. When the system has nothing to say, it is the most enjoyable time for him.

Chen Liguo said: "Do you regret that I chose the one at the beginning?"

He was hit by a truck in his original world. It was a mortal ending, but he was systematically pulled into these strange worlds. The system told him that he could be resurrected as long as he satisfies a certain degree of completion.

At the beginning, Chen Liguo was very active, but he thought about it seriously. How can he go back? He went back to the people he had been looking forward to for more than a decade, and he might have forgotten him. So in fact, the world he is in now is also very good.

System: "I can return it. I have already retired."

Chen Liguo: "Three products are not included."

In this bath, Chen Liguo washes while washing the system, so it takes a little longer.

Just before standing in the bathroom, he was worried that his family had something to do. When he was about to rush in, Chen Liguo faintly called: "Les."

Le chess snorted.

Chen Liguo said: "Come in."

This chess came in and saw Chen Liguo, who was facing him. He looked at the back of Chen Liguo. He saw a bit of sorrow from the back. He cried carefully: "Adult?"

Chen Liguo said: "Well, go out."

"Yes." Le Chess came over and put Chen Liguo in a wheelchair and pushed it to the bedroom.

Chen Liguo was half-closed all the way, a look of exhaustion.

Le chess: "Adults..."

Chen Liguo said: "Say."

Le Chess: "You, do you hate your three halls?"

Chen Liguo looked at the chess without being salty or not. "Hate him for doing it."

Le Chess: "He is so to you..."

Chen Liguo laughed and laughed at himself. He said: "If I am the aide of the Three Highness, I have to praise his means, but unfortunately I am not-"

The ignorance of listening to chess.

Chen Liguo said: "I only hate to choose the wrong master."