MTL - The Perfect Destiny-Chapter 33 Don't want to do Alpha's Alpha (3)

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Chen Liguo was lying in bed and carrying a body.

A few days after Qin Buyue "injected" the drug, he spent the night in bed.

Alpha's physical quality is really against the sky, the broken ribs are actually wrapped around a bandage, and they will grow well without medication.

In the rest of the time, Qin Buyue did not toss Chen Liguo again, and even when he was not crazy, it seemed to be a bit shy.

Chen Liguo said: "I like this type, it's so cute."

System: "...what type do you like?"

Chen Liguo: "You are of this type."


Chen Liguo said: "It is a little scary to start crazy."

The system is cold and cold in your heart, isn't it good to have your broken ribs!

Chen Liguo grinned: "He is so good and not good at making things, and it is very different from the enchanting goods outside."

The system thinks if you have broken your head.

"Legour General Lu." This side is still talking about Qin Buyue. His voice rang up there. He saw Qin Buyue carrying food in his hand. After pushing the door, he walked in toward Chen Liguo.

The food on the tray exudes a seductive scent. Chen Liguo was surprised to find that what Qin Buyue brought was all he liked.

Qin Buyue put the plate in front of Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo looked at Qin Buyue's eyes with some doubts. In the past few days, he had eaten nutrients. Why did Qin Buyue suddenly give him food, why is there any conspiracy?

Qin Buyue is still a smile and looks like a smile. He softly said: "Eat, I didn't put anything else in it."

Chen Liguo thought for a moment, and Qin Xuyue seemed to have no reason to lie to him, so he was confidently picked up and ate.

Qin Buyue sat silently watching Chen Liguo eating food. His eyes glanced back and forth on Chen Liguo, and finally stayed in the abdomen where Chen Liguo was still wrapped in a bandage.

"It has been six days." Qin Buyue suddenly said.

Chen Liguo’s meal was a slight meal, and the face was alert.

Qin Buyue saw it and smiled. "Lu Shao will rest assured that the medicine will only be used once."

Chen Liguo licked his lips and apparently did not believe in Qin Buyue’s words.

Qin Buyue had no choice but to spread his hand and made an innocent expression: "I don't have to lie to you."

Indeed, in the current situation, Qin Buyue wants to do something, he seems to be able to resist - so think about it, there is still a little excitement.

Chen Liguo finished eating rice with no expression.

Qin Buyue looked at him with a smile, and suddenly reached out and clicked on Chen Liguo's mouth.

Chen Liguo's conditioned reflexes, Qin Buyue did not say: "There are rice grains." After he finished, he licked his tongue and took the rice into his mouth.

Chen Liguo frowned slightly.

Qin Buyue smiled and said: "This meal can match the taste of the generals?"

Chen Liguo did not speak, and his sudden body seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable.

When Qin Buyue saw him confused, he smiled: "Then I will wait."

Soon, Chen Liguo knows what Qinbuyue means - Mom, his chrysanthemum is itchy, Chen Liguo: "Despicable."

Qin Buyue said: "I didn't expect Lu Shaojun to believe me so easily."

Chen Liguo: "..." I was wrong, and you really are just like the glamorous goods outside.

When he spoke in Qin Buyue, Chen Liguo was already covered in cold sweat. He clenched his teeth and held it hard, but he saw that Qin Buyue began to undress in front of him.

This time, Qin Buyue was very clean, and he didn't even leave his pants. Although he was wearing a white coat and a pair of glasses, he looked very good.

When the clothes are off, they reveal a strong muscle, and the abdominal muscles are actually two more than Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo expressed serious dissatisfaction with this.

Qin Buyue said: "It tastes good to taste the taste of alpha."

Chen Liguo gasped heavily, and he used all his will to stop his own gaffe.

Qin Buyue said faintly: "You don't have to bear it, this medicine, no one can bear it." After he said this, he gave Chen Liguo a lingering kiss - unlike the first fight with Chen Liguo, this time he It is very gentle.

Chen Liguo gasped heavily, and wanted to push it, but he didn't have the strength.

Qin Buyue looked obsessed with Chen Liguo, and he gently said: "Mr. Lu, I like you very much."

Chen Liguo: "..." It’s a coincidence, and I like myself.

Qin Buyue leaned down and opened Chen Liguo's body and involved the two together in love.


Chen Liguo was dying in bed, and Qin Buyue on his side was holding him to sleep sweetly, but he strongly supported the spirit and said to the system: "I want to change the world."

The system that just came out of the *protection function is confused: "Why?"

Chen Liguo was crying: "This is a problem with the body."

The system understood it in an instant, but in order to pretend that he did not know, he still asked: "What problem?"

Chen Liguo tweaked: "Yes, that is..."

System track: "Which?"

Chen Liguo was angry and shouted: "It’s hard to get up, hard to get up, you know!"


Chen Liguo said: "Shuang is cool by him! I am not happy at all!"

System: "Really not happy?"

Chen Liguo: "...just a little bit."


Chen Liguo said: "There is only a little bit of the little finger."


Chen Liguo: "Well, I am actually pretty cool."


Chen Liguo saw that the system did not speak for a long time, and continued: "Although it is cool, but this matter is about my man's self-esteem, do you understand self-esteem?"

The system slowly said: "Do not understand."

Chen Liguo is sad: "I didn't expect you to be such a system."

The relationship between a and a is contrary to common sense. Qin Buyue is also a wonderful thing. Actually, it can be hardened against Chen Liguo. Chen Liguo is normal. There is no reaction to Qin Buyue. From beginning to end, there is no hard.

Chen Liguo, who is very familiar with the physiological habits of alpha, has been severely hit.

Seeing that the system ignores itself, Chen Liguo gave birth to a sense of loneliness that he was abandoned by the world. He trembled: "I am such a crystal person, you actually feel like you are doing this, you believe it or not, I will break it for you."

System: "..." Mom's mental retardation.

Chen Liguo was another sprinkling, and after seeing the system, he still didn't care about him. He had to give up reluctantly. He said, "You don't love me at all."

The system didn't say anything.

Chen Liguo slept with tears of sorrow, thinking in his heart, he eventually lost the love of the system - if ever.

The next day, Qin Buyue woke up more than Chen Liguo. He looked at Chen Liguo’s sleepy face as soon as he turned his face. As soon as he thought of the taste of last night, Qin Buyue’s mouth did not hold back a gentle smile.

But as soon as the smile appeared, he was noticed by Qin Buyue. He instantly converges his expression and changes his smile. This smile is good-looking, but it is not sincere.

Chen Liguo also woke up in chaos. When he opened his eyes, he saw Qin Buyue looking at him with his chin on his side.

"Good morning." Qin step month temperature channel.

Chen Liguo didn't talk. He was still stuck in yesterday's blow. He couldn't help himself. It was too serious for a man. Although Chen Liguo is the recipient of most of the time, it does not mean that he does not need to be hard to do it because he is purely his personal hobby!

Qin Buyue saw Chen Liguo's eyes scattered, apparently thinking that Chen Liguo was stimulated by yesterday's event - an alpha was added to another alpha, and it must be blue sky for the alpha. Therefore, Qin Buyue can still understand Chen Liguo's abnormality.

He gently kissed Chen Liguo's bright forehead, and softly said: "Cloud chess."

Chen Liguo did not care about Qin Buyue.

Qin Buyue didn't mind. He looked at Chen Liguo's eyes and was obsessed. He said, "We will be together forever."

Chen Liguo did not want to talk to Qin Buyue and reached out to cover his face.

Qin Buyue sighed in the heart and knew that Chen Liguo could not be forced too tightly, so he got up and walked out of the door.

Chen Liguo’s mood was gray. He lay in bed and felt that he was a dried squid. The system did not mean to comfort him, so Chen Liguo was so silent.

Until the doorway showed a slight noise.

Chen Liguo thought that Qin Buyue came back at first, but he did not expect to hear the voice of Abery.

"Primary." When I came in, I saw Chen Liguo lying in bed.

Chen Liguo covered his blanket with his lower body and his upper body exposed. The traces above clearly showed what happened to him.

Abercy’s eyes were red at once, and he could hardly imagine that it’s like alpha, or a military commander’s Lu Yunqi suffered from this kind of thing.

And all this is because of himself. If he did not betray Lu Yunqi, Lu Yunqi will not be chased. If it is not because Lu Yunqi has expectations for him, it will not appear on the ship of Ahn'Qiro, and it will be caught by Ahn'Brien. And nothing will happen after that... I think that here, Ebersi is more determined in his heart, and he whispers lowly: "The Major General."

Chen Liguo raised his eyes slightly and looked at Aberdeen, but he did not mean to answer.

Abery walked over and took Chen Liguo's hand and trembled: "You have suffered."

When Chen Liguo had not spoken, he felt that Essie’s fingers were gently tapping his palm. He quickly understood what information Ebercy was wearing with himself.

Five days, run away, at the door, and so on. These words are linked together and clearly express their meaning.

Chen Liguo hangs his voice and his voice is low: "Let's go."

Alberti's eyes widened and tears fell down his eyes. He trembled: "Mr. Major, do you blame me?"

Chen Liguo smiled at himself. He was always a silent appearance. Even if it was tightened by Qin Buyue yesterday, it only showed a bit of unbearableness. It seems that only when he faced Abercy, he There will be so many emotions, he said: "Everyone is their own Lord, what is so strange."

Abery was more sad when he cried. He grabbed Chen Liguo’s hand and slowly squatted in front of Chen Liguo and put his face on it. He said, “I’m sorry, Major General, sorry...”

Chen Liguo said: "Let's go."

Abery shook his head: "I don't go, you let me see you again, you let me see you again."

Chen Liguo didn't talk, and he sighed in his heart - let's go, I can't stand it, I can't give you happiness, you should go find other people.

Ibsi was crying even more sad. Omega was sensitive to nature. The lacrimal gland was naturally very developed. He cried so badly that he accumulated a small water stain on the ground.

Chen Liguo was afraid that he would cry his eyes and quickly said: "Don't cry."

Abbot slowly stopped sobbing. He said, "Mr. Major, I am sorry for you."

Chen Liguo did not speak.

Abercy does not expect himself to get the forgiveness of Lu Yunqi. He looks at the horror of Lu Yunqi, but he is more determined to help him escape. He can't make his own generals turn into omega, which will ruin him.

Abery said: "I am leaving."

Chen Liguo said: "Let's go."

Abbey is in love, he said: "I will come to see you later."

Chen Liguo looked at his lovely cheek and lost it. He said in a sad voice, little cute, we have no future before.

Abery left and said that he had just left, and he followed in the footsteps of Qin Buyue. Obviously, Alberti’s visit was his permission.

"You like him very much." Qin Buyue’s opening is this sentence.

How could Chen Liguo answer? He is now gray in color. If he is not afraid of the collapse of the character, he may cry at any time.

"Even if he is betrayed, he can't bear to blame him?" Although Qin Buyue was laughing, the smile made people feel cold, and he said, "It's fun."

Chen Liguo still does not speak.

Qin Buyue saw his silent appearance, reached out and grabbed his chin, and gently said: "Why don't you talk, or say, only when you face him, do you have extra expression?"

Chen Liguo coldly opened the hand of Qin Buyue.

Qin Buyue was opened and did not feel anything. He looked at Chen Liguo thoughtfully and said softly: "I began to look forward to it." Looking forward to such a chilly, you will become the appearance of omega.

Having said that, Qin Biaoyue, who has been smashed in Chen Liguo, is obviously not as good as it used to be. He began to stick up with Chen Liguo every day, and every day he gave Chen Liguo a special meal.

Although he was overcast once, Chen Liguo should still eat, sleep and sleep, and the lightness of the expression makes Qin Buyue feel awkward. He knows that if the general alpha encounters such a thing, I am afraid it has already collapsed. I did not expect Lu Yunqi. Really so strong, did not show a little panic, as if he did not know what it means to become omega.

The reaction of Lu Yunqi also made Qin Buyue more interested in him.

Five days later, Alberti did not deceive Chen Liguo, but came as an appointment.

When he came in, he immediately opened the chain to Chen Liguo and took the suit to him. He eagerly said: "You will be replaced soon."

Chen Liguo nodded, and did not care about Abbott, and changed his clothes in front of him.

Absie looked at Chen Liguo's body, some blushing, but did not look away - this may make them meet for the last time.

Chen Liguo quickly changed his clothes, and Aberdeen said: "Follow me."

The two left the place where Chen Liguo was imprisoned.

Aberdeen said: "We have an hour... must leave before he returns." That he obviously refers to Qin Buyue.

Chen Liguo followed Aibosi silently all the way.

Abbot brought Chen Liguo to a room. There was a small mech in the room. He took out the key in his pocket and handed it to Chen Liguo: "I have already set up the route for you, major, goodbye. ""

Chen Liguo said: "What about you."

When Alberti was in front of his eyes, he did not expect that even this time, Chen Liguo was still worried about his safety. He trembled: "I am fine, my brother is, Qin Buyue will not do anything to me."

Chen Liguo looked at the boy and reached out and touched his head.

Ebercy’s eyes were red, and he obviously had a lot of words to say to Chen Liguo, but time was not allowed. He only said one sentence: “The generals, take care.” Finished a military ceremony against Chen Liguo.

Chen Liguo nodded: "Take care." After he returned to the military ceremony, he did not hesitate. He opened the mech with the key and sat up.

Abbey took a deep breath and turned to the door, which opened the switch to the outside of the mech. He heard the roaring sound inside, the mech engine was starting, and as the roaring gradually went away, only There is still silence.

Abery slowly slammed down against the wall. He buried his head between his arms and couldn't cry himself.

Chen Liguo drove the first time, although he had memories of this aspect, but he couldn't stand the first time to do it himself. It was really thrilling and exciting.

Outside the window, it is a shining star. The deep night sky is like the vast sea. People walk in it, and it is extremely small.

Chen Liguo was shocked by the scenery in front of him, and he had never spoken for a long time.

It was not until a few hours that he had escaped from the chassis of Qin Buyue. He said one sentence: "System, I want to go home."

The system says: "Go back and do something."

Chen Liguo said: "Go back and see how the hard-fed cabbage is arched by the pig."


Chen Liguo wants to be more and more sad, and he can't help but say: "I am going to participate in his wedding when I am resurrected, and I am mad at myself."


However, Chen Liguo quickly cheered up. He said: "It doesn't matter, I am so cool with so many handsome guys, hey, now there is a problem."

System: "What problem?"

Chen Liguo said: "Is there a male doctor in this world?"

The system is habitually silent, and his heart is cold and cold. There is no male doctor who doesn't know. Anyway, the doctor is not a problem that the alpha is not strong enough for alpha.

Chen Liguo said: "If this disease is not cured, I will not live."

System: "How do you know if your body is still in the next world?"

Chen Liguo said sharply: "So you are actually deliberate."

The system pretends that it is not there.

Chen Liguo angered: "I am not good to you at all times, you have to be like this to me, I am just a poor child!"

The system is sneer, and there are children who worry about their hardship every day? !

In the roar of Chen Liguo and the silence of the system, the two men traveled in the universe for three days and were about to reach the destination set by Essie, a fortress on the front line of the Star Alliance.

When the sergeants of the Wanxing League saw a small close-up rack, they immediately asked the superiors how to deal with them.

The superior watched for a moment, confirming that it was only a small mech of Taiwan transport, and let the men stand by and let the mech fall to the lifting platform.

The mech was slowly falling, and after a few moments the door opened, revealing a face that made the superior stunned - Lu Yunqi, actually a general who had been sacrificed, Lu Yunqi.

"Sir!" The officer hurried forward to a military ceremony, and he was excited. "You, you are still alive."

Chen Liguo glanced at him and said: "Name."

The officer's waist is straight: "Wells Aikesa."

Chen Liguo said: "Who is Norman?"

Wells said: "It's my cousin!"

Chen Liguo looked tired and said: "I need to rest."

Wells was excited, he said: "Yes, Major General, I am preparing for your accommodation right away - need to pass back the news that you are still alive?"

Chen Liguo thought for a moment and nodded: "Return it." At this time, the two armies should still be fighting. The things he still alive should have inspired the momentum of the Wanxing League.

The room that Wells prepared for Chen Liguo was his own house.

Chen Liguo did not care so much, he was indeed a little tired, fell into the bed and fell into sleep, but did not know that because of his departure, Qin Buyue was almost fried.

Qin Buyue knew that Ebersey was interested in Lu Yunqi, but he did not expect that Abbott was so bold that he dared to let Lu Yunqi go.

Achro knew that he had also slap in the face of Abbott, but Abbott was his brother after all, so although Angelo was very angry, he still had to protect Aberdeen.

Qin Buyue sneered a few times, and Aberdeen, sitting on the ground, facing the wolverine: "Do you really think he can escape?"

Ebercy shed tears in his eyes.

Qin Buyue smiled facelessly at Anqiluo: "Look at your younger brother, otherwise I can't confirm that the agreement between us is still valid." He said, he left, and he was exuding dizzying information. Prime.

Ahn Luo looked at his younger brother and gritted his teeth: "Do you know what you are doing? Who is offended, who is going to offend him?"

Alberti bitterly said: "Brother, I love him."

Ahn'Qiro shook his head: "You are crazy, reflect on it."

Ebsey smiled and heard that Ahn'Qiro had closed the door heavily.

Besides, Chen Liguo took a good sleep and the physical exhaustion was finally relieved. He sat up from the bed and called out the system to let him check where the woman of fate was.

After the system check, I said the approximate address.

Chen Liguo nodded and said: "Let's go, get it early." This is his first time so eager to complete the task.

The system sees Chen Liguo's efficiency, and has begun to think about what kind of world should be chosen for Chen Liguo...

When Chen Liguo opened the door, he saw the officer who received him standing in front of the door. He saw Chen Liguo, his expression was a cover-up excitement: "Lan Changguan, the headquarters returned the news and let you go to the flying wing star."

Chen Liguo nodded: "Can you help me find someone on Mercury?"

Wells said: "Of course."

Chen Liguo said: "It is a military doctor on the water star, named Fei Feifei."

Wells nodded: "Is it sir, is it coming back after I find it?"

Chen Liguo thought for a moment and said, "Well."

Putting Fei Feifei outside, he is not at ease, in case the estrus suddenly arrives, it is almost impossible for Fei Fei, who has exposed the identity of omega, to be unmarked.

The tragedy must be cut off from the source.

Wells was a very efficient person, but in two days, he found Fei Feifei.

Fei Feifei didn't know why the person on the top looked for her, but she had a ghost in her heart, so she was very cautious when she came to see Chen Liguo.

"Leu Major, are you looking for me?" Fei Feifei has a baby face and looks very cute. Her medical skills are also famous on the water star. If it is not limited to the gender of omega, I am afraid there will be more. Great achievement.

"Yes." Chen Liguo nodded: "You go with me to the flying wing star."

"Can you ask why?" There was some cold sweat on her forehead, and she didn't know if she was pretending to be beta.

Chen Liguo said faintly: "Why are there so many why?"

Fei Feifei smiled and knew that Chen Liguo did not intend to tell her the answer.

After finding Fei Feifei, Chen Liguo quickly returned to the flying wing star.

The upper level of the military did not expect Chen Liguo to be alive, so when he knew that he had survived, he wanted to find him to understand the situation for the first time.

Chen Liguo simply said his experience, of course, without some sensitive details, such as his medication, Ahnelo and Alberti are omega things.

Although Chen Liguo survived, because of his special status, he had to be observed for a while before he could resume his original post.

Chen Liguo expressed no objection to this and showed a very calm attitude in the face of other people's interrogation.

After Fei Feifei arrived at Feiyixing, she was always worried. After Chen Liguo was interrogated, she saw her first sentence: "You will follow me in the future."

Fei Feifei squinted, like a little squirrel who was only shocked. She said, "Yes, but..."

Chen Liguo said coldly: "I won't do anything to you."

A few words from Fei Feifei, it seems that I want to refuse, but I don’t know what to say.

Chen Liguo looked around and confirmed that there was no one around, only to suppress the voice and said: "Follow me, until you find the alpha you like."

When Feifei heard this, she showed a terrified expression. Obviously she did not understand why Chen Liguo would know her identity as an omega.

Chen Liguo said: "Do you understand?"

阮Fifi whispered: "Understood."

Chen Liguo looked at her frightened appearance and sighed in her heart. He said, girl, don't worry, I can't stand it...

So the two began to live together.

Compared with the fierce battle of Fei Fei, Chen Liguo is very calm. There are ten reasons for his calmness. One is that he likes men, the other is that he can't harden, the third is that he can't harden, and the fourth is that he can't harden. Five is...

Anyway, in all, it’s Chen Liguo, it’s hard to get up, it’s a sad fact, and there’s no fun in the morning.

Rarely, Chen Liguo lived a life of indulgence.

When he was lying in bed at night, Chen Liguo chatted with the system. He said, "I remembered the beautiful time."

The system says that you shut up.

Chen Liguo said: "At that time, I was still young and didn't know what it was called love."


Chen Liguo: "I will know later."


Chen Liguo sighed: "You can't stop it later."


Chen Liguo said: "Color is a scraping knife, I want to quit."

System: "..." I will believe? !

Just when Chen Liguo swears that he wants to quit, his communication device suddenly rang.

Chen Liguo took a look and found that it was an email, the sender was unknown, and the content of the email was a small video.

Chen Liguo wondered: "What is this?" He ordered a play, and a low man was heard in his ear.

“Hey?” Chen Liguo blushed, “Oh –”

System: "Don't you want to quit color?"

Chen Liguo: "Look, just look at this time - oh, no." How he listened to the more familiar the sound, Chen Liguo's fingers slipped and pulled the video directly into the middle. When he saw the face of the video protagonist, he The face is dark, and it is not him under the pressure! The above is not the metamorphosis of Qin Buyue!

Chen Liguo: "Mom, it's okay not to get hard."


Chen Liguo: "If this is hard, it can also be scared." His expression is really not very good-looking - anyone who sees such a video protagonist is himself, his expression is not expected to look good.

Chen Liguo pressed the video to pause and returned the sender two words: metamorphosis.

The sender was not angry. After a moment, he sent a message to Chen Liguo: Do ​​you want the whole army to see this video?

Chen Liguo: "..." I think there is still a little excitement (no.

He was silent for a moment and could only send one: What do you want.

Go back there: Do you.

Chen Liguo: ...

Go back there: Why did the Major General not speak?

Chen Liguo thought that I had nothing to say to you, and I reluctantly returned: What do you want.

Said over there: I will show it to you.

When Chen Liguo saw this, it was on fire. He said: "When you go to your grandmother, Laozi wants to be comforted. If you want to be comforted, you must harden it. If you can’t get it, how can you comfort yourself? Ah!"

There seems to be something over there, and another one: use the back.

Chen Li is not angry, and returned: Lahu.

There was no information back for a long time, and I didn’t know if it was scared by Chen Liguo’s arrogance.

Chen Liguo said: "If he showed my video to other people, I immediately committed suicide and left here!"

System: "I didn't expect you to have shame."

Chen Liguo sneered: "How can I let other people know that I can't get it?"

System: "..." He will know! ! !