MTL - The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era-v2 Chapter 2236 wedding eight

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Yang Dongxu got up when it was still daylight, and Zhou Ya got up at the same time.

I'm going to pick up my relatives this morning, so I don't have to go there for a brat like Wen Chen, Yang Dongxu wants to go there in person. At the same time, Zhou Ya, the sister-in-law, needs to pick up the car, that is, when the bride comes to Yang's side to get off the car, Zhou Ya needs to pick it up. And Yang Dongxu followed the team to work for a while.

Because Dong Yao has a dowry, the man's side has to go to many people to bring back the dowry. In fact, according to the normal customs, in addition to the man's side going to a lot of people to pull the dowry, the woman's side also has a lot of people pressing the car to pull over with the dowry.

At that time, the man's banquet will not only entertain the congratulatory people from his own side, but also entertain the woman's natal family.

But because Dong Yao is a daughter-in-law from out of town, her parents only came to accompany her two girlfriends, Tong Yaya and Zhang Qian, who would not be able to sit at the same table, and the two girls would definitely not be able to work, so Only the man will help to pull the dowry.

Of course, those who work belong to the work. In addition to the workers, there are also those who go to help pick up the bride. This team is basically young and young about the same age as Yang Dongjie.

Under normal circumstances, if there is any obstacle on the woman's side, they are responsible for charging forward to settle the obstacle, so that the groom can pick up the bride smoothly.

With such a team, Yang Dongxu doesn't have to join in the fun, so he just needs to organize the workers to carry the dowry onto the car.

The door to the homestay at the car to the door has already been opened, and the time to meet relatives in Yangjiacun is relatively early. Dong Yao's parents obviously know this, so the door is opened very early.

The reason for the early reception time is because there is a saying that early reception and early blessings, if someone in the same village gets married or receives a marriage on the same day, they all want to grab the early one, saying whichever one is earlier will be more blessed.

In addition to the sayings of the older generation, there is also the fact that when married in rural areas, they will drive across several villages in ten miles and eight townships.

And the wedding caravan is easy for people in other villages to stop people who want cigarettes and candies. It’s okay to meet people who just want to join in the fun and ask for some candies and get a few packs of cigarettes.

I'm afraid that when you meet those scoundrels who just open their mouths for a few cigarettes, you can't blush with others on a happy day, or there are quite a few people who really can't hold their breath and have conflicts, so it's better to get married early.

In this way, you can pick up the bride before other people get up, and the road will be much more peaceful. The Yang family's getting married so early is obviously not because they are afraid of encountering fools blocking the way.

The reason for getting up so early to pick up relatives is because this is basically the rule here, and the teams who are afraid to stop the marriage get up early and start like other people pick up relatives.

As soon as the car arrived at the door, Dong Yao's father greeted him, smoking cigarettes in his hand. Yang Dongjie first called "Dad" to greet him, and then led the team to pick up his wife to the second floor to pick up Dong Yao.

After a while, Yang Dongxu called for the door, and Tong Yaya and Zhang Qian shouted to give red envelopes.

Smiling and looking at his arms, Yang Dongxu handed Dong Yao over to light the cigarette in his hand, and called Xiao Wu and others to start working.

I don't know how long the young people above have been making a fuss, so let's move the furniture into the car and wait.

"Uncle, you can rest, we can come." Seeing that Dong Yao's father also wanted to help carry things together, Yang Dongxu said quickly.

"Why don't you go into the house and drink a glass of water before moving, this is really poor hospitality." Dong Yao's father said with a bit of self-blame on his face.

Originally, I thought that my relatives and friends would not be allowed to come here. It would be more convenient for Dong Yao to hold a banquet when she returned home. It also caused trouble for the Yang family.

Now it seems that even if not all relatives come, you should bring a few top relatives, so that your own daughter's marriage will be more lively. Not to mention, there are a few people from the man's family who will help entertain. From now on, he and Dong Yao's mother are really busy inside and out.

"It's okay Uncle, don't talk about the two families since they are all from your own family. It is a blessing for the Yang family that Dong Yao can marry into our Yang family. Don't worry about these trivial things when you are old. As long as Dong Jie and Dong Yao live together in the future The ones that are harmonious and beautiful are better than anything else." Yang Dongxu comforted him.

He could see that Dong Yao's parents were somewhat uneasy besides their reluctance to marry their daughter.

When Dong Yao told her parents how the Yang family was, they were amazed, but they were only amazed, shocked that such a rich man's daughter could marry him.

But after coming to Yangjia Village, the extraordinaryness of the Yang family is no longer a verbal description, but a real feeling every moment. This made the parents really feel what it means to be a wealthy family.

Although the Yang family is very low-key, even though the Yang family still lives in the countryside, the Yang family is extraordinary in every way, which makes them feel more stressed.

"Yes, yes, as long as the two of them and He Meimei are better than anything else." Dong Yao's father kept nodding.

Yang Dongxu can somewhat understand such a mood, after all, the Dong family is not ordinary compared to the Yang family. This natal family is so far away from here, the parents must be worried that their daughter will not suffer any grievances.

But the good thing is that the Yang family has always been very kind, especially the uncles and aunts and Yang's father and mother. After contacting these days, they feel like honest and sincere farmers. , Dong Yao's parents, who became more and more nervous, gradually calmed down.

But this kind of calm was suddenly stirred up again because the daughter was about to marry and become someone else's daughter-in-law today.

Seeing Dong Yao's father like this, Yang Dongxu didn't work with Xiaowu and others, but was chatting with Dong Yao's father beside him.

Yang Dongxu didn't talk much at the wine table last night, he just listened, mainly talking about his own business, or life in Shanghai.

He also participated in bragging and farting, so he chatted with Dong Yao's father at this time. Dong Yao's father was a technical worker in the factory, so Yang Dongxu brought up the topic of Wan Dongyao's father's work.

Under normal circumstances, when people talk about what they are good at, they will involuntarily become more confident and talkative.

So while chatting about Dong Yao's father, the words gradually increased, and the words of Yang Dongxu, who led the topic at the beginning, began to decrease. The expression on Dong Yao's father's face also began to become more and more natural, and finally there was a confident smile on his face, just like a master master leading apprentices in the workshop.

The dowry was basically moved soon, and the commotion on UU Reading was almost over.

Compared with other people, they bumped into the door when picking up the bride, and the groom was made all kinds of troubles when he was looking for shoes. Tong Yaya and Zhang Qian, the two women, obviously didn't have much resistance to the marriage reception team led by Yang Dongjie. Coupled with the generosity of Yang Dongxu's red envelopes, Dong Yao was soon carried downstairs by Yang Dongjie.

When the bride received it, the wedding reception team naturally headed back home immediately, except for Tong Yaya and Zhang Qian who were sending the bride off.

Yang Dongxu also deliberately drove Dong Yao's parents with him, although according to the rules, there must be no bride's parents among those who sent the bride off.

But Dong Yao is a foreigner, so the Yang family, which is not far away, can't let Dong Yao's parents stay in the homestay, right?

And this kind of tradition is not strictly followed in modern times. Basically, it is the head of the married couple, and they can discuss how comfortable they are. As long as the general etiquette is correct, there is no need to abide by other details.

(end of this chapter)