MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 176 Kick the road of the world with two feet, and bear all the worries of the past and the present on one shoulder

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  Chapter 176 Kicking the road of the world with two feet, shouldering all the worries of the past and the present

  The reason why Su Yun chose this as his next destination actually had his own intentions.

  Wang Chongyang has always been controversial in history, because his life experience can be called bizarre.

   In 1112 AD, Wang Chongyang was born in Shaanxi.

  Born in a famous family, he has been familiar with Confucian classics since he was a child, and he also tried to enter an official career.

  But at that time, the Song Dynasty was poor and weak, and the Jin soldiers went south, and the people were in dire straits, let alone any room for development.

   Therefore, Wang Chongyang resolutely decided to abandon literature and pursue martial arts, and what is even more rare is that he has also achieved quite a lot on the road of martial arts.

  Jin Kang's Shame After Jin people once supported a regime, known as Daqi, and opened up the martial arts system.

  Wang Chongyang felt that he had found a chance to stand out, so he participated resolutely, and won the championship in one fell swoop, claiming to be the best in the world.

  Unfortunately, the regime was abolished later, and Wang Chongyang, who was over half a century old and still depressed, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  After this, Wang Chongyang made a decision that no one could have imagined at the time.

  He left his wife, went into the mountains, and asked with all his heart, wanting to find an answer.

  A few years later, Wang Chongyang suddenly became enlightened and became a monk. At that time, folks speculated that Wang Chongyang met a fairy and was taught the magic of immortality, and he suddenly became enlightened after receiving the inheritance.

   But in Su Yun's view, there seems to be another mystery, and it is precisely because of this that he wants to come here.

  You must know that since then, Wang Chongyang seems to be cheating on others, and he has embarked on a completely different path since then.

  Dig a tomb in Nanshi Village and name it the Tomb of the Living Dead.

  He experienced great ups and downs in his life, and then founded Quanzhen Sect.

  The 7 disciples accepted are also very famous, Qiu Chuji is among them among the Quanzhen 7 disciples, such a person who is still famous even in later generations.

   Such a person is full of legends all his life.

  But regarding these matters, Su Yun's mind has always been full of doubts.

  So this trip to Chongyang Palace is also a necessary path for Su Yun to find the answer.

   While the two were walking along the mountain road towards Chaoyang Palace, Xu Jiajia looked at her mobile phone in her spare time, and after that she seemed a little depressed.

  Facing Xu Jiajia's inquiry, Su Yun finally understood what Xu Jiajia was worried about, but he didn't really care about it.

   "Don't worry about what people on the Internet are saying, the path of practice is not accepted by the public.

  The world is changing rapidly, but the law of practice is actually eternal.

  If I can't even save you, how can I save the world? "

  Su Yunyun's calm words reached Xu Jiajia's ears, but Xu Jiajia didn't feel relieved.

  But she didn't want to cause Su Yuntou more troubles because of this, so she could only suppress these emotions in her heart and stop expressing them.

   Along the way, Su Yun almost never paid attention to those comments on the Internet.

  It seems that those things have nothing to do with him in Su Yun's view.

   But this does not mean that Su Yun gave up everything, he is still pursuing the path of cultivation, and because of Xu Jiajia, Su Yun found a shortcut.

   Xu Jiajia is of course ignorant of all this, and it is difficult to understand.

  Su Yun didn't explain anything, he just wanted to break through the current state faster, as long as he reached the mysterious state above the extraordinary state, all the answers would be in front of him.

  Taking Xu Jiajia through this secluded path, the majestic and majestic Chongyang Palace faintly appeared within the field of vision of the two of them.

  This Chongyang Palace is the same as Wang Chongyang, it can only stand here after several twists and turns.

  Jin Shizong Dading seven years, Wang Chongyang set himself on fire in his house, no one knows why.

  The Seven Sons of Quanzhen hid Wang Chongyang's remains in their old residence, and built a Taoist temple on top of it, writing the word Zuting in handwriting.

  Then the name of Chongyang Palace was changed by Qiu Chuji.

  Don't look at the Chongyang Palace now, it's just a scenic spot for tourists from all over the world.

  But in the Yuan Dynasty, the Chongyang Palace was very prosperous and had a great influence on the northern Taoist culture, ranking first among the three ancestral courts of Quanzhen Taoism.

  During the reign of Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty, the Chongyang Palace was even granted the Great Chongyang Longevity Palace, enjoying the honorable title of the ancestral court of the world and the Holy Land of Quanzhen.

   After several twists and turns, there are cultural relics that tourists can see now.

  Su Yun and Xu Jiajia came to the gate of Chongyang Palace. In history, this Chongyang Palace used to be the most glorious period, covering an area of ​​40 square kilometers.

   It was only later because of the war that the palace city gradually shrank, so that the current Chongyang Palace only covers an area of ​​53 mu.

   But even so, this still cannot change the status of Chongyang Palace in Taoist culture.

  Therefore, visitors can be seen everywhere here, and visitors dressed in the clothes of Taoist monks are devoutly burning incense and offering sacrifices to heaven outside the Chongyang Palace.

   This is a special ceremony in Taoist culture. At this time, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia knew that they came at the right time, catching up with the big day of Taoism for a few days.

  The entire Chongyang Palace is almost full of Taoist monks inside and outside, and only a few informed tourists will come here specially to witness this spectacular ceremony.

  In the huge incense tripod, bursts of blue smoke went straight into the sky, as if connecting the sky and the earth.

  The air is filled with a delicate fragrance, which is different from the Buddhist sandalwood, which is made from seven herbs and seven flowers.

   Therefore, among Taoists, this incense is also called Qibaoxiang.

  Because Su Yun always had a goal in mind, he didn't stay here for a long time like everyone else, but pulled Xu Jiajia into the Chongyang Palace.

  Although this Chongyang Palace is much smaller than before, it can be said to be complete with all internal organs. There are not only more than a hundred buildings, but also important ancient Taoist temples such as the Lingguan Hall, the Patriarch Hall, and the Lower Court Chengdao Palace.

  With previous experience, Su Yun went straight to the Patriarch Hall, while Xu Jiajia was holding the white monkey while walking and looking curiously.

  The monks coming and going all around made this place seem to be a place of immortality.

  These monastic knowledge passing by in a hurry will also look at Xu Jiajia curiously. After all, the white monkey she holds in her arms is particularly eye-catching wherever she goes.

  Su Yun soon came to the Patriarch Hall. Since most of the people held the ceremony outside, the Patriarch Hall was empty, which saved Su Yun a lot of trouble.

  Although Su Yun didn't show it, he was very excited in his heart.

  The statue of Wang Chongyang is enshrined in this store. According to previous experience, if Su Yun guessed correctly, he should be able to feel the residual extraordinary aura soon.

   Soon Su Yun came to Chongyang Palace, but then he was dumbfounded.

  After the extraordinary state was activated, that familiar aura did not appear, nor did there be any golden light spots that ordinary people could not detect.

  The entire hall was very quiet, only the light of the candles flickering gently.

How can this be?

  Su Yun frowned immediately, this situation caught him off guard.

what happened?

  Su Yun came to the statue of Wang Chongyang, looked up at the eyes of the statue of Wang Chongyang, and the eyes showed doubts like lungs.

   Could it be that he was thinking too much, and Wang Chongyang had never entered an extraordinary state?

  This idea filled Su Yun's mind, and he couldn't get rid of it for a long time. If this is the case, it means that he wasted a lot of time.

  But logically speaking, this kind of situation should not happen. Wang Chongyang is such a person who has made important contributions to Taoist culture.

  The life experience was so legendary that it was once rumored among the people that Wang Chongyang suddenly became enlightened after seeing a fairy.

  He is the one who should have entered the extraordinary state, otherwise how could he have such a life experience? But why is there no extraordinary aura left in this hall?

  Su Yun stood motionless in front of the statue, he was puzzled by these questions.

   Along the way, Su Yun thought about all the possibilities, but he never thought that Wang Chongyang might not have entered the extraordinary state.

  When Xu Jiajia rushed over, Su Yun had already walked out of the hall in silence.

   Not far away is the antique-style mountain gate with cornices and corners. Under the sunlight, the plaques of Chongyang Palace with large characters even made Su Yun feel a little stinging in his sight.

   Such a scenic spot, where the palace is located in Zhongnan, is beautiful, and Chengyuan is the place where Taoism is taught, is it a waste of time to come here for nothing?

  Everyone felt a little depressed. After the Yiling Mountain Historic Site, Su Yun came straight to this place. He thought he would gain something, but he didn't expect it to be unexpected.

  Seeing Su Yun with a dignified expression, Xu Jiajia was a little worried, but Su Yun quickly adjusted to normal.

   "It's okay, don't worry, since everyone is here, let's take you around here."

  Su Yun said these words to Xu Jiajia, and he was also comforting himself.

  Things didn't go as smoothly as he had imagined, but he came all the way here, so he couldn't leave just because he didn't have an extraordinary aura, could he?

  Su Yun sighed secretly in his heart, and then, together with Xu Jiajia, walked toward the depths along the path in Chongyang Palace.

  The first thing that catches the eye is the Hall of Lingguan, where Taoist guardians are enshrined.

  The enshrined statue is mighty and ferocious, with a fiery red face, serrated fangs, and a red beard.

  Holding a golden whip in one hand and a gold brick in the other, wearing a golden armor, and riding a hot wheel.

  Xu Jiajia worshiped devoutly like many Xiangke, while Su Yun stood not far away, frowning slightly.

  He is still thinking about this matter. If Wang Chongyang has not entered the extraordinary state, how can he suddenly become enlightened in just a few years, and even create a new sect on the basis of the original Taoist culture?

   This made Su Yun feel unbelievable, but in the Patriarch Hall, he did not perceive any extraordinary aura.

  So that Su Yun was very entangled in his heart, and he was also very puzzled about it.

  Xu Jiajia liked this place very much, and went to several famous temples to worship.

   Every time Su Yun waited not far away, and secretly thought about what to do next.

   Soon Xu Jiajia walked out of the Chongyang Palace, and then came to Su Yun in high spirits, pointing to a direction not far away:

   "Su Yun, I saw a sign over there just now. This road seems to lead to the Chongyang Patriarch's Tomb. Why don't we go and have a look?"

  Xue Jiajia's speaker has no intention, but Su Yun's listener intends, which makes another thought suddenly flash in his mind.

  If the place where the statue of Wang Chongyang is enshrined has no extraordinary aura, is it because there was no such temple when Wang Chongyang was alive?

  The situation of this Chongyang Palace is different from that of the Yiling Mountain Ancient Temple. The Yiling Mountain Ancient Temple is an ancient temple built when the eminent monks of the Ancient Movement practiced.

  It is the place where ancient rhyme eminent monks practice and live, and it is not surprising that there is a remnant of extraordinary aura.

   And this Chongyang Palace was built for Wang Chongyang by his disciples after his death, so if he can't feel the extraordinary aura here, it doesn't mean that Wang Chongyang has never entered the extraordinary state.

  Since this is the case, perhaps the Patriarch's Tomb is the place I should really go.

  This idea made Su Yun's eyes light up quickly, and then he nodded immediately, and followed Xu Jiajia towards the direction of the ancestor's tomb.

   Soon the two arrived at the Chongyang Patriarch's Tomb, where a tombstone stood, but Su Yun was soon disappointed again.

   Here he still didn't feel any remnants of extraordinary aura. It seemed that everything was explaining to Su Yun that his thinking was wrong from the beginning.

   So much so that an hour later, Su Yun accompanied Xu Jiajia to visit the entire Chongyang Palace, and he was still a little unhappy when he left.

  The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was still being held outside the mountain gate, but at this moment, the voices of the two priests talking attracted Su Yun's attention.

   "After the ceremony here in Chongyang Palace, we have to hurry to the cemetery of the living dead. Paying homage to the ancestors is no joke."

  Hearing this, Su Yun suddenly stopped in doubt, looked at the Taoist priest who spoke just now, and said:

   "Master Daoist, this place is not the palace established by the Seven Sons of Quanzhen for the patriarch Wang Chongyang. Why do you have to rush to the tomb of the living dead to pay homage to the patriarch?"

  Because Su Yun was wearing a hat at the moment and lowered the brim of his hat, the Taoist priest looked at Su Yunshi without recognizing his identity.

   "Are you a pilgrim who came to travel? Then it's a good time for you to catch up.

  Although the Chongyang Palace was established by the Seven Sons of Quanzhen for the Patriarch, it actually has nothing to do with the Patriarch.

   You should have also visited the tomb of the patriarch, right?

  Actually, there are no bones of the ancestors in the tomb, and the place has been constantly damaged during the war years. Although it has been repaired in an antique manner, few things are the same as before.

  The tomb of the living dead is completely different. Even during the war years, it has not been damaged.

  More importantly, it was once the place where the ancestors were enlightened, and the status of the tomb of the living dead in Taoist culture is much higher than that of the Chongyang Palace.

   Quanzhen Sect was realized from the tomb of the living dead, and that is where the real sacrifices should be made. "

  After saying these words, the Taoist hurriedly picked up a bunch of incense and got busy.

  He didn't recognize Su Yun's identity, and he didn't know that the person who spoke to him just now was a well-known Master of Ten Thousand Arts on the Internet these years.

  But the words of this Taoist priest really enlightened Su Yun, and he finally knew where the strange feeling came from.

  Here, the Chongyang Palace is just a palace built by his disciples for the master, and the descendants admire it, but strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with Wang Chongyang.

  Although this was the place where Wang Chongyang lived, at that time Wang Chongyang did not devote himself to enlightenment, so it is even more impossible for him to have any residual aura.

  The place I should really go to is the Chengdao Palace, 2 kilometers away from the Chongyang Convention. Only there can I find something.

  After making up his mind, Su Yun quickly left the place with Xu Jiajia. Originally, Xu Jiajia had booked a car and was about to return to the hotel. But when he got in the car, Su Yun suddenly said:

   "Master, please change the destination and send us to Dao Palace!"


  The driver of the car naturally has no objection to this. After all, this new destination will earn several times more than the previous destination.

   But Xu Jiajia felt a little confused about this. Su Yun has always been a person with a plan, so this sudden change made Xu Jiajia couldn't help asking:

   "Su Yun, why do you suddenly remember that you are going to the Daoist Palace? Is there any difference between there and here?"

  Su Yun nodded thoughtfully:

   "Of course there will be differences, but we won't know the specific situation until we get it..."

  Watching the scenery outside the car window continue to slide past quickly, Su Yun was also thinking about it.

  Su Yun is also not sure whether the extraordinary aura will remain in the tomb of the living dead in the city road palace.

  But after traveling all the way to this city, Su Yun didn't want to give up easily.

   On this road, the driver talked with Xu Jiajia. As a local, he also knew a lot about the history of the Tomb of the Living Dead.

   "This Chongyang Palace is actually not interesting, if you want to go, you have to go to the Palace of Enlightenment.

  Wang Chongyang was 49 years old when he failed to fight against gold. He dug a cave in Nanshi Village and lived in caves. "

   Regarding what the driver said, Su Yun didn't take it seriously at all.

  At this moment, he kept thinking in his heart. During this period of time, he was looking up the history of Wang Chongyang on the Internet.

   I feel more and more that this tomb of the living dead is a place I must go to.

   Soon after, the car stopped on the side of the road. Su Yun anxiously pulled Xu Jiajia and walked towards the palace.

  The Tomb of the Living Dead is also a very famous scenic spot here, and it still maintains its original appearance until now.

  At the entrance of the tomb of the living dead, there is a sign that reads Wang Zaifeng Lingbit.

   This is the spiritual seat that Wang Chongyang set up for his mortal body at that time, and he also hoped to use this to make a clean break with his past self.

   Going deep into the ground along the soil, a cold feeling filled the two of them.

  Xu Jiajia couldn't help feeling emotional about this:

   "Wang Chongyang stayed in this environment for several years? How much perseverance can he do?"

  Hearing this, Su Yun smiled and sighed:

   "Practice, always stay away from the mundane world..."

   Just as Su Yun finished speaking, an old voice suddenly came from behind the two:

   "This little friend is young, but he is quite insightful.

  This remark was just in response to the aspirations of the Patriarch at that time. The purpose of the Patriarch's Jedi study at that time was to create a special environment that was isolated from the world and convenient for further study.

   Only by changing the mortal body and cutting off the mortal world, can we devote ourselves to the Tao.

   What a pity, when the patriarch was dying, the only last words were: I regret that I have not entered the Tao in this life, and it is difficult to see the ancestors of Taoism in future generations..."

  Su Yun and Xu Jiajia searched for the sound and looked back together, only to notice an old man in rags, holding a lunch box whose original color could not be seen clearly, sitting in a corner eating white rice.

  Su Yun stepped forward with some doubts. He felt a little strange about the person in front of him.

   "This Taoist priest, isn't this a scenic spot? Why are there still people who practice Taoism?"

  The old Taoist didn't look up, he looked at the white rice in the lunch box seriously, eating it with relish.

   "Chongyang Palace is the scenic spot, and few tourists come here.

  The entire tomb of the living dead is divided into two, and the first half of the area is set as the back of the scenic spot.

   Half of the area is the practice of monks passed down from our lineage. "

   "Inherited in one line?"

  Su Yun grasped the key point in this sentence, looked at the old Taoist in front of him with some doubts and asked:

   "The Taoist priest belongs to the Quanzhen Sect? But as far as I know, hasn't the Quanzhen Sect established a new sect in Kunyu Mountain?"

  Hearing this, the old Taoist raised his head curiously and looked at Su Yun.

  Because the old Taoist priest was sitting and Su Yun was standing, when the old Taoist priest raised his head, he could just see Su Yun's face.


  The lunch box in the old Taoist priest's hand fell to the ground immediately, and then, the old Taoist priest looked at Su Yun in astonishment, and asked in disbelief:

   "You... are you Layman Su Yun?"

  Just as Su Yun nodded, the old Taoist immediately knelt down while doing it. Fortunately, Su Yun grabbed the old Taoist's arm in time:

   "The Taoist leader must never do this, don't do this big gift."

  The old Taoist looked at Su Yun excitedly, and his whole body began to tremble slightly:

   "I didn't expect that when I was old and old, I could see the first ancestor in person!"

   While talking about the old Taoist priest, he wanted to kneel down again. Su Yun had to increase the strength of his hands to support the old Taoist priest:

   "Don't need to get excited, Taoist priest, don't kneel anymore!"

  With Su Yun's words, the old Taoist stopped bowing down.

   But he was still very emotional, and even burst into tears at one point:

   "I didn't expect that I would wait for the Master of Ten Thousand Laws. Even if I die, I will have Yan to see the master!"

  Hearing this, Su Yun frowned again. The old Taoist priest in front of him always made him feel a little strange.

   "Master Daoist, what do you mean by this?

   Also, you just said that the second half of the Tomb of the Living Dead was preserved for the generation of the lineage to enlighten the Tao. What do you mean by that? "

  The old Taoist priest wiped his tears, then walked forward excitedly, and said to Su Yun at the same time:

   "Taozu, please come here and listen to me explain slowly."

Su Yun and Xu Jiajia followed the old Taoist priest towards the depths of the tomb with some doubts. In the first half of the sightseeing area, the old Taoist priest did not stop at all until a stone door was opened in front of a stone wall. The Taoist just stopped in his tracks.

   "Ancestor Dao, stepping through this stone gate is the place where the ancestors enlightened. There are some things you don't know, but I will explain them one by one after entering."

  After speaking, the old Taoist stepped into the stone gate first, and Su Yun and Xu Jiajia looked at each other, and walked in with doubts.

  The second half of the area is actually not too big, but when you look at it, everything in front of you looks very old.

   "This is the place where the master once faced the wall and enlightened the Tao. After facing the wall for 7 years, the master founded the Quanzhen Sect!"

  However, Su Yun at this time had no intention of listening to what the old Taoist said, because at this moment, he finally sensed that familiar aura.

  On the wall, there is also a Qijue poem carved by Wang Chongyang back then, and it is in the handwriting of the Qijue poem that there are dots of golden light, indicating the remaining extraordinary aura.

   This made Su Yun overjoyed. He stepped forward a few steps, but it seemed that he had passed a thousand years in one step.

  At this moment, Su Yun only felt as if he had entered Wang Chongyang's perspective, and at this moment, Wang Chongyang was engraving this poem on the wall with eloquence.

   "The living dead, the living dead, only the cause of wind, fire, earth and water. In the tomb, I took real elixir every day, and changed the mortal body for a little dust.

  The living dead are the living dead, and death in life is a good cause. The quietness in the tomb is really empty and quiet, separating the mortal world from the world. "

   Actually, Su Yun is no stranger to this poem, because he has seen it in the library.

  What Su Yun didn't expect was that in the picture he saw, Wang Chongyang didn't stop writing, but continued writing again.

   "The living dead, the living dead, although alive as dead is the antecedent cause. Difficulty in the tomb is difficult to see the way, self-transformation of the mortal heart all over the dust."

  When writing this poem, Su Yun could clearly feel that Wang Chongyang's state of mind had changed greatly.

  There is helplessness, there is sadness, but it is more of a kind of pain that cannot be asked for.

   But not long after, Wang Chongyang erased this sentence from the wall, and then resolutely turned around and left this place.

  When Su Yun came back to his senses again, he could still clearly see the obvious scratches on the wall. This is where Wang Chongyang erased the poems at that time.

   "The living dead, the living dead, although they live as if they were dead is the antecedent cause, it is difficult to see the way in the tomb, and the self-transformation of the mortal heart is all over the dust."

  Su Yun frowned while whispering:

   "What do these words mean? Why did Wang Chongyang personally erase these words back then, even in the records handed down by later generations, there is no mention of a single word."

  However, what Su Yun did not expect was that the old Taoist beside him looked at Su Yun in astonishment:

   "How did Daozu know the entire poem?"

  Su Yun opened his mouth, just about to explain, but when he thought about this matter, he really couldn't explain it.

  He couldn't say that he saw it with his own eyes after absorbing the extraordinary aura just now.

  However, before Su Yun could answer, the old Taoist looked at Su Yun excitedly and said:

   "When the master left the tomb of the living dead, he still had great regrets in his heart. He was distressed that he had clearly entered the Tao, but he failed to understand it.

  And what you said just now is the regret left by the master, and the reason for his regret is you! "

  Hearing this, Su Yun froze in place as if struck by lightning:

   "Daozhang, what does this sentence mean?"

  The old Taoist sighed softly, and then walked slowly into the house. After a while, he took out a small wooden box. When the wooden box was opened, there was a faded scroll inside.

   "This is the pen and ink passed down from generation to generation in our lineage, and it was left by the ancestors himself.

  You, let’s see for yourself..."

  Su Yun opened this ancient scroll with doubts, and the ink treasures in it also appeared in front of Su Yun's eyes.

  At this moment, Su Yun was completely stunned in place, because the content in it made him feel extremely shocked.

   This is the calligraphy that Wang Chongyang left to his seven disciples. Although the content in it is obscure, Su Yun can easily understand it.

  After he entered the tomb of the living dead, he began to work hard to understand the Tao, trying to find a completely different way of life from before.

  After half a year, he was depressed and frustrated, which made Wang Chongyang very depressed at that time.

  After he locked himself in the tomb of the living dead, he began to recite Taoist classics, and he kept asking himself some questions.

   Road, what exactly?

   Road, where is it?

   This kind of life lasted for 7 years, and when Wang Chongyang entered the third year of retreat, he suddenly entered the supernatural, but in this ancient scroll, Wang Chongyang called this feeling enlightenment.

  Wang Chongyang entered an extraordinary state, which lasted for a full two minutes, and during these two minutes, Wang Chongyang had a lot of epiphanies.

  In the next few years, he always wanted to find this feeling of enlightenment, but the extraordinary state never came from him again.

   Until the 7th year, Wang Chongyang decided to leave the customs, and wrote all the insights in the past 7 years into spirit characters on the wall.

However, when Wang Chongyang wrote the last sentence, he suddenly accidentally entered the extraordinary state again. It was this time that he suddenly understood why he had not been able to continue to move forward in Taoism for the past 7 years. OK.

  In this suicide note similar to that written by Wang Chongyang himself, Wang Chongyang mentioned such a sentence.

   "The ancestor of Taoism has not returned to the throne, it is difficult to teach the Dharma in the world, and how can ordinary people have the way of practice?

  I only hate being born at the wrong time, not being born on the day when the Taoist ancestor returned to the throne, it is miserable to waste seven years of time, although I understand the Tao but fail to enter the Tao, although I see the Dharma, I don’t know the Dharma.

  I have the intention to establish Quanzhen, just to leave a flame for the disciples in the teaching.

   One day the Dao ancestor will return to his throne, the Dao will exist in the world, there will be laws to cultivate, and future generations will continue to exist, and the world will be bright! "

  At this moment, Su Yun's eyes were full of astonishment.

   First of all, this is the first person he knows who has entered the extraordinary state twice in his life, but when he finally realized it, he knew the way he was looking for, and it was impossible to survive.

  Just because the Taoist ancestor has not returned to his throne, there is no way to enter the world, and there is no way to practice!

  When Su Yun raised his head again, he saw the old Taoist burst into tears again.

  In his opinion, Su Yun is the Taoist ancestor that the master said, and now that the Taoist ancestor comes, it means that the Taoism and practice will continue, and the Taoist ancestor is about to return to his place.

  From what the old Taoist said next, Su Yun finally understood why there was such a person here.

   This old Taoist priest is the only disciple of Qiu Chuji's school that has been passed down to this day. He has been in this tomb of the living dead for generations, just to guard the place of practice of his master.

  Almost every generation is waiting for the Taoist ancestor to return to his throne, but each generation can only die in depression in the end.

   This old Taoist priest has also accepted his own fate, knowing that Su Yun's matter was made public on the whole network, he saw hope again.

   It's just because it has been passed down to his generation and there is no successor, so the old Taoist priest can't leave this place.

   This is why the old Taoist priest seemed so excited after seeing Su Yun.

  Through chatting with Su Yun, I learned that the old Taoist priest is over 80 this year, but because he is worried that no one will guard this place after he leaves, he insists on it every day.

  Therefore, in the conversation with Su Yun, the old Taoist expressed excitedly more than once that he finally had the face to see the master.

  Su Yun absorbed the extraordinary aura left by Wang Chongyang at this moment, and felt that he was only one step away from the realm above the extraordinary state.

  The old Taoist kept telling Su Yun excitedly that if one day Su Yun decides to preach the Dharma, he must go to the Quanzhen School.

  When Wang Chongyang founded the Quanzhen Sect, it was for the purpose of sustaining the fire. After the Taoist ancestor returned to the throne, people who were dedicated to seeking the Tao could formally enter the Tao and practice.

Su Yun naturally did not refuse this, he solemnly agreed to the old Taoist in front of him, and then the old Taoist watched the two leave, but after a short walk, the two saw several ambulances heading towards the tomb of the living dead direction.

  Xu Jiajia suddenly thought of something, looked at Su Yun with some anxiety and said:

   "Su Yun, could it be that old Taoist..."

   Before Xu Jiajia finished speaking, Su Yun turned his head and took a deep look in the direction of the tomb of the living dead, and then said meaningfully:

   "I think that old Taoist priest is finally free.

  He has been struggling to support, but now the mission of this line of survival has been completed, this is his own choice. "

  While speaking, Su Yun put away the calligraphy written by Wang Chongyang himself that was given to him by the old Taoist priest.

  This conversation also gave Su Yun a deep understanding.

  There is no way and no way to practice in the world, only those who are dedicated to seeking the way and practice suffer.

  So Su Yun also secretly decided in his heart that if he can step into a state above the extraordinary realm, he must find a way to spread the Dharma.

  This is the long-cherished wish of the ancients, but it is not the voice of today's people.

  The Dharma has no universal dharma, it is the mundane dharma.

  Tao enlightened its way, is the way of the world.

  The figures of Su Yun and Xu Jiajia gradually drifted away. These two figures blended into the crowd, and they were even unnoticeable for a while.

  But only Su Yun knew that he had already shouldered a heavy burden.

   This trip is not only to absorb more extraordinary breath, for Suning, the most important thing is that he has made clear the way to go next.

   After the two of them returned to the hotel, Su Yunzai carefully looked at the calligraphy several times.

  He seemed to be able to feel Wang Chongyang's mood when he wrote this article, and finally understood what the regret in his heart was.

  After Wang Chongyang entered the extraordinary state, what he suddenly realized was not the method of practice.

   Instead, let him understand a truth. Before the Taoist ancestor returned to his throne, naturally no one has a law to cultivate, because the road is blocked, and there is no ancestor to open it up.

  He created the Quanzhen sect based on the ideas he felt, hoping that those who are dedicated to the Tao can have a place for their hearts in troubled times.

   It is such a founder of the sect, but he is the one who truly realizes that practice is useless.

   Perhaps even when he was dying, he was looking forward to the return of the Taoist ancestor, but he never thought that it would take a hundred years.

  That night, Xue Jiajia hugged the white monkey in the house, while Su Yun sat quietly on the sofa.

  He fully integrated the extraordinary breath absorbed during this period with his extraordinary state.

  The realm above the extraordinary state became more and more obvious in Su Yun's mind.

   There is only this one step left, as long as this step is crossed, a breakthrough in the true sense has been completed.

  So after a few hours, Su Yun opened his eyes, and at the same time decided where to go next.

   From the summer to the west, it is known as the destination of the human soul, and this time also happens to verify Su Yun's current state.

   Whether it can break through, now is the most critical moment!

  In the early morning of the second day, Su Yun took Xu Jiajia to the airport. This time they wanted to go straight to their destination, so they chose the fastest way of transportation.

  But this white monkey is a problem. Although there are channels for transporting animals in the airport, at most they are puppies and cats.

   Fortunately, Su Yun's documents are complete, and Su Yun's identity is here, so even the airport management was alarmed, and Su Yun was invited to the office to discuss.

  After talking for a while, these things have already been done.

  The airport executives didn't even arrange for Su Yun and Xu Jiajia to go to the first-class lounge, but let them wait in their office to board the plane.

   The five-star service opened Xu Jiajia's horizons, but Su Yun didn't have any obvious emotional changes.

  When the boarding time approached, the senior management not only personally arranged for Su Yun to board the plane through a special passage, but even sent him directly to the first-class cabin of the plane.

   Then more and more passengers boarded the plane. Many passengers who wanted to buy first-class cabins before found that the cabin was closed. After seeing Su Yun and Xu Jiajia sitting there, they were very puzzled.

   "What's the matter with the stewardess? Isn't this flight not selling first-class tickets? Why are there two people sitting here?"

  A middle-aged man wearing gold and silver, who looked like a nouveau riche, shouted at the stewardess at the top of his voice.

   And the flight attendant took the trouble to explain this time:

   "I'm sorry sir, the reason why we closed the cabin is because of the special identities of these two.

  If you must take the first class, you can rebook the flight with the closest time, which will not delay you for too long. "

  Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately became angry, and immediately wanted to collect money to see Su Yun and Xu Jiajia.

   "Who are these two people? Why can't I do it and they can sit?

  I'm a premium card member of your airline, don't you want to do it? "

  However, before the middle-aged man approached, two airport security personnel came over and dragged him off the plane without saying a word.

  All the passengers watched this scene in astonishment, and at the same time were very puzzled about the identities of Su Yun and Xu Jiajia.

  As for this middle-aged nouveau riche, all the money was returned in full, and he was also blacklisted by the airline.

  The middle-aged man was too angry, so he called the police on the spot, and the police were called to make this matter a big deal.

  But the senior executives of the airline company only whispered a few words in the ear of the head of the police, especially after the name Su Yun was mentioned, the police all invited middle-aged men to the bureau for tea on the grounds of obstructing official duties.

  After the middle-aged man left the police station again, he obviously died down.

  Although he still doesn't know who the two young people sitting in the first class are, he can guess a thing or two from the attitude of the airline and the police.

  Backs of fear came to mind, the middle-aged man felt weak legs when he walked.

   Now he has clearly realized that he almost provoked a big shot.

  Although I don't know who this big shot is, judging from the reflections from all parties, it is definitely not someone I can afford.

  But this matter did not bring any influence to Su Yun and Xu Jiajia. The two looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, talking and laughing happily.

   It’s just that what they don’t know is that both the captain and the flight crew on this plane are in fear.

  They have never served an existence like Su Yun...

  (end of this chapter)