MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 177 The beautiful woman's jade is lost, and the coffin is carried on the expedition

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  Chapter 177 The beauty is damaged, and the coffin is carried to the expedition

   A few hours later, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia landed from Luoguang City Airport.

  When Su Yun and Xu Jiajia got off the plane, they noticed that the senior management of the airport had already received the news and had been waiting here for a long time.

   "Hero Su Yun, welcome to Luoguang Airport!"

  Su Yun did not expect that there would be such a big commotion in the airport, and all the high-level executives would wait in person at the exit.

  Fortunately, the flight crew specifically let Su Yun and Xu Jiajia get off the plane first, and the passengers behind were still waiting on the plane, which did not cause congestion.

  The executives enthusiastically wanted to invite Su Yun and Xu Jiajia to the office for a talk, but Su Yun declined him politely.

  In Su Yun's view, time is very tight now, and Putuoluo Dala Palace is likely to be the end of this trip.

   At this moment, they had already wasted a lot of time on this journey, and he didn't want to have unnecessary social interactions at the airport.

  After being rejected by Su Yun, the high-level executives had no other choice but to send Suyun and Xu Jiajia out of the airport enthusiastically. The two quickly got into the car that had been booked and went straight to Maburi Mountain.

  Putuoluo Dala Palace is a castle-like building complex, which was originally built by Zamp Songtsen Gampo of the Tubo Dynasty to marry Princess Wencheng.

   Now it has become the winter palace residence of lamas of all dynasties, and it is also the ruling center of theocratic integration in the entire ancient Western Region.

  Because the Putuoluo Dala Palace is above 3,700 meters above sea level, Xu Jiajia soon felt the altitude sickness.

   Fortunately, these vehicles that pick up and drop off passengers are equipped with portable oxygen cylinders, and the drivers are no longer surprised by this phenomenon.

  He directly passed one backhand to Xu Jiajia, and at the same time said curiously to Su Yun through the rearview mirror:

   "Young man, you are not a local. Is this your first visit?"

  Su Yun nodded slightly while looking at the scenery of overlapping mountains outside the window.

   But it also makes the driver more curious:

   "It's not common for people like you to come here for the first time without any discomfort.

  Your physical fitness is good, did you train for it before coming here? "

Facing the enthusiastic driver, Su Yun just responded with a simple smile, and because the place is remote and the information is not so developed, even if he can see Su Yun's face for a while, it is difficult for him to be right for a while. .

   Only those who have experienced this kind of altitude sickness can know how painful it is. Xu Jiajia was already weak, but now because of lack of oxygen, there was a painful expression on his face.

   Seeing this scene in his eyes, Su Yun also felt a little unbearable:

   "Jiajia, why don't you wait for me below, and I'll go up by myself?"

   Before Su Yunduo could say anything, Xu Jiajia shook his head firmly, and said in a weak tone:

   "This is one of my dreams too!

  Everyone is here, of course I want to accompany you to have a look.

  I'm just a little hypoxic, but having an oxygen tank will relieve a lot, don't worry about me. "

  Su Yun nodded lightly, then silently took Xu Jiajia's hand.

  Since the road leading to Putuoluo Dala Palace is mainly a mountain road, the two of them are sitting in the car at the moment, as if they were sitting on a boat.

   Coupled with the impact of this altitude sickness, Xu Jiajia's complexion became even worse.

  In the end, he even leaned weakly on the back seat, looking out the window weakly, and there were already one or two empty oxygen cylinders beside him.

   But Su Yun was obviously not affected in any way, whether it was altitude sickness or the shaking body, Su Yun would not feel any discomfort.

   This also surprised the driver for a time, and he talked freely all the way.

   "Don't say it's you, I also vomited several times when I ran this mountain road for the first time.

   I've never seen someone as unresponsive as you..."

  The driver chatted along the way, passing through the mountain road.

  The blue sky and white clouds seem to be at your fingertips, and all the noise seems to be thrown down the mountain.

  In the distance, you can also see snow-covered peaks, which are like crystals against the background, giving people a dreamlike and unreal feeling.

   Along the way, you can still see a lot of muddy cars. There are some young people sitting in the cars, all of them drooping, and they are all tossed by the altitude sickness.

  These people are tourists who have traveled thousands of miles to see the scenery, but obviously they underestimated the threshold of this place.

  Everyone holds two oxygen cylinders in their hands, and it seems that they can barely survive by relying on these things.

   There are still many people walking on this mountain road on foot with big bags and small bags on their backs. Obviously these people have come here more than once, so the altitude sickness can't affect them too much.

   These people almost all have flushed faces, and this very representative plateau red also determines their special physique.

  In addition to this group of people, there are also some rare groups. These people constitute the unique culture of the ancient Western Regions, called asceticism.

  These ascetic monks are dressed in ragged clothes and barefoot, walking on the mountain roads all year round.

  Food and sleep in the open air is the best way for them to cleanse their souls. The meaning of asceticism is also to get rid of the entanglement of the flesh and let the soul enter a quiet place.

  Although these ascetic monks are dressed in rags and are dirty, they will be respected wherever they go.

  In addition to wild vegetables and fruits, their food is only alms from various places.

   Therefore, in the backpacks carried by these monks, there is often food that has been stored for a long time. Even though a lot of food has become moldy, they still regard it as a delicacy.

   This is also the rarest thing about these ascetic monks. They never accept money offerings, but only accept food supplies from believers.

  And if it is a female donor who provides food, they will not reach out and take it directly, but will ask the female donor to put the food on the ground before taking it away.

   It is this quality of self-denial and self-cultivation that makes such a group of people respected and loved wherever they go.

  And they will always return to the top of the mountain after a parade, stay away from the mundane world, and meditate to enlighten the Tao.

  This is the charm of the ancient Western Regions. There is not too much hustle and bustle in the world, just like a piece of pure land on earth.

  Most of the people who come here are pursuing the bottleneck of the soul, or want to escape the troubles of the world.

  In short, there are thousands of purposes for the visitors, but there is only one destination, and that is the Putuoluo Dala Palace on the top of this mountain.

  The appearance of Putuoluo Dala Palace has 13 floors and a height of 110 meters. It starts from the foot of the mountain and points directly to the top of the mountain.

  The entire Putuoluo Dala Palace is composed of the White House and the Red Palace. Therefore, before arriving at the gate of the Putuoluo Dala Palace, you can already see many tapestry of Buddha statues hanging on the white towering walls.

   Soon the driver placed Su Yun and Xu Jiajia as far as the vehicle could reach, and the next mountain road needed to be walked by the two of them.

  After getting off the car, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia saw many devout worshipers, but you must know that worshiping mountains here is not just a physical test.

  Under the effects of altitude sickness, even if you don’t do anything, you will feel extremely uncomfortable, let alone this kind of high-intensity physical activity.

   These people were obviously exhausted, but they still knelt and kowtowed every time they stepped up a stone step, chanting the Buddha's name devoutly.

  Anyone who sees it can't help feeling the piety in his heart.

  When you walk along the stone steps to the front of the Putuo Dala Palace, you will see a majestic and majestic building standing here, shining like a sanctuary under the sunlight.

  All the roofs and window eaves here retain the wooden structure, the cornices are overhanging, the corners are raised, and the copper tiles are gilded.

  Even the ridge of the roof is decorated with gold-gilt buildings, vases, capricorn fish and golden-winged crows.

  The shining roof adopts the architectural style of the Xieshan style and the Cuanjian style of the Han Dynasty, and the walls under the eaves are of the gilded copper style.

  In short, the building in front of you can see the eight treasures of Buddhist instruments everywhere, which has a strong color of Tibetan Buddhism.

  Looking up, you can see the place of chanting Buddha, where you can see lamas sitting in meditation everywhere, silently reciting the Buddha's name, even if people around you come and go, they will not be disturbed in the slightest.

  Xu Jiajia, like those tourists, was shocked by the spectacular scene in front of her.

  She looked around in front of her, but Su Yun just quietly looked at her back.

  The reason why he came here was because Su Yun had already set a destination, which was the Ninth La Ling Pagoda Hall in the Putuo Dala Palace.

  This can be regarded as the most important place in the ancient Western Regions, and it is also a shining symbol of Tibetan culture.

  If the Putuoluo Dala Palace is called the temple closest to the sky, then this pagoda hall is the place closest to the gods and Buddhas.

   There was even a rumor in the local area that if one sat quietly in the pagoda hall, one could even hear the Buddha's teaching.

   Soon, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia embarked on the Consummation Convergence Road, which is a zigzag mountain road and the only way to enter the Putuo Dala Palace.

  This road has a total of more than 900 steps, whether it is tourists, believers, eminent monks or dignitaries.

  If you want to enter the Putuoluo Dala Palace, you must climb the more than 900 steps honestly.

  Xu Jiajia is like many tourists, this is really not an easy thing.

  She had to stop and go, taking a break from time to time.

  When seeing Su Yun whose expression remained unchanged, Xu Jiajia would even complain helplessly:

   "Su Yun, many times I seriously suspect that you are not human!"

   "Hey, why are you still swearing?"

  Although Su Yun knew the meaning of Xu Jiajia's words, he still joked with a smile, which immediately made Xu Jiajia laugh.

  Xu Jiajia needed to rest, but Su Yun was not in a hurry. The reason why he was less affected than others was because Su Yun was always in an extraordinary state.

  Because only in this way can he perceive the existence of the extraordinary breath in time, so as not to miss it.

   After much difficulty, the two climbed up the last stone steps, and after passing through the resplendent gate, they saw one of the most distinctive buildings, the White House.

  This is the place where lamas held political and religious activities in the past. In the simple style of white tone, it is actually a different world.

  After entering the east gate, the two soon saw many colorful murals.

  This mural depicts a lifelike Buddhist protector with a green face and fangs, which makes people feel awe.

  When the two passed through the corridor, they saw the performances of Tiaoshen and Tibetan opera in the square.

  Going this way, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia have quite a lot of experience.

  I have seen the famous picture of Princess Wencheng’s entry into Tibet, I have seen the magnificent carved beams and painted buildings, and I have also admired the golden plaque inscriptions on the Emperor Tongzhi Zhenxi Suijiang in the East Youji Consummation Hall.

  Finally, the patient Su Yun came to the stupa hall of the Ninth Lama Longduo Gyatso. As soon as he entered the hall, the familiar breath came over his face.

   Sure enough!

  Su Yun was ecstatic in his heart, which means he came to the right place.

  The spiritual pagoda in front of me cost 3574 taels of gold just for the golden skin of the pagoda body. In addition, it is inlaid with nearly a thousand pieces of various jewels.

  In the center of the pagoda, there is a golden seated statue of the Ninth Lama.

  When this 'Longduo Jiacuo' was eleven years old, he passed away suddenly in Putuoluo Dala Palace. On that day, there was a vision of heaven and earth, which is why Su Yun came here.

   After absorbing the residual extraordinary aura, Su Yun finally knew what the Ninth Lama was thinking.

   Passing away is not a coincidence, but Long Duo Jiacuo intentionally.

  He firmly believes that the world can be reincarnated continuously, and hopes to wait until the Taoist ancestor returns to the throne, and after there is a law that can be cultivated in the world, he can enter the Tao and spread the law in the world.

   Therefore, he passed away, and wanted to wait for the next life to meet the Taoist ancestor and practice the true law of the world.

  But when Su Yun was released like a dream, he was slightly astonished.

  Things were different from what he had imagined. The absorption of extraordinary breath this time did not allow him to reach the level of breakthrough.

  The realm above the extraordinary state is still looming. Su Yun, who thought he could break through in Putuo Dala Palace this time, felt a little lonely in his heart.

   It seems... the extraordinary breath is still not enough, it is difficult to reach the level of breakthrough!

  Thinking so in his heart, Su Yun quickly left this place with Xu Jiajia.

   Firstly, it is useless to stay longer, and secondly, Xu Jiajia's body really cannot stay at this altitude for too long.

   A few hours later, Su Yun returned to the hotel and sat in front of the computer again.

  Originally according to his plan, the ancient western regions should be the last stop, but he didn't expect that the current extraordinary aura can only make him perceive the existence of the realm above the extraordinary, but he cannot touch it.

  So Su Yun had no choice but to start planning a route again, looking for famous ancient temples in Daxia, hoping to absorb more extraordinary aura so that he could break through faster.

  Because, Xu Jiajia's time is running out.

  The two embarked on a journey again, but this time it was obviously more urgent.

  Su Yun would take Xu Jiajia's pulse every day, and the pulse constantly reminded Su Yun that Xu Jiajia's situation was getting worse.

   Su Yun didn't know how much extraordinary aura was needed to break through the current extraordinary state.

   It was precisely because of this that Su Yun became more and more anxious.

  He was only worried that Xu Jiajia would not survive the day he broke through.

  In the next few months, Su Yun traveled faster and faster, and the time it took to get from one historic site to another became shorter and shorter.

  In this new route that can be formulated, not all the ancients have ever entered the extraordinary state.

   And Su Yun has no way to know in advance, so he can only try his luck every time.

  However, among these historic sites, some can make Su Yun perceive the existence of the extraordinary aura, while some have never entered the extraordinary at all.

  For example, Yunyazi Wei Boyang, one of the earliest alchemists who left works recognized by the world.

  On the basis of "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", Tao Hongjing, a Liangjian Taoist, wrote "The Collection of Materia Medica".

   Or Du Guangting, a high-ranking Taoist in the late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties, who was given the title of Facsimile Heavenly Master.

  The places where the Taoists once lived, unexpectedly, do not have any extraordinary aura left.

  Of course, it is also possible that Su Yun did not find the place where the ancients were enlightened. After all, each person enters the supernatural place in a different place, and it does not necessarily correspond to the location of the current scenic spot.

   But no matter what, this wasted a lot of Su Yun's time, so he could only try his best to shorten the time spent when he was on the road.

   But in the past few months, not only Su Yun has been on the road, why not all countries in the world?

   Various countries that have been immersed for a long time, as if they had discussed it, issued announcements one after another.

  Western Atlantis State: [The genetic experiment has been upgraded again, the fourth generation of genetic people has been fully popularized, and the fifth generation of technology has also made great breakthroughs! 】

  Shen Zhaoguo: [my country's genetic technology is iterating again, and the fifth generation of genetic human technology is being fully developed and overcome! 】

  Ice Bear Country: [The world's first fifth-generation genetic human has been born in the laboratory, and more detailed information is currently being collected, which will be fully disclosed to the public later! 】

  The speed of progress in each country is almost the same, and the three generations of genetic people have become a thing of the past.

  The comprehensive popularization of the fourth generation has also allowed various countries to start conquering the fifth generation non-stop, which has made overseas netizens very excited.

   "I feel that the speed of research and development is getting faster and faster. If this continues, the arrival of the tenth generation will be even faster than we imagined!"

   "So, isn't it just a matter of time before human beings reach a lifespan of hundreds of years?"

   "Why isn't geneticization fully popularized? I'm ready to be vaccinated with genetic medicine!"

   "According to this speed of development, there is no benefit for us to inoculate the medicine now. Wait a little longer, the genetic technology will become more and more mature, and we will benefit from it by then!"

  On the public media platforms of various countries, almost all excited netizens are discussing.

  Facts are indeed as they said, the development of genetic technology is getting faster and faster after three generations of breakthroughs.

  The initial slowness is because human beings are creating the singularity.

   But after entering this singularity, just like the computer technology at that time, it will only get faster and faster, and develop at a high speed in a direction that no one expected.

   After these things spread to the country, the people of Daxia did not worry about it, because not long ago, Daxia also made a new announcement to the outside world.

  Big Xia: [Tiannao artificial intelligence version 3.0 has been successfully upgraded, and the Tiannao satellite system will be officially launched tomorrow at 00:00! 】

  This announcement is completely different from those of other countries because Daxia is walking a unique path.

  In today's Great Xia, the exoskeleton armor system has been perfected, and in the military's internal experiments, no loopholes have been found.

   In addition, the first batch of unmanned reconnaissance armor was also secretly put into military use.

  The reason why the people of Daxia will not feel uneasy is because they know that their country is ushering in a brand new era.

   "Dear audience, the first batch of exoskeleton machines will be displayed for the first time in the martial arts circle.

  According to our reporter's understanding, Chinese martial arts master Lin Guodong will lead all martial arts masters to prepare for international wy competitions. "

  Wy event is an international event that has just been certified by the United Nations recently.

  Today's times have changed, and each country also needs a new way to allocate priority resources.

  In the early years, conflicts may break out, and hot weapons determine the right to speak.

  But now that various countries have entered the genetic era, even small conflicts will often bring great destruction.

   Therefore, at the United Nations meeting, the five major countries discussed and discussed together and formulated the wy event.

  In order to keep pace with the development of the world and reduce disputes among countries, this event will serve as the main communication channel between countries.

  The winner is determined through the competition, and the winner can gain more resource advantages to develop the country's economy.

   Therefore, after the joint decision of the five major powers, the proposal quickly spread around the world.

  According to the news, although the general public does not know which country the event will be held in, at least it is certain that the representative of Daxia this time is a master of Chinese martial arts who will be equipped with exoskeleton mechanical auxiliary armor.

   This is also Daxia's first battle in this competition, and it is also a head-to-head confrontation between Daxia's mechanical technology and foreign genetic technology.

  So although it is just warming up now, the interest of the whole summer is already very high.

  But Su Yun didn't know what happened outside these few months, or he didn't care.

  One month after leaving Putuoluo Dala Palace, Xu Jiajia fell into a coma for the first time.

   Then the frequency of coma became higher and higher, and the duration of coma became longer and longer.

  Xu Jiajia's body began to deteriorate at an extremely fast rate, which also meant that Xu Jiajia was on the verge of the limit.

  Xu Jiajia's physical condition no longer allowed her to follow Su Yun on the next road.

  Looking at Su Yun, the light in Xu Jiajia's eyes has become increasingly dimmer:

   "Su Yun, I can't go on with you anymore, the rest of the road depends on you..."

   Along the way, Xu Jiajia could tell that Su Yun seemed to be looking for something important to him.

  But Su Yun didn't take the initiative to say it, and Xu Jiajia never asked.

  In her opinion, no matter what Su Yun is looking for, she should give her full support.

   It's just now...she's lost her mind.

  Su Yun held Xu Jiajia in his arms, frowned slightly and sighed:

   "Jiajia, take good care of your illness. When I come back, I will definitely save you..."

  However, Xu Jiajia reached out and touched Su Yun's cheek, looking at Su Yun's eyes with some nostalgia:

   "I don't know if I can see you again next time."

   "Don't talk nonsense!"

  Su Yun shook his head firmly, looked at Xu Jiajia and said seriously:

   "Trust me, I will definitely cure you!"

   Just like that, Su Yun sent Xu Jiajia back home, and he embarked on the road of searching for the extraordinary aura again.

  In the past few months, Su Yun has almost turned into a savage. He runs around day and night, but he is racing against death.

  However, although there are many ancient and famous temples in Daxia, not all the ancients have entered the Transcendence.

   Therefore, running around day and night for several months only allowed Su Yun to absorb five or six remaining extraordinary breaths.

  Most of the places he went to had no remnants of extraordinary aura.

  Although there were many celebrities and great figures in ancient times, there were very few who entered the extraordinary state.

   Even after absorbing these extraordinary breaths, Su Yun still couldn't break through the current realm.

   This made Su Yun feel even more depressed. Although he could feel that he was getting closer to the mysterious world above the extraordinary, there was not much extraordinary breath to look for.

  At this moment, he is sitting on the road to Luyi County, this is the last choice Su Yun can think of.

  If there is no extraordinary aura here, Su Yun doesn't know what to do.

  Because of Xu Jiajia, it may not be able to last for too long.

   When the vehicle slowly stopped at Luyi County Station, Su Yun, who was upset, got out of the car without saying a word.

  He carried his bag, set foot on this secluded county road under the scorching sun, and looked forward with the map.

  Since Xu Jiajia was sent home, Su Yun took care of the white monkey again.

   And the white monkey is also very sensible, staying in the backpack most of the time, never causing any trouble for Su Yun.

  It seems that the white monkey also knew that Su Yun was in a bad mood, so he behaved extraordinarily well-behaved, but occasionally poked his head out to look around curiously, and then hid it back in the bag again.

  Su Yun entered Luyi County along the county road, and began to inquire about the location with passers-by around.

   "Excuse me, is Lao Tzu's former residence at the top?"

  From Su Yun's words, it can be clearly known that this time he came all the way for Lao Tzu.

   And this Luyi County was indeed the hometown of Lao Tzu, and it was called Chen Guoku County in that era.

   Passers-by enthusiastically pointed out a direction for Su Yun, and this was indeed Su Yun's final choice.

  In the past few months, after Su Yun sent Xu Jiajia home, he went to various ancient and famous temples faster and faster.

  He has traveled almost all the high mountains and mountains, and personally went to places of interest and historic sites in Daxia. He has seen countless statues of ancient people, but there are very few people who have entered the extraordinary state.

   This is the last choice, and also Su Yun's only hope.

  He quickly walked in the direction pointed by passers-by, and only after he walked in did he realize that this place was much more magnificent than what he found in the information.

   Today's former residence of Laozi has been built into a cultural scenic spot centered on Taiqing Palace, Mingdao Palace, and Laozi's No. 1 Garden in the World.

   Here, not only fully shows a real image of Lao Tzu to all tourists, but also interprets the origin of Taoist culture.

  At the same time, the reason why this place was selected by Su Yun as a target is because the culture of Laozi here is different from other places.

  There have always been many legends about Lao Tzu at home and abroad, and there are also many monuments commemorating Lao Tzu.

   But the Taiqing Palace only treats Lao Tzu as an ordinary person, instead of deifying Lao Tzu into a fairy like those places in Laojun Mountain.

  In addition, this is the place where Lao Tzu lived and preached, so Su Yun finally came here.

   After really getting to know it deeply, Su Yun realized how much influence Lao Tzu has had on this place.

  At this moment, the place Su Yun came to is called Taiqing Palace, and the other part separated only by a purple avenue is Mingdao Palace.

  Taiqing Palace is the existing ruins of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and this Mingdao Palace is the place where Lao Tzu preached.

  Not far from the other direction is Laojun Terrace, which is said to be the place where Lao Tzu ascended to immortality.

  Su Yun first entered the Taiqing Palace, but after turning around, he did not find any remnants of the extraordinary aura, so Su Yun came to the Mingdao Palace next door without stopping.

  Compared here, it is much bigger than the Taiqing Palace just now.

  There are many tourists here, but Su Yun is really not in the mood right now, so he slowly watched the scenery with them.

  He entered and exited the palace in a hurry, causing many tourists to cast puzzled eyes.

  In this Mingdao Palace, it is rare to see a person like Su Yun, who is in a hurry as if he is looking for something.

   After spending a while, Su Yun still didn't find anything in the Ming Dao Palace, which made him even more anxious.

  If Lao Tzu has never entered an extraordinary state, then all his previous investigations would have been in vain, and a visit to Luyi County would have wasted a lot of time.

  If there is still no remnant of the extraordinary aura here, Su Yun will not know where to look for it.

   After all, during this period of time, Su Yun has searched almost all the places he could go, and there are really few extraordinary auras. The former residence of Lao Tzu here is his last hope.

  After silently leaving Mingdao Palace, Su Yun stood there and frowned, and only after a while did he turn his gaze to the direction of Laojuntai.

   Only there is left, if you can't find the extraordinary aura even there, it can really be called the end of the road.

  Xu Jiajia's situation is getting worse and worse. In a phone call a few days ago, Xu Kui still stated that Xu Jiajia had fallen into a coma for a long time after returning.

  No one knows when Xu Jiajia will wake up after this coma, or whether she will wake up.

  That's why Su Yun was so anxious in his heart, eager to find the extraordinary aura left here.

  After calming down for a while, Su Yun quickly rushed to Laojun Terrace, which is also a unique landscape in Luyi County.

  Laojuntai claims to be the place where Lao Tzu practiced Taoism and became immortal, so this place was also called Shengxiantai or Baixiantai.

  This place was found in the Han Dynasty, better than the Tang Dynasty. It was destroyed by war many times and then repaired in successive dynasties. It has a history of more than 2,000 years.

  Laojun Terrace is 8.84 meters high and has a bottom area of ​​765 square meters.

  The bluestone steps under the mountain gate have a total of 32 floors, plus the one in front of the main hall, it is exactly 33 floors, which is in line with Lao Zisheng's theory of 33 floors.

  Just entered it, Su Yun saw the four shells placed on the old military platform, which still had a record, June 1, 1938, the fourth day of the fifth lunar month.

  As a Daxia native, I am no stranger to this time.

  It is said that when the soldiers of Shenzhao State attacked Luyi County and shelled Laojuntai, they fired a total of 13 shells, but none of them exploded.

  The artillery shells left here are the duds that bombarded Laojuntai back then.

  Su Yun, like many tourists, stopped in front of the cannonball, but what he noticed was not the cannonball, but a faint brilliance on the cannonball.

  The familiar breath reappeared, Su Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, and at this moment, he suddenly realized.

   It wasn't any miracle that stopped the cannonball, but the extraordinary aura that remained on the Laojun's platform.

  Su Yun followed the pale golden light and looked forward, then quickly stepped forward and crossed the 33 steps, and then came to the top of Laojun Terrace.

   Sure enough, this place is filled with a rich atmosphere that Su Yun has never seen before.

  Perhaps it is also because of the outstanding nature of this place, and the extraordinary aura that lasts for a long time.

  Su Yun stretched out his hand in surprise. The moment he touched the extraordinary breath, his whole body seemed to be pulled into the long river of time, and he saw the old man who sat here quietly enlightened again.

  When Su Yun opened his eyes again, he seemed to have entered Lao Tzu's body, and he could clearly perceive the confusion in Lao Tzu's heart.

   Road, what exactly?

  This question has troubled Lao Tzu's mind for a long time. He wanted to comprehend Taoism countless times, but he always felt that the distance was too big to be one step away.

  Before this, Lao Tzu was already quite insightful, accepted countless disciples, and left behind many Taoist masterpieces for later generations.

  But Laozi always thinks that what he wrote and wrote are just one-sided words, and he has never really understood the way he is looking for.

  But it is also under the blessing of this life-long accumulation of cultivation that Lao Tzu entered an extraordinary state by coincidence.

   It was also in this extraordinary state that Lao Tzu suddenly realized it like a divine enlightenment.

   It's not that he didn't comprehend the Taoism, but that the Dao is hard to survive in this world.

  The Taos he had comprehended before were nothing but dwarfed by the real Dao.

  If the Dao is compared to Mount Tai, then the Taos he has comprehended are just low hills.

  Although it has the meaning of high mountains, it is not comparable to the trip to high mountains.

  Lao Tzu stayed in the extraordinary state for a full 5 minutes, which is not much worse than when Su Yun stepped into the extraordinary state for the first time. This is also the ancient person Su Yun has seen staying in the extraordinary state for the longest time so far.

  That's why the extraordinary aura left in this place is so abundant, coupled with the influence of heaven and earth, many shells have died down here.

  However, in the picture in Su Yun's mind, Lao Tzu got up slowly and left the place lightly.

  He summoned all the disciples under his sect, as if explaining the funeral, and gave the last lecture.

  In this class, Lao Tzu told all the students his insights.

   only shows that the Tao he knows is just the tip of the iceberg in the avenue.

   But this does not mean that what they have learned is useless, on the contrary, this is why they should tell more people about this knowledge.

   Only in this way can the next seed be planted for future generations, and when the time is right, it can grow into a towering tree.

   Therefore, it was after this class that Lao Tzu made a major decision.

  He only called a few of his closest disciples and told them that he was about to travel far and westward to become barbaric.

  Lao Tzu's idea is very simple, that is to benefit future generations.

  He has always firmly believed that one day, when the Dao exists in the world, there will be a person who will stand up and lead the world into the door of cultivation to understand the Dao of the world.

   It may be five hundred years, or it may be five thousand years, but that person will eventually appear.

  And this person will be the well-deserved ancestor of all Taos, and his Lao Tzu is just an unknown tree planter.

  Although you can't see the shade of green trees, you can cover the scorching sun for your descendants.

   But he will never disappoint his journey of seeking Tao in this life.

  The scene in front of him quickly disappeared, Su Yun was like returning from a dream, and his eyes once again turned into the familiar Laojun Terrace.

  This memory shocked Su Yun. The whereabouts of Lao Tzu has always been a mystery, and no one knows.

  But now Su Yun finally understands, no wonder there is no record of Lao Tzu's later events in history. It turns out that Lao Tzu went west from Hangu Pass, left Daxia directly, and traveled westward to transform Hu.

  According to the path of Laozi seen in the extraordinary state, this road goes west, and the possible place to arrive will be Yinfan Kingdom.

  Combined with the folk allusion that Lao Tzu traveled westward to transform Hu, and that Buddha is the Tao, this possibility is close to 100%.

  Su Yun looked at Lao Juntai in front of him in a daze for a long time, and had to say that this Lao Tzu is indeed a saint.

  In that turbulent age, the desire for Tao in the heart of someone who could make such a major decision can be imagined.

  And Lao Tzu who did all this was never for himself. In his eyes, there seems to be no division of national boundaries and regions. Some only plant trees for future generations, so that when the Dao comes, the seeds can break through the ground and grow into towering trees.

  But even after absorbing the relatively strong extraordinary aura, Su Yun still didn't feel any sign that his extraordinary state was about to change.

  But Su Yun can feel that he seems to be closer to the unknown world above the extraordinary than ever before.

  It seems that this mysterious world is right in front of my eyes, only covered by a layer of tulle.

   You only need to uncover this layer of tulle, and you can get a glimpse of the whole picture of this realm.

  This perception made Su Yun's heart beat violently, and the memory left in the extraordinary aura just now gave Su Yun a new direction.

  Now I have visited all the famous temples and ancient temples in Daxia. This is the last place that may have an extraordinary aura, but I haven't been able to completely break through.

   But it doesn't mean that I don't have a chance, at least from the memory just now, there is another place where there is likely to be an extraordinary aura.

  Infan Kingdom!

  Lao Tzu turns Hu into a place where preaching turns into barbarism!

  This thought filled Su Yun's heart, and it also made Su Yun's heart more restless.

   This seems to be his last chance, although Su Yun is not sure whether Lao Tzu can enter the extraordinary state again.

   But at least for Su Yun, there is no other way.

   This is tantamount to a big gamble, the bet is whether Lao Tzu once again entered the extraordinary state when he transformed into a barbarian.

   It is very rare among the ancients to enter the extraordinary state for the second time, but it is not unheard of. For example, Wang Chongyang once successfully entered the extraordinary state for the second time, so as to realize the reason that the Taoist ancestor can not come out, and the world is impossible.

   And for a virtuous person like Lao Tzu, the odds will only be higher!

  In addition, he went westward to transform the barbarian, if he hadn't entered the supernatural for the second time, how could he save the barbarians and preach and teach?

  So this made Su Yun quickly make a decision, since Daxia has no chance, it is better to go to Yinfan country to try his luck.

   Seeing that he was only one step away from breaking through the realm, Su Yun was unwilling to give up just like that.

  After making up his mind, a resolute look flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

   Then he turned around and bowed deeply towards Lao Juntai, which was his sincere admiration for the saint's selfless dedication.

"Jingle Bell…"

  However, at this moment, Su Yun's cell phone rang suddenly.

  He took out his mobile phone with some doubts, but after seeing the caller ID, he frowned immediately, and he also had a bad premonition in his heart.

   "Uncle Xu, what happened?"

   It was Xu Kui who called, and after hearing Su Yun's voice, Xu Kui said in a heavy voice:

   "Su Yun, Jiajia, she can't do it..."

  Hearing this, Su Yun froze in place as if struck by lightning. The last piece of news he didn't want to hear happened just like that.

  Xu Kui's voice was also full of suppressed sadness, which made Su Yun's heart seem to pause for a few seconds.

  I am one step away from success, but Jiajia can't wait...

   After hanging up the phone, Su Yun gritted his teeth and walked quickly towards the stage. He had to go back and see Xu Jiajia with his own eyes!

   "Hey, Wolf Warrior, I need a military helicopter."

   A few hours later, Su Yun returned to the familiar Rongyang City, and he went straight to Xu Kui's home.

  However, when Su Yun appeared at the door, he noticed that there was a coffin in the courtyard of Xu Kui's house.

  The black coffin hurt Su Yun's eyes, and Su Yun couldn't help but slow down.

  Many people, including Xu Kui, gathered around the coffin, all of them had sad faces, which made Su Yun vaguely aware of something, but couldn't accept it.

  The distance from the door to the coffin is not too long, but Su Yun seems to have walked for a century.

  He weakly walked through the crowd and came to the coffin. When he saw Xu Jiajia lying in the coffin with his eyes closed and his face pale, Su Yun only felt a roar in his mind.

  Xu Jiajia's mother was crying beside the coffin, calling Xu Jiajia's name over and over again.

  Xu Kui stood with many people in military uniforms, his face was heavy, and tears rolled in his eyes.

"how so…"

  Su Yun bent down in a daze, looking at Xu Jiajia lying in the coffin, feeling very distressed.

  He stretched out his hand and gently held Xu Jiajia's hand. Except for the cold touch, there was no sign of life back to Su Yun.

  Su Yun closed his eyes in pain. At this moment, he finally realized what it means to be heartbroken.

  That pain came from the heart, physical pain, and then Su Yun seemed to be affected by the pain of his whole body even when he breathed.

  Xu Kui slowly came to Su Yun's side and patted Su Yun's shoulder;

   "I know you have tried your best. Jiajia has been telling us when she is sober that she has no regrets after walking this journey with you."

   Xu Kui's voice choked up for the first time, and perhaps no one could really understand how sad he was at the moment.

  Su Yun didn't speak, but just grabbed Xu Jiajia's hand firmly, maybe this way he could keep her by his side forever.

  However, at this moment, Su Yun's index finger accidentally touched Xu Jiajia's pulse gate.

   Su Yun, who had been in an extraordinary state, suddenly sensed Xu Jiajia's veins, which were still beating slightly.

  Although this vein is very weak, it is not even enough to support a person's vitality.

   In other words, before everyone dies, there will be this weak vitality, which is equivalent to three soul fires flickering to extinguish, but there is still a slight flame, but that is no different from dying, and in the eyes of ordinary people, it is already death.

   But this made Su Yun's eyes widen.


   I can't just give up like this, maybe there is a way!

  Thinking of this, Su Yun suddenly put down his backpack, and when the zipper was opened, the white monkey quickly jumped out of it.

   Xu Jiajia has been taking care of the white monkey all along, and the white monkey has fallen asleep in Xu Jiajia's arms countless times.

  So when seeing Xu Jiajia lying in the coffin, the white monkey suddenly squeaked anxiously at him.

  But this time there was no response to his cry, coupled with the sadness of the people around him, even the white monkey seemed to have realized something, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

  But at this moment, Su Yun didn't pay attention to the monkey at all. He quickly took out 13 golden needles from his backpack.

   On the way to travel with Xu Jiajia, Su Yun always used these 13 golden needles to relieve Xu Jiajia's illness.

   But now when he spread out the 13 gold needles, the people around felt a little strange.

   People cannot be resurrected after death, so what do you need this golden needle for?

   "Su Yun, I know you are sad.

   But Jia Jia is gone, we all have to learn to let go. "

  Xu Kui endured the pain in his heart, and spoke to comfort Su Yun.

  But Su Yun seemed to be possessed by a demon at this time, and he didn't respond at all. Instead, he drew out the golden needle and quickly came to the coffin.

  No one knew, Su Yun frowned at this time, under the operation of the extraordinary state, Su Yun skillfully pierced the golden needle into Xu Jiajia's Baihui acupoint.

   At the moment when the golden needle pierced the acupuncture point, Su Yun tried to apply a ray of extraordinary state to Xu Jiajia's body at the same time.

   At this time, Xu Jiajia moved slightly, and then her chest began to rise and fall slightly.

  Su Yun saw this scene in his eyes, and immediately showed a joyful expression.

  Although the people around did not see this scene, Su Yun knew that Xu Jiajia had already been suspended by the extraordinary state with her last breath.

   "Jiajia is not dead, she still has her last breath.

   But the last breath is too weak, and it is impossible for any medical means to change anything, so this is almost a death sentence.

   But now I use this golden needle to seal Jiajia's acupuncture point, don't touch the golden needle, and don't touch her, she can't bear any leakage of breath now.

   This won't last long, but it should buy us some time, we can't give up yet! "

  Xu Kui and the others didn't understand what Su Yun meant by these words, and only Su Yun knew it. Now Xu Jiajia is relying on that ray of extraordinary breath to suspend this breath.

  Once the gold needle is pulled out from the acupuncture point or vigorous activities, Xu Jiajia will let the breath dissipate quickly.

   At that time, even if the gods descend to the earth, they will have no way to turn around.

   But even so, Xu Jiajia couldn't last for a few days, at most five days, at least two days!

   Soon, Su Yun stood up and walked towards Wuzhong without saying a word. After a while, he took out a bundle of ropes.

   Soon, Su Yun passed the rope under the coffin. This scene made it difficult for everyone present to understand.

   "Su Yun, don't be stupid, Jiajia has undergone all the tests and has been declared dead. I know you are not feeling well, but now..."

  Xu Kui looked at Su Yun with a little excitement and said, in his opinion, Su Yun's state is obviously falling into obsessive madness.

  The daughter is dead, a corpse, lying in the coffin. Although he doesn't want to accept it, this is the reality, and he also doesn't want Su Yun to go crazy because of it.

  However, Su Yun didn't stop tying the knots at this time. He lowered his head to respond to Xu Kui's words:

   "Get out of the way, I will take her away, and I still have a chance to save her!"

   Speaking of this, Su Yun raised his head to look at Xu Kui, and it was at this moment that Xu Kui saw Su Yun's red eyes.

   But in these eyes, Xu Kui saw convincing firmness.

  He is also unwilling to accept the fact that his daughter died, but Su Yun is like this, so what can he change?

   Xu Kui’s old friends all around spoke out against him one after another. They felt that Su Yun did this because he was so sad that he had such an irrational idea.

   "Let her rest in peace, Su Yun, she has really gone."

  However, before they could say anything, Su Yun passed the knot through his arms and hung it on his shoulders, and after a little effort, he carried the coffin on his back.

"Step aside!"

  Su Yun's voice is very majestic, even carrying a bit of coercion from the extraordinary state.

  For a while, everyone was shocked and looked at Su Yun with complicated faces.

  Xu Kui looked at Su Yun, the painful expression on his face was self-evident:

   "Su Yun, do you know what you are doing? Jiajia is dead, why are you so stubborn! Even if Jiajia sees it in Tianyouling, she will feel uncomfortable!"

  However, Su Yun didn't answer this question. He just took a deep look at Xu Kui, then turned and walked out, leaving a word.

   "Wait until I take her home!"

  He knows that explaining now is just a waste of time, and it will only make Xu Jiajia's situation worse!

  Although the coffin is not too big, it still gives people a very strong visual impact when carried on Su Yun's body.

  Xu Jiajia's mother cried bitterly in Xu Kui's arms. Naturally, she was reluctant to part with her daughter.

  But in this case, I have to try my best as a living horse doctor.

   "Take her home..."

  Listening to these words, everyone present was stunned, feeling sad, regretful, and mournful.

  They all understood Su Yun's obsession, and in the end they could only watch Su Yun carry the heavy coffin with his own eyes, and leave this place step by step with firm steps.

  In several military vehicles outside the courtyard, the soldiers poked their heads out in astonishment, obviously shocked by the scene in front of them.

  A helicopter was waiting here with the hatch open, but the leader did not wait, but Su Yun, who was carrying the coffin, came.

  Everyone was stunned, and looked at Su Yun in surprise, not knowing what was going on.

   "Go to the border of Yinfan, even the Hengxue Mountains!"

  Su Yun's voice was a little hoarse, carrying a bit of coercion into the ears of the soldiers, and then carried the coffin and stepped onto the helicopter.

   Recommend this book "Blind Date Conference, I Wear a Dragon Robe to Choose a Concubine", it is very beautiful! !



  (end of this chapter)