MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 187 Thunder Tribulation!

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  Master Shen is old after all. Although his eyes are cloudy, he has much more experience than others. Even he couldn't help muttering at this moment:

   "I've never seen such a strange thundercloud in my life..."

  It is true that as Mr. Shen said, the thunder cloud is very strange. At this moment, the top of the stone platform where Su Yun and others are located is completely covered by dark clouds.

  The heavens and the earth seemed to be offended at this moment, and the looming sun and moon appeared a little red in the dark clouds, like two eyes.

  The problem is that this celestial phenomenon is sudden, and there is no defense at all.

   Moreover, there is obviously a problem with thunder and no rain, as if the thunder is coming for everyone.

  The changes in the celestial phenomena of the evil sect made everyone feel uneasy, which couldn't be explained but couldn't be explained.

   "What's going on? The weather suddenly changed."

  Su Yun also slowly stopped the movement of his hands at this moment, he looked up at the sky in surprise, and he didn't know what was going on.

   But for him, there are more important things to do now.

  The reason why Su Yun transferred the extraordinary breath into Xu Jiajia's body was to clarify the situation in Xu Jiajia's body.

  The result was more cruel than he had imagined. The gene sequence in Xu Jiajia's body had been severely damaged.

  Gene radiation has flowed through the whole body along with the blood, and all organs are slowly being eroded by radiation.

   This is also the reason why Xu Jiajia was sentenced to death. Medically, Xu Jiajia's current state can hardly detect any vital signs.

  This made Su Yun frowned. He looked at Xu Jiajia worriedly, and then looked at his palm.

  The experience just now has always been fresh in Su Yun's memory, and only he himself knows that after stepping into a new realm above these four realms, he has also completed the transformation from technology to Taoism, and there are incredible changes in his body.

  In the dark, Su Yun could clearly feel that the blood in his body was no longer like that of ordinary people, and there was always a cloudy and heavy feeling.

  In the agony of the hundred ants erosion just now, the extraordinary aura was compatible with the blood, which had already made great changes in Su Yun's body.

   In other words.

  Su Yun used to rely on his extraordinary state to comprehend various stunts. The extraordinary state at that time was reflected in the level of spiritual consciousness.

  Intangible and intangible is indeed a 'state'.

  But now, as Su Yun has mastered the transcendence, and broke through the four realms and successfully entered the Tao through skills, the state of transcendence has changed.

  Since then, transcendence is no longer a state, nor is it limited to the level of spiritual consciousness, but something that can be actually sensed and touched by the naked eye and the physical body.

   In other words, it became—an extraordinary breath!

  Thus, the extraordinary aura melted into him, no longer only changing Su Yun's spiritual consciousness level, but started to change his physical body.

   In other words.

  The extraordinary aura in the past could only enhance Su Yun's consciousness and spirit, but now the extraordinary aura directly strengthens his physical body!

  So, the extraordinary aura spreads through the whole body along with the blood, and the five internal organs in the body are constantly tempered wherever it passes, so that Su Yun always has a brand-new sense.

  Since so...

  Su Yun looked at his palm, then seemed to think of something, then put his fingers to his mouth, and bit hard.

   This scene made Zhao Guofeng's people puzzled. They looked at Su Yun curiously, not knowing what Su Yun's plan was.

  However, when the blood flowed from the fingertips, a drop of blood accidentally fell on the stone platform at Su Yun's feet.

   Immediately afterwards, what no one expected was that in an instant, a large number of small bugs in the gaps of the stone platform came out of each gap like crazy.

  They seem to be very afraid of this drop of blood, and at this moment they are fleeing from all directions at an extremely fast speed.

  Zhao Guofeng and others looked at this scene in astonishment, wondering what is the difference in Su Yun's blood, which would bring such a big reaction?

  At this moment, Su Yun quickly put his finger on Xu Jiajia's lips, and the blood flowed into Xu Jiajia's mouth drop by drop under Su Yun's deliberate squeeze.

   Soon, Xu Jiajia's originally cold skin began to become hot. Su Yun just closed his eyes a little, and in this new realm, he sensed Xu Jiajia's body, and the extraordinary breath began to be compatible with the blood.

  Xu Jiajia's pale face began to turn rosy after just a few seconds, which shows that Su Yun's blood has undergone a great change after completing the realm breakthrough.

   After all, the reason is that the blood also contains extraordinary aura!

  This is a qualitative change.

   In other words, the flesh and blood in Su Yun's body contains a strong extraordinary aura, which can be described as the flesh of a Tang monk.

  If Xu Jiajia was in the hospital at this moment, under the irradiation of sophisticated medical instruments, someone would be able to see that the originally very active and unscrupulous radiation in Xu Jiajia's blood had actually stopped at this moment.

  After Su Yun's blood entered Xu Jiajia's body, the power contained in it, like sulfuric acid, ate away the destructive radiation remaining in the body.

  And when the extraordinary aura in Su Yun's blood flowed through Xu Jiajia's body, the heart that had almost stopped beating began to respond again.

   "Bang bang! bang bang!"

  As the heart resumed beating, the blood flow in Xu Jiajia's body also accelerated a lot, which made her face more and more rosy, and even looked like she was just asleep at this moment.

   This scene made Lin Xiao and the others stare wide-eyed. Although they didn't say anything, they actually felt that there was no hope when they saw Xu Jiajia lying in the coffin.

  But now, just a few drops of blood allowed Xu Jiajia to recover in a short time, and even the frequency of breathing became more and more obvious.


  However, at this moment, a muffled thunder suddenly sounded, breaking everyone's surprised mood.

  Can't help but look up, only to see that the dark clouds above the head are getting thicker, the thunder is several times louder, and the rumble keeps coming, as if the heart is trembling.

  When the lightning flashed, it seemed as if it was about to split the sky above everyone's heads.

  Accompanied by the muffled thunder that seemed to shake the earth, everyone felt that something was wrong in their hearts, and at the same time, the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

   "What's going on. The thunder is too loud."

   "Dry thunder but never rain."

   "This thunder is a bit strange. I feel inexplicably depressed, as if it is coming to strike me."

   "I feel the same way."

   It is clearly evening at this moment, but it is like the night, Zhao Guofeng and others can barely see Su Yun and Xu Jiajia on the stone platform clearly.

  The sky and the earth were darkened, the sun and the moon faded, and it just happened in front of everyone's eyes.

  No one knew what was going on with the terrible weather, so they could only suppress the heavy oppressive feeling in their hearts, and waited anxiously for Su Yun.

  Finally, after a while, Xu Jiajia opened her eyes in a daze.


  At the right time, a thunder came, which was the first sound Xu Jiajia heard after waking up. Looking up at the dark sky full of thunder cracks, she even had some doubts. Could it be that she has come to the underworld?

  But when she turned her head slightly and saw Su Yun, she couldn't recover even more.

  Myself where is this? Why is Su Yun here...

  At this moment, Xu Jiajia was a little confused. She looked around suspiciously, and her eyes swept over Zhao Guofeng and others again.

  She didn't know any of these people, but at the moment they all looked at her with very surprised eyes.

   Not far away, there are towering cliffs, looming in the clouds and mist, but the weather is very bad now, and the snow peak is constantly illuminated by thunder.

  Such a scene even made Xu Jiajia a little overwhelmed:

   "Is this...heaven or hell..."

   Finally heard Xu Jiajia speak again, Su Yun's eyes are also a little moist at this moment.

   "'s me..."

  Su Yun's voice made Xu Jiajia startled, and then looked at Su Yun in surprise.

  During these few seconds, Xu Jiajia's eyes changed from confusion to surprise, and then there was deep reluctance.

  She didn't say a word, just stared at Su Yun closely, as if this was an illusion to her, and this illusion might disappear in the next second.

   But when Xu Jiajia felt the familiar temperature from Su Yun holding her hand, it made her feel a little unbelievable.

   "Su Yun, is it really you?"

  With tears in his eyes, Su Yun smiled and nodded:

   "Jia Jia, you finally woke up."

   Just as Su Yun finished speaking, Xu Jiajia threw herself into Su Yun's arms, and Lihua burst into tears:

   "Su Yun, I thought I would never see you again, am I dreaming now?"

  Su Yun gently stroked Xu Jiajia's hair, and said gently:

   "I said, I will save you, of course I will not break my promise."

   It was these words that reminded Xu Jiajia of something. She quickly straightened up and wiped away her tears. She looked at Su Yun with big watery eyes, and then looked around, and then asked suspiciously:

   "What the **** happened, I remember that after we parted from you, when I got home, my health became worse and worse, and in the end it wasn't already..."

  Before Xu Jiajia finished speaking, Zhao Guofeng's voice came:

   "Girl, strictly speaking, you are indeed medically dead.

  To be honest, now I also wonder if I was dreaming, Su Yun actually rescued you back.

   During these days, Su Yun can do a lot for you. "

  Hearing this, Xu Jiajia looked at Su Yun again, only then noticed that Su Yun's clothes were tattered and covered in blood.

  Although his eyes were still clear and bright, the dust on his face made Su Yun look haggard.

  Su Yun didn't speak, but put his hand on Xu Jiajia's pulse again.

   After a while, Su Yun was secretly relieved.

  Xu Jiajia's pulse has returned to normal, even more powerful than before.

   This made Su Yun restless for a long time. He helped Xu Jiajia out of the coffin and asked with concern:

   "How is it, is there anything uncomfortable?"

  Xu Jiajia shook her head:

   "Strangely, all the pain seems to be gone.

   But I feel very hot in my body, as if there is a stream of heat constantly swimming in my body. "

  Su Yun smiled, she knew that the heat flow Xu Jiajia mentioned was actually the extremely high concentration of extraordinary breath in her blood.

   This breath is still in Xu Jiajia's body, but it will not bring any side effects to Xu Jiajia.


  Su Yun just wanted to say something, but suddenly, another gust of wind hit the dark sky, and at this moment, Su Yun suddenly had a very strange feeling.

  In the dark, it seemed that he was locked by something.

  Although it was just a vague feeling, it made Su Yun feel a great fear.

  Su Yun instinctively raised his head to look at the sky, and a muffled thunder exploded just above Su Yun's head. With the sound of 'Boom', Su Yun couldn't help but tremble.

   This seemed to be God's wrath, more like a final warning, making Su Yun frown and his face a little ugly.

   "What's going on, why are you so palpitating..."

  Su Yun said to himself, looking up at the sky.

   At this moment, Xu Jiajia looked at Su Yun's hair in surprise, and said with some anxiety:

   "Su...Su Yun...your hair is standing on end!"

  Hearing this, Su Yun stretched out his hand to touch it in doubt, only then realized that it was really the case.

  My own hair stood on end without wind. This scene was a bit funny, but no one could laugh. Even Su Yun was sweating coldly, vaguely aware of something.

  Seeing this scene, Zhao Guofeng looked at Su Yun anxiously and shouted:

   "Su Yun, get out of here quickly, this place is not right."

   "Yes, Uncle Su, my dad said that when thunder strikes, your hair stands on end, which means your own magnetic field is locked by the lightning! You have to hurry up and run away from this place, or go to the car to hide, or you will be easily struck by lightning."

   "Hero Su Yun, hurry up, don't stay here anymore, there must be a problem with the magnetic field in this place!"

  Sudden weather changes, as well as all kinds of weird phenomena, made everyone think of coming as soon as possible.

  Su Yun also felt that something was wrong. He looked at the sky above his head thoughtfully, and then quickly grabbed Xu Jiajia's wrist, leading her and the others towards the downhill.

  However, it is strange to say that it was not long after Su Yun and others had just left the top of the mountain.

   "Look, the thundercloud is gone."

  The cloud that was like the doomsday just now dissipated without warning, the wind stopped and the thunder stopped, as if nothing had ever happened.

  Looking at the bright sky again, there was still a hint of sunset glow, and everyone felt a little confused about this.

   "This day is too evil. If you say it will change, it will change, and it will be fine?"

  Everyone started discussing this in doubt, but no one could tell what was going on.

  Only Su Yun seemed preoccupied, as if he had thought of something...


  The sky returned to calm again, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

  Although they didn't know what was going on, it was only because the terrain was special and it was on the top of the mountain, which caused the magnetic field around the top of the mountain to change frequently.

   Lin Xiao, who finally came to his senses, quickly joined Su Yun and Xu Jiajia.

  At this moment, his arm is still bandaged, and he looks ashamed.

   "Auntie, you're really getting better, it's amazing!"

  Xu Jiajia recognized Lin Xiao now. Although Xu Jiajia never dealt with Lin Xiao again after the last trip, she still remembered that he was Su Yun's friend.

  However, Xu Jiajia still felt a little awkward about Lin Xiao's title.

  I was only in my twenties, yet I was called aunt by a person of about the same age.

  Su Yun obviously also quickly saw Xu Jiajia's embarrassment, and immediately looked at Lin Xiao and said:

   "Lin Xiao, let's call him another name. No matter how he sounds about this name, he feels like he's getting older."

  Lin Xiao nodded immediately when he heard the words:

   "That's fine, let's talk about each other, I just call my sister-in-law!"

  The blush on Xu Jiajia's cheeks was like the sunset glow hanging from the sky, which made people unable to look away.

   Until now, Xu Jiajia didn't know what happened, so her heart was full of doubts.

   It's just that Su Yun is with so many people at this time, and Xu Jiajia didn't choose to ask at this time.

  But Xu Jiajia was very surprised by the coffin on the top of the mountain. She didn't understand what she had experienced during this period of time, let alone where it was.

   Just as she was walking and thinking, Zhao Guofeng came to Su Yun and asked seriously:

   "Brother, have you made a breakthrough?"

  Su Yun nodded lightly, feeling the different perception in his body, and said in thought:

   "That's right, but I'm still not sure what state I'm in, and I don't have a clear and complete concept of cultivation.

  So it takes time to settle before we can determine the way to go next. "

  When Zhao Guofeng heard the words, he immediately asked again:

   "Then Su Yun, has this breakthrough brought any turning point in the matter of preaching the Dharma?"

  Zhao Guofeng asked the question he was most concerned about, and Su Yun quickly nodded his head:

   "I do have some clues, but after all, I just broke through, and I still need time to summarize in detail before I can have a clear idea."

  Su Yun didn't hide anything from Zhao Guofeng. His understanding of cultivation still remained in the previous four realms.

  During this period of time, after absorbing the extraordinary breath, Su Yun knew that there was a higher realm in the extraordinary state.

  Just because he wanted to save Xu Jiajia, Su Yun didn't have time to sort out all this.

   Now that Xu Jiajia is finally safe, Su Yun also began to focus on cultivation.

  He needs time to sort out the next path of practice as he did before understanding the four realms.

  Zhao Guofeng was a little excited when he heard this.

  For him, Su Yun's breakthrough is good news.

   Not to mention, now Su Yun already has a clue.

  Perhaps it is no longer a distant thing for Daxia to embark on the path of cultivation.

   Just as Zhao Guofeng was thinking about this matter, Su Yun's voice came again:

   "Old Zhao, I still need your help with something."

  Speaking, Su Yun pointed to the top of Tianxian Mountain behind him, looked at Zhao Guofeng and said:

   "The steles on the top of the mountain are all ancient people who helped me in my practice.

  Without them, I would not be able to break through so quickly, let alone realize the way of cultivation, so..."

  Before Su Yun finished speaking, Zhao Guofeng smiled and nodded:

   "When you carved the stele, I guessed that it was very important to you, don't worry, I will make arrangements for you.

   I will give you a surprise then.

  Wait for my call, it won’t be long..."

   As he spoke, Zhao Guofeng patted Su Yun's shoulder earnestly:

   "Brother, now your realm has also broken through, and the person you wanted to save has also been rescued.

  Although I am still shocked, I don't ask this kind of question anymore.

  Cultivation is really amazing.

  The helicopter is just below the mountain, and no matter where you want to go, the helicopter will take you there.

  I can't waste any more time here, I don't know how big a commotion is brewing in the world now. "

   As he spoke, Zhao Guofeng turned around and walked in another direction:

   "Next time we meet, don't give me such a surprise again. The mess in Yinfan Kingdom is enough for me to deal with for a while."

  Looking at Zhao Guofeng's back, Su Yun smiled without saying a word.

  Now that Xu Jiajia is back to health, Su Yun finally feels better.

  Watching Zhao Guofeng leave, Lin Xiao and the others were very understanding.

   "Uncle Su, I'm leaving first, my dad is still in the hospital, I have to go back and have a look!"

   "Hero Su Yun, let's go first, let's get together next time when we have time..."

  Mr. Shen and others bid farewell to Su Yun one after another. They followed because they were worried about Su Yun. Now that everything is over, they don't want to delay the pair of mandarin ducks here anymore.

   "Don't worry, when I finish my work, I will go to see your father and friends in the martial arts circle. I will be there for their injuries, so it's not a big problem."

  Su Yun left such words. After seeing Xu Jiajia's "resurrection from the dead", everyone did not have the slightest doubt, and they were immediately pleasantly surprised.

  Everyone went down the mountain and left one after another. Su Yun watched them off with a smile, only Xu Jiajia looked puzzled.

  When there were only Xu Jiajia and Su Yun on the platform, Xu Jiajia couldn't help looking at Su Yun curiously and asked:

   "Su Yun, what happened? The officer just said that the Yinfan country is in a mess. What's going on?

   Also, I don’t seem to know these people, why are they here? "

  Su Yun knew that Xu Jiajia must be curious about what happened during this period, so he gently touched her head:

   "Don't worry, I will tell you these things slowly."

  After speaking, Su Yun has brought Xu Jiajia to the foot of the mountain.

  But at this moment, he raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain.

  The stone tablet on the top of the mountain seemed to be looking at Prime Minister Su Yunyao at this moment, and soon Su Yun clasped his fists in salute and bowed three times in that direction.

   "Thank you fellow daoists for your guidance. After this day, all factions in the Great Xia will surely survive forever!"

  Su Yun cupped his fists and bowed towards the stele, expressing his sincere respect to these seniors.

  At the same time, Su Yun also made a promise that he would help the various factions to leave the Dao inheritance.

   Along the way, if it weren't for the extraordinary aura left by the seniors, Su Yun knew that he would not be able to complete the breakthrough in a short period of time.

   And it is precisely the spirit of so many predecessors to forge ahead, and the remaining life experiences.

  Let Su Yun secretly decide in his heart that he must fulfill the regrets of all the seniors.

  Continue the way of practice in this great summer!


   Tianxian Mountain finally returned to its original calm after the rare noise.

  Su Yun took Xu Jiajia down the mountain, but the coffin remained on the Yuntai forever.

  Although they left, the erected stone tablet still stands here, and Su Yun's handwriting is still clearly visible on the huge stone next to it.

   "The fruit is full of kindness, circle and solidity, and the merits and virtues will last forever!"

   This is Su Yun's best interpretation of these seniors. They will witness the day when Daxia's Taoism will last forever in this dangerous place.

   On the secluded path down the mountain, Xu Jiajia has been listening to Su Yun's story about this period of time curiously, and looks at Su Yun in surprise from time to time.

   "Huh? My family has already held a funeral for me, and you took me away at the funeral?"

  Su Yun smiled wryly and nodded:

   "No way, I can't just watch you leave like this, I will definitely do what I promised!"

   "So you went to Yinfan country with the coffin on your back, and you were besieged by Yinfan country with all its forces?"

  Xu Jiajia's eyes were full of surprise. She really didn't expect so many things to happen during this period of time.

  And everything that Su Yun Momo did for her sounded extremely dangerous.

  Being speechless, Xu Jiajia hugged Su Yun's arm tightly.

  At this time, Su Yun also cherished it very much. This time Xu Jiajia walked through the gate of hell, which made Su Yun understand what is impermanence in the world.

  The two chatted as before, talking about things that only each other understood, and soon saw the helicopter parked at the foot of the mountain.

   As for where to go, it is naturally obvious. Now that Xu Jiajia has recovered, Su Yun has to give her father Xu Kui an explanation.

  Sitting in the cabin, Xu Jiajia was still thinking about Su Yun's narration along the way.

   "Su Yun, you took me away at the funeral, didn't my dad stop you?"

  Su Yun heard the words and said half-jokingly:

   "How is it possible, that look is going to eat me up."

  Xu Jiajia immediately made a face at Su Yun:

   "Then you're finished, my dad will definitely explode."


  Su Yun is very determined about this:

   "I saved his daughter, no matter how angry you are, seeing you are well, it will definitely disappear."

  Xu Jiajia looked at Su Yun with a smile all the time.

   For her, until now she felt a little unreal.

  The feeling of being eroded by death at that time is still vivid in my memory.

  But after sleeping as if, all this became the past tense.

  Of course, Xu Jiajia always looked at Su Yun with a bit of distress.

   It's hard to imagine how much Su Yun has suffered for himself.

  So in the cabin, Xu Jiajia has been carefully wiping the dust off Su Yun's face.

   Fortunately, Su Yun was not injured, which made Xu Jiajia feel better.

"Da da da…"

  Helicopters flew over the cities and headed towards Rongyang City.

  Because Su Yun's thoughts were always on Xu Jiajia, he had no chance to learn the news from the outside world.

  At this moment, whether it is internationally or online, the popularity of Yinfan Kingdom in the world is still high.

  Infan Kingdom's final failure caused their leaders to criticize Su Yun internationally.

They destroyed the temple with a single brain, and pushed the heavy casualties of the military to Su Yun, and Su Yun was from Daxia. Although it was only a personal act, they also hoped to gain some benefits under the influence of international public opinion. , to make up for the loss.

  But the current Yinfan country is really hard to get off.

Internationally, what they are facing is a big country with a powerful mechanical army. The incitement of public opinion can be used by more and more people under the deliberate spread of countries that are hostile to Great Xia, such as the Western Atlantean country. nothing.

  In the territory of Yinfan, Su Yun has been deified by the believers and regarded as the incarnation of the main god.

  After the battle, the Great Elder specially spoke to all the believers outside the temple, but it backfired.

  The Great Elder who was once revered has made the current believers not buy it at all.

  Even among believers, there are more and more doubts. After all, Su Yuncai is more like the incarnation of that god.

   The wavering of religion is a very terrible thing for Yinfan, a big religious country.

   Therefore, they have to be forced to reduce their external speeches, and want to stabilize the internal beliefs of the main group first.

  This makes their international crying behavior look like a joke now.

  Big Xia netizens spoke one after another, which can be called a carnival of the whole network.

   "Ah San's thinking is quite beautiful. Even if Hero Su Yun is the incarnation of a god, it must be our Great Xia God. Has something to do with you?"

   "It's over, the fans of Hero Su Yun have now gone to Yinfan Country. Will one day, all the statues in the temples of Yinfan Kingdom become Hero Su Yun!"

   "This is the most high-profile cultural export I have ever seen, and the key point is how successful it is. The concept of cultivating immortals will become the representative word of Daxia in the future"

   "Be quiet, I'm bothering you to open the gate of heaven. Where's my sword?"

  Netizens were very excited about Su Yun's high-profile crushing in Yinfan country, and they were proud because the dumb people in Yinfan country ate coptis and couldn't tell what they were suffering.

   Things have developed to this point, no one cares why Su Yun did this in the first place.

  In their view, the final result is good, Su Yun shocked all countries through Yinfan Kingdom.

   This is clearly telling the world that even though the new century has arrived, Great Xia is still an unshakable existence.

  At this time, as the protagonist of the incident, Su Yun didn't care about it. As the helicopter slowly landed, Su Yun and Xu Jiajia finally returned to the familiar Rongyang City.

  The community in front of him made Su Yun feel a little confused. The last time he came here, he received the news of Xu Jiajia's death.

   But this time, it brought back a very dramatic change.

  Because this is a family area of ​​the military region, the community is full of family members of military officers, and there are no outsiders.

  So after entering the community, the two only felt that the surroundings were very quiet, and even passers-by were rarely seen.

  When Su Yun and Xu Jiajia came downstairs, they soon saw a number of military vehicles parked here.

  The coffin shed in the backyard has not been dismantled, and this scene seems strange to Xu Jiajia.

  As the protagonist of the funeral, seeing the funeral scene with his own eyes, anyone would feel awkward.

  But what really aroused the two of them now was that the atmosphere around them was very depressing.

  Even though there were quite a few people in military uniform standing in the yard, they all said nothing, with solemn faces...

  (end of this chapter)