MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 188 The Taoist ancestor returns, creating a path of practice!

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   Xu Kui and his wife have been in a bad state of mind these past few days. Their daughter was taken away suddenly at the funeral. As a father, how can they easily let go?

  Although Xu Kui's friends in the army will come to accompany Xu Kui from time to time, but in fact no one can really comfort Xu Kui's mood.

  At this time, Xu Kui was sitting in the yard as usual, surrounded by the scene when the mourning hall was built.

  Holding the black and white portrait of Xu Jiajia, his wife just sat there without saying a word, as if she had already shed tears.

  Xu Kui also seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, with twice as many white hairs on his head as before.

  He sat there smoking a stuffy cigarette without saying a word. The other officers couldn't bear to see this scene, but they didn't know what to say to comfort them.

  Xu Kui has always been concerned about Xu Jiajia in his heart. He finally accepted the fact of Xu Jiajia's death, but in the end he couldn't let his daughter go to the grave.

   Until now, Xu Kui still doesn't understand why Su Yun suddenly left behind Xu Jiajia's corpse?

   He didn't even hesitate to walk with the coffin on his back.

   Xu Kui and his wife, who have always been concerned about their daughter, naturally don't have the heart to understand the information on the Internet, so they don't know anything about what happened recently.

   At this moment, an officer came to Xu Kui with a mobile phone, and handed the mobile phone in front of Xu Kui in surprise:

   "Commander Xu, Su Yun has gone to Yinfan country with the coffin on his back, do you know about this?"

  Hearing this, Xu Kui raised his head in a dull manner, and then he realized it in a disguised form. Like something, he grabbed the phone and carefully looked at the screen recording on the phone.

   This video was recorded by a netizen in the live broadcast room and posted online.

  Although the picture is a bit unclear, it does not hinder viewing.

  The timing of recording the screen was the scene when Su Yun came out of the temple with his trident.

   Shoot down the fighter plane with a bow, and shake the tank with the coffin on its back after landing.

   This video was edited for only one minute, but this one-minute video perfectly demonstrated Su Yun's strength.

   This surprised Xu Kui, his face was full of disbelief, and at the same time he kept thinking about that question in his heart.

  What exactly does Su Yun want to do? Why did Xu Jiajia take Xu Jiajia to Yinfan country all the way?

  Recalling Su Yun's appearance before he left, he kept saying that he wanted to rescue Xu Jiajia.

   But people cannot be resurrected after death, this is an old saying in the legend of Daxia to this day.

   Could it be that Su Yun really went mad? Why is it so crazy?

   After a while, Xu Kui handed the phone back to the officer beside him, and then sighed deeply.

  Due to the crazily smoking of stuffy cigarettes these past few days, coupled with excessive sadness, his voice was completely hoarse.

   "Any news about him now?"

  Of course the officer knew that Xu Kui was asking about Su Yun.

  Although he really wants to give Xu Kui an accurate answer now, so that Xu Kui can relax, but in fact he doesn't know about Su Yun.

  So the officer shook his head in embarrassment, which made the light that finally flashed in Xu Kui's eyes go out again.

  Su Yun's power displayed in Yinfan Kingdom is indeed astonishing, but at this moment Xu Kui is just the father of a deceased daughter.

  He doesn't have that much thought to think about other issues. He only has one worry in his mind now, that is, when will his daughter's bones come back?

  In Xu Kui's view, Su Yun is in a very unstable state of mind. In this state, whether he can take good care of Xu Jiajia's bones, he is not sure.

  However, at this moment, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps in the quiet courtyard. The outermost officers looked for the footsteps one after another, but then their eyes widened in the same way, and they froze in place.

  They seemed to have seen something incredible, their eyes were full of astonishment, and even a little flustered.

  As the footsteps got closer, the officers in the yard also noticed the source of the sound.

   Only Li Haixia, who was focused on looking at her daughter's portrait, and Xu Kui, who was staring at the ground with his head down, didn't look up.

  The footsteps quickly stopped in front of Xu Kui, and a familiar voice soon passed into Xu Kui's ears:

   "Uncle, I brought Jia Jia back."

   One second, two seconds...

  Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the entire solemn courtyard seemed very silent.

  All the officers were stunned in place at the moment, looking at the uninvited guest in astonishment, only the sound of the wind blowing the white silk was rustling in their ears.

  The voice seemed to pull Xu Kui back from his sadness to reality. He suddenly raised his head, and everyone could see that Xu Kui was trembling with excitement.

   "Su...Su Yun..."

  Hearing this voice, Xu Kui raised his head and found that the person standing in front of him was indeed Su Yun.

  But at this moment, Su Yun is already in tattered clothes, and he is not carrying the black coffin on his body.

  For a moment, Xu Kui couldn't believe it was true. He stared at Su Yun in surprise for a few seconds, and then grabbed Su Yun's arm.

  At this moment, Xu Kui does not have the slightest heroic appearance of the head of the regiment. He is just a father who has lost his daughter, and is unable to extricate himself from grief.

   "Su Yun, where is my daughter, where did you take my daughter!"

  Xu Kui's voice was hoarse, and his voice was distorted because he was suppressing his sadness.

  His eye sockets are red, and his eyes are full of red blood, and he has been sleepless for many days.

  Seeing Xu Kui's appearance, Su Yun also felt a little distressed for him, and gently patted Xu Kui's hand holding his own:

   "Uncle, I brought Jiajia back..."

   While talking, he turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Xu Jiajia walking from the door.

  At this moment, Xu Jiajia's eyes were filled with tears. Looking at the sad look of this father who had always been serious in his memory, Xu Jiajia threw herself into Xu Kui's arms in the next second.

  The strong Xu Jiajia along the way finally cried out at this moment, and Li Haixia raised her head in a daze when she heard her daughter's familiar voice.


   Suddenly, the portrait in Li Haixia's hand fell to the ground, and the sound of glass shattering seemed to indicate something.

   "Jia Jia... Jia Jia!"

  When Li Haixia saw Xu Jiajia, she ran over like crazy.

  She tightly hugged Xu Jiajia in her arms, afraid that if she let go, this real illusion would disappear.

  Xu Kui couldn't believe it at the moment. He froze in place like a log, feeling the trembling of Xu Jiajia crying bitterly in his arms, but seemed a little at a loss.

   "Jia Jia, is that really you?"

   Facing Xu Kui's question, Xu Jiajia wiped away tears, looked up and nodded seriously to Xu Kui:

   "Dad, it's me! I'm back!"

  At this moment, Xu Kui is like a child who lost the most precious gift and found it again. His face was soon covered with tears.

  The whole family embraced together, especially Li Haixia, whose crying was really distressing.

  Xu Jiajia's death caused Xu Kui and Li Haixia a huge blow.

  The pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person, only those who have experienced it personally know how heartbreaking it is.

   But what really broke the two of them was that they finally convinced themselves and were forced to accept this fact, but lost their daughter's bones again at the funeral.

  They didn't know where Su Yun took their daughter, so they didn't even have the last thought of being buried in the ground.

   But what they didn't expect was that Su Yun came back a few days later, and at the same time, he came back with his daughter as if nothing had happened.

  But at this moment Xu Kui and Li Haixia are still immersed in joy. After all, as parents, nothing is more important than their daughter standing in front of them alive.

  But for the officers around the yard, this scene made them very incomprehensible.

  They are all friends of Xu Kui, so they also witnessed Su Yun taking Xu Jiajia's body away at the funeral.

   But when they met again a few days later, Xu Jiajia actually walked out of the coffin, and stood in front of everyone safe and sound like ordinary people, which made them feel puzzled.

  Many officers looked at each other in blank dismay. This kind of resurrection from the dead happened so real before their eyes, which naturally made them feel a little horrified.

   After a while, the family finally stabilized their emotions, which made Xu Kui and Li Haixia think of the same question very quickly.

  Li Haixia looked Xu Jiajia up and down carefully, and finally couldn't help the doubts in her heart, she took Xu Jiajia's hand and asked with concern:

   "Jiajia, what happened, didn't you already..."

  Li Haixia couldn't bear to say the rest, but Xu Jiajia could clearly know what she wanted to say.

   "Dad, Mom, it was Su Yun who saved me. To be honest, I'm actually not very clear about what happened.

  But you can ask Su Yun, it is he who made me stand in front of you again. "

  Xu Jiajia's words reached Xu Kui's ears, and Xu Kui soon came to Su Yun.

  Even though he tried his best to calm down his emotions, he still seemed very excited.

   "Su Yun, thank you. You took my daughter away that day and said you would save him. To be honest, I only thought you were in a hurry.

  I never thought that you could actually do what you said, but this...what the **** is going on? "

  Su Yun looked at Xu Kui on his way, and actually had already thought up his speech.

   "Uncle, I had no choice but to take Jia Jia away at the funeral, because I can't prove to you that I can still feel that Jia Jia still has the last breath in her body.

  If this last breath is gone, I will not take her away, because that is the real death.

  But knowing that there are still some Shangcun, I have to try, so I will take her away despite the objection of the second elder.

  The final result is good after all, now I have removed the genetic radiation in Jiajia that has seriously affected her.

   Take good care of it, Jiajia's body will fully recover in a few days. "

  Su Yun's words shocked everyone present.

  Xu Jiajia has been sentenced to death medically, but Su Yun said that he can feel that there is still a breath in Xu Jiajia's body.

   Although these words are simple, it is not so easy to really understand.

  Medical death means that on the medical level, the person will have no way to save him. Even though he may still be alive, the end result of death is still unavoidable.

   But at this time Xu Jiajia looked as if nothing had happened. She held Li Haixia's arm and softly comforted her. People who didn't know would never know that Xu Jiajia almost stepped into death in the past.

   But how is this done?

  What method did Su Yun use to bring back Xu Jiajia, who was medically helpless?

   The doubts in the hearts of all the officers are exactly what Xu Kui is thinking at this moment.

  So he quickly asked Su Yun this question, which made everyone around him **** up their ears, wanting to get an answer from Su Yun.

  Su Yun didn't beat around the bush in the slightest, but simply gave a two-word answer to this question:


   Because of Su Yun, these two words have now been recognized as reality in the whole Great Xia.

  The nouns that used to exist only in fabricated stories are now familiar to the officers.

  But it is also because of this that they are surprised that the way of cultivation is so mysterious.

After hearing Su Yun answer these two words, Xu Kui also quickly became serious. He frowned slightly when he saw Su Yun, but then nodded slightly, and then looked at Su Yun. Other officers:

   "Everyone, thank you for your company these past few days.

   Now that the little girl is fine, everyone can rest assured.

   Let’s go back today, I know you must have a lot of doubts in your mind.

  But don’t worry, I will definitely give you an answer when the time comes…”

  Xu Kui didn't say what he said directly, but many officers immediately understood what Xu Kui meant.

  They were all guarding here, and it was indeed not a good time to speak, so although these officers were suspicious, they nodded and left the place one by one.

  After everyone left, Xu Kui finally pulled Su Yun aside and sat down, then looked at Su Yun seriously and asked:

   "Su Yun, did you save Jiajia with the method of practice?"

  Su Yun nodded, and then briefly explained what happened during this period of time in a language that Xu Kui could understand.

  Su Yun's tone was calm and breezy, but every word he said reached Xu Kui's ears, and it brought a severe impact to his world view time and time again.

   But at the same time, Su Yun also showed Xu Kui a brand new world.

  The word "practice" is relatively vague even for the people of Daxia.

  Their understanding of practice is still reflected in novels, movies and TV shows. As for what is practice? No one can tell.

  Before, Su Yun's deeds of walking on waves and cutting tanks with his sword caused a great uproar among the people of Daxia, just because this kind of miraculous power has far exceeded the limit of human beings.

  They only know that practice can have the opportunity to master superhuman powers, and they can bring the magical skills in the fictional plot into reality.

   Apart from this, no one can explain clearly what the way of practice is.

  During Su Yun's narration, Xu Kui didn't even realize that he always had a shocked expression.

  Even though Su Yun has stated many times that Xu Jiajia still has one breath left, if this breath is gone, Xu Jiajia cannot be rescued.

  But this matter can still be called resurrection from the perspective of Xu Kui or other insiders.

  This kind of thing is something that human beings have never dared to think about since they appeared on this land, but now it is happening so realistically around us.

  At this moment, the originally depressed courtyard finally had some vitality.

  Li Haixia held onto Xu Jiajia's hand tightly, fearing that her daughter who had finally returned would disappear again if she let go.

  She is not like Xu Kui, who can maintain her rationality and strict logical thinking at this time.

  She just felt that even if it was a dream, she would rather sink into this dream forever and never wake up.

   While Xu Jiajia has been gently comforting her mother, Li Haixia has lost a lot of weight during this time, and her gray hair has grown a lot.

   This made Xu Jiajia feel distressed, so he stayed by Li Haixia's side, constantly comforting her.

   Not far away is Xu Kui and Su Yun sitting together. Although the two have dealt with each other a lot, it is very rare for them to sit together and have a long talk like this.

  In Xu Kui's heart, he was very grateful to Su Yun. He was grateful that Su Yun could take Xu Jiajia away despite everyone's opposition that day.

   Otherwise, I am afraid that Xu Jiajia has already been buried in the ground, and everything is done.

   And those officers who left from Xu Kui also started discussions on this matter on their way back to the military area.

   "This incident was too horrifying. We were all there at the time, and Head Xu's daughter was already lying in the coffin.

  Before this, the military doctors had also tried it, and the chief physicians of major hospitals had also treated them, and they all issued death notices one after another.

  Why does Hero Su Yun say that he can sense that there is still a breath in Xu Jiajia's body? "

   "This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Xu Jiajia is now alive and well, as you can see, there is nothing sick at all.

  Even if Xu Jiajia was indeed alive at the time, what kind of panacea would it take to make a dying person appear alive in front of him in just a few days? "

  These officers sat in the military vehicle, all of them frowned. They vaguely realized that what they were exposed to at the moment seemed to be far beyond their cognition.

   "In the end, Hero Su Yun mentioned practice, how can the method of practice have such a miraculous effect?

  Then if one day the method of practice can really be popularized in Daxia, do you dare to think?

  That is not a matter of changes in the world pattern, it may be that the various academics we have believed in since ancient times will collapse in an instant. "

  "Yes, many scientists have been claiming in the early years that the singularity of mankind will appear, and the singularity will also change the future of mankind.

  When the genetic medicine came out, there was a lot of noise, and everyone was declaring that this is the singularity of human beings.

   But later our Daxia embarked on the mechanical road, and many domestic experts said that this is the singularity of human beings.

  The launch of the Tiannao satellite made Daxia officially enter the era of artificial intelligence. It is no exaggeration to say that even at this stage, the intelligence of Tiannao has surpassed the sum of human intelligence in the world.

  But I suddenly had an idea just now, I think what the experts said before was wrong.

  Gene agents are not singularities, neither are mechanical roads.

  The real singularity is likely to be Su Yun, the practice that Su Yun has mastered..."

  In this military vehicle, everyone expressed their opinions one by one, but it was obvious that they were a little shocked by what they had just seen.

  They urgently hope that Xu Kui can return to the military region as soon as possible, so that they can understand what happened in more detail.

  So what they care about is the practice that Su Yun mentioned.

  At least for now, the medical system that humans have always believed in is far from being able to match the achievements that can be brought about by practice.

  Xu Jiajia was judged medically dead by various experts, but Su Yun could still perceive Xu Jiajia's aura from the perspective of practice, and even successfully rescued him back.

  If this matter gets out, I am afraid that Su Yun will also fall into the target of public criticism.

  All countries in the world will frantically inquire about Su Yun.

  For Su Yun, he just kept his promise and rescued the beautiful woman.

  But for the world, Su Yun created a rare miracle, and even showed infinite possibilities for the future of mankind.

   This also made all the officers tacitly decide not to bring up this topic to the outside world, and none of them wanted to be the promoter of this.

  After all, the world is changing rapidly. Things that were considered impossible a few years ago have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years.

   At this moment, many military officers finally understood why even the head of the military department supported Su Yun when he wanted to take Xu Jiajia away.

  Su Yun is indeed the treasure of Great Xia. With him, Great Xia has infinite possibilities!


  Su Yun on the other side didn't know that he had become a god-like existence in the discussions of the officers.

  Although Xu Kui didn't understand what Su Yun said, at least he knew that Su Yun had suffered a lot for Xu Jiajia.

  That night Xu Kui refused to let Su Yun go, and Li Haixia even put on her apron again, and got busy in front of the stove, cooking a big meal.

  All the white silks in the yard were ripped off, together with Xu Jiajia's black and white photos, they were directly set on fire by Xu Kui in the yard.

  All that happened was like a dream, and Xu Kui, who was standing by the fire, looked at the burning flames in front of him, but kept nagging in his heart, hoping that this would not happen again.

  Then the four of them sat at the dining table, Xu Jiajia returned, and the haze that enveloped the family soon dissipated.

  Although Su Yun and Xu Jiajia have known each other since college, this is the first time Su Yun came to Xu Jiajia's home for dinner.

   At the dinner table, everyone tacitly agreed not to mention what happened during this period.

  They all buried this in the deepest part of their hearts, lest when they mentioned it, the atmosphere would fall into sadness again.

  Xu Kui and Su Yun talked a lot about the past, including that at the very beginning, he even objected to Xu Jiajia's contact with him.

  But Xu Kui also made it very clear that that is all in the past, and no one is allowed to take it to heart.

  The atmosphere of this meal has always been happy and harmonious, and it looks like a family of four.

  Li Haixia kept adding food to Su Yun. Although she didn't say anything, she kept expressing her gratitude to Su Yun through actions.

  Xu Kui opened a good wine that he has treasured for many years. Although Su Yun seldom drinks alcohol on weekdays, he did not refuse at this moment.

  The two talked a lot at the dinner table, while Xu Jiajia and Li Haixia prepared fruit after the meal.

   This meal also seems to have swept away Su Yun's exhaustion, as if everything that happened before has become a thing of the past.

  After drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Su Yun bid farewell to Xu Kui and Li Haixia.

  Xu Kui drank a few more glasses because he was happy, and he kept telling Su Yun that he must come often when he was free.

  Li Haixia also enthusiastically sent Su Yun to the door, and then asked Xu Jiajia to send Su Yun more.

  Under the moonlight, the figures of the two were stretched very long on the small road in the community.

  Xu Jiajia took Su Yun's arm and quietly accompanied Su Yun to walk outside the community.

   "Su Yun...Thank you..."

   It was not until reaching the gate of the community that Xu Jiajia finally looked at Su Yun and said.

  Su Yun smiled and touched Xu Jiajia's head, his eyes were full of tenderness:

   "What I promised you, no matter what happens, I will do it. This is my promise to you."

  Looking at Su Yun, Xu Jiajia tiptoed lightly, kissed Su Yun's cheek, and then turned around in a panic and ran towards the house.

  Su Yun looked at Xu Jiajia's back, smiled and said nothing.


   At this moment, a white head popped out of Su Yun's backpack. The white monkey looked at Su Yun with a smirk on his face, and then began to imitate Xu Jiajia's kissing action just now.

   This scene immediately enraged Su Yun:

   "Snowball, it's against you. Do you know how ugly you are?"

  However, Xueqiu didn't seem to care about this, and kept on Su Yun's shoulder, pouted hard, his ugly and cute appearance made Su Yun a little dumbfounded.

   "Okay, okay, let's go home!"

  For Su Yun, he has not been home for a long time.

   During this period of time, the white monkey has been with him all the time, running around, eating and sleeping in the open, and it's time to take a break.

   One person and one monkey returned to the familiar hut, and everything in front of them remained the same as when they left.

  But this is also the meaning of home, to have a destination after running around.

  The white monkey jumped up and down on the familiar sofa excitedly. On the way back, Su Yun bought a handful of bananas for the white monkey.

  It soon lay down on the sofa, with a very human-like belly exposed, and ate bananas with its legs crossed.

  Sometimes Su Yun would regret it. He shouldn't have let the white monkey touch the phone in the first place. He learned things too fast.

  It's like the sloppy posture now, and I don't know where I learned it from.

  But although Su Yun was teaching the white monkey a lesson, he didn't interfere with it. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the sofa and closed his eyes gently.

  Seeing this scene, the white monkey immediately became alert and serious.

  As if he knew that when Su Yun sat cross-legged, he must not be disturbed.

  So many things happened during this period, Su Yun needs to digest it.

  He passed the experience of this period of time in his mind like a slideshow.

   Along the way, Su Yun has gained a lot.

   Not only rescued Xu Jiajia, but also allowed himself to break through the realm and complete the transformation from technology to Taoism.

  But because of this, Su Yun also felt a little confused.

  He is very unfamiliar with this new realm and the next new path.

   Therefore, Su Yun secretly made a decision in his heart, he must figure out this new path of practice as soon as possible.

  The domain and the spiritual world are constantly reminding Su Yun from the side that this new realm is completely different from the previous four realms.

  The previous four realms are still at the level of skill, but this new realm has already stepped into the Tao.

  But this is all Su Yun can understand at present, so after a moment of thinking, Su Yun decided to set off and return to Shengu Village tomorrow.

   Firstly, I haven’t seen my parents for a while, and secondly, I was in Yinfan country at that time, and Zhao Tianbao and others must have benefited from their father before going there.

  He must also be worried about himself, after all, he wants to go back and report his safety.

  Su Yun then planned to go to the hospital to see the injured people. They were all injured for themselves, so naturally they couldn't ignore them.

   After everything was settled properly, Su Yun decided to find a quiet place to clarify the doubts in his heart.

  The current realm, the road ahead, and the thundercloud before...

  Su Yun's current goal is to find a way to spread the Dharma. This is also an idea that has become stronger after he has absorbed the extraordinary aura left by many predecessors along the way.

  But to really do this, first of all, you must have a clear enough understanding of your current state and the road ahead.

  At least the method of practice must be summed up, and only after understanding its fundamentals can the method be passed on to the outside world.

  This is easy to say, but it is not easy to actually do it.

   This is a road that has never been seen before, without any reference, everything needs to be studied by oneself, and a brilliant road will be created alone!

  However, Su Yun also made plans to keep the water going. After a moment of meditation, Su Yun sorted out his originally chaotic thoughts and made it clear what to do next.

  When he opened his eyes again, he found that the white monkey next to him had fallen asleep from exhaustion.

  He gently carried the white monkey to the bed, and specially put it on a special pillow embroidered with the Great Sage.

  Afterwards, Su Yun went to take a bath, washed away his exhaustion, and finally experienced the long-lost comfort.

  Su Yun, who was wearing pajamas, stood by the window and looked out the window. Although it was late at night, the neighborhood was still brightly lit.

  The moon hangs in the sky, shining gentle light, everything looks so peaceful and peaceful.

  Su Yun was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, so much so that he stood here looking out the window, feeling a little emotional.

   Along the way, Su Yun's original life has been changed, and Su Yun has become completely different from before.

  His realm is improving, and his state of mind is naturally changing. This body is full of dust, as if he has no secular customs in his sleeves.

  Especially after this breakthrough, Su Yun always exudes a peaceful and far-reaching aura.


   At this moment, the screen of Su Yun's mobile phone lit up.

  Su Yun turned on the phone curiously, and saw the text message from Zhao Guofeng's private number.

   "The temple on Tianxian Mountain has been completed. When you have time, come and put a plaque on the Wu Temple. You decide the name."

  (end of this chapter)