MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 411 Small positive and negative 5 row array

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Poor Monk Cultivating a Dao Chapter 411 Small Pros and Cons Five Elements Formation

Lin Tao said: "This makes it! Even if you don't mention it, I will lend it to you! It is more convenient to have this treasure in Tianxiu Lake!" He took out a small thing from his sleeve, only the size of a walnut, With a breath of true energy, the thing rose in the wind, and turned into a big boat several feet long in a blink of an eye.

Qi Ze knew in his heart that this was the Wave Pioneering Shenzhou, so he stared at it immediately, and saw that the shape of the big boat was a spindle, with a bulge in the middle and pointed ends, which was quite in line with the fluid dynamics of his previous life.

Lin Tao pointed with his finger, and the Pilang Shenzhou was opened in the middle, exposing the space inside, which was an entire inner room, all made of withered 100-year-old trees.

Qiao Lang said: "This wave-piercing Shenzhou was specially ordered by the peak from the Fenxiang Pavilion. It is really expensive. The magic circle has been embedded in the boat, and it can accommodate up to ninety-nine people. It can enter hundreds of feet below Tianxiu Lake. place."

A burst of magic power was sent out, landed in the boat, and activated the restriction, the long boat suddenly glowed and hung in the air. Lin Tao also said: "This boat can be easily steered as long as it has the mana of the Jindan series, but if it only has the Jindan series, it is better not to dive too deep into Tianxiu Lake. Whatever it is, Junior Brother Qi can call for help!"

Qi Ze said happily: "Thank you two senior brothers, I will definitely return the original boat when the matter is over!"

Qiao Lang smiled and said: "If the master is here, I will definitely send this boat to you. It's a pity..." Lin Tao stopped and said: "Junior Brother Qiao!"

Qiao Lang immediately shut up.

Qi Ze knew in his heart that the master of Guanlan Peak must be in another place, and it was a taboo topic, that's why he was so secretive, so he said goodbye immediately. The four of them walked into the Shenzhou, and Zhou Changyun volunteered, saying, "Let me control the flying boat!"

This guy is also very quick-witted, he can't let the head teacher's direct disciples do this kind of hard work, it's better to volunteer. With a pure heart, Shen Xiu'e said, "I'll help Senior Brother Zhou!" The two of them worked together to inject mana into the root tree in the boat, and the flying boat got the mana of the two golden elixirs, and immediately floated slowly and flew down Guanlan Peak.

The flying boat is huge in size but extremely light in weight. When Guanlan Peak was built, it was very thoughtful. As long as it is the Five Elements sect's original art, it can be manipulated regardless of the Five Elements.

But after a long time, Shen Zhou and the others were already familiar with the situation of the Shenzhou, and it was very light to move it. The next stop of the Pilang Shenzhou is to go to Tianzhu Peak. Qi Ze's acquaintances on Tianzhu Peak are only Liu Guanbai and He Shanyan. It's normal, the peak masters are all missing.

When Qi Ze and others came to Tianzhu Peak, they saw a little Taoist boy blocking the way, and said obeisance again: "The disciple was ordered by the elders in the peak to report to Uncle Qi, the elder said that the disciples in Tianzhu Peak were originally Not many, I really can’t find any manpower, so please invite Master Qi’s uncle Haihan!”

Qi Ze knew that the news of borrowing people from other peaks had already spread to Tianzhu Peak, but he didn't expect that the so-called elder would drive them away directly. Zhou Changyun said angrily: "Tianzhu Peak is so ignorant! We came here under the order of the head teacher, how dare he..."

Qi Ze said: "That's all!" He said to the Daotong: "I see, please take a trip!" He also ordered Zhou Changyun to drive the flying boat away from Tianzhu Peak.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Zhou Changyun was indignant and said, "How dare Tianzhu Peak be so rude!"

Qi Ze didn't care at all, even if Tianzhu Peak didn't sell his face as the supreme disciple in charge, so what? You can't hit the door, it just makes people laugh. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Senior Nephew Shen, I wonder if Senior Brother Xiao Shao has been back to Taichong Peak in these years?"

Shen Xiu'e hurriedly said: "No! Normally, it would take years or even decades to go outside the territory to condense the mysterious elites, and it is not unusual for them not to return for a few years."

Qi Ze said: "Then did he send any letter back?"

Shen Xiu'e sighed: "Not at all!"

Qi Ze said: "People who practice swords are somewhat arrogant and arrogant. If they are not in a situation where they must die, I am afraid that they would not bother to send any news."

Shen Xiu'e said: "I hope so!" She looked quite preoccupied.

Qi Ze knows that she seems to have a strange affection for Xiao Shao, both of them are disciples of Taichong Peak, and they are a generation behind, Xiao Shao is even more lonely and arrogant, he only knows how to practice swords, this kind of affection may only be choked belly.

Shen Xiu'e was feeling fluttering, and suddenly came back to her senses. Seeing Qi Ze staring at her, she couldn't help but blushed a little, and deliberately changed the topic and asked: "Uncle Qi, I don't know what kind of exercises you practice, how did you enter the realm?" So fast? A few years ago, you were only condensed, and you have already cultivated a golden core in the blink of an eye?"

Since entering the boat, Cui Teng has leaned aside and closed his eyes to rest, looking like an iceberg. He has the lowest level of cultivation, and it is not his turn to control the flying boat. Hearing this, he suddenly opened his eyes, looking very concerned.

Even Zhou Changyun, who was maneuvering to control the flying boat, quietly pricked up his ears to listen. Qi Ze's rise was too fast, and he suddenly became a disciple of Tianjizi. According to the old practice, the head teacher can choose to practice the unique skills of any one of the five peaks, or all five elements. However, it is too difficult to cultivate the five elements together, and most of the disciples who have taught in the past have chosen the one closest to them to practice.

Shen Xiu'e said: "Each of the five peaks of our sect has unique skills. Taichong Peak has Yinfu Sword Art, Xuanyue Peak has Yupo Xuanming Art, Guanlan Peak has Canglang Sword Art and Beiming Swallowing Sea Art, Dangyang Peak There are Wuhuo Shenyan, Tianzhu Peak has the innate Changchun Kung Fu, Master Qi is the head disciple, must have practiced the Jade Soul Xuanming Kungfu?"

Qi Ze was a little embarrassed, it was the first time he had heard of the secrets of many exercises in the Five Elements School, he thought for a while and said: "I am not practicing these exercises."

Shen Xiu'e frowned and said: "If you don't practice these exercises, could it be that the head teacher directly taught you his Five Qi Xuanyuan Kungfu? But only the head teacher is qualified to practice this method, and others have practiced it. , is to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors!"

Qi Ze shook his head and said, "It's not Wuqi Xuanyuan Kung Fu, but a newly created sword art."

Shen Xiu'e was startled and said: "Since you want to practice the sword art, why not practice my Taichong Peak's Yinfu sword art, and practice a newly created sword art? Could it be that the intention of that sword art is higher than that of Yinfu sword art? No?"

Cui Teng said: "Senior Sister Shen, Uncle Qi entered the country so quickly, it already shows that the sword formula is indeed very delicate."

Shen Xiu'e suddenly said: "That's right, no wonder, that's how it is!" He only said that the Xuanyin Sword Art was picked by Qi Ze to practice because it entered the realm very quickly, but he didn't think of anything else.

Zhou Changyun had more knowledge after all, so he suddenly asked: "I don't know if there is anyone who can prove longevity by the sword formula master uncle practiced?"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze shook his head and said, "Nothing!"

Zhou Changyun said: "This is a bit difficult. Whether a Taoism is profound or not, it must be proved by previous sages. If it is a new method, how do you know if there are any omissions?"

Qi Ze smiled calmly: "I use this method to prove the Tao of longevity, isn't that enough?"

Zhou Changyun choked, and said for a while, "Uncle Qi is really a real person! This disciple admires Wuji!"

Just as he was speaking, the Pilang Shenzhou had flown to the bank of Tianxiu Lake, Zuo Qiuming had been waiting for a long time, when he saw the Shenzhou flying, he immediately waved.

The Shenzhou opened, and Qi Ze appeared and said, "Senior Brother Zuoqiu is waiting for you!"

Zuo Qiuming smiled and said: "It's nothing, junior brother actually borrowed this wave-piercing Shenzhou, so it will increase the odds of winning! Do you want me to accompany you?"

Qi Ze said: "That's not necessary, I'll do some spying first, and I'll come back when I go, brother please come and meet me here!"

Zuo Qiuming readily agreed, and said, "Okay!"

Pilang Shenzhou closed up, like a strange fish, plunged into Tianxiu Lake. The water in the lake was dark and chaotic. After the Pilang Shenzhou entered the water, it immediately dived into the depths of the lake.

Qi Ze has never gone deep into Tianxiu Lake, but Shen Xiu'e and Zhou Changyun have gone deep into the lake several times, so they are very proficient in the route.

As soon as they entered the lake, there was indeed a deep demonic nature, which was invisible and formless, everywhere, trying to erode the minds of the four people through the Shenzhou restraint.

Zhou Changyun shouted: "Maintain exercise to protect the mind, don't let the devil be contaminated with thoughts!"

Shen Xiu'e and Cui Teng have already practiced profound arts silently to exorcise demons. That Shenzhou can resist the invisible water pressure, but it can't resist the invisible magic thought. Suddenly there was a sword cry in the boat, but it was Qi Ze shaking the five tones, and he was about to wipe out all the evil thoughts that filled the boat!

Just kidding, since Qi Ze entered the world, all the opponents he has seen are Jindan, Nascent Soul, Faxiang, and even the battle of longevity, how many times have he experienced, this little bit of magic still wants to shake his mind? Simply get rid of it together.

Zhou Changyun said happily: "Uncle's swordsmanship is really sharp!" He said in surprise: "What kind of swordsmanship is this? It has no form or appearance, and only one sound of the sword can completely eliminate the magic? If he uses this swordsmanship to sneak attack, what am I going to do?" withstand?"

Qi Ze said: "I almost forgot, which one of you is proficient in the big formation of our sect? It is best to use the formation with all five elements, which can combine the mana of four people into one, and it will be more convenient to deal with those monsters."

Shen Xiu'e said: "My disciple knows a kind of formation, which is a small positive and negative five-element formation. It is born out of our sect's big mountain-protecting formation. It can melt the power of the five elements and integrate offense and defense. Five real people join forces and each hold one of the five elements to form a formation. We lack the two masters of Tianzhu Peak and Guanlan Peak, I am afraid that we will not be able to form a large formation."

Qi Ze said: "It's okay, you just teach us this formation!"

Shen Xiu'e immediately explained the magic formula of the little positive and negative five elements formation. In fact, all sects of Taoism have mountain protection formations at the bottom of the box, which are used to protect the mountain gate. After the array is dismantled and subdivided, it is simplified.

As long as there are five people practicing one of the five elements, the formation can be formed with joint efforts. The Five Elements Sect not only does not cherish their brooms, but also encourages their disciples to practice this formation. After all, after going down the mountain, there are too many dangers. Self is the best.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Both Cui Teng and Zhou Changyun had learned it before, but Shen Xiu'e explained the formation to Qi Ze alone. Fortunately, Qi Ze learned it very quickly, and after only listening to it once, he understood it, and said: "The three of you, please share 30% each. Get really angry!"

Those three people did not dare to disobey their orders, they immediately distributed 30% of their true energy, and merged into a strange light of two colors in the boat.

Qi Ze gave a wry smile, Shen Xiu'e and Cui Teng's true qi came from the same source, both of them are gold elements, Zhou Changyun is fire elements, the remaining three elements can only be made up by himself.

The three of them didn't know how Qi Ze was going to activate the little positive and negative five-element formation, but they saw three strange lights appeared on his fingertips, which mixed with the true energy of the three of them, and there were five colors of blue, yellow, black, white, and red. Ascend, it really has all the five elements!

Shen Xiu'e said in surprise: "It turns out that Uncle Qi's sword formula is also a fellow practitioner of the Five Elements!" As soon as the words came out, she realized that something was wrong. Qi Ze was allowed to practice Wufang Zhensha back then. It's all there, but I don't know what stellar energy has been condensed, and what supernatural power has been cultivated.

This is the biggest secret of Taoist cultivators. It is related to the foundation of Taoism and the flaws of Taoism. Even the people next to the pillow will not reveal it easily, and Shen Xiu'e will not ask blatantly.

With a thought in Qi Ze's mind, the strange five-color light shone out from the Shenzhou, wrapping it up. The small positive and negative five-element formation integrates offense and defense, which is far more than that. However, this formation is extremely powerful and consumes a lot. Fortunately, Qi Ze can still consume it before the battle.

Zhou Changyun thought: "Among the five elements, gold and fire are the most violent, and the energy veins are also the shortest. Once you meet a monster, how will you maintain this small positive and negative five element formation? I'm afraid Qi Ze will not have such a long energy vein! "

The Tianxiu Lake is also very dark, there is indeed another universe inside, and the bottom cannot be reached at all, it is all due to the divine light emitted by the Shenzhou itself to illuminate the surroundings. The gloomy demon nature is pervasive, ubiquitous, and always invading. Fortunately, it is blocked by the small positive and negative five-element formation.

Zhou Changyun secretly admired Qi Ze when he saw that Qi Ze maintained the three elements of true energy and refined his demonic nature as if he was doing nothing, and thought: "Could it be that the sword art he practiced is so miraculous?"

Suddenly hearing the strange noises in the water, UU reading www. A strange light suddenly appeared on On the front cabin of the Pilang Shenzhou is a piece of colored glaze that has been refined by mana, and the wooden objects on it can be removed, and the outside world can be seen at a glance.

Seeing those odd lights, Shen Xiu'e had a strange expression on her face, and said, "It's a lot of old clams!"

Qi Ze's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect to meet that clam spirit again after so many years, he stared and saw many old clams flashing their shells and swimming towards them quickly, all of them had a clam pearl in their bodies, but it was just matured. The color is pitch black, and even many runes on the shells are distorted by magic, tainted with supreme magic.

Zhou Changyun sneered and said: "These wastes are nothing more than a series of evil spirits, and they can be destroyed with a backhand!"

Qi Ze said: "Don't rush to do it now! Let's talk about it when they come closer!" Although Tianjizi wanted him to kill the monsters, but if he could get rid of the demon nature and restore the clarity of these creatures, there is no need to kill them wantonly.

Zhou Changyun wondered: "Why don't you kill them all at once while they are still far apart?"

Qi Ze shook his head, Zhou Changyun couldn't help it, so he could only bear his anger and obey.

But Qi Ze sighed, a little brilliance rose from the back of his head, pierced through the Shenzhou in an instant, and went to meet him at the bottom of the lake.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

That Jiao Kui has the body of a fire dragon, restrained by the water of the lake, so he was not brought here, and there is no need to worry too much if the dharmakaya is here.

Above the Middle Dao Hall in Baiyu City, Tianjizi's eyes showed divine light, he took a look at Tianxiu Lake, and said with a sneer: "You **** compassion, that kid Qi Ze will only make trouble out of nowhere!"

As soon as the dharma body came out, the Buddha's light circled around, not only refining the demon nature within tens of feet around, but also brushing towards those clam essences!