MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 416 Suppression of monsters

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Such a practice without fear of life and death has also gained a lot. He is constantly consolidating and consolidating his Dao foundation in the confrontation with the demon nature, and the accumulation is getting thicker and thicker. From the vain foundation at the beginning, to the stable Dao foundation now, he is almost qualified to comprehend the Dao of Nascent Soul.

Although Jindan and Yuanying are only separated by a thin line, they are truly disparate. Only by cultivating into a baby and feeding them is the way to truly escape from the body. , Traveling to the North Sea in the morning and visiting Cangwu in the evening are all trivial matters.

From Jindan to Yuanying, it takes decades or even hundreds of years to polish the foundation, which involves the transformation and movement of Yuanshen and Danqi.

Thanks to Qi Ze, regardless of the danger, he used the magic thoughts to polish his mind all the time, and there was a five-element formation to refine the demonic nature of the nest branches, and finally, the dharma body kept watching to adjust the size of the leaked demonic nature to suit the avatar's capacity. May I ask, is there any school in the world that can use this method to train disciples?

In fact, Qi Ze himself knew that the most important thing for him to cultivate like this was that Tian Jizi secretly watched over him and opened up the core secret of the Five Elements Formation for him to practice. Therefore, when Qi Ze accomplished his great achievements, he knelt down and bowed in the direction of Xuanyue Peak, thanking his teacher for his kindness.

Mirage King looked strangely, and said: "You don't want to kill yourself when you cultivate. Now the foundation is solid, and the baby is out of the body, and there is only one opportunity left. Tianjizi is really a good apprentice!" Except for the practice experience left by the ancestors branded in the blood, the rest is almost entirely dependent on self-enlightenment.

Among the monsters, there are also gods, beasts, and birds. They are born sacred, mediate good fortune, know it from birth, and understand it from the gods. Row.

The sacred place for monster cultivation in this world is only Xuanguang Realm. Among them, the cultivation methods of birds and beasts have been mastered by the ancestors of the monster race for many years, and they are quite excellent. It is a pity that several cultivation methods that reach the sky are all controlled in Viper, In the hands of most people such as cranes, tortoises, and apes, unless they sell themselves to seek refuge, they will never pass it on easily.

King Mirage took refuge in the Five Elements Sect, on the surface seeking a place for his descendants to prosper, but secretly he might not have the desire to obtain the practice formula from Tianjizi. What kind of superior method, so there is a bit of resentment.

Qi Ze said: "It's just a blessing to the soul, and I thought of using this method to practice." He went to play with the five-element formation, occasionally using the great five-element extinction light to trim the redundant parts of the formation.

Qi Ze is very self-aware that the five-element formation must have been laid by Tian Jizi himself, and he is not qualified to overhaul it, so he can only start from the corners and try to repair the formation as much as possible.

Every time Qi Ze uses the Great Five Elements Annihilation Divine Light, Mirage King's eyebrows twitch. Compared to the Immortal Realm, the Divine Light is still too weak, but the meaning of extinction contained in it is an innate nature, and the immortals can return. Innate, he is especially impressed by the power of the great way of heaven and earth.

Qi Ze had been busy for a few more days before he sighed slightly, knowing that his family was useless here. Although the nest branch was good, he could no longer use its demonic nature to temper himself, so he said to Mirage King Jishou: "Senior Mirage King, Farewell, junior!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Mirage King said: "Are you leaving?" Although she has a cold temper, it is rare for someone to come here to accompany her in a hundred years, so she can't help but feel a little bit reluctant.

Qi Ze said: "That's right, this junior is going back to Xuanyue Peak to visit his master, and seniors are invited to continue guarding this place. If there are any changes, experts from the sect will come to suppress them, seniors, please rest assured!" He didn't know that Tianjizi was there What kind of backhand is ambushing here, but with Chaozhi around, Tianjizi will not spare mana if he thinks about it.

King Mirage regained his calm attitude and said, "I made an oath with your master that I will never be born until Tianxiu Lake dries up and Wufeng Mountain collapses."

Qi Ze was speechless secretly: "I don't know how Tianjizi tricked this mirage king into making such an oath?"

Mirage King said calmly: "You go!"

Qi Ze gave another salute, and said: "Young man, leave!" Flying out of the Taoist Palace, he flew over Tianxiu Lake, and when he reached the surface of the lake, he could see the bright sun shining in the distance, and the golden scales on the lake were dotted like ten thousand The golden snake scurried about, it was so magnificent, I couldn't help but feel happy about it!

But someone shouted: "You actually came out?" Then I saw a fire dragon flying from the bank. If it's not Jiao Kui, who is it?

Qi Ze smiled and said, "So Brother Jiao is here! Have you been waiting for me here?"

Jiao Kui flew in the air with his fire dragon body, turned into a human body with a twist, his eyes rolled wildly, and he said with a smile: "What is the relationship between you and me? I have been looking forward to it here day and night, and today I will finally be here." You waited to come out!"

This guy is also cunning, in fact, Tianjizi thinks that he eats too much, so he specially sent him to the outer gate, under Zuo Qiuming's restraint, to take care of this piece of Tianxiu Lake. Jiao Kui is a fire dragon, he hates water power the most in his life, he came here reluctantly, but Zuo Qiuming still has some means to make him docile.

Qi Ze guessed that Jiao Kui was lying, so he didn't bother to expose it, and said, "I'm going to visit Master, Brother Jiao, do you want to go with me?"

Jiao Kui didn't dare to see Tianjizi again, so he hurriedly said, "Go yourself! To tell you the truth, I was appointed by Tianjizi as the owner of this Tianxiu Lake, and I will be the master of Zuoqiu Ming's fight. It's my duty, I dare not leave without permission!"

Qi Ze said: "So that's how it is!" Just as he was speaking, Zuo Qiuming flew over, seeing Qi Ze and exclaimed overjoyed: "Junior brother, don't come here unharmed, let me wait for these three years! Eh? Congratulations, Junior Brother, it seems that the three Over the past few years, your Dao power has improved again, it is really gratifying to congratulate!"

Jiao Kui was really tired of Zuo Qiuming, so he saluted and then hid aside.

Qi Ze said: "It's just a fluke, Senior Brother Zuoqiu is worried, I really feel sorry for you! I just came back from Tianxiu Lake, I will go to see my teacher first." I don't know if Zuoqiu Ming knew about the suppression of Chaozhi in Tianxiu Lake, Simply don't make it clear.

Zuo Qiuming hurriedly said: "This is what should be done! Junior brother, let's go!"

Qi Ze saluted again, and lifted up the Xuanyue Peak above the light. Entering the Dao Palace, seeing Baihe Boy dozing off in front of the Dao Hall, he did not disturb him, straightened his sleeves, entered the Dao Hall, saw Tian Jizi was practicing with his eyes closed, and a saber energy in front of him fluctuated.

Qi Ze knelt in the hall, waiting quietly for Tianjizi to wake up. Several hours passed, Tianjizi let out a long breath, and pointed with his hand, the Sanyin Slaughtering Demon Knife Qi suddenly retracted inwards, causing the sharp glow to rotate, making it impossible to stare at.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Tian Jizi put away the sword light, then opened his eyes, saw Qi Zewu kneeling on the hall, and said: "Get up, what are you doing kneeling like a man!"

Qi Ze just got up, fortunately in the body of Jindan Daoist, even if he knelt for a year and a half, his blood would not be a problem, so he bowed again and said: "The disciple violated the master's order, so I am here to plead guilty."

Tian Jizi said: "What is your crime?"

Qi Ze said: "Master only ordered me to wipe out low-level monsters. It was my disciple who ran into that Taoist hall on his own initiative."

Tianjizi said: "Did you see that nest branch?"

Qi Ze said: "Yes! The disciple saw that the nest branches had been completely stained with demonic nature, and there seemed to be a heavenly demon kingdom entrenched inside, so he didn't dare to specialize in it. He only used the Taoism he learned to repair the five-element formation a little bit, and then borrowed it It took three years for his demonic nature to hone his skills."

Tianjizi said: "You can think of using demonic nature to polish your way. This kind of determination is very brave. Three years of hard work has paid off quite a lot. This disobedience to the teacher's order is over."

Qi Ze thought for a while, and finally suppressed the words that came to his lips. He never asked about that Chaozhi, or that sentence. If Tianjizi let him know, he would naturally say that if he made up his mind, he didn't need to know, just ask. Also useless.

Qi Ze originally intended to return to the Middle Earth as soon as possible, end the affairs of the Yu Dynasty, and quell the military chaos, but since Tian Jizi said that he needed to contribute to the matter of the Xuanguang Realm, he could only stay on the mountain for dispatch.

Tianjizi said: "You came out just in time, and there is a matter for you to handle!"

Qi Ze lifted his spirits and said, "Master please give me instructions!"

Tianjizi said: "I don't know why the Xuanguang Realm has gone crazy recently. There have been many conflicts with our sect, and the conflicts between the two factions have continued. Especially in the past few days, the Xuanguang Realm has been sending out masters to chase and intercept the disciples of our sect. There are already several disciples. If you died at the hands of those demons, you should go investigate and kill a few descendants of the demon clan, as a gift from our sect!"

Qi Ze said: "Could it be that the Xuanguang Realm got the news that the master is practicing the method of cultivating the Sanyin Demon Slaying Sword?"

Tianjizi said: "No! I have deceived Tianji, unless I hold this saber and kill to the Xuanguang Realm, those monsters will never be able to deduce that I am sacrificing this saber!"

Qi Ze said: "The timing of the Profound Light Realm's provocation is really subtle. I'm afraid it's a monster setting a trap to lure the masters of our sect to go and defeat them one by one."

Tianjizi sneered and said, "So what if it's a trap? Don't they want to earn a few masters, so I'll send you there to teach the disciples of the Five Elements Sect. This amount should be enough!"

Qi Ze said: "Since the master has orders, the disciples will go now!"

Tianjizi said: "You are my disciple, so you should take care of me more. Since the world knows that I accept you as an apprentice, I don't know how many people want to kill you, but don't worry, everyone is a tiger. There is a teacher, there is nothing to discipline you!"

Qi Ze said: "The disciple is only afraid that the master will be forced to helpless, revealing the details of the Sanyin Demon Slaughter Saber, then the gain will outweigh the loss."

Tianjizi said: "That's okay!"

Qi Ze said: "Is the disciple going alone, or with the same sect? Where can I find those monster clans?"

Tianjizi said: "Since it's the plan, you don't need to bring more people, so as not to damage the disciple, you just take the fire dragon and let him die on the top of the tank. Why do you take the initiative to find those monsters?"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze's heart moved, and he said: "Disciple understands!" Since it is a trap, those monsters will try their best to find out the traces of the disciples of the Five Elements Sect, as expected, there is no need to search for the monsters, they will come to your door.

Tianjizi said: "You can do whatever you want, you just need to be careful, if there is any danger, the teacher will personally rescue you!"

Qi Ze said: "Yes!" Then bowed and retreated, flew down Xuanyue Peak, went to Tianxiu Lake, passed on the decree of the head teacher, and ordered Jiao Kui to follow.

The Huojiao was so excited that he couldn't get any more excited, and shouted: "Finally able to go out for a stroll... No! It's really a blessing for Jiao to be able to contribute to the Five Elements Sect! Let's go! Let's go!"

Zuo Qiuming took a look at that fellow, and said to Qi Ze: "Junior Brother, it's better to be cautious when going here!"

Qi Ze thanked Zuo Qiuming, and joined hands with Jiao Kui to leave the boundary of Wufeng Mountain. The Wave Breaking Shenzhou had already been returned to Guanlan Peak, and he didn't have a walking device in his hand. With no other choice, Jiao Kui had no choice but to curse and reappear in the body of Huo Jiao, and flew away with Qi Ze on his back.

Qi Ze didn't know where to go, so he could only instruct Jiao Kui to go as far as possible to the extreme north, while approaching the Xuanguang Realm, while looking for places where humans or monsters gathered.

[To be honest, I have recently followed up, changed sources, and have many voices for reading aloud. Both Android and Apple are available for .huanyuanapp. 】

The farther you go to the north, the colder the temperature will be, and it will be frozen in all directions, but it doesn't matter to Qi Ze and Jiao Kui. Just need to spend some energy.

The two searched for a few days, and they saw a small village. There were hundreds of people gathered in the village. Qi Ze ordered Jiao Kuifei to go down, intending to investigate, but as soon as he landed at the entrance of the village, several monsters rushed out of the village, all of them were vipers and sea fish.

Qi Ze saw that the quarrel was bleeding and the village was full of cries. It must be a monster eating people, how could he be polite? As soon as the Han Chi sword was displayed, UU Reading the sword light was piercing, killing all the monsters.

Entering the village, he saw that several corpses had been gnawed to pieces, and all the old women in the village were trembling. Qi Zeyun felt that there were no more monsters raging in the village, so he persuaded him with good words and left a lot of money. , for the villagers to bury the dead, and then set off again with Jiao Kui.

Suddenly, half a month later, Qi Ze only wandered around the Xuanguang Realm, and if there was any monster that hurt someone, he would kill it, and if the monster was not bloody, he would raise his hand and let it go. The one who lived the most nourishing life was Jiao Kui, the extreme north was close to the boundless ice ocean, rich in products, and he dived into the deep sea to feast on his leisure.

On this day, Jiao Kui couldn't help but ran to the sea to hold a tooth-making ceremony, so Qi Ze chose an ice cliff and meditated with his back against the ice to refine his true energy. The dharma body never came out, only turned into a little Buddha's light hanging behind his head, suddenly felt a slight sense, and sent a warning to the incarnation.

Qi Ze's incarnation immediately interrupted his practice and stood up, but he saw a plume of light flying like arrows, flying in disorder like rain. On those light feathers, there are sword lights flowing, and the roads are like flying swords, unparalleled in sharpness.

The rain of light feather arrows flew over, covering the entire ice cliff, there were always hundreds of them. Qi Ze's incarnation did not hesitate, Yu Jian flew swiftly, rushed up, and escaped from the range of the ice cliff. Hearing the loud rumbling sound behind him, that ice cliff, which was tens of feet long and tens of feet thick, actually ate up all the feathers and arrows and rained a volley, and it collapsed!

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

The extreme north has the most ice and snow, half of the ice cliffs collapsed, the rumbling sound was like thunder, and large pieces of ice debris flew up, like a layer of ice and snow storm, sweeping away in all directions.