MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1003 Complete blood

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In the underground space, the raging vitality is like a wild horse that is dislocated, and it is rushing around. It is like a wave of waves that rushing into the sea, spreading in all directions, one after another, like endless.


The entire underground space trembled violently under the turbulence of these turbulences. The already scarred mountain wall collapsed directly. For a time, the stone was mixed with smoke and dust, and it looked like it would collapse.

At this moment, the five spirits below trembled and glared at the same time.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, and under the impact of those waves, it becomes blurred. It seems that the flowing water usually fills the entire underground space, and the nearby mountain walls that are about to collapse are suddenly filled with countless mottled five-color rays.

Amazing scenes took place, and the mountains that were on the verge of collapse were immediately stabilized under the glare of the mountains, and they resisted the impact of Shimu.

A long shout came out, and the voice was thick and loud.

In the next moment, the raging energy quickly converges and condenses toward the middle, such as the long whales absorbing water into the top of a vague figure.

Then, the blurred figure gradually solidified, and the image of Shimu gradually became clear and clear.

At this moment, his eyes are full of light, his face is smiling, his robe is flying, his sleeves are fluttering.

All of this seems to have nothing to change, but the temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes, and there is already a power of peerless power.

His hands hang on both sides of the body, and the ten fingers clenched his fists, feeling the power of the body at the moment, and his heart was ecstatic.

It is no wonder that the physical examination books are highly respected for the realm of ‘undead body’.

Under the impetus of the nine-turn Xuan Gong Dacheng, his body has undergone earth-shaking changes at the moment, and in one fell swoop, it has broken through the limits of physical strength, almost several times before.

Nowadays, his physical strength alone is enough to crush other gods in the same realm.

More than that, the strength of the undead body is not only manifested in the attack power, but at this moment his body can be transformed freely and arbitrarily. The effect of any attack is greatly reduced to him, and he can easily dodge.

Shi Mu now even thinks that no one can really kill him at this moment, even if he is facing the emperor, even if he is not, he has confidence to escape.

At this moment, in the space passage above the head of Shi Mu, there was another violent wave.

Shi Mu brows a pick, but immediately brows stretched out.

In the volatility, there were a few faint screams, and then a cloud of blood flew out from the inside, faintly showing a howling monkey, and the limbs were swaying, seemingly struggling.

But these struggles are obviously futile. I don't need to do anything with Shimu, and there is an invisible force in the midst of it. It pulls this blood cloud and goes down one by one, blending into his body.

Shi Mu’s body was shocked, and then a layer of blood was shining all over the body, and then it flashed and disappeared.

Then, an unspeakable feeling of numbness rises from the limbs, just like countless ants can't keep crawling in the meridians and bone marrow of the body, so that they can't help but scream.

However, this feeling only lasted for a short while, and it was exhausted.

At this time, Shi Mu felt a strange feeling to the heart, Shutan can not tell the whole body.

This group of blood clouds is completely in harmony with the blood of his body, and his body is perfectly integrated. The power of the blood in the body suddenly increases, and there is a sense of completeness.

Shi Mu slightly thought about it, and suddenly he smiled and smiled.

This blood cloud is nothing else. It was the blood of the part of the white ancestor who was taken away by the emperor. I did not know what method was used, and it was integrated into Zhao’s body and completely awakened.

It is precisely because of this that this person will be able to practice the nine-turn Xuan Gong as a human race, and can be transformed into the same whiteness as himself.

Perhaps, in his mouth, I feel that it is very similar to myself, and it is for this reason.

After he awakened the blood of the beasts, he always felt that there was something missing in his body, but he couldn’t think about it again and again. Now it seems that it is due to this.

Anyway, this experience is finally shocking.

Zhao Wei did not know what had changed. The move of absorbing his own skill after the advance nine turns seemed to have failed. After his advanced Xuan Gong nine turns, he was sucked up by himself.

What I just couldn’t think of was that even the white blood in my body was absorbed.

Shi Muyi and this, could not help but once again screamed in the sky, the whistling sounds straight into the sky, and the mighty rushed in all directions.

The golden light of the glare erupted from him, like a golden sun.

Among the golden light, his body swelled and turned into a giant scorpion. Two arms were raised under the ribs, and one side of the head flashed, showing a huge ape head, and the giant python was completed in an instant. Transformed.

However, at this moment, the transformation of the giant python is completely different from the previous one, and the figure is huge, and it is several times larger than before.

In addition, the hair covering the body has also turned into gold, as if a thick gold needle, the body surface also emerges numerous golden spirits, densely covered with giant body, as if wearing a gold armor.

The huge incomparable pressure came out from the stone animal body, and the nearby mountain wall trembled again and again. The five-colored light on the surface could not withstand the pressure from the golden giant python and began to collapse.

Shi Mu felt the horrible power of the whole body up and down after the avatar, and he was overjoyed.

With the strength of the blood in the body, the scorpion turned out to be a lot more powerful. Although there are still some gaps in the transformation of the white ancestors that I have experienced in the dream, there are not too many differences.

At this moment, there was a violent shock around the scene, and the roaring sounded again.

Shi Muguang flashed his eyes and saw that the surrounding space almost collapsed, and quickly converge on his body.

Before the spiritual path of the Five Elements Devil's Cave, it was destroyed because of Zhao Yu's cover of the heavenly stick. Now he is in the advanced nine-turn. He is excited and does not converge. If it causes the place to collapse, it will not It’s too good.

He converges and calms down.

At this moment, a burst of inexplicable heat from the limbs quickly rushed into Dantian, and then two hot streams of heat rose from Dantian and poured into his eyes.

His eyes suddenly burst into a sharp pain, as if two blazing flames were burning.

He snorted and quickly reached out and covered his eyes.

For a while, the feeling of burning in the eyes disappeared. Shi Mu released his hands. The next moment, the eyes suddenly shot two golden eyes, bright and dazzling, and a golden spirit appeared in the pupil.

"This is..." His face changed.

The vision in front of us has undergone earth-shaking changes, and everything we saw has become more clear than ever.

Especially the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, the eyes are more clearly seen.

In the entire underground space, no matter how small the spiritual fluctuations, he has mastered everything, such as the palm print, and there is no omission.

Not only that, but the nearby walls seem to be transparent and can be seen directly to the outside.

"What happened? My eyes..." Shi Mu was shocked.

However, he immediately recalled that the original ancestor of the day had said that he had also passed the sin of the heavens, and at that time he also got a temperament, which made his eyes change.

Although he also inherited some of the spirits of the white ancestors, but not very powerful.

It seems that the qi of the creation did not disappear with the death of the white ancestors, but was mixed in the power of his blood.

At this moment, he finally gathered all the blood of the ancestors of the white ancestors, and the temperament of the temperament also awakened, reappearing the spirits of the white ancestors.

"White ancestor, thank you, your enmity, I will report! When the new hatred is old, hate it, and count it!" Shi Mu showed a hint of joy, his mouth muttered to himself, while a pair of giant fists clenched.

His mind was moved and the giant scorpion was removed.

The body quickly shrinks, and the original size is changed in the blink of an eye. The underground space slowly restores the previous calm.

The white light flashed, and the water spirit flew away and landed on Shi Mu's shoulder.

"Shi Zizi, you have a great harvest this time, it is really gratifying." Shui Lingzi said, the tone is not as frivolous as before, with a little solemnity.

Shi Mu heard the words, a smile on his face.

This trip to the five elements of the magical cave, his harvest is indeed great, nine turn Xuan Gong Dacheng, repaired into an undead body, the power of the great blood of the giants, and awakened the spirit.

The strength has increased by ten times!

"The purpose of your visit to these five magical caves has been reached, what are the plans for the next?" asked the water spirit.

"The matter is over, naturally it is first to try to get out of here, and then make plans." Shi Mu took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement and said.

Unknowingly, he has been practicing here for more than a month, and the smoke should be waiting outside.

He did not worry about his safety. With his understanding of the smoke, the Gao Ming had a tie with the smoke, and he should not be hurt.

Shi Muyi and this, his body shape, flew into the spiritual channel of the water.


He snorted, one hand, an elliptical blue ball flew out of the passage and landed in his hand.

Shimu’s eyes flashed and I immediately thought about it.

This thing was before the bursting of the water, and it flew out from inside. He noticed it before, but he didn't care about it at the time.

"Is this the ... the beast?" He looked at the blue ball in his hand and felt that there seemed to be some kind of rhythm and his brow wrinkled.

Although he had encountered many five-line spirits on the way to this place, but the monsters did not touch one, how can there be a monster egg here?

"This... This is the egg of the cold!" The water spirit's eyes suddenly and brilliantly, staring at the blue monster eggs in the hands of Shi Mu, ecstatically said.

"Chilling? What is it? The name of the monster?" Shimu browed and asked.

"Hey, Shi Xiaozi, you don't know this cold, you are also excusable. You must know that this beast is not a general monster, but a kind of wild relic, inheriting the heavens and the earth to the cold and the cold, It is one of the most powerful water property monsters." Water Spirit said excitedly.