MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1006 Mutiny

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"Remember, I haven't contacted you for a while after I left last time?" Yan Luo did not answer the question of Shi Mu, and asked.

"You said that there was something to be done at the time, and later said that it had been, what happened to it?" Shi Mu browed slightly and asked.

"We will not be too far away from the confrontation of the Emperor. In the last battle of Wuyan Star, I wanted to send hundreds of thousands of undead army troops here to help you. In the period of time, some of the gods who should have been sleeping in the ground began to haunt and began to attack my army." Yan Luo said, the tone was slightly fluctuating.

"These gods are not your opponents." Shi Mudao.

"There are rules in the meditation domain. The emergence of these gods and undead creatures is by no means accidental. There must be something to provoke. If I don’t figure out the reason, I will kill them. From then on, the interface of the dead will not allow me. "Yan Luo said."

"Then you can find out the reason later?" Shi Mu blinked and asked.

"It is a ghost of Wu night." Yan Luo suddenly turned around and said.

"What?" Shi Mu heard the words, surprised.

In Shi Mu’s impression, Wu night seems to have been created by Yan Luo himself. How could he rebel against Yan Luo?

Moreover, the soul of Wu night should be controlled by the shackles of the smoke.

"Wu night has always been hidden and repaired. He has already cultivated himself in the realm without knowing it. He can get rid of my soul bond at any time, but use my trust in him and has been lurking on my side. Those gods The dead spirit is the intentional provoke." Yan Luo said.

"There is this thing! Could you call me this time, and it is related to this Wu night?" Shi Mu heard it here, and his look was a little dignified.

"Not bad. When I left this time, in order to prevent changes, I will give it to him and Yu Ling for temporary custody. As a result, he will smash the spirits and take away the Shentai, taking away a large number of dead bodies. "Smoky and calmly said something that surprised Shimu."

"Let's say, what do I need to do?" Shi Mu took a deep breath and asked directly.

"Help me stop the army of the dead spirits that I took away. I personally annihilated this traitor." The smoke was cold and said.

"Where is Wu Wu now?" asked Shi Mu.

"The sacred sacred." The smoked scorpion was slightly lifted, and his eyes looked to the north, saying so in the mouth.


At the end of the dead spirit interface, a brown mountain peak stretches for more than a thousand miles to the north. It is a white ice field. It was originally a desolate and barren land. Under the infestation of the chilly corpse, it formed a shallow black frozen soil. .

The terrain of this ice sheet is flat and flat, with high and low undulations. It is covered with a layer of light white, like cold grass. If you look carefully, you will find that these are not cold grass, but A layer of fine white bones.

In addition to this layer of white bones, every few hundred feet on the ice sheet, you can see a pair of tall white skeletons, which are also covered by a thick layer of frost.

Above these bones, occasionally there will be a little bit of greenish phosphorous fire, but they are just flickering and disappearing. So, this piece of frozen wilderness still looks like a star-studded, from time to time. The green starlight of the film, one after another, added a bit of dark and strange atmosphere to the place.

In addition, the entire wilderness has no more sound, quiet like a black and white ink painting, but there is no sense of beauty, always filled with a suffocating sense of death.

The yin gas accumulated over the ice sheet formed a large cumulus cloud of thousands of miles long, which made the skylight extremely low, and some of the faint light of the half-moon **** moon was looming.



The sound of the screaming screams sounded from time to time, like a ghost crying, and echoing on the ice sheet of the scorpion, for a long time.

The enchantment is in the deepest part of this white ice sheet.

It was a very narrow and narrow trench. For example, the same axe fell from the sky, and the ice-covered wasteland was opened directly. The surrounding area was covered with a gray mist all year round. .

At this time, at the edge of the gray smog, two dazzling rays flew from the distant sky and flew down as they approached the gray smog.

The figures of Shi Mu and Yan Luo appeared.

Just listening to the "咔" sound, but when Shi Mu settled down, he broke a few pieces of white broken bones.

This indescribable crisp and shattering sound is like a clear sky on this lonely and terrible ice sheet.

In the fog in front, a flash of light, lit up two green flames of fire.

Then, as if it were contagious, the green light flashed in the fog, and a group of flames continued to illuminate, and the entire smog was covered in the blink of an eye.

There are big and small fires, high and low, and the night colors are not the same. The big ones are dozens of feet, the small ones are only instinct, the tall ones are hovering in the sky, and the lower ones are not more than nine feet above the ground.

Shi Mu sees this, the pupil is slightly shrunk, but there is no accidental color.

These are all soul fires of the dead creatures, and there are hundreds of thousands of people under rough estimates.

This wild mountain is like a wildfire, and the sound of the fire is shining, which not only fails to make the surrounding temperature rise, but makes the surrounding more chilly.

Shi Muguang looked at the two huge soul fires in the depths of the smog, suddenly raised his right fist.

I saw his fists on the top, and the golden red light flashed. Suddenly, the blazing fire was shining. From there, there was a burning heat wave, and the frost on the white bones under his feet was simmered and melted. Into a mist of water vapor.

Shi Mu's eyes flashed, and took a step forward, and a punch slammed out.

The surface of his fist ignited a raging flame, condensing a huge flame fist with a diameter of 100 feet flying out, and went straight to the depths of the smog.


The flame fist shadow constantly rubs in the air, bursting into a huge sound, and the dazzling fire directly divides the shrouded smog into two, and opens a huge gully that is more than a thousand feet wide.

Among the gullies, thousands of white skeletons and zombie rotted beasts have emerged.

In the hundreds of thousands of dead creatures just below the flame fist, Fang Yi reveals his body shape, and it is turned into a fly ash under the scorching heat, leaving only a hundred feet wide on the ground. Black scorch marks.

Within a thousand feet, tens of thousands of dead creatures have retreated, and flame fists whispered into the depths of the fog.

As the fire continued to approach, the two giant soul fires in the depths of the smog finally revealed.

It is a giant ghost king who is covered in blue and purple, with scales and scallops. His head is covered with two hundred-foot-long white bone horns, such as squatting and slanting to the sky.

The bone-horned ghost king saw the flame fist shadow coming straight up, and roared in the sky, his hands clasped two huge white bone giant axes, and jumped forward, and took the initiative to welcome him.

But seeing his double axe staggered and slammed, he smashed toward the flame fist.

"Bang" has a loud noise.

The place where the flame fist shadow fell, suddenly burst into tears, blasting a huge flame.

Then, a thick flame pillar, like a dragon, went straight for nine days, and one slammed into the lead cloud in the sky.


It was another explosion.

In the lead cloud over the sacred sky, the fire bursts, the clouds roll, and the bursting waves are rolling around. More than a thousand soldiers are affected and they are crushed.

The violent wind kept sweeping, turning into a circle of circular gas walls, rolling in all directions, countless small squad soldiers, all hit by this gas wall, flying into the sky, the body is twisted It has to be crushed and there is no bone.

Within a few dozen miles, the mists of the endless years gathered here, and they were all washed away. Even the clouds in the sky were dispelled a lot. The red moonlight that was originally smashed was re-sprinkled in this area.

The fire gradually dissipated, and the body of the horned king of the horns, like the ordinary necromancer, broke into countless pieces, scattered in the ground.

All this seems complicated, but in reality, the effort of two or three interest, a ghost king who is capable of rivaling the power of the Holy Order, will disappear.

At this time, Shi Mu still kept the posture of the right boxing. At this moment, it was slowly collected, and the smoke on the side, from the beginning to the end, the look on the pretty face has not changed. .

After the smog in front was swept away, the scene in front was completely revealed.

The black gully that was only bombarded by Shi Mu was empty, and there were no more than half of the dead creatures, but the two sides were still densely clustered with countless dead bodies.

Most of them are white-bone soldiers wearing worn armor, which are mixed with a lot of high-grade squadrons of gold or silver. Compared with the number of squadrons, they are some zombie rot that are huge but festering.

Behind this army, there are still more than a dozen statues like mountains, all of which are some of the dead spirits of the Ghost King class.

The mighty army of the dead spirit seems to have been shocked by the power of Shi Mu, and it has not been forced to come forward for a while.

Behind this army of the dead, the huge abyss in the horizontal direction has become clearer, and there is a gray mist coming out of it.

"Where is Wu Ye?"

Yan Luo suddenly sighed and sighed, his voice was cold, like a thunderous thunder, and the entire ice sheet shook.

Numerous Necromantic creatures heard this sound, and the soul fire in the eyelids could not be shaken suddenly. It seemed to be a little scary, and they stepped back a few steps.

At this time, only the fog in the abyss was violently surging, and a huge incomparable shadow rose from it.

Shi Mu fixed his eyes, but he saw the blue lion cub from the abyss.

This lion is born with a blue mane, only the head, no flesh and blood, completely white bones, in the two huge eye sockets, lit with a pale golden flame.

On the top of his skull, there is a small black shadow, holding a black bone knife in one hand and holding a fairy in the other hand.