MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1007 Bring it

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"Wu night?" Shi Muguang's eyes fell on the black figure, a slight glimpse.

In the smoky eyes, there was a hint of cold mans.

At the moment, the Wu night, under the black armor, is no longer all black-lacquered bones, and the limbs and chest and abdomen have already grown a lot of flesh and blood.

It’s just the two eyes, but it’s still empty. The inside is flashing with a faint soul fire, reflecting his cheeks with no skin and flesh and blood. It looks very horrible.

What surprised Shi Mu was that it was the cultivation of Wu Ye. At this moment, it has already reached the middle of the gods, which is more powerful than that described by Yan.


Wu’s throat was shaking up and down, giving a hard and ridiculous laugh.

"I didn't expect... you... so fast, just catch it..."

Obviously, his throat muscles grew shortly, and it was very difficult to talk about it.

"Get it." Yan Luo raised an arm and said coldly.

"You are coming to kill me, then let me see, do you have this ability?" Wu night did not pay attention to the smoke, so said.

After all, in his eyes, the soul fire trembled.

Not far from the side of the body, a dozen ghost kings of the ghost king level have moved, and the sound of roaring at the same time.



The roaring voice of the ghost king has come and gone, and the hundreds of thousands of undead army is also a commotion, and the soul fires in countless low-order dead spirits are shaking.

This is the offensive command issued by Wu Ye, which has been conveyed to every dead spirit in an instant.

However, although these dead spirits are not intelligent, they have instinctive fears for the strong gods like Shi Mu and Yan Luo. For a time, no one has the courage to dare to attack these two people.

Wu Wu saw this situation, the head swayed from side to side, glanced at the entire army, holding the hand that fell on the fairy platform, and the dark golden lines on the fairy platform immediately lit up.

An invisible wave broke out from it, and there were countless dead spirits in the undead army. The soul fire violently shakes up, and many dead spirits have bent down halfway, which is very painful.

However, after a while, Wu night received a fall in Sendai, but these dead spirits all returned to normal, and the soldiers in the hands re-raised, and turned to smoke and Luo.

I don't know where to start, the first soldier holding a bone knife and launching an impact.

Then, thousands of undead army, all flooded into the smoke and the smoke.

Shi Mu's face was so heavy that he strode forward and crossed, and he greeted the undead army. He heard the voice of the smoker from behind him: "The low-order necromancer has no intelligence, but is forced to follow, not to kill." The level of the Ghost King has already given birth to the ingenuity. Since betrayal, it must not be tolerated."

"it is good"

Shi Mu’s words should be stopped, but the body is lit up with golden light, and the muscles are covered with graves. The sound of “噼啪” is constantly coming from the bones, and the figure is sharply enlarged.

However, for a moment, it has already manifested the true body of the giant scorpion, and has become a golden giant with a height of more than a thousand feet. The golden spirits appear on it, as if wearing a golden armor, the powerful pressure is immediately from The body emanate and shook the earth.

In front of it, the dead creatures that seem to be in the shape of a body, compared with this, it seems very small, most of them look like ants.

Shi Mu body fell down, two large golden heads hang down side by side, the **** mouth of the fangs, suddenly opened, and made a loud roar.


I saw two visible waves of the naked eye, spewing out of his mouth, like two violent tornadoes, rushing into the army of the dead spirits that are coming to this side.

"哗啦啦" was a move, like the wind blowing paper, countless white crickets swept under the hurricane, flew into the sky, and fell away in the distance.

Most of them, the bones were smashed, and only two groups of soul fires were still beating in the broken head.

The area where the tornado hit, revealing an empty passage, going straight to the night.

In the hands of Yan Luo, the seven treasures of the tree waved and flew up. The toes were in the void, and the colorful lights under the feet lit up. Step by step, the lotuses moved quickly toward the Wu night, and the distance between them was already flying a few miles away.

I saw a white light suddenly flashing in the air, a huge white bone gun spurted out from the side, and then provoked, and in the air, a faint gun flower was scattered, and the range of hundreds of feet in front of the smoke was completely sealed. Go in.

The smoke is nothing to ignore, the figure is like a phantom, and the few flashes of the agility are rushing straight ahead.

Seeing that it was about to fall into the shadow of the gun, a huge golden arm hangs from the air, but it is Shimu's detective that blocks all the fascinating guns and shadows.


For a moment, like the sound of metal symphony, Shi Mu’s big hand waved, and picked up a giant force, and straightened the master of the white bone gun, a ghost of a ghost over a thousand feet.

I saw that the ghost king was spinning a few times in midair, and the bones were twisted together and broke.

There were countless cockroaches and rots around the corpse, and under the control of the celestial singer, they re-enclosed them, and they immediately sealed the front of the smog, and countless bones and corpses greeted the smoke.

Shi Mu stepped up and the huge foot suddenly slammed down toward the dead army.

"Bang" a loud noise.

The ice field was shocked. The frozen soil on the ground was cracked. The dogs and teeth alternated out of the ground, and countless white bones were shaken by this giant force and flew into the air.

Shi Mu eyes flashed, stepping forward, four giant arms swayed incessantly, such as the same huge golden windmill, madly stirred in the army of the dead, almost effortless, the entire army of the dead spirits scored and fell apart.

Wu night looked at the scene in front, the soul of the fire beat for a moment, the hands fell on the fairy table, the golden dark lines flashed again.

A large number of white cockroaches seem to be suddenly commanded, all of which are going to Shimu.

The remaining few ghost king creatures of the Ghost King class have also stepped toward the stone tomb.

There are still a lot of power in the group of ants, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of dead creatures.

In a short while, Shi Mu was surrounded by the tide of the dead creatures, surrounded by a leak.

Yan Luo slightly looked at Shi Mu, and turned his head and looked at Wu Zhou. After his colorful lights flashed several times, he came to Wu night.

A "snap" sound came out of his mouth.

Wu night "giggle" grotesquely laughed a few times, actually holding a black bone knife first, a flea slashed toward the smoke.

I saw a black light blade squatting down, suddenly rising a hundred times, turned into a huge black arc, and went straight to the smoked Luomen door.

In the hands of the smoke, the colorful tree blossomed forward, and a rainbow of light swept out, welcoming the black arc.

The sound of "铮" was sharp.

At the moment when the black arc touched the colored rainbow light, the straight fracture broke into two sections, but it did not dissipate. Half of it turned to the sky and half of the ground, and screamed and flew away.


The black light of the ground suddenly burst, and the ground suddenly ruptured a deep dark gap.

The seven-petaled lotus flower of the smoked foot continued to emerge, but the body was stepping forward in the void, and had been forced to go to Wuye.

"take it"

He sighed low in his mouth, holding the tree with one hand and slashing forward.

The top of the seven treasures of the tree branches suddenly made a big splash, and several rainbow lights flew out and turned into a number of colored light spears.

At the same time, a colored light curtain emerged, wrapping all the space around the square.


Just calling these two words in Wu’s mouth, I found that my body could not move.

Behind him, a colorful light flashed, and a colored light tree emerged. The colored vines on which it was found had firmly bound his hands and feet.

"咔咔" counts!

The black armor on the chest of Wu night is broken like a celadon tile.

The colored light spears flashed in the air, and they pierced the chest and throat of Wu night, and they spurted out a few large holes in the flesh and blood that had just been born for a long time.

In the eyes of Wu night, the soul fire suddenly shakes a few times, and it looks very angry.

He grabbed the hand of the fairy, and gripped it with force, and the black mist filled out from it. He rushed in through the hole in his chest, and quickly filled the wound in his chest and throat.

Not only that, but the soul fire in his eyes is also flashing a little, and it has become more and more prosperous.

Yan Luo looked at this scene, Xiu Meng suddenly stunned, the hands of the seven treasures of the tree, the surface of the aura of light, and then to the night.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred!

Wu night suddenly looked up, the throat was fretting, and the sound of his voice was heard in his mouth.

The golden dark lines on the fairy table in his hand became more and more dazzling, and a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly broke out from it.

A loud bang of "Boom."

A huge amount of energy erupted from the sinking of the fairy, and the huge black air suddenly swept around.

The colored light tree behind the Wu night burst into a myriad of crystals at the moment of the explosion.

Just after getting out of trouble, Wu night did not rest, and with one hand, he fell to Sendai and hit the cigarette.

Yan Luo saw this, his face was slightly shocked, apparently did not expect that Wu night seems to be better at urging this Shentai than her.

The next moment, on the top of the seven treasures in the hands of Yan Luo, Hua Guang suddenly made a big splash.

Wu night saw the figure of the smoke in front of him, and it became extremely bright. It was so bright that it was almost impossible to look directly.

It quickly and steadily pushed the sinking of Sendai and hit the bright light.

A "call" sounded.

Unexpectedly, there was no fierce collision, and there was no violent explosion of spiritual strength. After a brief blindness, Wu night rushed out of Huaguang, and Shentai actually hit the empty space.

Before he came back, in his space, he suddenly broke a gap, and a colored branch stretched out from it.

Then, the figure of the smoke appeared from the middle, and the wrist waved, and the seven treasures swept down and hit the waist of Wu night.


After a soft bang, Wu night body splashed several pieces of black armor and a large piece of green mucus, and his body broke straight from the waist.