MTL - The Portal of Wonderland-Chapter 1016 Smoker

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Shi Mu a glimpse, looking towards the blue dragon.

The appearance of this blue dragon is similar to that of the dragon. The whole body is covered with blue scales. There are four short feet under the body. There are three silver corners on the head, which are in the shape of a character. The eyes show a glaring silver light.

If it's just that, it's nothing, but the blue dragon's body is bloated, especially the stomach, which is fatter than the other places. With four small short legs, it looks very funny.

"Shui Lingzi, you hatched the eggs of the cold so soon, but what is your body shape?" Shi Mu looked at the blue dragon, and some could not help but ask.

"Hey! What do you laugh at in stone kid? Have you ever heard of a broken butterfly? I am just a state of cocoon that has just hatched. The shape will of course be ugly, but it will soon be completely transformed into an ancient animal." When you know that I am amazing," said the water spirit, angrily.

"Well, don't laugh at you." Shi Muqiang held back his smile and waved his hand.

The water spirit snorted.

Shi Mu looked up and down the eyes of the water, and his eyes were a little surprised.

The water spirit has just hatched at this moment, but it has already had the strength of the heavenly realm, emitting a strong chill of the stock, extremely powerful, and no loss is the legacy of the wild.

Shui Lingzi looked at Shi Mu, and he stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?" Shi Mu noticed the change of the look of the water spirit, asked.

"Despite these days, although I am exhibiting mystery, I know some things outside of you. What do you think about the peace talks between the emperors?" The water spirit hesitated, or said.

"The emperor asked me to talk, there must be any conspiracy." Shi Mu snorted and said.

"Then you are not going to talk to the emperor?" said the water spirit.

"Oh, do you want me to reconcile with the Emperor?" Shimu said, moving.

"I haven't really seen it before, but I have been in Nangongjing for a long time, and I have some understanding of the strength of the Emperor. Although your cultivation at this moment has reached the late stage of the gods, Jiuzhuan Xuangong Dacheng, but there is not much chance of winning in the face of the emperor, even if the smoke and Li Sheng are not necessarily the opponents of the emperor." The water spirit is slightly sinking, so to speak.

Shi Mu heard this, his brow was slightly wrinkled, and there was no opening for a moment.

"On the contrary, if you promise to reconcile, and make some demands on your current strength, such as entering the door of the mysterious world with him, the emperor may not accept it." Shui Lingzi continued.

"Speaking of it, you want to go to the upper bound?" Shi Mu heard this, but smiled and said.

"This... I certainly want to go. In the legend, only when you reach the upper bound, can you truly reach eternal life," said Shui Lingzi.

Shi Mu was silent for a while, after a long time, he said: "Although I am not a person who takes the world as my own responsibility, if I am at the expense of thousands of souls, I only accept the desire of oneself. I cannot accept this."

"Well, that day, you have to take your own ideas, I continue to practice." The water spirit sighed and flew back to the spirit bag.

Shi Mu stood in the same place, his face flashing, I don't know what to think.

At this moment, his face moved, his face was overjoyed, and he waved through the void and flew into it.

Near the headquarters of the Alliance, the sky flashed, and the image of Shi Mu emerged.

He appeared in the sky and soon came to the high-altitude star field.

At this moment, a lot of people from the Alliance have gathered here, and there is no shortage of divine power, headed by the elders and Lu Yuzhong.

"Allies!" The people hurriedly greeted Shi Mu.

Shi Mu nodded and looked forward.

I saw a black shadow flying in the distance, but it was a huge black warship with four or fifty ships.

"Who are these people? People in the heavens? How come suddenly?" Lu Yuzhong shouted and sent a warning message.

Everyone else is also dignified and waiting.

"Don't worry, these are not people in heaven, they are allies of the Dark Lord!" Shi Mu waved and stopped Lu Yuzhong, and said.

"Allies?" The audience was shocked and stared at Shi Mu.

"Yes, it is my contact here. You are waiting here." Shi Mu said, the whole person flew out.

The elders, Lu Yuzhong and others looked at each other, and then they all showed great joy on their faces.

Although these warships are inferior to the Mitian Alliance, they are definitely a great force.

Above a black warship, a silver robe woman stood still here, it was the smoke.

Next to her stood an eleven-year-old white robe girl, the skin was white, the facial features were exquisite, and the appearance of a beautiful human embryo was just cold and cold, and the smoke was a bit like.

A twilight flew from a distance and landed on the battleship, showing the appearance of Shimu.

"Smoke, you are here." Shi Mu said.

"These are all the forces of the Dark Devils. I brought them all together. It was time to make a knot with the Emperor." Yan Luo slightly daggers, reaching out to the surrounding battleships, faintly speaking, the sound is light, but among them The meaning is as firm as iron.

"You and I will join hands, and then some helpers will help each other. The conspiracy of the Emperor will not succeed." Shi Mu was shocked and focused.

He then turned his eyes and fell on the girl next to the smoke.

"Right, who is this?" he asked curiously.

"She is my new disciple." Yan Luo said faintly.

Shi Muyi, then understand.

The smoker’s confrontation with the heavens is probably the determination to burn with jade, and the successor has already been chosen.

The white girl looked at Shi Mu and glanced at the bow. She did not speak, it was frosty.

"You disciple is very similar to you, ice and cold." Shi Mu smiled lightly.

"My disciple, naturally, I am very similar." Yan Luo took a look at Shimu, and said.

Shi Mu heard the words, scratched his head and smiled at the white girl.

"Hey! Your strength has made great progress, even after reaching the end of the gods, how can it be so fast!" Yan Luo looked at Shimu's eyes suddenly bright, and said with surprise and joy.

"This is a long story, and I will talk to you later." Shi Mu said.

Yan Luo nodded and did not ask again.

The Dark Lord Star Warship flew to the front of Lu Yuzhong and stopped.

Yan Luo and Shi Mu flew off the battleship, and the Dark Lords also flew out of the battleship and gathered behind the smoke.

The interpretation of the endless, martial arts, dynasty and other gods and demon sacred are all in the same place, repaired as compared to the original has not been small, the other sacred masters are hundreds of people.

"You, this is the sacred ancestor of the Dark Lords, and willing to join forces with my celestial alliance to fight against heaven!" Shi Mu thought about the introduction of the smoke.

"Baohua Shengzu!" Lu Yuzhong and others marched toward Yanluo.

Many people have seen Baohua in the previous battle with Tianting, so there is no doubt about Shimu.

Moreover, the powerful cultivation of the late stage of the smoke and the gods made the Union happy.

The smoke is cold and frosty, just nodding, there is no other look.

"The great elders, arrange the place where they are stationed, and prepare for the banquet, to clean up the dust for the Taoist people in the dark magic field." Shi Mu told the elders.

"Yes!" The elders promised, and they were about to turn and leave.

At this moment, a burst of whistling sound came from a distant ridge, and a green light cloud appeared in the distant sky, quickly becoming brighter and brighter.

Shi Mu’s face was a glimpse, and a layer of golden light appeared in his eyes, quickly revealing a big color, opening:

"It seems that there are friends again."

The elders and other people heard that they were all happy, and they all looked toward the green light.

Yan Luo also looked at the green light, and there was a strange look in the eyelids, some confused.

The green light cloud soon came to a close, showing the true body, but it was a huge green boat.

This flying boat is ten times larger than all the warships. It has built a palace and even flowers and trees, as if it were a suspended continent.

The huge flying boat is full of people at this moment, and all of them are wearing green robes, which is the pulse of Qinglan Holy Land.

A green shadow fell from the flying boat and landed in front of the stone priest.

"Li Lisheng's predecessor! I don't think you are here today." Shi Mu quickly greeted him and smiled.

"To fight against heaven, it is incumbent, you and the Baohua Shengzu will be in this alliance, I can't come!" Li Sheng laughed.

The elders and other people sensed the breath of Li Sheng, and they saw a late stage of the gods. The excitement in the heart could not be described. The eyes of Shi Mu were indifferent except for admiration.

Yan Luo looked at Li Li, and the beautiful look appeared in the beautiful.

In her mind, a series of lightning flashes across the sky.


A thunder was blasting in her mind, and countless pictures emerged out of thin air, and the memories of the past were restored.

Her body swayed, but she stood firm immediately.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" The white girl asked quickly and worriedly.

"Nothing." Yan Luo smiled, and seemed to put down a shackle in his face, his eyes were clear and clear, and he patted the girl's head and said.

She then looked at Li Li and her eyes showed a complex color.

"You, this is Li Sheng's predecessor, is one of the three holy places of Miyang Star Field, the owner of the Holy Land of Qinglan. This time, I also formed an alliance with my celestial alliance to fight against heaven." Shi Musheng said.

The people of the Alliance, such as the elders, came forward to see the ceremony and could not help but say the words of welcome.

"Well, I will not wait here, too sloppy, let's go below." Shi Mu waved, he laughed.

The crowd flew down and quickly landed at the headquarters of the Union.

The arrival of Yanluo and Lisheng has already rumored the entire Alliance of the Heavens, and almost all the people of all ethnic groups have come.

All the forces against heaven are gathered together at this moment, and the momentum is unprecedented, unprecedented.

The elders and other masters of the celestial alliance are busy distributing the station to the people of the Dark Lord and the Holy Land of the Holy Land, and at the same time arranging the reception of the banquet, it is very busy.

But all the people in the league are smiling.

At this moment, Wuyan Star has gathered such a powerful force, and no longer has to fear what heaven.

Shi Mu did not intervene in these trivial matters.

"Smoke Luo, Li Sheng seniors, although the two are tired, but I have an important thing here, I want to talk with you, I wonder if I can move to the office?" Shi Mu said to Li Sheng, Yan Luo said.

Both of them nodded, as Shi Mu walked toward a partial hall.

"Great elders, come on." The elders walked around in a hurry, and Shimu’s eyes flashed, and the voice shouted.

The elders were busy arranging many things. Seeing that Shi Mu’s three people looked serious and sighed in their hearts, they quickly agreed to give the matter to others and dealt with them.