MTL - The Princess Wei Yang-~ 272 Order of expulsion

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After the Guo Dun incident, the whole capital was caught in a strange silence for a while, but Li Weiyang knew that this kind of tranquility would not last long and would be replaced by the next round of hurricane. 7k7k001.

On this day, she leaned on the wicker chair to read in the courtyard, and the faint sunshine sprinkled down, dyeing a faint light and shadow on her white face. Only seeing Xu Wang Yuan Lie walked in from the outside of the yard, his face was never unhappy. She lifted her throat and couldn't help but smile: "Who made you angry, so unhappy?" Over the years, Yuan Lie has already developed a temperament that is indifferent to color, and rarely reveals such a look. I didn’t reveal it on the surface, but I was a little surprised.

Yuan Lie went to Li Weiyang and even ignored his body. He looked at her and said, "I just got a bad news. Are you sure you want to listen?"

Li Weiyang smiled slightly: "What news can make you so upset? Tell me."

Yuan Lie Emei: "I just learned about this incident. It is very unexpected. The Emperor of the Dali and His Royal Highness have been violent."

When Li Weiyang heard it, he almost stood up from the chair for a moment, and his face was never serious: "What did you just say?"

Yuan Lie repeated the words again: "I mean that the Emperor of the Dali and His Royal Highness have been violently within ten days."

Li Weiyang stunned, and his face looked thoughtful. Then she slowly sat back on the chair and said: "So, the people who are now enthroned are..."

Yuan Lie looked at her, and the amber-like scorpion showed a look of discovery: "It is Tuoyu!"

Li Weiyang gently shook his head and said: "This is really an accident."

Yuan Lie sneered: "I thought it would never be possible, but the facts are in front of me. I don't know how to regain the position of the emperor in just one year... I told him to look at him."

Li Weiyang gently sighed: "This is indeed true. I am also very curious. Tuoyuyu has already been removed from the emperor by the emperor. How can he get a chance to climb the throne?"

Yuan Lie faintly said: "I see this time the means of taking the position is sturdy and the action is also very good. It is very different from the consistent temperament of Tuoyuyu. Therefore, I have been pondering that there must be a high-level person behind him. You said that if there is a high person, Who is that high man?"

When Li Weiyang saw that he was extremely unhappy, he smiled slightly, and his fingertips were covered on the back of his hand. It looked like a nice silky silky, and the Yuan Lie stunned, and then his heart slowly miraculously relaxed. Li Weiyang said slowly: "I have already learned that the contact between Tuoyuyu is nothing more than an ordinary aide. If there is such a high-ranking person behind him, he will not fall to that point! Now it seems that it is in me. What happened to his side after he left."

Yuan Lie heard this and couldn't help but blink his eyes: "We are not thinking about this thing, Weiyang?"

Li Weiyang slanted at him and smiled slowly: "It can be said that the most surprising news I have heard in the past year! If it is not your words, I really can't believe it, and Tuoyu can even fight." It’s a throne!” In fact, it’s not too difficult for Tuoyu to get the throne. It’s hard to have a sturdy father and a eight-brother who sits on the mountain. From the beginning, the emperor did not want to pass the throne to Tuoyuyu. He was eager to let the Eight Emperors ascend the throne, and finally pushed his most beloved son to the position of the Prince. Of course, he would try to suppress the Tuoyuyu. Power, how could it be possible for Tuoba to find the opportunity to turn the guns apart from them? This is really weird! If Takuya Yu really has such a state of mind and perseverance, then he will not lose to Takuya earlier, and Li Weiyang thinks that he is very puzzled.

Yuan Lie's face changed in silence, half awkward, and sighed for a long time, saying: "Dalian and Yuexi are not close enough. I sent people to check the record of the border, and the pigeons said that the emperor The one who had left the university before half a year ago did not know where to go. It is counted that when you came to Yuexi, it happened to be with you and did not touch."

Li Weiyang’s calm nephew gave birth to an aggressive swearing: “He? If so, it’s really not... What reason does he have to help Tuoyu?”

Yuan Lie's eyebrows are bright: "I think so too. Why do you want to help Tuoba Yu Dengji? You can be a confidant, you will not leave her, even he will be dispatched. Maybe he went to Da Li. Not to support Tuoyu, but to kill you is not necessarily!"

Li Weiyang was slightly addicted and whispered: "If you count the time, it is very likely that he will go to kill me when he went to the calendar. But why did he support a person who shouldn't have supported him? But later...裴What agreement may be reached between the post and Tuoyuyu, so that he will help him win the throne."

Yuan Lie sighed: "A prince who has lost power can't give it anything, but once he is enthroned as an emperor, the situation will be greatly reversed. The last time you entered the palace, what did you show behind?"

Li Weiyang smiled lightly: "It seems that you still don't understand this shackle. On that day, I used the handle of the prince to threaten her. Although she was extremely angry in her heart, she could not show any slight change on her face. Thinking carefully about Tuoyu is a step that has already been laid out. She has never revealed it. It really makes people feel cold."

Yuan Lie brows and wrinkles: "She is supporting Tuobayu for us?"

Li Weiyang smiled softly: "This is not necessarily the case. We have not had such a big influence. It is just that I think there must be some relationship between the two things. In the past, this arrangement was not aimed at us. I am afraid it is not necessarily the case now."

Yuan Lie was sitting in a chair next to Li Weiyang, faintly said: "Afterwards, you are far-sighted and so deceitful. We must take timely measures to prevent it."

Li Weiyang looks slightly and looks like a wave: "How do you think you can prevent it?"

Yuan Lie has already made up his mind: "You are not smart when you are young, and sometimes you are confused. If the situation is no longer actionable, we can only sit still!"

Li Weiyang chuckled a little: "Sit and wait? You are too heavy, and you are so unbearable." Even if you want to act, it is not a matter of time. If the consequences are so good, the emperor will keep it. She is today.

"There are so many things like this. Guo’s voice is too loud now, and the emperor is afraid of his ability. Therefore, the high official Hou Lu will put Guo Jia’s high court to make it possible. You must be cautious. The Queen’s Emperor used the emperor’s mentality. Under the jurisdiction of Guo Jia. Now Tuoyu Yu Dengji, think about the old grievance between you and him, and wait for this person to free up his hand, will he easily let you go? If the Queen uses this to take the opportunity to make waves, I am afraid that we Both are dangerous!"

Li Weiyang's expression is unchanged: "Father does not climb the party, does not flatter, does not go against the heart, it is a person of integrity. And the other people of Guo family are also the same temper as him, the so-called things to gather together, this is the truth, I am acting too yin Oh, I don’t like it for the right way, so I don’t want to do too much. Not to mention what kind of character is behind, saying that I am slightly moving, I am afraid I will see it through her. Now, in this case, it is better to be quiet. As long as you find the breakthrough, you may be able to see it."

The two had not finished yet, but they heard that Guo Dao came from the outside with a trace of anxiety: "You heard that there is no, something big!"

Li Weiyang and Yuan Lie also looked at Guo Dao at the same time. He followed Guo Cheng and Guo Dun behind him, and his face was the same dignity.

Li Weiyang’s look is sincere and sincere, there is no panic and panic: “What do you mean by the 7th Emperor of the Dali, Tuoyu’s ascending to the throne?” Guo Dao shook his head. “More than that, you can know the calendar and the big week. Allied!"

Li Weiyang heard this, but the scorpion is more clear: "Dalian and Da Zhou are allied, what is going on?"

Guo’s look is also very puzzled. Shen Shen said: “I also feel very strange. The West and the Big Zhou have always been enemies, the relationship is very bad, and because of the grassland disputes, they will have a battle. Sooner or later, there will be a battle. It is neutral, and it is not far from the West and the Great Zhou. It is not too close to anyone. Because of this, the West is free from the enemy, but this is the first time The matter is to issue an alliance book to the head of the big Zhou, and I want to form an alliance between the two countries. Do you know what it means?"

Li Weiyang certainly understands what this means. It is very bad news for the emperor and the people of Vietnam and the people of the Western Fujian emperor and the people! She sighed softly: "Tuo Yuyu's move really surprised me. He just stepped on the road. I am afraid that there is still some instability in the country. Why is it so eager to form an alliance with the big Zhou and be an enemy of Vietnam? Isn't that strange? ?"

Guo guide sneered aloud: "It is not surprising that he does this. If he continues to be neutral, he will interfere with his internal affairs. It is better to form an alliance with the big Zhou. If the West is dare to work on the big calendar, then the big week will be Will attack from the south, so how can the two sides of the West defend the enemy, how can it be played? Naturally, it is innocent to intervene in the internal affairs of the calendar, so that his throne is not safer?"

Li Weiyang shook his head gently. I don’t know why she always felt that things were not so simple. It’s very clear that Tuoyu’s every move, Li Weiyang, is very familiar. What he wants to do, what to do, how he will do it, Li Weiyang can Guess, but after a long time, people will change. Is the Tuobayu now the same as before? Li Weiyang was not sure what role he played in this play. What is the intention of her support for Tuoyu Yu's ascension? Is it to be an enemy of Vietnam? Li Weiyang left his thoughts and thought that he could not find any clues. Yuan Lie looked at Guo Dao and added a three-point look: "So, you know the news, what is his reaction?"

Guo’s face was dignified: “Your Majesty is naturally angry with the sky. On the spot, he killed the envoys sent to China by Da Li. Not only that, but he immediately issued an expulsion order.”

Li Weiyang showed a hint of surprise: "The expulsion order, what do you mean?"

Guo directed to laugh, and it was rare to show a trace of sorrow: "Your Majesty has already made a will, and all the people of the Western calendar will be deported within half a month."

Yuan Lie is not convinced: "All the Gregorian people? What is this scope? Is it clear to him?"

Guo Cheng gently sighed: "This includes the Dalai ambassadors who are stationed in Yuexi, including the Da Li people who are officials in the west, as well as those who travel around, that is, Yuexi and Dali. The mutual exchange between the two will end, whether it is a far-reaching thing for us or for the calendar."

Li Weiyang’s look became dignified for the first time. She thought about the whole thing and thought about it again. She turned her eyes gently to Yuan Liedao: “How do you see this thing?”

Yuan Lie thought sharply: "I will immediately enter the palace to ask the meaning of the majesty." He said that he had stood up and said hello to Guo Dao and others, he had to turn and leave.

Li Weiyang suddenly stopped him and said: "Yuan Lie, you need to think about this thing again."

Yuan Lie turned around, but he looked at Li Weiyang with some confusion. Li Weiyang reminded: "Before you have not figured out the other party's true intentions, I advise you not to act rashly, and then send someone to support Tuoyu. Ascending the throne, and then let the Da Li and Da Zhou form an alliance, thoroughly isolate the West, she wants to do more than just expel the Gregorian, it really does not make sense!"

Yuan Lie certainly knows that the Empress Dowager must have made a big move. He listened to Li Weiyang’s advice. He just said a little bit: "You can rest assured, I know what to do." He said that he had turned and left. Li Weiyang looked at his back and showed a thoughtful look.

Guo Chengzheng said: "Jia Er, you don't think that the whole thing has a taste of conspiracy."

Li Weiyang smiled softly and looked at himself: "Nature is, but I don't know how much she will be satisfied."

Guo Dun and Guo Dao heard this, and their faces were all over a trace of worry. Guo Dao indulged for a while before he said: "I thought that after the last thing, there would be at least some convergence, but I never imagined that she was still so cynical, really an old witch!"

Li Weiyang looked at him and looked calm: "The fourth brother's thing is just to give us a downroar. Now her confession is definitely in the camp, and she wants to do everything to defeat Guo. The key is these two things. I haven't thought of any contact with me for a while. I don't mention this matter for the time being, how much is the fifth brother in the Western China?"

Guo Dao thought carefully and said: "In these years, Yuexi and Dali have traded with each other, and even have many marriages. Many people of the calendar have been doing business in the west, and there are also people from the history of the Dali. Coupled with those who travel to and from business, their descendants, there are probably thousands of people who will be expelled."

Li Weiyang couldn't help but be shocked by this number: "Thousands of people have been expelled from the west by the mouth of the family. This is a big event. The emperor did not even convene the court of the court, and directly ordered such an order. Put him on fire! Is the time for expulsion set?"

Guo Dao immediately said: "From the time of half a month from now, if these great people do not leave the capital, they will not be half-hearted."

Guo Dun has some concerns: "The identity of my sister will not be a problem, she is also from the calendar..."

Li Weiyang laughed: "I am the young lady of Guo, who is on the genealogy. Who can help me? Is it impossible to go to the calendar?"

Guo Cheng thought so too, he couldn't help but smile: "You can rest assured that the four brothers, the sister will not have problems, but other people, hey, I am afraid it is not too good."

Guo Cheng’s prediction is not wrong. Starting from the emperor’s will, the expulsion order will not allow any delay, and the conditions are very strict. Every Gregorian who left most of the capital was stipulated that he was not allowed to bring too much property. It can be said that they were not only deported but also robbed of poverty! Many of them have been deprived of wealth for many years in the West, and they have been completely deprived. If they are robbery, they can resist, complain, and seek help. Unfortunately, the real source lies in their monarch and Yue. The evils in the West have forced them to be deported, so they have no choice but to swallow their voices and remain silent on such a painful experience.

Li Weiyang silently watched the team leaving the capital on the restaurant. She wanted to forget her life. Because there are so many people who have to leave the city in batches, there are hundreds of people in this team alone. They were expelled and deported by the banned army. Many people walked and cried, and those banned troops did not have the slightest compassion. They were spurred by sticks and shouted to make them faster. The entire team is a few miles long. Everyone is dragging their family and taking the children. The tragic situation and the escape are almost indistinguishable.

Due to limited space, the roads are crowded with people watching the crowd. The crowds were crowded, shouting, screaming, and some people took the opportunity to **** it. Li Weiyang looked at this scene and couldn’t help but sigh, under the nest, what was the egg? The emperor made such a move to completely cut off the travels of the Dali, and I am afraid that there will be war between the two countries.

Yuan Lie took a deep breath and looked at Li Weiyang's side face. He said softly: "Yuan, are you sad for them?"

Li Weiyang hangs his eyes: "These people have long lived away from their homeland and lived here in peace and contentment. Many people have left their homes and have accumulated a lot of wealth. They have been doing business for many years, so they have been deported, their real estate, slaves, Homes and wealth have all been looted, and it seems that the households and the state treasury have made a lot of money. This money will be used to expand military equipment in the future."

When Yuan Lie listened to Li Weiyang’s words and said that the key points, he smiled: “Yes, my emperor’s meaning is this. He wants to use the wealth created by the calendar to deal with them in turn, and his heart cannot be said. sinister."

Li Weiyang gently frowned: "In fact, I do not agree with such a move. Although these people are originally from the Dali, they have lived in the West for many years and have contributed to the prosperity of the West. Now, let's The expulsion of them from the country will only worsen the relationship between the two countries. At the same time, it will easily lead to public grievances. Have you not found that many of them are dragging their mouths? This shows that some of them are already in the West. My dear son, living and working in peace, and suddenly under the expulsion order, these people have to leave with their wives and children. Some people also have Western-Western bloodlines, why bother to do so? You can see a lot of West The woman cried and asked her husband not to leave, and there were children who were thrown everywhere. The people around the line were full of sympathy and dissatisfaction with them. When necessary, this kind of emotion would cause serious The crisis, if it is not good, is a turmoil."

Yuan Lie sneered: "The Queen of the Emperor is the emperor's temper. He knows that he is a very violent person. The more he meets others, the more he can't forgive. The relationship between the original Dali and the West is good. This time suddenly Carrying the alliance between Yuexi and Da Zhou is extremely humiliating for the emperor. He naturally has to make revenge. Maybe he knows that such an act will lose the people's heart but still do it. How stubborn and violent."

Li Weiyang heard this, but his eyes calmly looked at the people who were moving to the crowd: "Maybe this is what I want to see later. I heard that she also told the emperor that my father would do this to supervise the execution of the order. ”

Yuan Lieyi, but there are three points of surprise: "I have heard about this matter, Qi Guogong is not rejected?"

Li Weiyang shook his head: "Father strongly opposed his deportation order. Of course, he refused to implement it. He just said that he was not ill, and then the errand fell on Wang Qiong, the general of the town. It is also ridiculous, a general is not Going to war, and being sent to supervise whether these old and weak women have been deported, are you saying that it is very interesting?"

The face of Yuan Liejun is very cold in the sun: "This shows that not only the Guo family, but also the Wang family, the two of you are now tied to a rope, and no one can run. ”

At this moment, I heard a round of applause from outside. Li Weiyang and Yuan Lie were slightly surprised. Zhao Yue pulled out the long sword, but heard a person laughing outside the door: "The two don't have to be nervous, just heard the King of the Assault under the head. Highly speaking, we are also deeply convinced that we can let us go in and talk about it?"

When Li Weiyang heard this, he nodded to Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue immediately put the two outsiders in. It was Wang Ji and the prince who had been looking for a long time. The prince squatted in a light green dress and smiled into the door with a slight smile. His body was still fascinating, and the face was dyed with a faint rouge. The whole person looked glamorous. She slowly stepped forward to the two people to say: "Two, rushed."

Li Weiyang’s eyes fell on the opposite side, but he was quiet: “I didn’t expect to see Miss Wang here. We haven’t seen each other since the month of the palace.”

The prince smiled less and seemed to have less edge, but she was more calm. She smiled and walked over to the chair, faintly said: "Miss Guo, don't mind if we sit down and talk."

Li Weiyang’s voice was faint, and the voice was somewhat inadvertent: “Go on tea.”

Zhao Yue went to work immediately. After a while, there were prostitutes and two teas. The prince and Wang Ji were gently seated, only to hear the prince swearing: "I already knew that Miss Guo will see the scene of these people being deported today."

Li Weiyang’s gaze fell on the street below the tea house. There seemed to be some pity in the look: “I just heard about it, so I came to see it. Isn’t Miss Wang very concerned?”

The prince 矜美眸 took a smile: "I naturally don't care about politics, worry about the country and the people like Miss Guo. Today, we are here to find you."

In Li Weiyang’s nephew, there was a little spark of fire, and his look was indifferent: “I thought that after passing through the palace, Miss Wang would never want to see me again.”

The prince sighed softly, but there was a faint color on the beautiful face: "I have realized the gap with Miss Guo after the last time, and I will not think about it later. After all, you and I both have their own strengths, and there is not much conflict between them. Although it is because of the ignorance of the next story of the King of the Kings, from my heart, I have never had any disgust with Miss Guo, but some of them are not. I am convinced."

Li Weiyang did not expect that the prince would actually say these words so effectively. She smiled softly: "Miss Wang is so outspoken, but what important words do you want to tell me?"

Wang Ji’s heart suddenly succumbs to an admiration. No matter how bad the situation is, Guo Jia can calmly calm down and think about things farther and farther. After another burst of blood, the men like him are self-proclaimed.

The prince looked at Wang Ji’s eyes and quite a bit of talk.

Yuan Lie saw everything in his eyes and said faintly: "This time, the two are coming to form an alliance?"

Yuan Lie was only very gentle in front of Guo Jia, and he was very cold and arrogant to others. He could even be said to be weird and lonely. His speech never left a feeling of affection. Wang Ji’s face said slightly: “Yes, this time we are indeed Come to form an alliance."

Li Weiyang’s eyes flashed brightly, and he smiled with erratic smile: “Did the Wang family forget the death of the two sons?”

There is no gloom in the voice of the prince: "This thing will be remembered forever in our hearts, and will never be forgotten in any way! But we also know that the chief culprit of the matter is not Guo, but afterwards, the original The Wang family did not want to be embarrassed with the singer, but the Queen was too much. In order to attract the two kings, she did not hesitate to damage the lives of my two brothers. How can we be friends with such vicious people? Proactively forcing us to move closer to the Guo family step by step, how can we blame us!"

Speaking very well, nothing more than being stimulated by this expulsion order. Li Weiyang smiled calmly: "Miss Wang once betrayed Guo Jia, do you think I will believe you?"

The prince smiled very peacefully. She seemed to have decided on Li Weiyang's mind. She just quietly said: "Miss Guo is the one who is so small? The Wang family has lost two children, but the most important force is still there. My uncle is holding, the king's family will not fall. And Guo's family is also the same. If there is Qi Guogong in a day, you can't resist you afterwards. If this is the case, if we can unite and deal with each other, we must win and count. It’s a lot bigger than going it alone.”

Li Weiyang shook his head and sighed: "I am afraid that things are not as easy as Miss Wang said."

When the prince heard this, he was surprised. "I have never seen Miss Guo so worried. What happened recently?"

Li Weiyang looked at the prince and glanced at it. In the other pair of scorpions, she saw sincerity and an inexplicable complexity. The Wang family originally wanted to let Guo and Yu’s fight to take advantage of the fishermen’s interests. Now they have been forced to sit still. They must jump out. This is what they forced them to do, instead of Li Weiyang’s initiative. Out of the olive branch... Li Weiyang thought of it here, but the tone was plain and plain: "How much does Miss Wang know when he is next to him?"

When the prince heard the name of the sorrow, there was a look of disgust in his eyes: "This person can be said to be the confidant of the scorpion, and the weight in the heart seems to be more faint than the prince. He listened to him and listened to him, and he even Loyalty. Over the years, he has done a lot of bad things for the Queen, especially those who are rude. Most of the things that this person does are done. The biggest skill of this person is to make suggestions and tricks." Speaking of this, she paused a little. Dun, then looked at Li Weiyang and smiled: "Miss Guo, I am not talking about you."

Li Weiyang is light and windy: "I naturally know that Miss Wang is not talking about me. My volume is not so small. Please continue to talk."

People don't care, they seem to be a small family. The prince sighed, and then continued to say, "There was a big case happened a year ago... At that time, Jiang Xia Hou came to reconcile with the shackles. After he had been offended in public, he even privately. After he swears to his swearing, he can imagine that he is a stab in the eyes of the scorpion. The sinful means is sinister and the heart is like a snake. He has woven a lot of vicious charges and told the prince not to say anything, but also to make a large number of The case of Jiang Xiahou’s pleadings was caused by the affliction, and this case caused a sensation at the time!"

In fact, the prince was not in the capital at the time. She said it was very simple. The next season, Wang Ji added: "I heard that this sorrow has recruited a group of hooligans in the west of the country. If you want to knock down, let these people sue together. In the end, the enemy will die. This is the so-called crime of Luo Zhi. Everyone says that the soul of the dead is smashing the road. He is a national thief and a public nuisance. I can see that he is still alive, how big has it been since then? effect."

The prince paused for a moment and said: "More than that. At the beginning, his means of killing people was very sinister. He liked to dig and peel the human body. Even the internal organs were put out. If you look at this scene once, you will feel it. It was so shocking that even the emperor had some scruples about the sorrow."

Li Weiyang has had a bit of interest: "Your Majesty?"

The prince smiled and said: "The reason why His Majesty is scrupulous about him is because this is a witch doctor."

"Witch doctor?" Li Weiyang heard these two words and couldn't help but look at Yuan Lie. The so-called witch doctor is a kind of witchcraft of Nanban, which is different from ordinary doctors.

Wang Ji nodded: "It is true. I heard that he offered a recipe to his majesty to relieve headaches, but he must take it regularly. If you think about killing this person, no one can match it. It is concluded that when I am kneeling, I am afraid that I will go crazy. This is the real reason why he has always tolerated this person, and it is also the life-saving symbol of winning Chu."

Li Weiyang couldn’t help but shook his head: "It seems that this sorrow is also a very interesting person."

The prince sighed: "Because he is not good at dealing with it, Guo Jia and Wang Jiacai need to join hands. Don't let the other side drill a hole to kill us. Even though I used to think wrong, I hope. Miss Guo did not read the old evils and shared the difficulties."

Li Weiyang did not speak for a long time, just when the prince was almost holding his breath. Li Weiyang laughed, and the laughter was soft and soft, reflecting the warmth of the heart: "Since Miss Wang said this, then I will give you a happy speech." She said she had lifted the teacup and bowed to the prince. Road: "To drink wine, I wish our cooperation success!"

The prince sighed and said that he was relieved. He also raised the teacup and touched Li Weiyang gently. The smile bloomed at this moment and it was very beautiful: "I hope Miss Guo will not forget your promise and wait until the day after the defeat." By Guo and Wang, they are in charge of politics."

Li Weiyang heard this saying just a faint smile, but did not say anything.

Yuan Lie listened to it, but it was a cloud of darkness in the face. The prince was too sighed. He wanted to take two points. She was a vegetarian when she was a vegetarian. Even if she had to remove the prince and the prince, it might not be It’s Jing Wang’s ascendancy, and Qin Wang, they will still be the emperor when they arrive! The prince is so urgent, is she already having any idea... Thinking of it, the dawn of Yuan Lie could not help but become deep.

The purpose was reached, the prince stood up and smiled slightly: "I have finished speaking, Miss Guo, let me say goodbye."

Li Weiyang faintly smiled and slightly nodded: "Good to go, don't send."

Looking at the other side and going out, Yuan Lie whispered: "Do you really believe her?"

What is belief? Li Weiyang will never believe such an outsider, but the prince is savvy, and there is no adulteration in this cooperation. Li Weiyang smiled and said: "In reality, it is imaginary, but the virtual is true. Although the prince is not necessarily very credible, she can't sit still in front of the emperor's offensive. She needs my help. I also need her. ”

Yuan Lie then let go of his heart, and suddenly remembered one thing, specifically reminded: "I heard that the relationship between Chu and Prince is not very good, perhaps we can use it."

Li Weiyang seems to be hearing this for the first time. He was surprised: "Why is this?"

Yuan Lie sneered aloud: "I am not very clear about the secret of the palace, but I heard that every time after seeing you, the Prince will leave immediately. It seems that he is not the favorite of the Queen. To say The sorrow is too arrogant, and it is not very respectful to the prince. No wonder the other party will not like him."

When Li Weiyang heard this, there was a bit of deep thought in his expression: "You are right, this is a good news for us."

At this time, the following crowd suddenly burst into a groan, a woman was pushed to the ground, her hair was unkempt, her body was thin, it seemed to mourn, Li Weiyang looked down and looked down, but did not see each other. The appearance, I do not want to gossip, but I saw that the banned army is more arrogant, and even the whip has fallen to the woman's back, a fiery red figure suddenly burst out at the crucial moment, a sigh of relief: "I still can't stop!" ”

Li Weiyang frowned slightly, and recognized that the woman downstairs was Princess Ali. She only saw Princess Ali swaying and smashing the other, then personally raised the woman, and turned around and took her together. The building is coming. Li Weiyang smiled faintly: "Ali is really a lot of things. I can't figure out the identity of this woman and I will bring people to the restaurant!"

Yuan Lie smiled and said: "If you don't like her, you won't care about her."

This is a joke. My mouth is hard and soft. Li Weiyang laughs: "When is it pure, I want to see if she wants to save the wrong person!" At this time, Princess Ali was already rushing in, and the red dress was flashing. Flash, as if brought into a golden sun, people are also a few bright, behind her is followed by a ragged young woman.

Li Weiyang glanced inadvertently, but it was on the spot. Yuan Lie looked down at her gaze. The look was also very shocking, because at this moment, he also recognized who the woman was.

The woman seemed to be like an electric shock. The body shivered slightly. Her hand stopped in her neck and slammed her neckline for a long time. However, she was white, her eyes were filled with tears, her lips were shaking, and she wanted to say What can't make a sound, obviously is excited to the extreme.

When Li Weiyang was slightly stunned, he smiled brightly: "It turned out to be an old man. It has been gone for a long time, and the lotus goddess."

Lian Hao heard that I didn’t know the courage from here. I quickly walked over and went to Li Weiyang’s feet, and then did not hide my heart’s excitement: “Weiyang, I finally saw you! If it’s a step later, I’m afraid. I have no life!"

This scene, quite a bit suddenly, Princess Alice listened at a glance.

It’s a happy thing to see the old man, but this situation is really shocking, and Li Weiyang can’t help but frown: “Lianlian goddess should stay in the palace now, how can he suddenly run to the west ?"

Lotus Wen heard this, but it was a sigh of relief: "It’s not because of the extension of jade!"

Li Weiyang lifted her up and told Zhao Yue to take a clean parch and gently wipe her tears. Then he whispered: "The lotus goddess does not have to worry, let me talk about things carefully." ”

The lotus root wiped away the tears and the voice was very deep: "I thought it was an ally with Tuoyuyu, so I only helped him, but he did not live up to expectations and did not win the throne. After that, I no longer contacted him. Later, I didn’t know what happened. He suddenly contacted me and said that I hoped that he would help him to speak in front of the emperor. Not only that, but he also used my hand to present a snuff box to the emperor."

Li Weiyang gently frowned: "By borrowing your hand to offer a snuff box, why didn't he give it to the emperor?"

Lotus looked at it and seemed to be a little vigilant. Li Weiyang smiled and said: "There are all people here, don't be nervous." After all, the lotus root couldn't help but gnash his teeth: "Because there is a ghost in the snuff box! I am looking for someone to check it quietly. It is a chronic poison. It can be seen that his purpose is not to please his Majesty, but to take the position of his uncle!"

When Li Weiyang heard this, he exchanged a look with Yuan Lie: Although Tuoyuyu has a deep heart, he is by no means such a person. How can he want to kill the emperor for no reason?

However, I heard that Lotus took a sip of tea, and it seemed to be slowed down. I continued to say: "Since you have never left Kyoto, the situation of the Seven Emperors has not been very good. Your Majesty does not trust him. The Prince cares for him and the courtiers are alienated. He, even his confidant has betrayed him one after another! Because of this, his temperament will become so weird, even I can't figure it out. So the snuff box he sent, I don't dare to enter anyway. Dedicated to His Majesty. I secretly slammed the snuff box and hoped that this matter would end. After all, I had a covenant with him. Although I was not willing to help him kill him, I didn’t want to be an enemy."

Li Weiyang listened to her saying that she had already understood that Lotus was worried that the extension of the jade jade would be urgent, but it would be shaken by the other party that he had colluded with Tuoyuyu. This is also human nature. Lotus Root sighed: "Who knows that he hates me because of this... After a while, His Majesty is still dead, died in the palace of Zhang Meiren, and he died very embarrassed."

Li Weiyang has always been very interested in this matter, but she has no way of knowing the secrets of the palace, but she is far from the news of the West. When she heard the lotus, she subconsciously asked: "How did you die?"

The lotus root took a deep breath: "It was strangled by Zhang Meiren and a dozen other palace ladies."

Li Weiyang shook his head gently, and no one could think of the emperor of the grand calendar. The old-fashioned old fox would actually die in the hands of a group of women with no hands!

Yuan Lie is obviously extremely surprised: "What about the Prince?"

Yuan Lie said that the prince is naturally the Eight Emperors. Lotus asked him to ask him this question. The body seems to tremble: "After His Majesty, the Prince will guard the spirit for him. He will keep the three days and three nights according to the rules. Drinking the porridge, on the third day, the prince did not drink the porridge but suddenly spit blood, violently died. After the incident, the doctor repeatedly investigated, but nothing can be found, because the three days In addition to the porridge, the prince did not enter any diet, and no one had ever approached him. He did not know how poisoned he was."

Li Weiyang sneered aloud: "No one is poisoned by the Prince, what is the relic of his majesty?"

Lien Chan heard this and violently looked up at Li Weiyang. It seemed to remind him of something: "Yes! Tuoyu Yu once entered the palace after his death. At that time, he also said that he hoped to leave a little commemoration. At that time, he took a piece of clothing under his arm. Later, the prince learned that the unhappy person in his heart had recovered. He said that he must have moved his hands and feet!"

Li Weiyang nodded and said: "After the lotus goddess, after Tuoba Yudeng, how did you get here?"

At this time, the lotus root was dirty, and the surface was also covered with black ash. Obviously, she did not want others to recognize her. She shook her head and sighed: "I have refused to murder him for the next time, and I know the secret of the snuff bottle. He naturally will not easily surpass me. From the temper of the prince, I will be aware of it, and I have cleaned up the softness in advance. He took advantage of the fact that he was busy with his Majesty and the Prince’s aftermath, and escaped from the palace all the way, but the road was separated from Xuer."

The lotus flower that the lotus root said is her young son Tuo Xuxu. Li Weiyang heard this and paused: "So the lotus girl, the prostitute around you?"

There was a hint of anger in the eyes of the lotus roots: "The tree fell down and the sun was scattered. These slaves who were crawling outside knew that I lost power. The first thing was to betray me! Not only that, but they also stole the gold and silver treasures on me. Ok, I have hidden some gold beads in advance, otherwise there is no way to reach the west anyway!"

Li Weiyang seems to have some doubts: "How does the lotus goddess know that I am in the west?"

Indeed, the first sentence that Lien’s first time saw Li Weiyang was that I finally found you. Isn’t that strange? Li Weiyang came to Vietnam for so long, and no Dalits have ever found it here. Lotus is not surprised, she said: "Yuanyang, you probably don't know, Tuoyuyu already knows that you have become the daughter of Qi Guogong."

Li Weiyang frowned slightly: "You mean he has been staring at me?"

Lotus nodded and solemnly said: "Yes! He has been staring at you, and I don't think he has stopped talking about it. I don't know where he is from, but that day, he made a big trip. I did hear that he had a dispute with the Yuting County lord. The Yuting County lord also said that Li Weiyang was in the west, and this matter could not be ignored by others. Tuoyuyu said that this matter has nothing to do with her. Hey, the Yuting County Lord was also injured. This matter left a deep impression on my mind. I can't remember it! And I have no relatives to trust, and those who have made good people know. Tuobayu wants to kill me, one by one is to avoid it, so I will come here to try my luck. I hope that you can care for the old feelings and help me find Xuer."

Li Weiyang gently sighed: "Lian Hao helped me a lot in the past. I naturally will not forget. In the past, I will try my best to help you find it. You can rest assured."

Lotus was relieved with a sigh of relief, and he was grateful in his eyes: "So, thank you first."

Li Weiyang’s eyes fell on the people downstairs. I don’t know what to think about. Lotus suddenly stood up and said: “I know that my existence is a trouble for you. I heard that when I first entered the city. After the expulsion order, I am a great man after all, it is not convenient to stay in the city, I can go outside the city to hide and wait for your news."

Li Weiyang turned his head and looked at the other's clothes: "I am afraid that this is not the case. The lotus seedlings are of special status. If they are caught by people, they are the spies of the calendar. If you think about it, now the emperor of the west is going to All the great calendar people are expelled from the country, not only for the big city, but what is the use of you even if you hide in the suburbs? Is it not caught as a traitor if you are caught?"

When Princess Ali was heard here, she seemed to understand something. She quickly said: "Jiaer, let us bring the girl back to Guofu to hide it. There are many tunnels in the palace, which are most suitable for Tibetans and are not easy to be found. Have you forgotten the last thing about Guo Erge?"

Li Weiyang looked at Princess Ali, and Aliton stopped her mouth. She also knew that it was not appropriate to bring people up without asking why, but she was kind enough to see that lotus was a weak woman. There is no long thing, not like a bad person, so I want to take her up to send her some gold and silver so that she can continue to find a relative, but did not think that her loved one is the Li Weiyang in front of her, this is really amazing. Now! At this time, she did not say much, but she said in a mean way: "Jia, you won't blame me for anything."

You are doing a lot of things, but this is extremely useful! When Li Weiyang thought of it, the face was a slight smile: "If this is the case, then I will go back to Guo's home with me."

------Off topic ------

Congratulations to 526039113 pro to become a flower! It is predicted that the arrival of Lotus will be a brand new beginning. For Li Weiyang, the time for counterattack is coming!