MTL - The Rebirth of Han Yuxi-Chapter 16 Mr. Song (2)

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Yuxi sees that Mr. Song does not agree, and he looks at Qiu. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. COM

Qiu smiled and said: "Mr. Song, this child is very good at learning, and he is smart. In less than a month, he will finish the "Three Character Classics", "Hundred Family Names" and "Thousand Characters". Mr. Song, you will give This is a chance! If she is dragging her legs, she will not give up when she says she will give up."

Mr. Song is somewhat surprised.

Qiu looked at Mr. Song a little loose, and quickly said: "If the husband does not believe, you can test her."

Qiu is a national government, and Mr. Song has to give Qiu this face, so he said: "Four girls, if you can answer my question, I promise to teach you."

Yuxi responded very cheerfully: "Good."

Mr. Song looked at Yuxi Man’s self-confident expression and said: “The beginning of the year is sincere and beautiful, and the cautious and appropriate should be made, the foundation of Rongye is based on it, the history is very unsuccessful, the school is excellent, the job is taken from politics...” Mr. Song paused to look at Yuxi.

Yuxi understands that this is to let her go down. After thinking about it, she said: "Save with Ganzi, go for benefit, be more expensive, and be loyal to the courtesy..." Yuxi will take all the rest of the content in one breath. Back came out.

Mr. Song nodded and said: "Write two words for me to see." This child is very talented, and I don't know how to get the message. The kid is stupid and stupid.

Yuxi wrote the four characters of ‘天道酬勤’.

When Mr. Song saw Yuxi writing, he stood up straight, his eyes focused, and his heart secretly nodded. When I saw the words written by Yuxi, the words were not good, but they were correct. Mr. Song asked: "It’s very hard to learn with me. You don’t have to suffer from this."

Yuxi firmly said: "As long as the gentleman gives me the opportunity, I will be able to learn well." The last generation of Yuchen is the last disciple taught by Mr. Song. After teaching Yuchen, Mr. Song will close the mountain. Of course, Yuchen did not fall on her reputation.

Mr. Song said faintly: "Confidence is a good thing, but self-confidence is over arrogance."

Yuxi accepts criticism with humility: "Sir, I will pay attention to it later."

Mr. Song just nodded his head: "If you can't keep up with the learning process in the future, I will not be merciful."

This made Yuxi a sigh, looked up and looked at Mr. Song and said: "I will not trust people." She will never let such things happen. Even if she can't be accepted as a student, she must have passed the first few months.

I agreed to accept the student Yuhua. Mr. Song said to the old lady: "Old lady, my rules, you know, no one can raise objections during the period of my coaching." If all come to gesticulate, how can she bother to teach? not good.

Mrs. Han’s wife did not want to nod her head and said: “This is nature.” The so-called strict teacher is a high-profile student, and the students taught by Mr. Song, even those who have not become talented women, have a good reputation. The most important thing is that she is Mr. Song who came for Yuchen. She is very convinced that Mr. Song will be satisfied with Yuchen.

After finishing the matter, Qiu personally took Mr. Song to Yulanyuan. And Yuxi four people went back to their yards to prepare, and went to Yulanyuan to go to school in the afternoon.

Yulan Court is located in the west, and all kinds of trees are planted around the front and rear. It is very quiet. The name Yulanyuan is also planted several magnolias in the yard.

Mr. Song looked very satisfied with the layout of the yard. Waiting into the house, looking at the elegant layout, the more satisfied: "Working lady."

Qiu said with a smile: "As long as Mr. likes it."

After sending away Qiu, Ding Pozi, who is next to Mr. Song, said uncomfortably: "Sir, why do you want to promise them? The four girls have to be so stunned, but they have to be taught, and they only teach three girls?" Ding Pozi since childhood Mr. grew up together and has been with him for years.

When Mr. Song and other people had only two people left, his face eased a lot. He was no longer as rigorous as before. He said: "Don't care." Although Yuxi is as confident, Mr. Song does not think that Yuxi can persist. . It’s not her little Yu Yuxi, but Yuxi is too small, and she can’t stand those sufferings.

Ding Pozi is very upset, but she also knows that giving people a job must give up three points to the main family. Ding Pozi said: "Mr., after finishing the three girls, don't take over again. The money that has been spent in these years is enough for us to live a good life!"

Mr. Song smiled and said: "Let's talk about it later, don't worry."

Shen mother knows that Mr. Song promised to let Yuxi follow the study, and he was very happy: "Girl, when I go to the school, I must study hard and learn to be good for the girl."

Yuxi said with a smile: "Mom assured, I will be very serious." It is not so much to look at Mr. Song. However, Yuxi did not care, anyway, she was originally dropped out of school. How much can you learn? After a few months, she removed the double-sided embroidery and studied the needlework of the double-sided embroidery. Thinking of this, Yuxi suddenly remembered the original things, his face was a bit white.

Shen mother felt the change of Yuxi and asked: "Girl, what happened?"

Yuxi shook his head and said: "Nothing, my mother goes out! I want to rest." Every time Yuxi thinks about things, he is not willing to stay.

Yuxi took out the double-sided embroidery from the cupboard and watched it stay. She is also studying the needlework of double-sided embroidery. If she falls into the realm of her life, how can she stab the unparalleled embroidery? Does this skill save her in a difficult situation? No.

Until the lunch, Shen mother entered the house and called Yuxi. Not long after using lunch, Yuxi went to Yulanyuan with Moju. Since the last time in the purple clothes, Yuxi is faint to Hongshan.

From the Rose Garden to the Yulan Court, you have to cross the garden of the entire government office. Therefore, this is the first time Yuhua has visited the garden after being born again.

The Gongjiaqu Bridge of the National Government is staggered, with beautiful scenery and deep twists and turns. Especially the Shifeng or the courtyard or the Jiashu tree that was searched from the Quartet, the posture is exquisite and peculiar, and it is quite impressive. Into the hills, such as the famous mountain.

Moxi looked at Yuxi's face is not good, carefully asked: "Girl, what's wrong with you?" Looking at the girl's heart and mind, her heart is still very embarrassing.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "Nothing." She is still young and has enough time to learn to protect her own skills. It is just a matter of learning.

When he arrived at Yulan Court, Yuxi saw the four embarrassments of Yuchen and her. It is said that Yuxi is very puzzled. Yuchen of her life has always been faint to her. This life is very good for her. Of course, this is just a good idea.

Yuchen went to Yuxi and frowned and said: "The sun is so poisonous, I don't know how to beat the umbrella." Yuchen's close-fitting book is opening the blue cloth umbrella to shield her from the sun!

Yuxi said with a smile: "I didn't let it."

Yuchen doesn't know what Yuxi thinks: "This day is poisonous, not to mention heatstroke, and it is easy to get dark after sunburn."

Yuxi said with care: "Nothing, still small!"

Yuchen sighed slightly, and this is too much to cherish himself. However, she didn't care about Yuxi's face, and she was no longer entangled in this matter: "How do you bring only such a thing?" Except for a scorpion in the hand of the ink, the scorpion is not big, and knowing how many things can't be loaded. .

Yuxi swept the three cymbals behind Yuchen. Everyone was holding a big scorpion. There were a lot of things: "I brought the four treasures of the study. Other things, I think Mr. will definitely prepare." Yuxi took a pen and ink, and the paper did not bring it.

As I spoke, Yu Ru and Yu Yu came.

Yuru greeted them and smiled very gently.

Yuxi stared at Yuxi and said: "Your life is hard enough, and the smallpox is not dead." Her mother was under house arrest and this **** was made. This must be reported.

Yuxi’s life was inferior and weak, and she was forbeared by the jade. But now she understands the truth. People are deceived by people and are being riding. Step by step will only make everyone bully: "I can recover from my life, my mother is blessing me in heaven!" "When I finished, I glanced at the jade and said with a smile: "Well, why didn't the second sister wear new clothes and wear new decorations today?" Yuxi likes to dress herself up for the week. I have to wear new clothes when I am at home or go out to socialize. Today I am passing an old clothes.

Jade is angry, this girl, she has not yet reported her hatred of her mother, she even dared to ridicule her. But before she understood it, she whispered to her side and said softly: "Girl, here is Yulan Court. If it is seen by the gentleman, it will be bad." Her girl is so much bigger than the four girls, if they are Quarreling with my own girl is definitely an unreasonable party. Falling into the eyes of Mr. Song, I sure that my own girl is not friendly to her sister. It’s not good for her girl to come down with such a bad impression.

Yuxi has some scruples, and now stares at Yuxi in a disgusting manner, and this continues.

As soon as I entered Yulanyuan, I saw a few magnolias. Magnolia blossoms opened in March and April, and flowers have long since faded.

Into the Yulan Court, four people were led into a house by the donkey. The room was very spacious and the light was good. There was a long case on the top and four tables and chairs underneath.

Yuchen picked the position in front of the left side.

Yuxi walked toward the front of the right hand. But before she sat down, Yuxi walked up to her and said, "You sit behind."

Yuxi said firmly: "No change, I can't see anything behind me."

Yuxi didn't care so much, she pushed her away and sat down.

Yuxi sneered: "Second sister, grabbed my porridge in the morning, and now grab my position, do you like to grab something with people?" The persimmon softly pinched, but she is not a persimmon now.

Yuxi did not expect Yuxi to dare to ridicule her, and snorted: "I like it, how can you?" Yuchen is the old lady's apex, she does not dare to provoke, but Yuxi has not been in the eye. Moreover, she still has an account with this girl.

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