MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 15 persuade

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   "You and your cousin are both going to the county seat. Isn't that only your aunt and cousin at home?" Liu Lang frowned, "Could your aunt bring your cousin?"

   Mu Yangling was a little embarrassed, but still said: "That's why I came to find you. I want to ask you and Aunt Biao to help me take care of my mother and brother, and I'll buy you candy later."

   "Why do you have to follow your cousin to the county seat?" Liu Lang was a little reluctant. He wanted to read with Mu Yangling, but he didn't want her to go to the county seat.

   "My family has accumulated a lot of furs, my mother is about to give birth, and it's almost winter, so this time I have to sell it no matter what. My father looks like a barbarian, and those merchants always keep the prices very low."

   "But you're just a kid."

   Mu Yangling hummed: "That's better than my father calling others to bully."

   Liu Lang had to take a step back, "Okay then, I'll tell my mother when my mother comes back."

   Mu Yangling immediately raised a smile and saw Liu Lun who was poking out of the door, his smile became even wider, "Cousin Lun, will you take my brother to play with Goudan and the others?"

   Liu Lun reluctantly came out with a straight face, and said arrogantly: "That's fine, but you are not allowed to tell others about what you saw me taking a bath today."

   Mu Yangling suppressed his smile and said solemnly: "I really didn't see anything just now, and you were blasted out just after I opened the door."

Only then did Liu Lun become happy, and snorted: "I don't think you saw it either." He stepped forward to hold Xiao Bowen's little hand and waved: "Let's go, cousin will take you to play, dog eggs and the others. Catching crickets at the head of the village, do you want to catch them?"

   "I don't like playing crickets, I want to play hide and seek with them."

   "Then you told them, I'll go catch crickets..." Hide and seek is a game only played by children. Eight-year-old Liu Lun thought that he didn't play that kind of game because he had grown up.

   Mu Yangling watched them leave, so he turned around and went back with the Analects of Confucius, and only halfway there, he met Liu Yong who came back from the field.

   Mu Yangling smiled at him and nodded slightly.

   Eighteen-year-old Liu Yong glanced at Mu Yangling and walked over without looking sideways, Mu Yangling sighed.

After Liu Yong's younger brother and sister were found, they were afraid to avoid him at first because they were still young, and then they got along with his brother again. However, his parents were on guard against him, which made the relationship between their brothers and sisters weak before. Many, even the adults and children in the village do not play with Liu Yong much.

  Mu Yangling took psychology as an elective in school. Children can make people feel soft, but at the same time they hurt the most, because they will not hide their innocent happiness, nor will they hide their evil desires.

She felt that she understood Liu Yong a little. At that time, Liu Yong was just a nine-year-old child. Before he came into contact with books, he was just a selfish and competitive child among his partners, but when he came into contact with books, he heard about the outside world. The world is so vast. Knowing that reading can make you stand out, you can wear beautiful clothes, enjoy delicious food, and live in a beautiful house. His inflated desire makes him ignore other things, because he is still a child, and his heart is still too small. Think too little.

  Mu Yangling can tolerate Liu Yong, and can persuade Liu Xing and Liu Erniang to spend more time with their brother and talk to him more, but he cannot convince Liu Sanshu and his wife and the adults in the village, and even Shu Wanniang does not agree that she sympathizes with Liu Yong.

  Because in the eyes of Shu Wanniang and the others, Liu Yong's nature is such a problem, his nature is broken, and he can't be changed even if he is taught.

   But this is all someone else's business, and now Mu Yangling wants to persuade his father to take him to the county seat.

   She ran home, squatted in front of her father who was sorting furs, and said with a smile: "Dad, look, this is the book that Cousin Lang picked up, is it an "Analects of Confucius"?"

  Mu Shi was pleasantly surprised, "Really? That would save a coin or two. Take it back to your mother and keep it. After your brother finishes reading the Three Character Classic, I will buy him a copy of the Thousand Character Classic."

   "Father, why don't you go to the county seat to buy it this time, I haven't been to the bookstore for a long time, you can take me to have a look."

   Mu Shi frowned, "No, I'm not worried about leaving your mother and brother at home."

   "Don't worry, I've made up my mind. I will ask cousin Lang and Aunt Biao to take care of my mother tomorrow. We will definitely be back at night, and we will never spend the night outside."

  Mu Shi still refused to agree. If it was before, it would be fine. His wife was pregnant now, and he felt that he was more at ease with his daughter at home.

   Mu Yangling had no choice but to ask Shu Wanniang. Shu Wanniang said, "You are a girl, and you can't always run away. Just ask your father to buy you whatever you want."

  Shu Wanniang is a lady of the family. She feels that her daughter's daily hunting in the mountains has touched her bottom line. How can she follow her father to sell furs and business affairs.

Mu Yangling slumped his shoulders and said, "In the past, the merchants who always bought furs from my father left, but now those merchants in the county town always keep the prices very low when they see that my father looks like a Hu, otherwise my father will not I would carry the furs back three times in a row, and I would rather store them in the warehouse than sell them. After paying the taxes, the family will have no money. This time I have to sell the furs no matter what. I am afraid that those people will look at my father. To be honest, I pushed the price down hard, and you can see that it’s not easy for dad to hunt, and even more difficult for tannery, I’m really not willing to sell it at such a low price.”

  Shu Wanniang frowned and said, "But you are a little girl, what's the use of following along?"

"Mother, although I'm a girl, I look like a Han Chinese, and I'm already eleven years old. I'm half an adult. It's okay to say a few words. I'm careful, I don't ask for much, I just want the price. It's okay to mention it."

   This is true. My daughter usually looks careless, but she is the most attentive. Even her self-proclaimed gentleness and thoughtfulness are not as subtle as her.

  Shu Wanniang only hesitated for a moment, but she still agreed with her husband.

   Mu Yangling cheered, since my mother agreed, there is no need for my father to speak more.

  Mu Shi was sorting furs outside, and when he heard the cheers of his daughter in the house, he shook his head helplessly. It seems that his wife went to his uncle's place in person and asked the cousins ​​to take care of Wanniang.

   Xiaobowen ran back like a mud monkey in the evening, knowing that her elder sister was going to the county town the next day and was clamoring to go, Mu Yangling pinched her waist and laughed, "Can you walk? It takes two hours."

  Xiao Bowen blushed and said angrily, "I'm going to eat two bowls of rice tonight, and I'll be able to walk such a long way soon."

   Mu Yangling hummed and said: "If you are lazy again and don't get up on time to exercise every day, you will not eat too much food, but you will become just like the little piglet from cousin Lang's house."

   Xiao Bowen was horrified, "You are talking nonsense."

   "If you don't believe me, ask your father. You can only grow up if you eat on time and in quantity, and get up early to fight."

  Xiao Bowen went to see his father tearfully.

  My son has always been a little squeamish because of his poor health. He stays in bed every morning and does not want to get up. When the weather is cold, he is even more reluctant to punch, and his health is getting worse.

It would be best if he could get up on time to punch because of this, Mu Shi nodded solemnly: "Your sister is right, you can see that she can get up and punch on time every day, so she grows fast, and the blog has to grow up. Learn from my sister."

Xiao Bowen pondered for a moment, then ran to his mother's side, tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "Mother, wake me up early tomorrow, I'm going to get up and punch, so that I'll be big during the Chinese New Year, and I can go to the county seat. "

  Shu Wanniang readily agreed.