MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 37 Robbed

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The fat Ding Da Shao, full of faces, smiles, the fat on his face, the original features of the fair, squeezed into a shape, looks very strange.

"I don't know what kind of medicine the two gave me to eat?" Ding Dashao slammed his hand and gave the two men a seat, and personally gave the grandson a cup of tea.

Gu Xiao looks at his granddaughter. Gu night rushed to him and gave him a look, Gu Xiao seconds understand: "This is not the place to talk, please Ding Dagongzi step in the next room to speak."

Ding Daxiao was also sent to the cloth and the silver. The sights of all the guests in the inn hall were attracted. Ding Daxiao reveals a stunned color - this is really not the place to talk.

Ding Daxiao let the people go, put things into Gu Xiao's room, and sent everyone else, only the room and Gu Xiaoye and Sun. Ding Dashao couldn't wait to be authentic: "Is it convenient to tell now?"

"The kind of medicine is called 'quick-saving heart-saving pills', you can qi and activating blood, relieve pain, increase coronary blood flow, relieve angina..." Then, Gu night is like an endorsement song, and the symptoms of the heart-saving pills are fine. Explain it again.

Ding Dashao listened very seriously. He put his own old man and his own symptoms on the top, all in the middle! This medicine is tailored to them, completely symptomatic!

He excitedly took a few laps in the room and cautiously asked: "The kind of medicine, is there any medicine for you? Are you still saying that I am sick with me? I am sick, especially when I am sick. Even the doctor of Yancheng said that one day is a day. If the little **** doctor can cure my illness, our family is ruined and willing."

In the face of the disease, even if you have a wealth of family wealth, the power is always awkward.

From the point of view of the symptoms outside the Ding, it is already a serious coronary heart disease, Gu night slightly frowned, thinking about a moment: "The condition of the Ding staff, if the drug is coordinated with the diet, it can only be controlled. As for you, the symptoms are better. Light, diet, exercise, and taking a period of medicine, there is no big problem."

When Ding Dashao heard it, the big stone in his heart suddenly landed. He will not die, his illness can be controlled and relieved. Isn't that what he hopes? He never doubted this little girl in front of her eyes. When she gave him a first aid, how many eyes were on the street, and could it be faked? Even the old doctor of Jimintang is also amazed, showing the wisdom of her medical skills.

"Little doctor, the pill in your hand, is it the secret of the pharmacist? The pills of the great pharmacist are too popular. I want to buy some back later, and I have never been able to get it. I didn’t expect the little doctor to have it in your hand. You can rest assured that you will buy the medicine in your hands at double the price, and you will never let you suffer." Ding Daxiao thought so in a wishful way.

It turns out that the world has already had the prototype of proprietary Chinese medicine! The pharmacist of the hundred miles did not know who it was, but he was able to walk in the forefront of all pharmacists. I don't know if there is a pill for this guy in Jimintang. I have the opportunity to buy it for research.

"Don't... except for the Baili pharmacist, can no one else make a pill?" Gu night slanted Ding Da Shao, deliberately making a disdain and unpleasant color.

Ding Daxiao immediately accompanied and carefully said: "Of course not! It is said that the drug Santa Claus, the old man, proposed the idea of ​​replacing the soup with pills more than 20 years ago. Unfortunately, his old man has not heard for many years, and if he is willing, he will certainly be able to make it. Get a better pill."

Nodded in the night, the face turned cloudy: "This is almost the same! This is two bottles of 'quick-saving pills", three servings a day, three times a day. One bottle is a month, waiting for me to come to the town next time. When you give me more."

Ding Dashao took care of his hands and took them in his arms. He took a silver ticket from his sleeve and the denomination was five hundred and two. He was a little embarrassed to ask: "Today is going out in a hurry, not taking much money. I don't know if this is enough. If it is not enough, people will immediately go back and take it..."

"No need!" Seeing this night, Ding Daxiao is also a sincere person. I am too embarrassed to slaughter people too much. "These silver counts the amount of your ten bottles. I will give you the price of fifty-two bottles in the future. You and you."爹This is a chronic disease. It takes a long-term medication. Don’t spend so much money in the future, and think about it in the future!”

Ding Dashao heard the words, the nose was sour, and the tears almost came down: Sure enough, it is a **** doctor, a benevolent person, a noble medical ethics. Ding Daxiao almost has to give people a bodhisattva!

"Right! You and you are embarrassed, on the weekdays diet is not meat and not happy, still do not love sports?" Gu night to see Ding Dashao this fat, all tired for him.

Ding Dashao looked surprised: "Are you a god? Even this knows? You can't help but say that the men in our family love meat and are more and more fragrant. At noon today, I also got a big elbow. It!"

Gu night licked his teeth and shook his head. "Every day, eat this, eat it like this? You can't be sick, who is sick?"

"What? We are eating meat? The doctor also said that let us eat less meat, but can't say that meat can be heartbroken?" Ding Daxiao asked inexplicably.

"Do you have a layer of oil on your plate of meat?"

Ding Daxiao nodded hard, although the work of brushing the bowl was not enough for him to do, this common sense he still has.

"The human body is like this plate of meat. When the meat is eaten much, the fat in the body will pile up. If there is more fat in the blood, it will easily cause blockage. Blood is not available, blood supply to the heart is insufficient, heart disease It happened!" Gu night tried to explain it with words that the ancients could understand, but it was mixed with many modern medical terms. Uh... the other party can't understand, she has tried her best!

When Ding Da Shao heard it, his face became very serious. Like the determination of the big day, he nodded and assured: "In the future, I will not eat meat any more! I will look at you, let him steal the meat!! Can not let the little doctor doctor you these precious Medicine, wasted in vain!"

Gu Ye gave him a scorpion to teach his eyes: "Some diseases, three points rely on medicine, seven points by the patient himself. Not all meat can not eat, like chicken, duck, fish, don't eat skin, beef and mutton eat thin Eat more vegetables and exercise more on weekdays! I heard that you have a lot of fields in the suburbs, and then go for a walk. Don't take a carriage when you walk!"

Although exercise and not eating fat, it is very painful for him. But for my own life, I can only bite my teeth. Ding Daxiao keeps in mind the teachings of the little **** doctor and does exactly what she says. When Gu Ye appeared again in the town to give him medicine, I saw Ding Dashao who had lost a big circle, and almost didn't dare to recognize it. Of course, these are all words.

At the end of the hand, there were more than six hundred and two silver children’s nights. I thought it was a little rich woman. I was very proud of Gu Xiaodao: “Grandpa, go, go shopping! What do you think, though, I will buy it for you!! ”

"Good! Our family leaves a big fortune, Grandpa followed the light!" Gu Xiaole happily followed the granddaughter, strolling from the street to the end of the street.

When I returned to the inn, Gu was downcast, like a defeated soldier. No way, the unnamed town is so big, the type of shop is single, cloth, snacks and pork, and everyone has sent it. It seems that I don’t see what I want to buy. Gu Ye said that it was very frustrating.

Gu Xiao sees that the little girl is languid and is busy to persuade: "The next time Grandpa takes you and your nephew to Yancheng, there are many places to visit. Your silver money will exist first, then you will take it out."

When the two grandsons ate the bowl noodles on the street, they stopped early. When the next day departed, the same day was still not bright. Not long after the town went out, Gu night was alert to find that they were stared.

It seems that Ding Dashao’s one hundred and two silvers in the inn have entered the eyes of some people. The wealth is moving, and in the small town where ordinary people earn less than a dozen or two in a year, one hundred and two are really quite heart-rending.

No matter where you are, there is always a rush to get something for you. This is not the case, a few gangsters in the town, see this old one, carrying "big money" on his body, I am too sorry for myself.

Gu Xiao saw the granddaughter's gaze, and from time to time, she leaned behind her and praised her alertness. She did not forget to smile and smile at her. "A group of small thieves is not afraid. Don't be afraid, there is a grandfather!"

Gu nodded, revealing a lovely smile: "Well, Ye Er is not afraid, Grandpa is the most powerful." After that, she couldn't help but despise herself - selling Mengzhuang is more and more handy!

"Stand up!" A few of the gangsters are unsettled This is just after the town has not been out, it is beyond the front of the two grandsons, surrounded by people.

The head of the face was full of flesh, and he pointed to Gu Xiao in a bad shape, spit on the ground, and said: "Old guy, don't hand over the money, or else... you and your granddaughter don't I want to leave!!"

"Will you want money? No!!" Gu Xiaoyi reins the reins, looking down at the six confuses in front of him, revealing a timid power.

However, perhaps it is the reason for the darkness of the sky. The little gangsters have not noticed the strength of their opponents. They are still screaming: "How come? No, Master Ding, isn’t it a gift for you, one hundred and two silver? Pork, you can also change some of the silver, and hand it over. Otherwise... oh, don’t blame the little guys for their enthusiasm."

"I want property? It depends on whether you have the ability!!" Gu Xiao dismissed these weak chickens in front of him. He turned his head to Gu night. "Small leaves, you stand a little farther, don't accidentally hurt you!"

"You are an old thing, toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine! Brothers, go! Who will stumble this guy and let him take the lead!!" When I headed out, I just said it, a stupid big man rushed out, in his hands. The stick slammed down toward Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao was a flash, and his left hand caught the other's sticks like lightning. With a slight effort, the stupid big man couldn't help but rush forward. Gu Xiao stretched out and hit the other's abdomen. I only heard a scream of killing pigs, stupidly flew out two feet away, lying on the ground and rolling straight.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!