MTL - The Resplendent Farming Apothecary-Chapter 38 Naturally strong?

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The headed gangster is dumbfounded. It turns out that this old guy is really a bit of a skill. No wonder there is no fear. However, he stared at himself and shouted: "Everyone is together!"

The remaining five gangsters rushed over without any rules. Gu Xiao’s wooden stick in his hand was so airtight. A few gangsters haven't figured out what the situation is. The palms of the hands are numb, and the weapons in their hands are released.

"Hey!" "Hey!" The stick squatted on their heads, shoulders, backs, arms... The gangsters screamed and screamed.

And still Gu Xiao’s mercy, only used three points of strength, or else these mixed mixes have long been shackled.

"Living...staying!" was only a stupid big man who was flying, I don't know when it happened to be behind the bustling night. He rubbed his stomach in one hand, one arm slammed the neck of the night, and yelled on the field. "No more hands, I... I will strangle her!"

Gu night's hand grabbed his arm and looked like he was struggling. In fact, she used a faint light to send a bottle of "Gianli Pharmacy" to her mouth and swallowed it.

Gu Xiao sees his granddaughter being controlled by the other person and immediately stops the pain of one side. The stick in his hand was lifted to the front, thrown on the ground, and yelled at the stupid big man: "You calm down! You are just asking for money, and you must hurt your life."

"You are an old thing!!" The head of the gang was beaten with one eye, his face swollen, and the bag on his head was comparable to Sakyamuni. When Gu Xiao threw the weapon, he rushed up with his fist.

Gu Xiaotou did not return, and the foot fell to the ground and kicked back. With a mourning, then the sound of heavy objects landed. Poor guy, kicked and flew to the ground. The other confuses saw a few steps back, and the face was full of fear.

"Don't... don't move!! Then... and then... If you move again, I will kill her!" The stupid big man turned out to be stuttering, and the more nervous he stuttered, the more powerful he was. I don’t want to kick the fly when I see my own head. I think the stomach that I just kicked is more painful.

"What are you shaking?" A childish voice that is as crisp as a baby's first child, cut through the morning light and into the ears of everyone. "You don't shake! Shake me uncomfortable!!"

The horizon is already dawning. Gu Xiao looks at the little granddaughter and finds that she has no fear on her face, but she has a few impatience. Sure enough, he is the granddaughter of Gu Xiao, who has the courage! Just before he looked for the opportunity to save his granddaughter, he heard the stupid big screaming.

Gu Xiao fixed his eyes and saw the **** of the little granddaughter's right hand, holding on to the stupid big wrist. It seemed that no effort was used. The other party held his own arm and made a scream.

Stupidly earned a lot of hard work, but never broke his arm from the other hand. The little girl in front of me is really hidden. Her little hand, which is less than half his size, is like a huge pliers, holding his wrist. Suddenly, his wrists were broken like a broken heart, and it was hard to bear the pain. Even half of the body seemed to have lost control.

This scene is seen in the eyes of others: a little girl who is less than half the height of the other party, gently holding the stupid big wrist, with a charming smile on her face, as if playing with the other party. And that stupid big seems to be cooperating with her, deliberately making a scream to please each other.

A smirk screamed uncomfortably: "When is the dead, what time is it, still playing? Hurry, take someone for a silver!"

"Who...who played? My hand...the hand is going to be broken, ah--" Gu night's little hand shook a little, and the stupid big man made a more miserable cry.

"Just do this, I still want to learn to play robbery? Go back and practice for another 20 years!" Gu night gently pushed, the block is her stupid big double, and slammed back , fell to the ground.

The gangsters saw a big face and a white face, full of cold sweat, not like loaded. They looked at each other and knew that they had a hard idea. These gangsters are bullying and bullying in the town, and they collect protection fees from the villagers who come to the town to sell things. The road to robbery and such a sale, or the first time to do, but did not expect to plant the ditch for the first time!

Even a little girl who is less than ten years old is so powerful, is this robbery beaten? Run! Don't run and wait for beating! ! The one who was headed was not good, and he ran away with his feet. Don't even say that, you are running very fast! Other gangsters are not to be outdone, running one faster than one.

Can bitter that stupid big, the stomach was kicked and the pain has not disappeared, half of the body has no consciousness. He struggled on the ground for a long time and didn't stand up. Seeing the "terrorist" grandson and grandson, he walked slowly to him. The guy cried out "wow-": "Don't... don't hit me... I... I... never again Dare!"

"Hey, let's make a living! It's also a good idea to make a shame!!" A little girl, a childish little girl, used the old-fashioned expression and tone to teach a man who was much older than her. It looked so funny.

Gu Xiao smiled happily—his granddaughter is so rare? No wonder the old generals are in their family, they want the girls to be crazy. A girl like his granddaughter is so capable, and it’s not too much to give him a dozen!

"In the future, dare not dare to come out to rob?" Gu night licked a yellow dog tail grass, stunned at the stupid big body.

The stupid big man is like torture. He screams: "Ah - don't dare, no more dare... let me go..." Under fear, he didn't stutter.

"Then you dare not bully the weak?" The foxtail in the hands of Gu night stunned him again.

Stupid big trembling, and shook his head again and again: "Don't dare, don't dare!!" My little grandmother, who is weak in the end, who is bullying? Silly big, crying and tears!

"Give me the memory, and later I want to follow the boss, but also your dog's eyes to recognize and follow, so that there is no loyalty, the guy who runs faster than anyone else, or stay away from him! Don't be sold. Also help the number of people!" Gu night bitterly taught this guy who is unclear.

"Yes, yes, yes... go back, I must be far away from them, and never let them go!" The stupid big sister, if I hear my son’s sincere remorse, I will definitely The night is grateful to zero. In order to let his son learn well, the couple almost broke their hearts and ruined their mouths, but they were in vain. The little girl’s words at this time, top them thousands of sentences!

Looking at the time is not early, Gu Xiao patted the shoulders of his granddaughter and smiled: "Don’t play, it’s important to hurry."

Gu night turned back and grinned, and said to the stupid: "Remember what you said today, the next time the girl came to the town, if I heard that you did something bad, you can't abandon your arm! Let's go. !"

Stupidly stunned, shivered, tried to reduce his sense of existence, weakly responded: "I... I can't move halfway, my feet can't stand up!"

"Just you have no pockets, but also learn to rob people, just throw the face of the 'robbery'." Gu night rushed over his eyes, turned his back, turned back to him, "you activity activities right arm, See if you can move!"

"Oh...hey? Okay?" Silly big eyes widened, staring at the night, stupidly grinning. His two awesome eyes, always following the little girl's back, until she went away.

"Ye, do you have a strong strength, is it natural?" Gu Xiao sees that the granddaughter only gently moved his fingers, and he put a man who is a tall man, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Gu night thought, laughing innocent and innocent: "There was no strength before, because I couldn't eat enough. Now I can eat enough, my strength will become bigger. My brother and I are full of strength, and adults can't move. Chai Wo, my brother can go down the mountain!"

Gu Xiao had long thought that his grandson had a strong spirit, and the average adult man might not have his strength. There is an idea in his mind that gradually takes shape, that is, I don’t know what Gu’s brother and sister think.

"Grandpa, you have just been an enemy six, really handsome!" Gu Ye feared that Grandpa asked deeply, busy transferring the topic, and gave Gao Xiao a high hat.

"What is this!" Speaking of his own skills, Gu Xiao immediately came. How to say, he is also taught by the old generals, not to mention a few small mixes, is replaced by Di Di soldiers, he can also beat people to beg for mercy!

"Small You said... If Grandpa puts this hand to teach your brother, is he willing to learn?" To say who Gu’s opinion is most important, of course, is the sister Gu Yeer. Gu Xiao couldn't help but explore the tone of the little granddaughter.

Gu night’s big, clear eyes, looked at him strangely, saying: “Why don’t you? This is a good thing, isn’t it? If your brother gets better, you can better protect your sister, isn’t it?”

Right! Deaf children always put the protection sister in the first place, and only if they are strong, can they better protect those who want to be important. With this reason, the nephew will not refuse. Gu Xiaoxi has to raise his eyes - the talent of the child is so good, the future achievements must be higher than him!

Turning back to look at the night in the depths of the mountains, the corner of the mouth evokes a little fox-like smile. My brother has his life path. Since he refuses to plan for himself, she will be the younger sister.

Yi Duo does not press. With Kung Fu in hand, my brother can not achieve something in the future, she is not very concerned, at least not to bully. Practice kung fu, but also to keep fit, why not?

The two grandsons rushed slowly and finally returned to Qingshan Village when the sky was completely dark. Far away, I saw a familiar figure in the direction of the village in the direction of the village. Gu night suddenly recognized that it was my brother waiting for their return.

"Brother -" Sitting on the back of the night, waving his right hand, the sharp voice swayed back and burst into a canine scream.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!