MTL - The Return of Cambrian Period-Chapter 11 Global evolution

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"Come here, finally this day ..."

"Wake up, it finally woke up ..."

An old, distant voice sounded in a dark void, as if it were far away in the sky, and it seemed to be in the ear.

Who? Who is talking?

A long sigh came from the void, as if time spanning tens of millions of years, with deep helplessness and compassion, came to you. That sigh made people want to cry.

Cong Xia couldn't feel his body and didn't know where he was. Only the voice of the vicissitudes of the old man was exceptionally clear.

Is he dead? Is this the world after death? Who is this voice? King of the Prefecture? What does this day mean? Who woke up again?

There is a series of questions in Cong Xia's brain, but he can't do anything. He is like a lone soul, no entity, no sound. He exists in this dark void, but he can't tell in what way.

That old voice sounded again: "To build a deed with blood, from now on, you are my only descendant. I hope that you will be diligent and diligent, study my word and save my people forever. Remember, remember, Ru's mission is to let it sleep, let it sleep ... "

what? What posterity? Who makes you sleep?

Too late to think, a dark void suddenly lighted up, and a dark green light cluster appeared in the "eyes" of Cong Xia. Isn't that the "heart" of that big mushroom? I saw that the light group grew bigger and bigger, until its light filled the entire black void, and the things surrounded by the light group became clearer and clearer. It was an oval jade the size of an adult body, with a gentle and quaint texture , The jade body is full of dense and small Sanskrit, those Sanskrit radiating golden light, gradually illusion into the void, the font becomes larger and clearer, they are constantly flowing and beating in front of Cong Xia An empty humming sounded in the void, sounding extremely sacred.

Cong Xia looked at Douda's golden light with surprise. He shouldn't know those ancient and mysterious words, but he understood them all!

The greenness of the ancient jade echoed with the golden light of Sanskrit, holy and magnificent, suddenly, the light was flourishing, and Cong Xia closed his eyes unconsciously.

When it opened again, the first thing that caught the eye was Cheng Tianbi's face.

"You are awake." Cheng Tianbi opened his eyelids and looked at his eyeballs carefully.

Cong Xia pushed his hand uncomfortably, "I ... this ..." He turned to look around and found that they were still in the big mushroom, but the mushroom had withered, and the fleshy transparent umbrella flesh was wrinkled. Baba landed and the blue veins disappeared. The whole mushroom fell to the ground softly, and even all the surrounding mushrooms withered instantly, as if the danger they had just experienced was an illusion.

Cong Xia made it from the ground suddenly, and then he felt something in his hand. He looked down and held a palm-sized oval jade in his hand, dark green, transparent in texture, gentle and quaint. This is That jade, the jade he saw in the void! It's just a lot smaller, and I can't see any text on it. It's just a piece of jade that looks extremely ordinary and has blood on it.

Cheng Tianbi glanced at his palm, "This is the heart of a mushroom. You have been holding it after passing out. This jade must have some ability to recover. Look at yourself."

Cong Xia looked at his body. He clearly remembered that before the coma, his body below the calf, knees and wrists were all immersed in mushroom slime, and he had seen the bones corroded. The severe pain was definitely not his Hallucinations, but now, he has no injuries on his body, his skin is intact, and only the burnt shoes and broken clothes and pants can prove everything that just happened.

Cong Xia looked at the ancient jade in shock. Everything was not an illusion. This ancient jade was a magical instrument left by an ancient man, and there was a lot of important information in it.

No matter what this piece of jade is, the ability to repair the human body alone is a super baby, otherwise he would already be a skeleton.

Cong Xia suddenly raised his head and rushed to Cheng Tianbi, grabbing his shoulder and anxiously, "Are you all right? What happened later? Are you not injured?"

Cheng Tianbi shook his head. "At that time I only saw this piece of jade floating up. The light was very dazzling. I also fainted. When I woke up, I saw you holding this piece of jade. All the mushrooms here are dead."

Cong Xia breathed a sigh of relief and murmured, "Survived."

Cheng Tianbi swept around with a flashlight, watching the pieces of mushrooms falling down, thinking that they could still breathe at this time, and there was some emotion in his heart.

Cong Xia was still worried until this time, but his curiosity over the ancient jade overcame his fear. He repeatedly looked at the ancient jade in his hand, wondering what mystery it had.

Cheng Tianbi looked at him with a feverish look and asked, "What's wrong?"

"When I was unconscious, my consciousness went into a dark place, and then something weird happened."

Cheng Tianbi looked at him and then looked at the piece of jade. "Bring this piece of jade on, let's talk as we walk."

Cong Xia got up from the ground, and the two jumped off the big mushroom and walked towards the passage behind the mushroom.

All the spore plants on the ground are dead. They finally do n’t have to move forward in a slippery slime, but Cong Xia ’s shoes have been burned. It is very uncomfortable to walk barefoot. The weeds and stones on the ground stump. He Frown straight after walking, almost jumping forward.

Cheng Tianbi glanced back at him, took off his shoes, "put on."

Cong Xia's cheeks were hot, and she waved her hands again and again, "No need, I'll just walk for a while."

"You influence our speed." Cheng Tianbi ordered: "Wear."

Cong Xia looked at him embarrassed, he really didn't want to continue being that burden, but under the strong eyes of Cheng Tianbi, he bent down and put on his shoes.

Chengtianbi's shoes are standard military boots. The front of the boots is also equipped with iron blocks, which are not only heavy but also uncomfortable to wear. In addition, Chengtianbi's feet are larger than him. Cong Xia's thin body is covered with such a pair. The boots look a little funny.

Cong Xia watched Cheng Tianbi awkwardly and tried to take a few steps. It was indeed more comfortable than walking barefoot, and he didn't have to worry about having something on the soles of his feet every time.

Cong Xia whispered, "Thank you." He was taken care of by a man five years younger than himself. He was very guilty. He also hoped to do something for Chengtian Wall instead of being a burden all the time.

Cheng Tianbi leads the way in front of him without any hesitation. The more they walked, the more they felt the ground was dry, and the road became a lot easier.

At this point they were already hungry. If they could not get out of the sewage pipe within a few hours, they would have to solve the problem of eating on the spot.

Cong Xia asked, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"About an hour."

"How about you?"

"Pretty much same as you."

"You are hungry, and I am hungry."

Cheng Tianbi didn't want to tell him that he was already hungry before his eyes, especially when he split a wind blade when he was teleported by the group of mushrooms. At that moment, he felt his body was hollowed out and his stomach was even hungry Throbbing. He was trained in hunger while in the army. He used to rely on the most basic drinking water and extremely trace food for a week to support his energy. At the same time, he had to carry out excessive physical exercise. At that time, he also sustained it. This feeling of hunger until the whole body convulsed, at least on the fifth day of hunger training, but now he has been eating for more than ten hours.

It seems that his evolutionary ability is at the expense of physical strength, at least temporarily.

In order to stay a little longer, he changed the subject, "Tell me about ancient jade, what have you encountered?"

"Ah." Cong Xia organized the language and said, "After my coma, my consciousness entered a dark void, and then I heard a very old voice ..."

He described what he heard and saw in the void like a wall of sky.

After listening to Cheng Tianbi, he was silent for a long time.

Cong Xia pondered: "I don't know why. Compared with the old man and the secret of this piece of jade, I want to know who the old man is and what it is. If we analyze it logically, what he means is Only by letting 'it' fall asleep can the 'U tribe' be saved, but what tribe 'U tribe' is, human? "

Cheng Tianbi groaned: "Combining what is happening now and the timing of this jade, it must be related to this great evolution."

Cong Xia said with a smirk: "You said, this jade won't let me save all humanity." After looking at the jade in his hand again, he still couldn't see anything famous.

Although he encountered such an incredible thing, the things he experienced in the past two days have made him feel strange again. This weird world can be anything, and a person like him who does n’t have much skill, how? What heavy tasks he might be given, he just hopes that he can make himself and Chengtianbi live one more day, and one more day is one day.

In any case, this piece of jade has the ability to repair the body. Such a magic weapon, he must study how to use it, and keep it well.

Cheng Tianbi was silent for a long while. "If you can get out of here, you must study this piece of jade thoroughly."